ENTRY C2972 20241212 C247C297200000001 SUBENT C2972001 20241212 C247C297200100001 BIB 10 42 C297200100002 TITLE Absolute cross section of the 12C(p,gamma)13N reaction C297200100003 AUTHOR (K-U.Kettner,H.W.Becker,C.R.Brune,R.J.deBoer,J.Gorres, C297200100004 D.Odell,D.Rogalla,M.Wiescher) C297200100005 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,108,035805,2023) C297200100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.108.035805 C297200100007 INSTITUTE (1USANOT,2GERBOC,1USAOHO) C297200100008 (2GERGER) Fachhochschule Bielefeld, 33619 Bielefeld, C297200100009 Germany. C297200100010 FACILITY (VDG,1USANOT) KN Van de Graaff accelerator at the C297200100011 University of Notre Dame Nuclear Science Laboratory. C297200100012 (VDGT,2GERBOC) The Dynamitron Tandem Laboratory at C297200100013 the University of Bochum. C297200100014 DETECTOR (HPGE) A single, high resolution, 55% relative C297200100015 efficiency, high purity germanium (HPGe) detector was C297200100016 positioned at two distances from the target for C297200100017 measurements in far (259 mm) and close (61 mm) C297200100018 geometry between the detector and the water-cooled C297200100019 target. C297200100020 SAMPLE The isotopically enriched carbon targets were C297200100021 produced by implantation at the Dynamitron Tandem C297200100022 Laboratory at the University of Bochum by bombarding C297200100023 0.5 mm backings of tungsten or tantalum with a 80 C297200100024 mu-A 12C beam at either 30 or 50 keV over an area C297200100025 of 3.14 cm2. For the higher energy measurements at C297200100026 the University of Notre Dame, an implantation energy C297200100027 of 50 keV and a tungsten backing were used, while, C297200100028 for the measurements at the Ep = 460 keV resonance C297200100029 performed at the University of Bochum, an C297200100030 implantation energy of 30 keV and tantalum were used. C297200100031 Different implantation energies were used so that the C297200100032 energy losses of the beam for the two measurements C297200100033 were similar. For the 50 keV implantation energy C297200100034 targets, a total of 0.73 C was deposited resulting in C297200100035 an estimated 1.4*10**18 carbon atoms/cm2, while for C297200100036 the 30 keV targets the charge deposited was 0.52 C C297200100037 leading to 1.0*10**18 carbon atoms/cm2. C297200100038 CORRECTION Total accumulated charge of 27 C, which was corrected C297200100039 assuming a linear dependence of target thickness C297200100040 deterioration with charge. C297200100041 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by M.Wiescher and R.J.deBoer on C297200100042 December 30, 2024. C297200100043 HISTORY (20241212C) BP C297200100044 ENDBIB 42 0 C297200100045 NOCOMMON 0 0 C297200100046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 C297200199999 SUBENT C2972002 20241212 C247C297200200001 BIB 4 18 C297200200002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,G)7-N-13,,DA) C297200200003 METHOD At the University of Notre Dame, an excitation curve C297200200004 of the 12C(p,gamma)13N reaction