ENTRY C3001 20241013 C244C300100000001 SUBENT C3001001 20241013 C244C300100100001 BIB 11 24 C300100100002 TITLE Elastic and inelastic scattering of alpha particles C300100100003 from 138Ba C300100100004 AUTHOR (J.H.Barker,J.C.Hiebert) C300100100005 INSTITUTE (1USATAM) C300100100006 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,6,1795,1972) C300100100007 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.6.1795 C300100100008 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USATAM) C300100100009 DETECTOR (SIBAR,PS) A 1500-mu-m surface-barrier detector was C300100100010 used to acquire the data for angles > 20 degrees. In C300100100011 order to obtain better energy resolution, the data C300100100012 for angles < 20 degrees were obtained through the use C300100100013 of a 50-mm by 10-mm position-sensitive C300100100014 nuclear-triode detector, which was located in the C300100100015 focal plane of an Enge split-pole spectrograph. C300100100016 SAMPLE The targets were prepared by vacuum evaporating C300100100017 metallic barium onto 75-mu-g/cm2 carbon foils. C300100100018 FLAG (1.) Over-all energy resolution for spectrograph data C300100100019 E-RSL-FW=38 keV (full width at half maximum) C300100100020 (2.) E-RSL-FW=75 keV. C300100100021 METHOD (EXTB) C300100100022 ADD-RES (COMP) The angular distributions are analyzed in the C300100100023 distorted-wave Born approximation, employing C300100100024 collective-model form factors. C300100100025 HISTORY (20241013C) OG C300100100026 ENDBIB 24 0 C300100100027 COMMON 2 3 C300100100028 EN EN-ERR C300100100029 MEV MEV C300100100030 29.3 0.3 C300100100031 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C300100100032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 C300100199999 SUBENT C3001002 20241013 C244C300100200001 BIB 3 3 C300100200002 REACTION (56-BA-138(P,EL)56-BA-138,,DA,,RTH) C300100200003 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainties. C300100200004 STATUS (CURVE,,J.H.Barker+,J,PR/C,6,1795,1972) Fig.2. C300100200005 ENDBIB 3 0 C300100200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 C300100200007 DATA 3 16 C300100200008 ANG-CM DATA FLAG C300100200009 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM C300100200010 12.423 9.042E-01 1. C300100200011 13.721 9.894E-01 1. C300100200012 14.610 9.899E-01 1. C300100200013 16.568 9.164E-01 1. C300100200014 18.565 6.471E-01 1. C300100200015 20.617 5.188E-01 2. C300100200016 22.667 4.624E-01 2. C300100200017 24.667 3.000E-01 2. C300100200018 26.720 2.305E-01 2. C300100200019 28.826 2.121E-01 2. C300100200020 32.196 1.024E-01 2. C300100200021 36.290 1.118E-01 2. C300100200022 38.233 7.099E-02 2. C300100200023 41.379 2.743E-02 2. C300100200024 43.134 4.239E-02 2. C300100200025 46.160 2.450E-02 2. C300100200026 ENDDATA 18 0 C300100200027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 C300100299999 SUBENT C3001003 20241013 C244C300100300001 BIB 4 11 C300100300002 REACTION (56-BA-138(P,INL)56-BA-138,PAR,DA) C300100300003 LEVEL-PROP (56-BA-138,E-LVL=1.436,SPIN=2.,PARITY=+1.) C300100300004 (56-BA-138,E-LVL=1.898,SPIN=4.,PARITY=+1.) C300100300005 (56-BA-138,E-LVL=2.19,SPIN=2.,PARITY=+1.) C300100300006 (56-BA-138,E-LVL=2.27,SPIN=4.,PARITY=+1.) C300100300007 (56-BA-138,E-LVL=2.24,SPIN=2./4.,PARITY=+1.) C300100300008 (56-BA-138,E-LVL=2.88,SPIN=3.,PARITY=-1.) C300100300009 (56-BA-138,E-LVL=3.34,SPIN=2.,PARITY=+1.) C300100300010 (56-BA-138,E-LVL=3.50,SPIN=4.,PARITY=+1.) C300100300011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties. C300100300012 STATUS (CURVE,,J.H.Barker+,J,PR/C,6,1795,1972) Figs.2-5. C300100300013 ENDBIB 11 0 C300100300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 C300100300015 DATA 5 71 C300100300016 E-LVL ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR FLAG C300100300017 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR NO-DIM C300100300018 1.436 9.972 1.192E+01 7.097E-01 1. C300100300019 1.436 12.524 1.134E+01 3.916E-01 1. C300100300020 1.436 15.156 5.878E+00 3.993E-01 1. C300100300021 1.436 24.757 3.408E+00 1.460E-01 2. C300100300022 1.436 26.815 2.124E+00 1.091E-01 2. C300100300023 1.436 32.204 1.921E+00 1.145E-01 2. C300100300024 1.436 35.330 1.546E+00 7.941E-02 2. C300100300025 1.436 38.430 5.353E-01 4.935E-02 2. C300100300026 1.436 41.538 6.926E-01 3.557E-02 2. C300100300027 1.436 43.213 3.010E-01 2.045E-02 2. C300100300028 1.436 46.289 2.050E-01 1.726E-02 2. C300100300029 1.898 9.449 4.311E+00 5.693E-01 1. C300100300030 1.898 11.910 2.683E+00 2.721E-01 1. C300100300031 1.898 14.535 1.765E+00 2.060E-01 1. C300100300032 1.898 17.258 4.333E-01 1.200E-01 1. C300100300033 1.898 26.468 3.905E-01 4.078E-02 2. C300100300034 1.898 28.573 4.189E-01 2.791E-02 2. C300100300035 1.898 32.000 5.382E-01 4.273E-02 2. C300100300036 1.898 35.093 2.012E-01 2.502E-02 2. C300100300037 1.898 38.139 2.252E-01 2.976E-02 2. C300100300038 1.898 41.311 1.724E-01 1.695E-02 2. C300100300039 1.898 43.037 1.504E-01 1.639E-02 2. C300100300040 1.898 46.103 1.032E-01 1.282E-02 2. C300100300041 2.19 9.885 1.279E+00 2.517E-01 1. C300100300042 2.19 12.491 1.426E+00 1.439E-01 1. C300100300043 2.19 15.128 8.009E-01 1.814E-01 1. C300100300044 2.19 17.536 1.802E+00 1.814E-01 1. C300100300045 2.24 9.505 2.700E+00 4.152E-01 1. C300100300046 2.24 11.957 2.336E+00 2.019E-01 1. C300100300047 2.24 14.531 1.489E+00 2.549E-01 1. C300100300048 2.24 17.133 2.082E+00 1.798E-01 1. C300100300049 2.24 31.852 7.708E-01 5.184E-02 2. C300100300050 2.24 34.934 3.987E-01 3.951E-02 2. C300100300051 2.24 38.046 4.282E-01 3.972E-02 2. C300100300052 2.24 41.186 2.110E-01 1.417E-02 2. C300100300053 2.24 42.984 1.262E-01 1.329E-02 2. C300100300054 2.24 45.996 9.980E-02 9.258E-03 2. C300100300055 2.27 9.432 1.410E+00 3.468E-01 1. C300100300056 2.27 12.065 9.485E-01 1.856E-01 1. C300100300057 2.27 14.748 7.220E-01 1.838E-01 1. C300100300058 2.27 17.359 2.425E-01 9.567E-02 1. C300100300059 2.88 9.950 1.336E+01 5.595E-01 1. C300100300060 2.88 12.524 8.926E+00 4.549E-01 1. C300100300061 2.88 15.241 2.787E+00 2.054E-01 1. C300100300062 2.88 17.581 2.287E+00 1.339E-01 1. C300100300063 2.88 20.670 6.654E+00 5.405E-01 2. C300100300064 2.88 22.694 2.721E+00 2.211E-01 2. C300100300065 2.88 24.730 7.966E-01 7.710E-02 2. C300100300066 2.88 35.277 1.976E+00 1.155E-01 2. C300100300067 2.88 38.310 1.212E+00 8.926E-02 2. C300100300068 2.88 41.365 4.008E-01 2.345E-02 2. C300100300069 2.88 43.228 5.932E-01 4.367E-02 2. C300100300070 2.88 46.146 3.744E-01 2.474E-02 2. C300100300071 3.34 9.968 8.329E-01 2.636E-01 1. C300100300072 3.34 12.444 1.130E+00 1.956E-01 1. C300100300073 3.34 15.024 6.090E-01 1.378E-01 1. C300100300074 3.34 20.622 7.131E-01 1.770E-01 2. C300100300075 3.34 22.666 6.370E-01 1.103E-01 2. C300100300076 3.34 24.602 5.161E-01 6.826E-02 2. C300100300077 3.34 41.450 2.832E-01 2.347E-02 2. C300100300078 3.34 46.215 7.867E-02 9.195E-03 2. C300100300079 3.50 9.866 1.960E+00 2.587E-01 1. C300100300080 3.50 12.375 1.563E+00 2.186E-01 1. C300100300081 3.50 14.922 2.208E+00 2.237E-01 1. C300100300082 3.50 20.555 1.191E+00 3.670E-01 2. C300100300083 3.50 22.666 1.295E+00 1.811E-01 2. C300100300084 3.50 24.742 6.687E-01 7.276E-02 2. C300100300085 3.50 26.868 4.190E-01 4.559E-02 2. C300100300086 3.50 41.502 2.751E-01 1.760E-02 2. C300100300087 3.50 43.283 2.517E-01 2.741E-02 2. C300100300088 3.50 46.311 1.029E-01 1.279E-02 2. C300100300089 ENDDATA 73 0 C300100300090 ENDSUBENT 89 0 C300100399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C300199999999