ENTRY C2963 20240624 C238C296300000001 SUBENT C2963001 20240624 C238C296300100001 BIB 11 23 C296300100002 TITLE Proton states in 191Ir and 193Ir populated by the C296300100003 (3He,d) and (alpha,t) reactions C296300100004 AUTHOR (R.H.Price,D.G.Burke,M.W.Johns) C296300100005 INSTITUTE (1CANMCM) C296300100006 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,176,338,1971) C296300100007 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(71)90274-0 C296300100008 FACILITY (VDGT,1USAROC) C296300100009 DETECTOR (MAGSP) The reaction products were analyzed with an C296300100010 Enge split-pole magnetic spectrograph using a solid C296300100011 angle of 2.29 msr and detected using Kodak NTB C296300100012 nuclear emulsions of thickness 50 mu-m. C296300100013 SAMPLE Targets of thickness about of 40 mu-g/cm2 were C296300100014 prepared by vacuum evaporating osmium metal onto C296300100015 50 mu-g/cm2 carbon backings. C296300100016 METHOD (EXTB) C296300100017 ADD-RES (POT,COMP) Transfer l-values were obtained from cross- C296300100018 section ratios of the two stripping reactions and C296300100019 spectroscopic factors were extracted using DWBA C296300100020 calculations. C296300100021 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The uncertainties in the relative intensities, C296300100022 (ERR-2) estimated uncertainties in the absolute values C296300100023 of the cross sections C296300100024 HISTORY (20240624C) OG C296300100025 ENDBIB 23 0 C296300100026 COMMON 4 3 C296300100027 EN E-EXC-ERR ERR-1 ERR-2 C296300100028 MEV KEV PER-CENT PER-CENT C296300100029 28. 5. 10. 25. C296300100030 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C296300100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 C296300199999 SUBENT C2963002 20240624 C238C296300200001 BIB 4 6 C296300200002 REACTION (76-OS-190(HE3,D)77-IR-191,PAR,DA) C296300200003 SAMPLE (76-OS-190,ENR=0.955) C296300200004 DETECTOR The deuteron spectra were recorded with aluminium C296300200005 absorbing foils of thickness 0.80 mm placed in front C296300200006 of the emulsions to stop tritons. C296300200007 STATUS (TABLE,,R.H.Price+,J,NP/A,176,338,1971) Tab. 1 (p.342) C296300200008 ENDBIB 6 0 C296300200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 C296300200010 DATA 4 44 C296300200011 ANG E-EXC DATA DATA-MAX C296300200012 ADEG KEV MU-B/SR MU-B/SR C296300200013 35. 0. 52. C296300200014 35. 83. 61. C296300200015 35. 130. 2.2 C296300200016 35. 174. 20. C296300200017 35. 353. 17. C296300200018 35. 392. 2.2 C296300200019 35. 591. 26. C296300200020 35. 694. 2. C296300200021 35. 883. 20. C296300200022 35. 978. 16. C296300200023 35. 1034. 33. C296300200024 35. 1071. 8.8 C296300200025 35. 1139. 12. C296300200026 35. 1254. 5.2 C296300200027 35. 1357. 2.6 C296300200028 35. 1435. 7.3 C296300200029 35. 1452. 21. C296300200030 35. 1522. 135. C296300200031 35. 1613. 20. C296300200032 35. 1642. 33. C296300200033 35. 1660. 13. C296300200034 35. 1711. 16. C296300200035 60. 0. 38. C296300200036 60. 83. 33. C296300200037 60. 130. 2.8 C296300200038 60. 174. 19. C296300200039 60. 353. 13. C296300200040 60. 392. 2.6 C296300200041 60. 591. 18. C296300200042 60. 694. 1.0 C296300200043 60. 883. 27. C296300200044 60. 978. 11. C296300200045 60. 1034. 19. C296300200046 60. 1071. 6.9 C296300200047 60. 1139. 6.9 C296300200048 60. 1254. 5.9 C296300200049 60. 1357. 2.9 C296300200050 60. 1435. 8.3 C296300200051 60. 1452. 8.3 C296300200052 60. 1522. 104. C296300200053 60. 1613. 16. C296300200054 60. 1642. 20. C296300200055 60. 1660. 10. C296300200056 60. 1711. 10. C296300200057 ENDDATA 46 0 C296300200058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 C296300299999 SUBENT C2963003 20240624 C238C296300300001 BIB 4 7 C296300300002 REACTION (76-OS-190(A,T)77-IR-191,PAR,DA) C296300300003 SAMPLE (76-OS-190,ENR=0.955) C296300300004 DETECTOR The triton spectra were recorded with aluminium C296300300005 absorbing foils of thickness 0.10 mm placed in front C296300300006 of the emulsions to stop recoil carbon ions from the C296300300007 target backings and singly charged 4He particles. C296300300008 STATUS (TABLE,,R.H.Price+,J,NP/A,176,338,1971) Tab. 1 (p.342) C296300300009 ENDBIB 7 0 C296300300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 C296300300011 DATA 4 34 C296300300012 ANG E-EXC DATA DATA-MAX C296300300013 ADEG KEV MU-B/SR MU-B/SR C296300300014 45. 0. 55. C296300300015 45. 83. 18. C296300300016 45. 129. 2.5 C296300300017 45. 173. 49. C296300300018 45. 353. 7.5 C296300300019 45. 392. 3.0 C296300300020 45. 591. 14. C296300300021 45. 687. 