was measured in C297200200005 small, well calibrated energy steps between Ep = 1.0 C297200200006 and 2.5 MeV at 0 and 55. to expand the existing data C297200200007 range of the reaction towards higher energies and to C297200200008 study the interference patterns in this energy range. C297200200009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) From the present SRIM evaluation, the C297200200010 estimated uncertainty in the stopping power is 5% over C297200200011 the range of the present measurements. Therefore, a C297200200012 total uncertainty in the 12C(p,gamma)13N cross section C297200200013 of 6% is adopted. C297200200014 STATUS (TABLE,,K-U.Kettner+,J,PR/C,108,035805,2023) Fig.4, C297200200015 page 035805-4. C297200200016 See Supplemental Material at C297200200017 http://link.aps.org/supplemental/ C297200200018 10.1103/PhysRevC.108.035805 for the tabulated C297200200019 experimental data and reaction rate. C297200200020 ENDBIB 18 0 C297200200021 NOCOMMON 0 0 C297200200022 DATA 4 117 C297200200023 EN ANG DATA DATA-ERR C297200200024 MEV ADEG B/SR B/SR C297200200025 1.057 0.0 2.35E-08 1.21E-09 C297200200026 1.057 55.0 2.13E-08 1.11E-09 C297200200027 1.2 0.0 2.74E-08 1.35E-09 C297200200028 1.2 55.0 2.58E-08 1.11E-09 C297200200029 1.24 55.0 2.95E-08 1.17E-09 C297200200030 1.244 0.0 3.01E-08 1.42E-09 C297200200031 1.28 55.0 3.07E-08 1.30E-09 C297200200032 1.299 0.0 3.43E-08 1.64E-09 C297200200033 1.3 55.0 3.50E-08 1.30E-09 C297200200034 1.321 55.0 3.96E-08 1.50E-09 C297200200035 1.349 0.0 4.28E-08 1.85E-09 C297200200036 1.351 55.0 3.91E-08 1.57E-09 C297200200037 1.371 55.0 4.30E-08 1.89E-09 C297200200038 1.389 0.0 4.60E-08 1.92E-09 C297200200039 1.39 55.0 5.34E-08 2.41E-09 C297200200040 1.411 55.0 5.34E-08 2.15E-09 C297200200041 1.429 0.0 5.91E-08 2.92E-09 C297200200042 1.431 55.0 6.18E-08 2.35E-09 C297200200043 1.47 55.0 7.18E-08 2.41E-09 C297200200044 1.471 0.0 8.61E-08 3.91E-09 C297200200045 1.491 55.0 8.81E-08 2.87E-09 C297200200046 1.509 0.0 9.54E-08 4.48E-09 C297200200047 1.511 55.0 1.03E-07 3.65E-09 C297200200048 1.529 55.0 1.27E-07 4.37E-09 C297200200049 1.55 0.0 1.44E-07 6.40E-09 C297200200050 1.55 55.0 1.47E-07 5.15E-09 C297200200051 1.57 55.0 1.93E-07 6.52E-09 C297200200052 1.58 55.0 2.14E-07 7.83E-09 C297200200053 1.59 0.0 2.12E-07 7.12E-09 C297200200054 1.59 55.0 2.48E-07 8.48E-09 C297200200055 1.6 55.0 3.27E-07 1.11E-08 C297200200056 1.609 0.0 2.85E-07 9.96E-09 C297200200057 1.61 55.0 3.84E-07 1.24E-08 C297200200058 1.619 0.0 3.30E-07 9.96E-09 C297200200059 1.62 55.0 4.69E-07 1.57E-08 C297200200060 1.63 0.0 4.24E-07 1.35E-08 C297200200061 1.63 55.0 5.56E-07 1.76E-08 C297200200062 1.639 55.0 7.11E-07 2.15E-08 C297200200063 1.64 0.0 4.81E-07 1.42E-08 C297200200064 1.64 0.0 5.13E-07 1.57E-08 C297200200065 1.65 0.0 6.58E-07 1.42E-08 C297200200066 1.65 55.0 9.52E-07 2.94E-08 C297200200067 1.66 0.0 8.68E-07 2.13E-08 C297200200068 1.66 55.0 1.31E-06 3.39E-08 C297200200069 1.67 0.0 1.14E-06 2.78E-08 C297200200070 1.67 55.0 1.74E-06 4.37E-08 C297200200071 1.679 0.0 1.30E-06 2.56E-08 C297200200072 1.679 55.0 