ENTRY            C2998   20241009                             C244C299800000001 
SUBENT        C2998001   20241009                             C244C299800100001 
BIB                  8         12                                 C299800100002 
TITLE      Production of spontaneous fission isomers in the       C299800100003 
           reactions of 237Np with 30 to 70 MeV 4He               C299800100004 
AUTHOR     (J.B.Natowitz,J.K.Archer)                              C299800100005 
REFERENCE  (J,PL/B,30,463,1969)                                   C299800100006 
           #doi:10.1016/0370-2693(69)90171-3                      C299800100007 
INSTITUTE  (1USATAM)                                              C299800100008 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USATAM)                                        C299800100009 
DETECTOR   A mica detector annular to the beam detects fission    C299800100010 
           fragments from recoils decaying in flight or on the    C299800100011 
           catcher.                                               C299800100012 
SAMPLE     The thick (about 300 mu-g/cm2) targets of 237Np.       C299800100013 
HISTORY    (20241008C) OG                                         C299800100014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 C299800100015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C299800100016 
ENDSUBENT           15          0                                 C299800199999 
SUBENT        C2998002   20241009                             C244C299800200001 
BIB                  3          6                                 C299800200002 
REACTION   (93-NP-237(A,X)ELEM,,SIG,,REL) Arbitrary value is the  C299800200003 
           number of tracks normalized for beam current and       C299800200004 
           scanned area.                                          C299800200005 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error bars represent one standard deviation C299800200006 
           on the number of tracks counted.                       C299800200007 
STATUS     (CURVE,,J.B.Natowitz+,J,PL/B,30,463,1969) Fig.2.       C299800200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 C299800200009 
COMMON               1          3                                 C299800200010 
ELEMENT                                                           C299800200011 
NO-DIM                                                            C299800200012 
95.                                                               C299800200013 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C299800200014 
DATA                 3         31                                 C299800200015 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    C299800200016 
MEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                                   C299800200017 
     31.830  4.145E+00  1.419E+00                                 C299800200018 
     32.834  1.070E+01  2.190E+00                                 C299800200019 
     33.969  9.367E+00  2.067E+00                                 C299800200020 
     35.910  5.918E+00  1.787E+00                                 C299800200021 
     37.392  4.377E+00  1.069E+00                                 C299800200022 
     38.873  2.837E+00  1.366E+00                                 C299800200023 
     40.501  2.733E+00  8.584E-01                                 C299800200024 
     41.178  3.224E+00  1.016E+00                                 C299800200025 
     42.628  3.540E+00  9.810E-01                                 C299800200026 
     43.632  4.942E+00  1.104E+00                                 C299800200027 
     43.653  3.716E+00  1.139E+00                                 C299800200028 
     43.846  2.385E+00  8.935E-01                                 C299800200029 
     47.453  1.756E+00  1.104E+00                                 C299800200030 
     48.904  2.003E+00  7.533E-01                                 C299800200031 
     52.549  4.213E+00  1.401E+00                                 C299800200032 
     52.593  6.648E+00  1.594E+00                                 C299800200033 
     53.856  7.962E+00  1.507E+00                                 C299800200034 
     55.579  7.315E+00  1.261E+00                                 C299800200035 
     57.084  4.356E+00  1.174E+00                                 C299800200036 
     58.554  3.499E+00  1.051E+00                                 C299800200037 
     59.683  2.518E+00  9.109E-01                                 C299800200038 
     61.555  3.238E+00  1.121E+00                                 C299800200039 
     62.015  1.276E+00  7.008E-01                                 C299800200040 
     62.949  1.750E+00  7.008E-01                                 C299800200041 
     63.353  3.222E+00  1.349E+00                                 C299800200042 
     63.725  6.585E+00  1.472E+00                                 C299800200043 
     64.007  5.061E+00  7.183E-01                                 C299800200044 
     65.052  3.994E+00  1.244E+00                                 C299800200045 
     65.069  2.995E+00  8.584E-01                                 C299800200046 
     67.485  1.893E+00  6.656E-01                                 C299800200047 
     69.178  3.050E+00  7.881E-01                                 C299800200048 
ENDDATA             33          0                                 C299800200049 
ENDSUBENT           48          0                                 C299800299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 C299899999999