ENTRY C3021 20241230 C246C302100000001 SUBENT C3021001 20241230 C246C302100100001 BIB 10 21 C302100100002 TITLE Recoil studies of the interaction of 48Ca with 18-36 C302100100003 MeV 4He ions and 5-43 MeV 3He ion C302100100004 AUTHOR (B.M.Gordon) C302100100005 INSTITUTE (1USABNL) C302100100006 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,153,225,1970) C302100100007 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(70)90767-0 C302100100008 DETECTOR (GELI) A 30 cm3 Ge(Li) solid state detector. C302100100009 SAMPLE The targets were prepared by molecular deposition of C302100100010 4SCa(NO3)2 from isopropanol solvent on a 2.5 cm C302100100011 diameter and 25 mu-m thick aluminium foil backing. A C302100100012 centre 1.3 cm diameter circular foil was punched out C302100100013 as the target to be irradiated. The average thickness C302100100014 of all deposits used was 94 mu-g/cm2 and each was C302100100015 within +/- 5% of that thickness. The target package C302100100016 consisted of four or five target foils and their C302100100017 respective 25.4 mu-m thick aluminium (99.99% purity). C302100100018 (20-CA-48,ENR=0.96) C302100100019 METHOD (ACTIV) C302100100020 DECAY-DATA (20-CA-47,4.536D,DG,1297.09) C302100100021 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties. C302100100022 HISTORY (20241230C) OG C302100100023 ENDBIB 21 0 C302100100024 NOCOMMON 0 0 C302100100025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 C302100199999 SUBENT C3021002 20241230 C246C302100200001 BIB 3 3 C302100200002 REACTION (20-CA-48(A,N+A)20-CA-47,,SIG) C302100200003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABNL) C302100200004 STATUS (CURVE,,B.M.Gordon,J,NP/A,153,225,1970) Fig.1, p.227. C302100200005 ENDBIB 3 0 C302100200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 C302100200007 DATA 3 10 C302100200008 EN DATA DATA-ERR C302100200009 MEV MB MB C302100200010 21.373 1.543E+01 1.910E+00 C302100200011 22.046 2.201E+01 2.380E+00 C302100200012 25.747 4.487E+01 2.806E+00 C302100200013 26.544 5.350E+01 2.754E+00 C302100200014 29.467 7.065E+01 3.637E+00 C302100200015 30.518 7.578E+01 4.112E+00 C302100200016 32.980 9.719E+01 5.542E+00 C302100200017 34.849 1.048E+02 5.979E+00 C302100200018 35.923 9.970E+01 4.575E+00 C302100200019 38.277 9.905E+01 5.374E+00 C302100200020 ENDDATA 12 0 C302100200021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C302100299999 SUBENT C3021003 20241230 C246C302100300001 BIB 3 3 C302100300002 REACTION (20-CA-48(HE3,A)20-CA-47,,SIG) C302100300003 FACILITY (VDG,1USASTB) C302100300004 STATUS (CURVE,,B.M.Gordon,J,NP/A,153,225,1970) Fig.3, p.230. C302100300005 ENDBIB 3 0 C302100300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 C302100300007 DATA 3 9 C302100300008 EN DATA DATA-ERR C302100300009 MEV MB MB C302100300010 4.613 1.086E+00 2.836E-01 C302100300011 9.457 5.834E+00 6.115E-01 C302100300012 13.077 8.907E+00 9.163E-01 C302100300013 17.492 1.462E+01 1.567E+00 C302100300014 21.289 2.220E+01 2.158E+00 C302100300015 26.545 3.220E+01 2.854E+00 C302100300016 29.105 4.233E+01 2.934E+00 C302100300017 36.615 6.636E+01 4.598E+00 C302100300018 42.492 8.246E+01 2.511E+00 C302100300019 ENDDATA 11 0 C302100300020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 C302100399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C302199999999