2.26E-06 4.83E-08 C297200200073 1.689 0.0 1.42E-06 2.78E-08 C297200200074 1.69 55.0 2.47E-06 4.76E-08 C297200200075 1.7 0.0 1.17E-06 2.42E-08 C297200200076 1.701 55.0 2.13E-06 3.78E-08 C297200200077 1.71 0.0 8.68E-07 2.21E-08 C297200200078 1.71 55.0 1.67E-06 3.26E-08 C297200200079 1.72 0.0 5.69E-07 1.42E-08 C297200200080 1.721 55.0 1.10E-06 2.09E-08 C297200200081 1.73 0.0 4.12E-07 5.41E-09 C297200200082 1.73 55.0 8.09E-07 1.83E-08 C297200200083 1.74 0.0 2.91E-07 9.25E-09 C297200200084 1.74 55.0 6.39E-07 1.04E-08 C297200200085 1.764 55.0 3.35E-07 8.48E-09 C297200200086 1.765 0.0 1.07E-07 3.56E-09 C297200200087 1.787 55.0 2.15E-07 7.18E-09 C297200200088 1.788 0.0 5.29E-08 1.78E-09 C297200200089 1.814 0.0 2.74E-08 1.49E-09 C297200200090 1.814 55.0 1.40E-07 4.89E-09 C297200200091 1.836 0.0 1.78E-08 1.14E-09 C297200200092 1.839 55.0 1.10E-07 3.46E-09 C297200200093 1.863 0.0 1.22E-08 7.83E-10 C297200200094 1.864 55.0 8.81E-08 3.20E-09 C297200200095 1.89 0.0 9.32E-09 8.54E-10 C297200200096 1.89 55.0 7.50E-08 2.61E-09 C297200200097 1.89 55.0 8.09E-08 3.00E-09 C297200200098 1.911 0.0 1.15E-08 9.96E-10 C297200200099 1.916 55.0 7.05E-08 2.61E-09 C297200200100 1.937 0.0 1.43E-08 1.07E-09 C297200200101 1.937 55.0 6.59E-08 2.41E-09 C297200200102 1.967 0.0 1.30E-08 9.25E-10 C297200200103 1.967 55.0 6.65E-08 2.67E-09 C297200200104 1.991 0.0 1.67E-08 1.21E-09 C297200200105 1.991 55.0 5.81E-08 2.48E-09 C297200200106 2.018 0.0 1.82E-08 1.28E-09 C297200200107 2.018 55.0 5.77E-08 2.41E-09 C297200200108 2.036 0.0 1.91E-08 1.07E-09 C297200200109 2.037 55.0 5.26E-08 2.35E-09 C297200200110 2.067 0.0 2.33E-08 1.28E-09 C297200200111 2.067 55.0 6.42E-08 2.54E-09 C297200200112 2.093 0.0 2.06E-08 1.35E-09 C297200200113 2.093 55.0 6.05E-08 2.54E-09 C297200200114 2.118 55.0 6.00E-08 2.61E-09 C297200200115 2.119 0.0 2.53E-08 1.57E-09 C297200200116 2.12 55.0 5.62E-08 2.48E-09 C297200200117 2.143 0.0 3.15E-08 1.71E-09 C297200200118 2.143 55.0 6.16E-08 2.67E-09 C297200200119 2.165 0.0 2.72E-08 1.85E-09 C297200200120 2.166 55.0 6.31E-08 2.74E-09 C297200200121 2.193 55.0 6.11E-08 3.00E-09 C297200200122 2.217 0.0 3.74E-08 1.92E-09 C297200200123 2.219 55.0 6.43E-08 3.13E-09 C297200200124 2.242 55.0 7.11E-08 3.13E-09 C297200200125 2.264 0.0 3.03E-08 1.71E-09 C297200200126 2.264 55.0 7.50E-08 3.20E-09 C297200200127 2.287 55.0 7.57E-08 3.26E-09 C297200200128 2.317 0.0 4.01E-08 2.21E-09 C297200200129 2.317 55.0 6.85E-08 3.13E-09 C297200200130 2.34 55.0 7.18E-08 3.13E-09 C297200200131 2.364 55.0 7.18E-08 3.07E-09 C297200200132 2.366 0.0 3.76E-08 2.35E-09 C297200200133 2.398 55.0 7.96E-08 3.59E-09 C297200200134 2.425 55.0 8.02E-08 3.65E-09 C297200200135 2.427 0.0 4.58E-08 2.63E-09 C297200200136 2.45 55.0 8.15E-08 3.91E-09 C297200200137 2.476 0.0 5.39E-08 2.92E-09 C297200200138 2.476 55.0 9.00E-08 4.18E-09 C297200200139 2.507 55.0 1.00E-07 4.50E-09 C297200200140 2.533 55.0 8.81E-08 4.18E-09 C297200200141 2.539 0.0 5.47E-08 2.99E-09 C297200200142 ENDDATA 119 0 C297200200143 ENDSUBENT 142 0 C297200299999 SUBENT C2972003 20241212 C247C297200300001 BIB 4 15 