ENTRY C3004 20240928 C245C300400000001 SUBENT C3004001 20240928 C245C300400100001 BIB 13 50 C300400100002 TITLE Excitation functions and isomeric cross-section C300400100003 ratios of (d,xn) reactions on 86Sr C300400100004 AUTHOR (Md.Shuza Uddin,Sandor Sudar,M.Shamsuzzoha Basunia, C300400100005 Bernhard Scholten,Stefan Spellerberg, Andrew S.Voyles, C300400100006 Jonathan T.Morrell,Ingo Spahn,Alex Hermanne, C300400100007 Lee A.Bernstein,Bernd Neumaier,Syed M.Qaim) C300400100008 INSTITUTE (2GERJUL,1USABRK,3BANSAV,3HUNDEB,2BLGVUB,1USAUCX) C300400100009 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,60,128,2024) C300400100010 #doi:10.1140/epja/s10050-024-01330-6 C300400100011 REL-REF (O,O2631001,M.S.Uddin+,J,EPJ/A,60,128,2024) C300400100012 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABRK) 88 Inch Cyclotron C300400100013 SAMPLE The enriched 86Sr material was provided as 86SrCO3 C300400100014 powder. Thin strontium carbonate samples were C300400100015 prepared by the sedimentation technique. A 50 mu-m C300400100016 thick Al foil (chemical purity 99.0%) was used as the C300400100017 backing for sedimentation. The net weight of the C300400100018 sediments lay in the range of 5 to 7 mg. Each C300400100019 sedimented sample was then covered by a 10 mu-m thick C300400100020 Al foil of 16 mm diameter, welted around the backing C300400100021 foil. C300400100022 (38-SR-86,ENR=0.964) C300400100023 (38-SR-87,ENR=0.0133) C300400100024 (38-SR-88,ENR=0.0226) C300400100025 DETECTOR (HPGE) The energy resolution (FWHM) at 1332.5 keV of C300400100026 60Co of the HPGe detectors used was 2.5 keV. For C300400100027 efficiency calibration of the detector, standard point C300400100028 sources were used 54Mn, 133Ba, 137Cs and 152Eu. C300400100029 METHOD (STTA,ACTIV) C300400100030 MONITOR Thin foils of Al, Ti, Fe and Cu of natural isotopic C300400100031 composition (purity: Al (99.0%); Ti (>99.6%); C300400100032 Fe (99.6%); Cu (99.9%), thickness of both Fe and Ti C300400100033 foils - 25 mu-m, Al foil - 50 and 250 mu-m, Cu foil - C300400100034 50 mu-m) were used as beam monitors and inserted into C300400100035 the stack. Each foil was cut in circular disc with a C300400100036 diameter of 13 mm. C300400100037 (13-AL-27(D,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) C300400100038 (22-TI-0(D,X)23-V-48,,SIG) C300400100039 (26-FE-0(D,X)27-CO-56,,SIG) C300400100040 (29-CU-0(D,X)30-ZN-63,,SIG) C300400100041 (29-CU-0(D,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) C300400100042 MONIT-REF (,A.Hermanne+,J,NDS,148,338,2018) C300400100043 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,0.4,10.) Statistical uncertainty C300400100044 (ERR-1) Uncertainty in detector efficiency C300400100045 (ERR-2,,2.) Uncertainty in true coincidence correction C300400100046 (ERR-3,0.1,5.) Uncertainty in gamma-ray intensities C300400100047 (ERR-4,0.2,2.67) Uncertainty in half-life C300400100048 (ERR-5) Uncertainty in deuteron flux C300400100049 (ERR-6,0.,5.) Uncertainty in sample homogeneity C300400100050 (ERR-T) Total uncertainty C300400100051 HISTORY (20240927C) OG C300400100052 ENDBIB 50 0 C300400100053 COMMON 2 3 C300400100054 ERR-1 ERR-5 C300400100055 PER-CENT PER-CENT C300400100056 4. 6. C300400100057 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C300400100058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 C300400199999 SUBENT C3004002 20240928 C245C300400200001 BIB 6 10 C300400200002 REACTION (38-SR-86(D,N)39-Y-87-M,,SIG,,,DERIV) C300400200003 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-87-M,13.37HR,DG,380.8,0.780) C300400200004 ANALYSIS Contributions from isotopes 87Sr, 88Sr were calculated C300400200005 by TALYS code and calculated contribution was C300400200006 subtracted from the measured cross sections. C300400200007 CORRECTION Correction on contribution to 87Y-M through the small C300400200008 amount of 87Sr and 88Sr in the sample was done. C300400200009 MISC-COL (MISC) Correction factor contains the ratio of the C300400200010 corrected and uncorrected cross sections. C300400200011 STATUS (TABLE,,M.S.Uddin+,J,EPJ/A,60,128,2024) Tab. 2 C300400200012 ENDBIB 10 0 C300400200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 C300400200014 DATA 5 17 C300400200015 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T MISC C300400200016 MEV MEV MB MB NO-DIM C300400200017 6.2 0.5 48.6 4.4 1.00 C300400200018 7.9 0.5 116. 