ENTRY C2990 20240917 C240C299000000001 SUBENT C2990001 20240917 C240C299000100001 BIB 10 20 C299000100002 TITLE Sensitivity of (alpha, alpha') cross sections to C299000100003 excited-state quadrupole moments C299000100004 AUTHOR (F.T.Baker,A.Scott,R.M.Ronningen,T.H.Kruse, C299000100005 R.Suchannek, W.Savin,J.H.Hamilton) C299000100006 INSTITUTE (1USAGEO,1USAORL,1USARUT,1USAVBT) C299000100007 (1USAUSA) Dept. of Physics, New Jersey Institute of C299000100008 Technology, Newark, NJ 07102, USA C299000100009 REFERENCE (J,PL/B,70,167,1977) C299000100010 #doi:10.1016/0370-2693(77)90512-3 C299000100011 FACILITY (VDGT,1USARUT) C299000100012 DETECTOR (MAGSP,PS) Particles were detected by a position- C299000100013 sensitive proportional counter on the image surface of C299000100014 the split-pole spectrograph. C299000100015 SAMPLE The target was approximately 20 mu-g/cm2 of >= 99 % C299000100016 isotopically enriched 180Hf deposited on an 80 C299000100017 mu-g/cm2 carbon backing in an isotope separator. C299000100018 (72-HF-180,ENR=0.99) C299000100019 METHOD (EXTB) C299000100020 ADD-RES (COMP) Coupled-channels calculation. C299000100021 HISTORY (20240917C) OG C299000100022 ENDBIB 20 0 C299000100023 NOCOMMON 0 0 C299000100024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C299000199999 SUBENT C2990002 20240917 C240C299000200001 BIB 3 3 C299000200002 REACTION (72-HF-180(A,INL)72-HF-180,PAR,DA) C299000200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties. C299000200004 STATUS (CURVE,,F.T.Baker+,J,PL/B,70,167,1977) Fig.1. C299000200005 ENDBIB 3 0 C299000200006 COMMON 1 3 C299000200007 E-EXC C299000200008 MEV C299000200009 1.20 C299000200010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C299000200011 DATA 4 11 C299000200012 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR C299000200013 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR C299000200014 21. 90.650 2.683E-01 2.608E-02 C299000200015 21. 100.676 2.656E-01 2.246E-02 C299000200016 21. 110.945 2.862E-01 2.300E-02 C299000200017 21. 120.712 2.409E-01 2.241E-02 C299000200018 21. 130.620 2.321E-01 1.476E-02 C299000200019 21. 141.205 2.253E-01 1.993E-02 C299000200020 24. 90.116 3.682E-01 3.126E-02 C299000200021 24. 100.519 2.697E-01 1.905E-02 C299000200022 24. 110.394 2.287E-01 1.835E-02 C299000200023 24. 120.662 1.527E-01 1.418E-02 C299000200024 24. 130.454 9.221E-02 8.165E-03 C299000200025 ENDDATA 13 0 C299000200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 C299000299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C299099999999