C297200300002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,G)7-N-13,,DA) C297200300003 METHOD In addition to the excitation curves, angular C297200300004 distribution data were taken in 100 keV steps between C297200300005 Ep = 1.2 and 2.49 MeV. C297200300006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) From the present SRIM evaluation, the C297200300007 estimated uncertainty in the stopping power is 5% C297200300008 over the range of the present measurements. Therefore, C297200300009 a total uncertainty in the 12C(p,gamma) 13N cross C297200300010 section of 6% is adopted. C297200300011 STATUS (TABLE,,K-U.Kettner+,J,PR/C,108,035805,2023) C297200300012 Fig.5, page 035805-5. C297200300013 See Supplemental Material at C297200300014 http://link.aps.org/supplemental/ C297200300015 10.1103/PhysRevC.108.035805 for the tabulated C297200300016 experimental data and reaction rate. C297200300017 ENDBIB 15 0 C297200300018 NOCOMMON 0 0 C297200300019 DATA 4 77 C297200300020 EN ANG DATA DATA-ERR C297200300021 MEV ADEG B/SR B/SR C297200300022 1.2946 0.0 3.44E-08 8.97E-10 C297200300023 1.2946 30.0 3.57E-08 9.98E-10 C297200300024 1.2946 45.0 3.60E-08 9.37E-10 C297200300025 1.2946 60.0 3.53E-08 1.00E-09 C297200300026 1.2946 90.0 3.60E-08 9.71E-10 C297200300027 1.2946 120.0 2.97E-08 9.30E-10 C297200300028 1.2946 130.0 2.53E-08 9.23E-10 C297200300029 1.3956 0.0 5.21E-08 1.37E-09 C297200300030 1.3956 45.0 5.43E-08 1.36E-09 C297200300031 1.3956 90.0 5.62E-08 1.58E-09 C297200300032 1.3956 130.0 3.52E-08 1.33E-09 C297200300033 1.495 0.0 8.51E-08 2.18E-09 C297200300034 1.495 15.0 8.58E-08 2.03E-09 C297200300035 1.495 30.0 9.61E-08 2.25E-09 C297200300036 1.495 45.0 9.68E-08 2.20E-09 C297200300037 1.495 55.0 1.00E-07 2.57E-09 C297200300038 1.495 60.0 9.89E-08 2.28E-09 C297200300039 1.495 75.0 9.41E-08 2.28E-09 C297200300040 1.495 90.0 8.44E-08 2.29E-09 C297200300041 1.495 110.0 7.81E-08 2.37E-09 C297200300042 1.495 120.0 7.40E-08 2.14E-09 C297200300043 1.495 130.0 6.00E-08 2.14E-09 C297200300044 1.5949 0.0 2.37E-07 7.98E-09 C297200300045 1.5949 45.0 3.08E-07 6.79E-09 C297200300046 1.5949 90.0 2.99E-07 7.33E-09 C297200300047 1.5949 130.0 2.31E-07 7.55E-09 C297200300048 1.6949 0.0 1.31E-06 2.44E-08 C297200300049 1.6949 15.0 1.57E-06 2.92E-08 C297200300050 1.6949 30.0 1.98E-06 4.53E-08 C297200300051 1.6949 45.0 2.50E-06 5.08E-08 C297200300052 1.6949 55.0 2.79E-06 5.35E-08 C297200300053 1.6949 60.0 2.92E-06 5.37E-08 C297200300054 1.6949 75.0 3.09E-06 5.26E-08 C297200300055 1.6949 90.0 2.95E-06 5.40E-08 C297200300056 1.6949 110.0 3.13E-06 6.30E-08 C297200300057 1.6949 120.0 2.84E-06 6.41E-08 C297200300058 1.6949 130.0 2.44E-06 6.15E-08 C297200300059 1.7943 0.0 3.75E-08 2.01E-09 C297200300060 1.7943 45.0 1.65E-07 4.08E-09 C297200300061 1.7943 90.0 2.81E-07 6.25E-09 C297200300062 1.7943 130.0 2.49E-07 6.37E-09 C297200300063 1.8896 15.0 2.42E-08 1.55E-09 C297200300064 1.8896 30.0 4.20E-08 2.43E-09 C297200300065 1.8896 45.0 7.09E-08 2.93E-09 C297200300066 1.8896 55.0 9.49E-08 3.64E-09 C297200300067 1.8896 60.0 9.78E-08 9.12E-09 C297200300068 1.8896 75.0 1.27E-07 