ENTRY C2974 20240312 C239C297400000001 SUBENT C2974001 20240312 C239C297400100001 BIB 11 34 C297400100002 TITLE 229Pa cross section measurements via deuteron C297400100003 irradiation of 232Th C297400100004 AUTHOR (N.Burahmah,J.R.Griswold,L.H.Heilbronn,L.A.Bernstein, C297400100005 A.S.Voyles,J.T.Morrell,M.Zach,R.Copping) C297400100006 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,108,024609,2023) C297400100007 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.108.024609 C297400100008 INSTITUTE (1USATEN,1USAORL,1USAUCX,1USABRK) C297400100009 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABRK) 88-Inch Cyclotron. C297400100010 DETECTOR (HPGE) C297400100011 SAMPLE Four thin foils (17 mg/cm2) of natural thorium metal C297400100012 in a stacked-target configuration. Natural Th foil C297400100013 (0.0125 mm thickness, 99.5% purity) was purchased C297400100014 from Goodfellow Corporation, and cut into C297400100015 approximately 18 mm x 18 mm squares. A stack of four C297400100016 such Th foils was constructed, along with 0.025 mm C297400100017 thickness monitor foils of natural Fe (99.5% purity) C297400100018 and natural Cu (99.95% purity), 0.012 mm thickness Al C297400100019 foils (99.99% purity) to encapsulate the Th and preventC297400100020 loss of target material. C297400100021 METHOD (CHSEP,ACTIV) After irradiation, the foils were C297400100022 shipped to Oak Ridge National Laboratory for chemical C297400100023 separation and analysis. The gamma-ray spectroscopy C297400100024 measurements were conducted using a well-shielded C297400100025 CANBERRA GEM series HPGe coaxial detector. C297400100026 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Propagated uncertainty is calculated from the C297400100027 quadrature sum. C297400100028 (ERR-S,1.,6.) Counting statistics. C297400100029 (ERR-1,1.,6.) Gamma-ray intensities. C297400100030 (ERR-2) Beam current. C297400100031 (ERR-3,2.,5.) Chemical separation efficiency. C297400100032 (ERR-4) Detector efficiency. C297400100033 (ERR-5,,2.) Target density. C297400100034 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by N.Burahmah on March 16, 2024. C297400100035 HISTORY (20240312C) BP C297400100036 ENDBIB 34 0 C297400100037 COMMON 2 3 C297400100038 ERR-2 ERR-4 C297400100039 PER-CENT PER-CENT C297400100040 4.0 5.0 C297400100041 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C297400100042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 C297400199999 SUBENT C2974002 20240312 C239C297400200001 BIB 4 6 C297400200002 REACTION (90-TH-232(D,X)91-PA-233,CUM,SIG) C297400200003 DECAY-DATA (91-PA-233,26.975D,DG,311.901,0.382) C297400200004 COMMENT (d,n) channel is a cumulative cross-section because itC297400200005 may include the (d,p) Th-233 cross-section. C297400200006 STATUS (TABLE,,N.Burahmah+,J,PR/C,108,024609,2023) C297400200007 Table III, page 024609-6 of J,PR/C,108,024609,2023. C297400200008 ENDBIB 6 0 C297400200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 C297400200010 DATA 3 4 C297400200011 EN DATA ERR-T C297400200012 MEV MB MB C297400200013 31.0 75.0 5.2 C297400200014 35.2 56.1 4.0 C297400200015 41.4 33.1 2.3 C297400200016 49.6 30.5 2.6 C297400200017 ENDDATA 6 0 C297400200018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 C297400299999 SUBENT C2974003 20240312 C239C297400300001 BIB 3 4 C297400300002 REACTION (90-TH-232(D,2N)91-PA-232,,SIG) C297400300003 DECAY-DATA (91-PA-232,1.31D,DG,894.351,0.196) C297400300004 STATUS (TABLE,,N.Burahmah+,J,PR/C,108,024609,2023) C297400300005 Table III, page 024609-6 of J,PR/C,108,024609,2023. C297400300006 ENDBIB 4 0 C297400300007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C297400300008 DATA 3 4 C297400300009 EN DATA ERR-T C297400300010 MEV MB MB C297400300011 31.0 40.6 2.7 C297400300012 35.2 31.3 2.1 C297400300013 41.4 21.9 1.4 C297400300014 49.6 20.4 1.4 C297400300015 ENDDATA 6 0 C297400300016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 C297400399999 SUBENT C2974004 20240312 C239C297400400001 BIB 3 4 C297400400002 REACTION (90-TH-232(D,4N)91-PA-230,,SIG) C297400400003 DECAY-DATA (91-PA-230,17.4D,DG,951.88,0.296) C297400400004 STATUS (TABLE,,N.Burahmah+,J,PR/C,108,024609,2023) C297400400005 Table III, page 024609-6 of J,PR/C,108,024609,2023. C297400400006 ENDBIB 4 0 C297400400007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C297400400008 DATA 3 4 C297400400009 EN DATA ERR-T C297400400010 MEV MB MB C297400400011 31.0 161.0 15.0 C297400400012 35.2 71.9 6.6 C297400400013 41.4 58.0 5.4 C297400400014 49.6 47.3 4.9 C297400400015 ENDDATA 6 0 C297400400016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 C297400499999 SUBENT C2974005 20240312 C239C297400500001 BIB 3 4 C297400500002 REACTION (90-TH-232(D,5N)91-PA-229,,SIG) C297400500003 DECAY-DATA (91-PA-229,1.50D,DG,119.0,0.00129) C297400500004 STATUS (TABLE,,N.Burahmah+,J,PR/C,108,024609,2023) C297400500005 Table III, page 024609-6 of J,PR/C,108,024609,2023. C297400500006 ENDBIB 4 0 C297400500007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C297400500008 DATA 3 4 C297400500009 EN DATA ERR-T C297400500010 MEV MB MB C297400500011 31.0 89.3 8.5 C297400500012 35.2 122.0 11.0 C297400500013 41.4 43.7 4.5 C297400500014 49.6 38.2 4.8 C297400500015 ENDDATA 6 0 C297400500016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 C297400599999 SUBENT C2974006 20240312 C239C297400600001 BIB 3 4 C297400600002 REACTION (90-TH-232(D,6N)91-PA-228,,SIG) C297400600003 DECAY-DATA (91-PA-228,22.0HR,DG,911.204,0.23) C297400600004 STATUS (TABLE,,N.Burahmah+,J,PR/C,108,024609,2023) C297400600005 Table III, page 024609-6 of J,PR/C,108,024609,2023. C297400600006 ENDBIB 4 0 C297400600007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C297400600008 DATA 3 3 C297400600009 EN DATA ERR-T C297400600010 MEV MB MB C297400600011 35.2 2.31 0.21 C297400600012 41.4 34.9 3.0 C297400600013 49.6 31.6 3.1 C297400600014 ENDDATA 5 0 C297400600015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 C297400699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 C297499999999