ENTRY C2966 20241212 C247C296600000001 SUBENT C2966001 20241212 C247C296600100001 BIB 11 61 C296600100002 TITLE Measurement of 39K(p,gamma)40Ca resonance C296600100003 strengths below 900 Kev for nucleosynthesis in C296600100004 classical novae C296600100005 AUTHOR (Ph.Scholz,R.J.Deboer,J.Gorres,A.Gula,R.Kelmar, C296600100006 Kh.Manukyan,E.Stech,W.Tan,M.Wiescher) C296600100007 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,107,065806,2023) C296600100008 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.107.065806 C296600100009 INSTITUTE (1USANOT) C296600100010 FACILITY (VDG,1USANOT) 5U Pelletron accelerator of the C296600100011 Nuclear Science Laboratory at the University of Notre C296600100012 Dame. C296600100013 INC-SPECT The proton laboratory energy range between Ep = 0.4 C296600100014 and 1.4 MeV. C296600100015 DETECTOR (HPGE,BGO) The detector system consisted of a single, C296600100016 high efficiency (120% relative) , high purity, C296600100017 coaxial germanium detector(HPGe) surrounded by a C296600100018 bismuth germanate (BGO) shield for active Compton C296600100019 background suppression. The detectors were mounted on C296600100020 a rail system at an angle of 45 degree relative to C296600100021 the beam, which allowed the detector to be easily C296600100022 moved to different distances from the target in order C296600100023 to make summing correction measurements during the C296600100024 calibration as well as increase the efficiency C296600100025 throughout the resonance scans. In the following, C296600100026 "gclose geometry" and "gfar geometry" refer to the C296600100027 distances between target and end cap of the HPGe C296600100028 detector of 1 and 20 cm, respectively. C296600100029 SAMPLE For the present experiment, a new potassium target C296600100030 composition of K2WO4 was used with 99.5% purity and C296600100031 natural K abundance (93.258% 39K, 0.012% 40K, and C296600100032 6.730% 41K). The target material was evaporated onto C296600100033 tantalum backings of 0.3 mm thickness. Targets with C296600100034 two different thicknesses were used in the present C296600100035 experiment: (i) 100 microg/cm2 with an approximate C296600100036 energy loss of 25 keV at Ep = 600 keV to map out the C296600100037 resonances after they had been identified, either C296600100038 from previous direct measurements or from the present C296600100039 thick-target measurements, and (ii) 500 microg/cm2 C296600100040 thick targets to investigate and explore resonances C296600100041 below Ep = 600 keV. C296600100042 METHOD The experiment was divided into three phases. First, C296600100043 the resonances above 600 keV were mapped out with a C296600100044 thin target. Second, long measurements on top of the C296600100045 respective thick target yield plateaus were performed C296600100046 in order to obtain precise measurements of the C296600100047 resonance strengths. Finally, thicker targets were C296600100048 used to search for new resonances in the region below C296600100049 600 keV using long irradiation times. C296600100050 ANALYSIS (SLA) The strengths of the observed resonances can be C296600100051 directly obtained from the on-resonance gamma-ray C296600100052 yield measured on top of the resonance yield curve C296600100053 Ymax. The resonance strength (omega gamma) results C296600100054 from the of the Breit-Wigner cross section over the C296600100055 target thickness or energy loss of the incident C296600100056 protons and is expressed by omega gamma= C296600100057 (2 Ymax e eff)/(lambdar**2 bgamma nu gamma) where C296600100058 where e eff is the stopping power of the protons in theC296600100059 target material, lambdar the de Broglie wavelength of C296600100060 the proton at the resonance energy, bgamma the C296600100061 branching ratio of the gamma-decay. C296600100062 HISTORY (20241212C) BP C296600100063 ENDBIB 61 0 C296600100064 NOCOMMON 0 0 C296600100065 ENDSUBENT 64 0 C296600199999 SUBENT C2966002 20241212 C247C296600200001 BIB 4 8 C296600200002 REACTION (19-K-39(P,G),,WID/STR) C296600200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties. C296600200004 FLAG (1.) Er=536 keV based on the primary gamma transition. C296600200005 (2.) Er=536 keV based on the secondary transitions at C296600200006 3909 keV. C296600200007 (3.) Er=536 keV based on the secondary transitions at C296600200008 3734 keV. C296600200009 STATUS (TABLE,,Ph.Scholz+,J,PR/C,107,065806,2023) Table I. C296600200010 ENDBIB 8 0 C296600200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 C296600200012 DATA 5 13 C296600200013 EN-RES EN-RES-ERR DATA DATA-ERR FLAG C296600200014 KEV KEV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV NO-DIM C296600200015 1346.58 0.13 474.0 36.0 C296600200016 1132.8 0.4 203.0 19.0 C296600200017 828.27 0.11 34.0 3.0 C296600200018 783.23 0.11 17.0 3.0 C296600200019 683.45 0.15 12.0 2.0 C296600200020 667.0 6.0 6.1 0.6 C296600200021 622.23 0.12 8.5 1.1 C296600200022 595.5 0.9 0.04 0.01 C296600200023 535.6 0.9 0.139 0.020 1. C296600200024 535.6 0.9 0.138 0.014 2. C296600200025 535.6 0.9 0.141 0.014 3. C296600200026 430.54 0.09 0.004 0.001 C296600200027 345.5 0.8 0.004 0.001 C296600200028 ENDDATA 15 0 C296600200029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 C296600299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C296699999999