3.99E-09 C297200300069 1.8896 90.0 1.40E-07 4.42E-09 C297200300070 1.8896 90.0 1.33E-07 4.42E-09 C297200300071 1.8896 100.0 1.42E-07 4.25E-09 C297200300072 1.8896 110.0 1.57E-07 4.84E-09 C297200300073 1.8896 120.0 1.53E-07 4.61E-09 C297200300074 1.8896 130.0 1.37E-07 4.85E-09 C297200300075 1.994 0.0 1.56E-08 2.45E-09 C297200300076 1.994 45.0 5.26E-08 2.41E-09 C297200300077 1.994 90.0 9.07E-08 3.49E-09 C297200300078 1.994 130.0 9.78E-08 4.05E-09 C297200300079 2.093 0.0 2.54E-08 2.59E-09 C297200300080 2.093 45.0 5.24E-08 2.15E-09 C297200300081 2.093 90.0 9.28E-08 3.95E-09 C297200300082 2.093 130.0 8.72E-08 3.18E-09 C297200300083 2.1928 0.0 3.32E-08 1.98E-09 C297200300084 2.1928 45.0 5.76E-08 2.55E-09 C297200300085 2.1928 90.0 9.70E-08 3.80E-09 C297200300086 2.1928 130.0 9.15E-08 1.03E-07 C297200300087 2.2935 0.0 3.64E-08 2.23E-09 C297200300088 2.2935 45.0 7.12E-08 3.05E-09 C297200300089 2.2935 90.0 9.89E-08 3.68E-09 C297200300090 2.2935 130.0 8.97E-08 4.18E-09 C297200300091 2.3947 0.0 4.40E-08 2.44E-09 C297200300092 2.3947 45.0 7.58E-08 2.97E-09 C297200300093 2.3947 90.0 1.18E-07 4.44E-09 C297200300094 2.3947 130.0 8.21E-08 4.76E-09 C297200300095 2.4923 0.0 5.14E-08 2.71E-09 C297200300096 2.4923 45.0 8.70E-08 3.48E-09 C297200300097 2.4923 90.0 1.14E-07 4.67E-09 C297200300098 2.4923 130.0 9.82E-08 4.59E-09 C297200300099 ENDDATA 79 0 C297200300100 ENDSUBENT 99 0 C297200399999 SUBENT C2972004 20250130 C247C297200400001 BIB 5 19 C297200400002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,G)7-N-13,,PY,,TT) C297200400003 DECAY-DATA (7-N-13,9.928MIN,AR,511.) C297200400004 METHOD (ACTIV) The activation runs were performed at five C297200400005 energies between Ep = 1 and 2 MeV to obtain the C297200400006 activation yields that have dominant components from C297200400007 both the lowest energy Ep = 460 keV resonance and the C297200400008 next highest at Ep = 1690 keV in the 12C(p,gamma)13N C297200400009 reaction. C297200400010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The uncertainty in the thick-target yield C297200400011 measurements is 2.5%, with uncertainties coming from C297200400012 the accuracy of the charge reading (2%), the gamma- C297200400013 ray detection efficiency at 511 keV (1%, as C297200400014 determined with a calibrated 22Na source), and C297200400015 statistics (<1%). C297200400016 (ERR-1) The accuracy of the charge reading. C297200400017 (ERR-2) Gamma-ray detection efficiency at 511 keV. C297200400018 (ERR-S,,1.) Statistics. C297200400019 STATUS (TABLE,,K-U.Kettner+,J,PR/C,108,035805,2023) C297200400020 Table II, page 035805-6. C297200400021 ENDBIB 19 0 C297200400022 COMMON 2 3 C297200400023 ERR-1 ERR-2 C297200400024 PER-CENT PER-CENT C297200400025 2.2 1.0 C297200400026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C297200400027 DATA 4 5 C297200400028 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C297200400029 MEV MEV PRD/INC PRD/INC C297200400030 1.000 0.001 7.14E-10 0.14E-10 C297200400031 1.200 0.001 7.22E-10 0.14E-10 C297200400032 1.400 0.001 7.31E-10 0.15E-10 C297200400033 