ENTRY D0002 20060406 D046D000200000001 SUBENT D0002001 20060406 D046D000200100001 BIB 10 80 D000200100002 INSTITUTE (1USALAS,2AUSPVI) D000200100003 REFERENCE (J,NSE,67,190,197808) D000200100004 (R,LA-5732-MS,197412) D-D and P-T (preliminary results)D000200100005 AUTHOR (M.Drosg,D.M.DRAKE) Latter is co-author for LA-5732-MS D000200100006 TITLE Uunified absolute differential cross sections for D000200100007 neutron production by the hydrogen isotopes for chargedD000200100008 particle energies between 6 and 17 MeV. D000200100009 ** part I H-3(p,n)He-3 evaluation ** D000200100010 ANALYSIS Evaluation, see 'COMMENT' and 'REL-REF'. D000200100011 COMMENT H-3(p,n)He-3 differential cross-section measurements D000200100012 considered for this evaluation are the following and D000200100013 the references are summarized in 'REL-REF' D000200100014 ---------------------------------------------------- D000200100015 Author(s) *ref- * method * ang-range* p-energyD000200100016 *erence * * c-m deg. * MeV,labD000200100017 --- absolute data --- D000200100018 VLASOV+ * 1 * N COUNTER * 0 - 140 * 1.4-6.8 D000200100019 STEWART+ * 2 * HE3,NUCL.EM.* 0 * 8.8-11.4D000200100020 BOGDANOV+ * 3 * N,COUNT.TEL.* 0 * 6 -12 D000200100021 PERRY+ * 4 * N,COUNT.TEL.* 0 * 2 -7.5 D000200100022 GOLDBERG+ * 5 * N,TOF * 0 * 4.3-12.3D000200100023 ANTOLKOVIC+* 6 * T, SI * 180 * 15.4 D000200100024 ANTOLKOVIC+* 7 * P T, SI * 6.6-173.4* 15.4 D000200100025 MCDANIELS+ * 8 * N,COUNT.TEL.* 0 * 10 -15 D000200100026 JARMIE-JETT* 9 * HE3, SI *77.2-155.5* 13.6 D000200100027 THIS WORK * * N,TOF * 0,50(LAB)* 7 -16 D000200100028 * * N,TOF * 0 - 130 *13.0,13.6D000200100029 * * N,TOF * 180 *4.97,5.41D000200100030 --- Relative distribution --- D000200100031 BOGDANOV+ * 3 * N,TOF * 0 * 6.2-11.8D000200100032 * * N,TOF * 0 - 160 * 6.8-12 D000200100033 PERRY+ * 4 * N,LONG CTR * 0 - 170 * 1.5-5.5 D000200100034 WILSON+ * 12 * N,COUNT.TEL.* 0 * 5 - 13.4D000200100035 * * N,STILBEN * 0 - 160 * 5 - 12.9D000200100036 GOLDBERG+ * 5 * N,TOF * 0 - 160 * 3.4-12.4D000200100037 MCDANIELS+ * 8 * N,TOF * 0 * 4 - 15.5D000200100038 * * N,TOF * 0 - 130 * 6 -16 D000200100039 * * N,TOF * 110-150 * 6 -16 D000200100040 KUZ'MIN+ * 13 * N,TOF * 0 * 6.6-15.3D000200100041 ALLAS+ * 14 * HE3, SI * 50 -150 *13.6-32.8D000200100042 MOSTAFA * 15 * N,LONG CTR * 20 -150 * 9.5 D000200100043 --- zero-degree breakup data --- D000200100044 HOLBROW+ * 16 * N,TOF * 0 *12, 13 D000200100045 WILSON+ * 12 * N,COUNT.TEL.* 0 * 11.9 D000200100046 KUZ'MIN+ * 13 * N,TOF * 0 *11.9-15.3D000200100047 THIS WORK * * N,TOF * 0 *10.8-14.8D000200100048 ---------------------------------------------------- D000200100049 REL-REF (E,,N.A.VLASOV+,J,JET,1,500,1955) Ref.no. 1. D000200100050 (E,A1135001,L.STEWART+,J,BAP,1,93,1956) Ref.no. 2. D000200100051 (E,,G.F.BOGDANOV+,J,JET,9,440,1959) Ref.no. 3. D000200100052 (E,,J.E.PERRY+,C,59LONDON,2,583,1959) Ref.no. 4. D000200100053 (E,,M.D.GOLDBERG+,J,PR,122,1510,1961) Ref.no. 5. D000200100054 (E,,B.ANTOLKOVIC+,J,PRL,23,477,1966) Ref.no. 6. D000200100055 (E,,B.ANTOLKOVIC+,J,PR,158,777,1967) REF.NO. 