1.2 C296300300022 45. 881. 78. C296300300023 45. 977. 3.8 C296300300024 45. 1033. 1.2 C296300300025 45. 1068. 2.1 C296300300026 45. 1136. 1.6 C296300300027 45. 1360. 3.0 C296300300028 45. 1431. 3.9 C296300300029 45. 1445. 2. C296300300030 45. 1518. 30. C296300300031 60. 0. 72. C296300300032 60. 83. 32. C296300300033 60. 129. 4.8 C296300300034 60. 173. 61. C296300300035 60. 353. 13. C296300300036 60. 392. 3.5 C296300300037 60. 591. 20. C296300300038 60. 687. 1.0 C296300300039 60. 881. 87. C296300300040 60. 977. 6.3 C296300300041 60. 1033. 3.5 C296300300042 60. 1068. 3.5 C296300300043 60. 1136. 2.9 C296300300044 60. 1360. 2.4 C296300300045 60. 1431. 3.0 C296300300046 60. 1445. 2.3 C296300300047 60. 1518. 51. C296300300048 ENDDATA 36 0 C296300300049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 C296300399999 SUBENT C2963004 20240624 C238C296300400001 BIB 4 6 C296300400002 REACTION (76-OS-192(HE3,D)77-IR-193,PAR,DA) C296300400003 SAMPLE (76-OS-192,ENR=0.987) C296300400004 DETECTOR The deuteron spectra were recorded with aluminium C296300400005 absorbing foils of thickness 0.80 mm placed in front C296300400006 of the emulsions to stop tritons. C296300400007 STATUS (TABLE,,R.H.Price+,J,NP/A,176,338,1971) Tab. 2 (p.343) C296300400008 ENDBIB 6 0 C296300400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 C296300400010 DATA 4 41 C296300400011 ANG E-EXC DATA DATA-MAX C296300400012 ADEG KEV MU-B/SR MU-B/SR C296300400013 30. 0. 52. C296300400014 30. 76. 52. C296300400015 30. 139. 3.9 C296300400016 30. 180. 4.1 C296300400017 30. 298. 3.9 C296300400018 30. 364. 13. C296300400019 30. 562. 24. C296300400020 30. 621. 2. C296300400021 30. 851. 1.7 C296300400022 30. 969. 20. C296300400023 30. 1072. 6.0 C296300400024 30. 1151. 19. C296300400025 30. 1165. 3.7 C296300400026 30. 1202. 13. C296300400027 30. 1286. 6.1 C296300400028 30. 1406. 4. C296300400029 30. 1698. 19. C296300400030 30. 1760. 14. C296300400031 30. 1821. 85. C296300400032 55. 0. 36. C296300400033 55. 76. 43. C296300400034 55. 139. 1.5 C296300400035 55. 180. 2.8 C296300400036 55. 298. 2.5 C296300400037 55. 364. 11. C296300400038 55. 562. 18. C296300400039 55. 621. 1.1 C296300400040 55. 851. 1.7 C296300400041 55. 969. 13. C296300400042 55. 1072. 3.2 C296300400043 55. 1151. 19. C296300400044 55. 1165. 5.5 C296300400045 55. 1202. 11. C296300400046 55. 1286. 5.2 C296300400047 55. 1406. 2.2 C296300400048 55. 1698. 14. C296300400049 55. 1760. 12. C296300400050 55. 1821. 66. C296300400051 55. 1970. 11. C296300400052 55. 1999. 11. C296300400053 55. 2029. 7. C296300400054 ENDDATA 43 0 C296300400055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 C296300499999 SUBENT C2963005 20240624 C238C296300500001 BIB 4 7 C296300500002 REACTION (76-OS-192(A,T)77-IR-193,PAR,DA) C296300500003 SAMPLE (76-OS-192,ENR=0.987) C296300500004 DETECTOR The triton spectra were recorded with aluminium C296300500005 absorbing foils of thickness 0.10 mm placed in front C296300500006 of the emulsions to stop recoil carbon ions from the C296300500007 target backings and singly charged 4He particles. C296300500008 STATUS (TABLE,,R.H.Price+,J,NP/A,176,338,1971) Tab. 2 (p.343) C296300500009 ENDBIB 7 0 C296300500010 NOCOMMON 0 0 C296300500011 DATA 3 40 C296300500012 ANG E-EXC DATA C296300500013 ADEG KEV MU-B/SR C296300500014 45. 0. 84. C296300500015 45. 78. 99. C296300500016 45. 140. 4.4 C296300500017 45. 182. 4.0 C296300500018 45. 301. 6.0 C296300500019 45. 364. 13. C296300500020 45. 563. 22. C296300500021 45. 622. 1.2 C296300500022 45. 852. 1.0 C296300500023 45. 969. 4.6 C296300500024 45. 1070. 1.7 C296300500025 45. 1133. 6.7 C296300500026 45. 1150. 60. C296300500027 45. 1162. 31. C296300500028 45. 1200. 2.7 C296300500029 45. 1287. 4.4 C296300500030 45. 1408. 1.7 C296300500031 45. 1698. 5.7 C296300500032 45. 1759. 4.9 C296300500033 45. 1820. 36. C296300500034 60. 0. 91. C296300500035 60. 78. 117. C296300500036 60. 140. 4.0 C296300500037 60. 182. 6.4 C296300500038 60. 301. 3.3 C296300500039 60. 364. 19. C296300500040 60. 563. 32. C296300500041 60. 622. 1.0 C296300500042 60. 852. 2.1 C296300500043 60. 969. 12. C296300500044 60. 1070. 5.6 C296300500045 60. 1133. 5.7 C296300500046 60. 1150. 65. C296300500047 60. 1162. 26. C296300500048 60. 1200. 4.4 C296300500049 60. 1287. 4.5 C296300500050 60. 1408. 1.1 C296300500051 60. 1698. 8.8 C296300500052 60. 1759. 7.5 C296300500053 60. 1820. 43. C296300500054 ENDDATA 42 0 C296300500055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 C296300599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 C296399999999