1.913 0.001 1.66E-9 0.03E-9 C297200400034 2.017 0.001 1.66E-9 0.03E-9 C297200400035 ENDDATA 7 0 C297200400036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 C297200499999 SUBENT C2972005 20241212 C247C297200500001 BIB 3 11 C297200500002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,G)7-N-13,,SGV) C297200500003 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainties. C297200500004 STATUS (DEP,C2972002) C297200500005 (DEP,C2972003) C297200500006 (DEP,C2972004) C297200500007 (TABLE,,K-U.Kettner+,J,PR/C,108,035805,2023) C297200500008 Fig.12, page 035805-10. C297200500009 See Supplemental Material at C297200500010 http://link.aps.org/supplemental/ C297200500011 10.1103/PhysRevC.108.035805 for the tabulated C297200500012 experimental data and reaction rate. C297200500013 ENDBIB 11 0 C297200500014 NOCOMMON 0 0 C297200500015 DATA 4 56 C297200500016 KT-K DATA DATA-MIN DATA-MAX C297200500017 K CM3/S/MOL CM3/S/MOL CM3/S/MOL C297200500018 6.00E+06 1.22E-24 1.15E-24 1.29E-24 C297200500019 7.00E+06 4.80E-23 4.53E-23 5.09E-23 C297200500020 8.00E+06 9.94E-22 9.38E-22 1.05E-21 C297200500021 9.00E+06 1.29E-20 1.21E-20 1.36E-20 C297200500022 1.00E+07 1.17E-19 1.10E-19 1.24E-19 C297200500023 1.10E+07 8.01E-19 7.56E-19 8.49E-19 C297200500024 1.20E+07 4.41E-18 4.16E-18 4.67E-18 C297200500025 1.30E+07 2.02E-17 1.91E-17 2.14E-17 C297200500026 1.40E+07 7.99E-17 7.54E-17 8.47E-17 C297200500027 1.50E+07 2.79E-16 2.63E-16 2.95E-16 C297200500028 1.60E+07 8.72E-16 8.23E-16 9.25E-16 C297200500029 1.80E+07 6.57E-15 6.20E-15 6.96E-15 C297200500030 2.00E+07 3.74E-14 3.52E-14 3.96E-14 C297200500031 2.50E+07 1.21E-12 1.14E-12 1.29E-12 C297200500032 3.00E+07 1.72E-11 1.62E-11 1.82E-11 C297200500033 3.50E+07 1.43E-10 1.35E-10 1.51E-10 C297200500034 4.00E+07 8.18E-10 7.72E-10 8.67E-10 C297200500035 5.00E+07 1.27E-08 1.20E-08 1.35E-08 C297200500036 6.00E+07 1.03E-07 9.73E-08 1.09E-07 C297200500037 7.00E+07 5.49E-07 5.18E-07 5.82E-07 C297200500038 8.00E+07 2.18E-06 2.06E-06 2.31E-06 C297200500039 9.00E+07 7.02E-06 6.62E-06 7.44E-06 C297200500040 1.00E+08 1.92E-05 1.81E-05 2.04E-05 C297200500041 1.10E+08 4.64E-05 4.38E-05 4.92E-05 C297200500042 1.20E+08 1.02E-04 9.58E-05 1.08E-04 C297200500043 1.30E+08 2.05E-04 1.93E-04 2.17E-04 C297200500044 1.40E+08 3.87E-04 3.65E-04 4.10E-04 C297200500045 1.50E+08 6.90E-04 6.51E-04 7.32E-04 C297200500046 1.60E+08 1.18E-03 1.11E-03 1.25E-03 C297200500047 1.80E+08 3.04E-03 2.86E-03 3.22E-03 C297200500048 2.00E+08 6.97E-03 6.58E-03 7.39E-03 C297200500049 2.50E+08 4.04E-02 3.81E-02 4.28E-02 C297200500050 3.00E+08 1.86E-01 1.76E-01 1.97E-01 C297200500051 3.50E+08 7.38E-01 6.96E-01 7.82E-01 C297200500052 4.00E+08 2.42E+00 2.28E+00 2.57E+00 C297200500053 4.50E+08 6.52E+00 6.15E+00 6.91E+00 C297200500054 5.00E+08 1.48E+01 1.39E+01 1.57E+01 C297200500055 6.00E+08 5.12E+01 4.83E+01 5.43E+01 C297200500056 7.00E+08 1.23E+02 1.16E+02 1.31E+02 C297200500057 8.00E+08 2.35E+02 2.22E+02 2.50E+02 C297200500058 9.00E+08 3.83E+02 3.62E+02 4.06E+02 C297200500059 1.00E+09 5.59E+02 5.27E+02 5.92E+02 C297200500060 1.25E+09 1.06E+03 