7. D000200100056 (E,,D.K.MCDANIELS+,J,PR/C,6,1593,1972) Ref.no. 8. D000200100057 (E,,N.JARMIE+,J,PR/C,16,15,1977) Ref.no. 9. D000200100058 (E,,N.JARMIE+,W,JARMIE,1976) ALSO(1971). Ref.no. 10. D000200100059 (E,,J.L.DETCH+,J,PR/C,4,52,1971)Ref.no.11,revised by 10D000200100060 (E,,W.E.WILSON+,J,NP,27,421,1961) Ref.no. 12. D000200100061 (E,,E.A.KUZ'MIN+,R,LA-TR-73-32,1973) Ref.no. 13. D000200100062 (E,,R.G.ALLAS+,J,PR/C,9,787,1974) Ref.no. 14. D000200100063 (E,,A.B.M.G.MOSTAFA,J,NIM,129,251,1975) Ref.no.15. D000200100064 (E,,C.H.HOLBROW+,J,BAP,6,429,1961) Ref.no 16. D000200100065 (E,D0002001,M.Drosg,J,NSE,67,190,1978) This work. D000200100066 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Scale error D000200100067 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from Nucl.Sci.Eng.,67(1978)190. D000200100068 --- Contents of D0002 --- D000200100069 SUBENTRIES D000200100070 .002 (EVL) 0 deg X-section, 4-16MeV lab. sys. D000200100071 .003 (EVL) Diff. X-section,10-16MeV lab. sys. D000200100072 .004 (EVL) Diff. X-section, 13.6MeV cms D000200100073 .005 (EVL) Leg.coeff. , 5-20MeV cms D000200100074 .006 (EVL) 0,180 deg.sigma, 5-20MeV cms D000200100075 .007 (EVL) int(total)sigma,5-20MeV cms D000200100076 (APRVD) Approved by M.Drosg, 1979/03/06.(with comments)D000200100077 HISTORY (19790105C) KO. D000200100078 (19970428U) HW.- corrections in reaction code in SUBENTD000200100079 002 - 004 AND 006.- D000200100080 (19980717U) HW- Author and institute codes corrected. D000200100081 (20060330U) corrected: 4-dig. year, lower cases D000200100082 ENDBIB 80 0 D000200100083 COMMON 1 3 D000200100084 ERR-SYS D000200100085 PER-CENT D000200100086 1.5 D000200100087 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D000200100088 ENDSUBENT 87 0 D000200199999 SUBENT D0002002 20060506 D046D000200200001 BIB 7 19 D000200200002 REACTION (1-H-3(P,N)2-HE-3,,DA,,,EVAL) D000200200003 ANALYSIS The present results, and the revised Mcdaniels' resultsD000200200004 (time of flights and counter telescope) by the author D000200200005 are combined and evaluated. D000200200006 ASSUMED (ASSUM,1-H-3(P,N)2-HE-3,,DA,N) D000200200007 combined value,(see 'ANALYSIS') D000200200008 FLAG (1.) Evaluation below e(p)=7MeV is not final because D000200200009 author's recent result ''on the H-3(p,n)He-3 differen- D000200200010 tial cross-sections below 5 MeV'' (priv.comm.from DrosgD000200200011 1979/02/22. see EXFOR D0013. ) gives disagreement withD000200200012 the recommended data at 4 MeV by the order of 20% D000200200013 REL-REF (E,D0005002,M.Drosg,J,NSE,67,190,1978) Present result D000200200014 (E,D0008002,D.K.MCDANIELS+,J,PR/C,6,1953,1972) Revised.D000200200015 (E,D0013001,M.Drosg,W,Drosg,19790222) For below 7MeV. D000200200016 STATUS (DEP,D0005002) D000200200017 (DEP,D0008002) D000200200018 (DEP,D0013001) for'FLAG' see 'ANALYSIS'. D000200200019 (TABLE) Data taken from table II D000200200020 HISTORY (19970428U) HW.- N deleted from SF7.