ENTRY C3022 20241028 C247C302200000001 SUBENT C3022001 20241028 C247C302200100001 BIB 10 66 C302200100002 TITLE Toward the Discovery of New Elements: Production of C302200100003 Livermorium (Z=116) with 50Ti C302200100004 AUTHOR (J.M.Gates,R.Orford,D.Rudolph,C.Appleton, B.M.Barrios, C302200100005 J.Y.Benitez,M.Bordeau,W.Botha, C.M.Campbell, C302200100006 J.Chadderton,A.T.Chemey,R.M.Clark, H.L.Crawford, C302200100007 J.D.Despotopulos,O.Dorvaux, N.E.Esker,P.Fallon, C302200100008 C.M.Folden III,B.J.P.Gall, F.H.Garcia,P.Golubev, C302200100009 J.A.Gooding,M.Grebo, K.E.Gregorich,M.Guerrero, C302200100010 R.A.Henderson,R.-D.Herzberg,Y.Hrabar,T.T.King, C302200100011 M.Kireeff Covo, A.S.Kirkland,R.Krucken, C302200100012 E.Leistenschneider, E.M.Lykiardopoulou,M.Mccarthy, C302200100013 J.A.Mildon, C.Muller-Gatermann,L.Phair,J.L.Pore, C302200100014 E.Rice, K.P.Rykaczewski,B.N.Sammis,L.G.Sarmiento, C302200100015 D.Seweryniak,D.K.Sharp,A.Sinjari,P.Steinegger, C302200100016 M.A.Stoyer,J.M.Szornel,K.Thomas,D.S.Todd,P.Vo, C302200100017 V.Watson,P.T.Wooddy) C302200100018 REFERENCE (J,PRL,133,172502,2024) C302200100019 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.172502 C302200100020 INSTITUTE (1USABRK,2SWDLND,1USASJS,2FR ULP,2UK LVP,1USAORU, C302200100021 1USALRL,1USATAM,1USAUCX,1USAORL,1USAANL,2UK MAN, C302200100022 2SWTZUR,2SWTPSI) C302200100023 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABRK) Lawrence Berkeley National C302200100024 Laboratory's 88-Inch Cyclotron. C302200100025 DETECTOR (SI,SISD) Three side-by-side double-sided silicon- C302200100026 strip detectors (DSSDs). To allow for cross-section C302200100027 calculations, two silicon pindiode detectors were C302200100028 positioned at angles of +-27.2(1) degree directly C302200100029 from the beam direction. These detectors monitor the C302200100030 integral of beam intensity times target thickness C302200100031 through the detection of Rutherford-scattered beam C302200100032 particles. C302200100033 SAMPLE The target composed of four arc-shaped segments C302200100034 forming a rotating target wheel with a diameter of C302200100035 12.2 cm. A fast-acting beam chopper can interrupt the C302200100036 beam in case of system failures, protecting the C302200100037 target. Each target segment consisted of a 2.1(1) C302200100038 mu-m thick natTi backing foil onto which 244Pu C302200100039 had been electrodeposited. The electrodeposition was C302200100040 performed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. C302200100041 The beam first passed through the Ti foil before C302200100042 entering the 244Pu layer. Prior to irradiation, the C302200100043 target foils were measured to have an average target C302200100044 thicknesses of 0.435(40) mg/cm2 244Pu (as 244PuO2) C302200100045 through gamma-ray analysis of the decay of the C302200100046 short-lived 240mNp, which is part of the decay path C302200100047 originating from 244Pu. C302200100048 METHOD The targets were irradiated for a total of 22.1 days C302200100049 with an average center-of-target center-of-mass frame C302200100050 energy of 220(3) MeV, which corresponds to an average C302200100051 compound-nucleus excitation energy of 41(2) MeV C302200100052 according to the Thomas-Fermi mass tables. During C302200100053 these measurements, the recoiling evaporation C302200100054 residues (EVRs) were separated from the beam and C302200100055 unwanted nuclear reaction products in the BGS based C302200100056 on their differing magnetic rigidities (Bro) in 0.45- C302200100057 Torr He. At the Berkeley Gas-filled Separator (BGS) C302200100058 focal plane, the EVRs were implanted into the C302200100059 SuperHeavy RECoil (SHREC) detector. This detector is C302200100060 comprised of three side-by-side double-sided silicon- C302200100061 strip detectors (DSSDs). C302200100062 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The error represents statistical (counting) C302200100063 errors only. C302200100064 (ERR-SYS) There is also systematic error on the cross C302200100065 section, which results in an additional 12% C302200100066 systematic uncertainty in the measured cross sections. C302200100067 HISTORY (20241028C) BP C302200100068 ENDBIB 66 0 C302200100069 COMMON 1 3 C302200100070 ERR-SYS C302200100071 PER-CENT C302200100072 12.0 C302200100073 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C302200100074 ENDSUBENT 73 0 C302200199999 SUBENT C3022002 20241028 C247C302200200001 BIB 2 3 C302200200002 REACTION (94-PU-244(22-TI-50,X)116-LV-290,,SIG) C302200200003 STATUS (TABLE,,J.M.Gates+,J,PRL,133,172502,2024) Text on C302200200004 page 172502-5. C302200200005 ENDBIB 3 0 C302200200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 C302200200007 DATA 5 1 C302200200008 EN-CM EN-ERR DATA +ERR-S -ERR-S C302200200009 MEV MEV PB PB PB C302200200010 220.0 3.0 0.44 0.58 0.28 C302200200011 ENDDATA 3 0 C302200200012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 C302200299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C302299999999