9.96E+02 1.12E+03 C297200500061 1.50E+09 1.54E+03 1.46E+03 1.64E+03 C297200500062 1.75E+09 1.96E+03 1.85E+03 2.08E+03 C297200500063 2.00E+09 2.29E+03 2.16E+03 2.43E+03 C297200500064 2.50E+09 2.73E+03 2.57E+03 2.89E+03 C297200500065 3.00E+09 2.95E+03 2.79E+03 3.13E+03 C297200500066 3.50E+09 3.06E+03 2.89E+03 3.25E+03 C297200500067 4.00E+09 3.11E+03 2.93E+03 3.29E+03 C297200500068 5.00E+09 3.12E+03 2.94E+03 3.31E+03 C297200500069 6.00E+09 3.11E+03 2.93E+03 3.29E+03 C297200500070 7.00E+09 3.10E+03 2.93E+03 3.29E+03 C297200500071 8.00E+09 3.13E+03 2.95E+03 3.31E+03 C297200500072 9.00E+09 3.19E+03 3.01E+03 3.38E+03 C297200500073 1.00E+10 3.29E+03 3.10E+03 3.49E+03 C297200500074 ENDDATA 58 0 C297200500075 ENDSUBENT 74 0 C297200599999 SUBENT C2972006 20241212 C247C297200600001 BIB 3 7 C297200600002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,G)7-N-13,,SIG,,SFC) C297200600003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties. C297200600004 STATUS (DEP,C2972002) C297200600005 (DEP,C2972003) C297200600006 (DEP,C2972004) C297200600007 (TABLE,,K-U.Kettner+,J,PR/C,108,035805,2023) C297200600008 Table IV, page 035805-10. C297200600009 ENDBIB 7 0 C297200600010 NOCOMMON 0 0 C297200600011 DATA 3 1 C297200600012 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR C297200600013 KEV B*KEV B*KEV C297200600014 25.0 1.48 0.09 C297200600015 ENDDATA 3 0 C297200600016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 C297200699999 SUBENT C2972007 20241212 C247C297200700001 BIB 6 15 C297200700002 REACTION 1(6-C-12(P,G),,EN) C297200700003 2(6-C-12(P,G),,WID) C297200700004 3(6-C-12(P,G),,WID/RED) C297200700005 REL-REF (O,C1645004,J.D.Seagrave,J,PR,85,197,1952) C297200700006 ANALYSIS R-matrix parameters resulting from a Bayesian Markov C297200700007 chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis to 12C+p data. C297200700008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The 68% confidence interval obtained from C297200700009 the Bayesian uncertainty analysis using the BRICK code.C297200700010 FLAG (1.) M1 multipolarity. C297200700011 (2.) E2 multipolarity. C297200700012 STATUS (DEP,C2972002) C297200700013 (DEP,C2972003) C297200700014 (DEP,C2972004) C297200700015 (TABLE,,K-U.Kettner+,J,PR/C,108,035805,2023) C297200700016 Table III, page 035805-9. C297200700017 ENDBIB 15 0 C297200700018 NOCOMMON 0 0 C297200700019 DATA 9 5 C297200700020 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1MOMENTUM L PARITY DATA 2DATA-ERR 2C297200700021 DATA 3DATA-ERR 3FLAG C297200700022 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM KEV KEV C297200700023 EV EV NO-DIM C297200700024 0.5 -1. 1.62 0.05C297200700025 C297200700026 460.3 0.5 0.5 1. 34.0 0.2C297200700027 -0.48 0.03 C297200700028 1688.8 0.5 1.5 -1. 55.2 0.3C297200700029 0.49 0.03 1. C297200700030 1688.8 0.5 1.5 -1. 55.2 0.3C297200700031 7.2 1.1 2. C297200700032 1735.5 0.5 2.5 1. 49.0 0.5C297200700033 C297200700034 ENDDATA 14 0 C297200700035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 C297200799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 C297299999999