11. 0.99 C300400200019 10.1 0.5 366. 33. 0.99 C300400200020 10.5 0.5 244. 22. 0.98 C300400200021 11.4 0.5 119. 11. 0.95 C300400200022 13.4 0.5 73.6 7.2 0.91 C300400200023 15.2 0.4 56.1 5.9 0.87 C300400200024 16.9 0.4 55.7 5.9 0.86 C300400200025 18.5 0.4 33.6 4.2 0.75 C300400200026 20.9 0.4 22.3 3.8 0.58 C300400200027 21.7 0.4 22.8 3.9 0.57 C300400200028 24.6 0.4 6.6 3.3 0.23 C300400200029 28.1 0.4 10.9 3.9 0.31 C300400200030 28.2 0.3 5.6 3.6 0.19 C300400200031 31.1 0.3 14.6 4.1 0.39 C300400200032 34.1 0.3 15.1 3.7 0.43 C300400200033 36.9 0.3 14.9 3.1 0.50 C300400200034 ENDDATA 19 0 C300400200035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 C300400299999 SUBENT C3004003 20240928 C245C300400300001 BIB 6 11 C300400300002 REACTION (38-SR-86(D,N)39-Y-87-G,M+,SIG,,,DERIV) C300400300003 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-87-G,79.8HR,DG,388.53,0.822, C300400300004 DG,484.8,0.898) C300400300005 ANALYSIS Contributions from isotopes 87Sr, 88Sr were calculated C300400300006 by TALYS code and calculated contribution was C300400300007 subtracted from the measured cross sections. C300400300008 CORRECTION Correction on contribution to 87Y-M through the small C300400300009 amount of 87Sr and 88Sr in the sample was done. C300400300010 MISC-COL (MISC) Correction factor contains the ratio of the C300400300011 corrected and uncorrected cross sections. C300400300012 STATUS (TABLE,,M.S.Uddin+,J,EPJ/A,60,128,2024) Tab. 2 C300400300013 ENDBIB 11 0 C300400300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 C300400300015 DATA 5 17 C300400300016 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T MISC C300400300017 MEV MEV MB MB NO-DIM C300400300018 36.9 0.3 31.2 5.4 0.57 C300400300019 34.1 0.3 41.9 7.1 0.58 C300400300020 31.1 0.3 41.6 7.6 0.55 C300400300021 28.2 0.3 30.6 6.9 0.46 C300400300022 28.1 0.4 34.0 7.2 0.49 C300400300023 24.6 0.4 22.0 6.0 0.39 C300400300024 21.7 0.4 57.9 8.0 0.68 C300400300025 20.9 0.4 65.6 8.5 0.72 C300400300026 18.5 0.4 85.2 9.4 0.83 C300400300027 16.9 0.4 131. 13. 0.90 C300400300028 15.2 0.4 124. 12. 0.90 C300400300029 13.4 0.5 166. 16. 0.93 C300400300030 11.4 0.5 257. 24. 0.96 C300400300031 10.5 0.5 525. 47. 0.99 C300400300032 10.1 0.5 772. 68. 0.99 C300400300033 7.9 0.5 311. 28. 0.99 C300400300034 6.2 0.5 201. 18. 1.00 C300400300035 ENDDATA 19 0 C300400300036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 C300400399999 SUBENT C3004004 20240928 C245C300400400001 BIB 5 8 C300400400002 REACTION (38-SR-86(D,2N)39-Y-86-M,,SIG) C300400400003 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-86-M,47.4MIN,DG,208.1,0.938) C300400400004 CORRECTION Correction on contribution through the small amount of C300400400005 87Sr and 88Sr in the sample was not done. C300400400006 ANALYSIS The formation from low-abundant 87Sr and 88Sr in the C300400400007 target was estimated through model calculation as <5% C300400400008 and <1%, respectively. C300400400009 STATUS (TABLE,,M.S.Uddin+,J,EPJ/A,60,128,2024) Tab. 3 C300400400010 ENDBIB 8 0 C300400400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 C300400400012 DATA 4 15 C300400400013 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C300400400014 MEV MEV MB MB C300400400015 36.9 0.3 41. 4. C300400400016 34.1 0.3 60. 5. C300400400017 31.1 0.3 63. 6. C300400400018 28.2 0.3 68. 6. C300400400019 28.1 0.4 70. 6. C300400400020 24.6 0.4 108. 10. C300400400021 21.7 0.4 216. 19. C300400400022 20.9 0.4 211. 18. C300400400023 18.5 0.4 225. 20. C300400400024 16.9 0.4 254. 19. C300400400025 15.2 0.4 168. 