- D000200200021 ENDBIB 19 0 D000200200022 COMMON 1 3 D000200200023 ANG D000200200024 ADEG D000200200025 0. D000200200026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D000200200027 DATA 5 16 D000200200028 EN DATA ASSUM ASSUM-ERR FLAG D000200200029 MEV MB/SR MB/SR PER-CENT NO-DIM D000200200030 4.00 99.5 95.5 2.5 1. D000200200031 5.00 68.6 68.9 2.3 1. D000200200032 6.00 47.6 47.0 2.2 1. D000200200033 7.00 34.6 34.9 1.0 D000200200034 8.00 28.3 28.1 0.9 D000200200035 8.60 26.5 26.2 1.5 D000200200036 9.00 26.2 26.6 0.9 D000200200037 10.00 27.4 27.1 0.8 D000200200038 11.00 29.8 30.0 0.9 D000200200039 12.00 32.8 32.7 0.8 D000200200040 13.00 36.0 36.3 1.1 D000200200041 13.60 38.0 38.1 1.0 D000200200042 14.00 39.2 39.0 1.2 D000200200043 15.00 42.0 41.8 1.2 D000200200044 15.50 43.2 42.2 2.3 D000200200045 16.00 44.4 44.1 2.2 D000200200046 ENDDATA 18 0 D000200200047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 D000200299999 SUBENT D0002003 20060406 D046D000200300001 BIB 7 25 D000200300002 REACTION (1-H-3(P,N)2-HE-3,,DA,,,EVAL) D000200300003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR1) Differential error. D000200300004 COMMENT === Compiler's note === D000200300005 The author has pointed out that this is not real D000200300006 evaluation. however, we consider this as a comprehen- D000200300007 sive data set with mixture of evaluated data. D000200300008 FLAG (1.) All data attribute to the present experiment and D000200300009 work by Mcdaniels et al. (combined data,informed by D000200300010 M.Drosg,1979/03/07.) D000200300011 (2.) Except present exp.at 13MeV, Mcdaniels' revised D000200300012 values are taken. D000200300013 (3.) Except present exp.at 13MeV and an evaluation at D000200300014 14MeV, Mcdaniels' revised values are taken. D000200300015 (4.) EXcept present exp.at 13MeV and the evaluations atD000200300016 14- and 15-MeV, Mcdaniels' revised values are taken. D000200300017 REL-REF (E,D0005001,M.Drosg,J,NSE,67,190,1978) Present result, D000200300018 see 'FLAG' D000200300019 (E,D0008001,D.K.MCDANIELS+,J,PR/C,6,1953,1972) Revised D000200300020 Drosg. D000200300021 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from table III D000200300022 Data at 50 degr.and with 13.0 MeV are again compiled asD000200300023 exp.data (actually these are the combined data with theD000200300024 work by Mcdaniels et al., note from Drosg,1979/03/07) D000200300025 see D0005.002 and .006. D000200300026 HISTORY (19970428U) HW.- N deleted from SF7.- D000200300027 ENDBIB 25 0 D000200300028 COMMON 1 3 D000200300029 DATA-ERR2 D000200300030 PER-CENT D000200300031 1.5 D000200300032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D000200300033 DATA 5 105 D000200300034 EN ANG DATA DATA-ERR1 FLAG D000200300035 MEV ADEG MB/SR PER-CENT NO-DIM D000200300036 10. 0. 27.11 0.8 1. D000200300037 10. 10. 25.26 2. D000200300038 10. 20. 21.50 2. D000200300039 10. 30. 19.19 2. D000200300040 10. 40. 18.86 2. D000200300041 10. 50. 19.20 1.3 1. D000200300042 10. 60. 18.10 2. D000200300043 10. 70. 14.92 2. D000200300044 10. 80. 11.36 2. D000200300045 10. 90. 8.89 3. D000200300046 10. 100. 8.34 4. D000200300047 10. 