12. C300400400026 13.4 0.5 137. 10. C300400400027 11.4 0.5 84. 6. C300400400028 10.5 0.5 42. 3. C300400400029 10.1 0.5 5. 0.4 C300400400030 ENDDATA 17 0 C300400400031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 C300400499999 SUBENT C3004005 20240928 C245C300400500001 BIB 5 11 C300400500002 REACTION (38-SR-86(D,2N)39-Y-86-G,M+,SIG) C300400500003 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-86-G,14.74HR,DG,442.8,0.0154, C300400500004 DG,443.7,0.0080, C300400500005 DG,627.7,0.326, C300400500006 DG,1152.8,0.305) C300400500007 CORRECTION Correction on contribution through the small amount of C300400500008 87Sr and 88Sr in the sample was not done. C300400500009 ANALYSIS The formation from low-abundant 87Sr and 88Sr in the C300400500010 target was estimated through model calculation as <5% C300400500011 and <1%, respectively. C300400500012 STATUS (TABLE,,M.S.Uddin+,J,EPJ/A,60,128,2024) Tab. 3 C300400500013 ENDBIB 11 0 C300400500014 NOCOMMON 0 0 C300400500015 DATA 4 15 C300400500016 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C300400500017 MEV MEV MB MB C300400500018 36.9 0.3 159. 15. C300400500019 34.1 0.3 236. 22. C300400500020 31.1 0.3 247. 23. C300400500021 28.2 0.3 231. 22. C300400500022 28.1 0.4 267. 25. C300400500023 24.6 0.4 332. 31. C300400500024 21.7 0.4 610. 57. C300400500025 20.9 0.4 619. 50. C300400500026 18.5 0.4 705. 66. C300400500027 16.9 0.4 856. 69. C300400500028 15.2 0.4 620. 50. C300400500029 13.4 0.5 536. 43. C300400500030 11.4 0.5 386. 31. C300400500031 10.5 0.5 207. 17. C300400500032 10.1 0.5 25. 2. C300400500033 ENDDATA 17 0 C300400500034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 C300400599999 SUBENT C3004006 20240928 C245C300400600001 BIB 5 9 C300400600002 REACTION (38-SR-86(D,3N)39-Y-85-M,,SIG) C300400600003 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-85-M,4.86HR,DG,535.6,0.0346, C300400600004 DG,767.3,0.036) C300400600005 CORRECTION Correction on contribution through the small amount of C300400600006 87Sr and 88Sr in the sample was not done. C300400600007 ANALYSIS The formation from low-abundant 87Sr and 88Sr in the C300400600008 target was estimated through model calculation as <5% C300400600009 and <1%, respectively. C300400600010 STATUS (TABLE,,M.S.Uddin+,J,EPJ/A,60,128,2024) Tab. 3 C300400600011 ENDBIB 9 0 C300400600012 NOCOMMON 0 0 C300400600013 DATA 4 7 C300400600014 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C300400600015 MEV MEV MB MB C300400600016 36.9 0.3 158. 17. C300400600017 34.1 0.3 245. 27. C300400600018 31.1 0.3 218. 24. C300400600019 28.2 0.3 173. 19. C300400600020 28.1 0.4 165. 18. C300400600021 24.6 0.4 53. 6. C300400600022 21.7 0.4 13. 1.4 C300400600023 ENDDATA 9 0 C300400600024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C300400699999 SUBENT C3004007 20240928 C245C300400700001 BIB 5 9 C300400700002 REACTION (38-SR-86(D,3N)39-Y-85-G,,SIG) C300400700003 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-85-G,2.68HR,DG,504.44,0.60, C300400700004 DG,913.89,0.090) C300400700005 CORRECTION Correction on contribution through the small amount of C300400700006 87Sr and 88Sr in the sample was not done. C300400700007 ANALYSIS The formation from low-abundant 87Sr and 88Sr in the C300400700008 target was estimated through model calculation as <5% C300400700009 and <1%, respectively. C300400700010 STATUS (TABLE,,M.S.Uddin+,J,EPJ/A,60,128,2024) Tab. 3 C300400700011 ENDBIB 9 0 C300400700012 NOCOMMON 0 0 C300400700013 DATA 4 7 C300400700014 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C300400700015 MEV MEV MB MB C300400700016 36.9 0.3 69. 7. C300400700017 34.1 0.3 107. 10. C300400700018 31.1 0.3 109. 11. C300400700019 28.2 0.3 86. 8. C300400700020 28.1 0.4 82. 8. C300400700021 24.6 0.4 53. 5. C300400700022 21.7 0.4 7.0 0.6 C300400700023 ENDDATA 9 0 C300400700024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C300400799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 C300499999999