110. 9.83 4. D000200300048 10. 120. 12.72 D000200300049 10. 130. 16.17 D000200300050 10. 140. 19.48 D000200300051 11. 0. 30.02 0.9 1. D000200300052 11. 10. 27.84 2. D000200300053 11. 20. 21.42 2. D000200300054 11. 30. 17.79 2. D000200300055 11. 40. 17.21 2. D000200300056 11. 50. 17.95 1.4 1. D000200300057 11. 60. 17.46 2. D000200300058 11. 70. 14.98 2. D000200300059 11. 80. 11.40 2. D000200300060 11. 90. 8.26 3. D000200300061 11. 100. 7.23 4. D000200300062 11. 110. 8.11 4. D000200300063 11. 120. 10.50 D000200300064 11. 130. 13.62 D000200300065 11. 140. 16.74 D000200300066 12. 0. 32.69 0.8 1. D000200300067 12. 10. 29.25 2. D000200300068 12. 20. 22.47 2. D000200300069 12. 30. 17.14 2. D000200300070 12. 40. 15.86 2. D000200300071 12. 50. 16.90 1.6 1. D000200300072 12. 60. 16.67 2. D000200300073 12. 70. 14.84 2. D000200300074 12. 80. 11.29 2. D000200300075 12. 90. 8.17 3. D000200300076 12. 100. 6.63 4. D000200300077 12. 110. 6.96 4. D000200300078 12. 120. 8.77 D000200300079 12. 130. 11.56 D000200300080 12. 140. 14.45 D000200300081 13. 0. 36.30 1.1 1. D000200300082 13. 10. 32.03 1.5 2. D000200300083 13. 20. 23.22 1.5 2. D000200300084 13. 30. 17.33 1.5 2. D000200300085 13. 40. 15.16 1.5 2. D000200300086 13. 50. 15.28 1.3 1. D000200300087 13. 60. 15.54 1.5 2. D000200300088 13. 70. 13.75 1.5 2. D000200300089 13. 80. 10.94 1.7 2. D000200300090 13. 90. 7.38 2.4 3. D000200300091 13. 100. 5.76 2.2 4. D000200300092 13. 110. 5.85 2.7 4. D000200300093 13. 120. 7.34 D000200300094 13. 130. 9.83 D000200300095 13. 140. 12.49 D000200300096 14. 0. 39.04 1.2 1. D000200300097 14. 10. 34.44 2. D000200300098 14. 20. 25.41 2. D000200300099 14. 30. 17.05 2. D000200300100 14. 40. 14.20 2. D000200300101 14. 50. 14.24 1.4 1. D000200300102 14. 60. 14.51 2. D000200300103 14. 70. 13.19 2. D000200300104 14. 80. 10.35 2. D000200300105 14. 90. 7.19 3. D000200300106 14. 100. 5.13 4. D000200300107 14. 110. 4.84 4. D000200300108 14. 120. 6.13 D000200300109 14. 130. 8.33 D000200300110 14. 140. 10.76 D000200300111 15. 0. 41.79 1.2 1. D000200300112 15. 10. 36.73 2. D000200300113 15. 20. 26.48 2. D000200300114 15. 30. 16.83 2. D000200300115 15. 40. 12.98 2. D000200300116 15. 50. 13.31 1.7 1. D000200300117 15. 60. 13.39 2. D000200300118 15. 70. 12.21 2. D000200300119 15. 80. 9.63 2. D000200300120 15. 90. 6.61 3. D000200300121 15. 100. 4.52 4. D000200300122 15. 110. 4.09 4. D000200300123 15. 120. 5.14 D000200300124 15. 130. 7.06 D000200300125 15. 140. 9.25 D000200300126 16. 0. 44.12 2.2 1. D000200300127 16. 10. 38.29 2. D000200300128 16. 20. 27.60 2. D000200300129 16. 30. 17.24 2. D000200300130 16. 40. 13.26 2. D000200300131 16. 50. 12.18 2.0 1. D000200300132 16. 60. 12.82 2. D000200300133 16. 70. 11.26 2. D000200300134 16. 80. 8.98 2. D000200300135 16. 90. 5.90 3. D000200300136 16. 100. 3.97 4. D000200300137 16. 110. 3.48 4. D000200300138 16. 120. 4.30 D000200300139 16. 130. 5.99 D000200300140 16. 140. 7.96 D000200300141 ENDDATA 107 0 D000200300142 ENDSUBENT 141 0 D000200399999 SUBENT D0002004 20060406 D046D000200400001 BIB 6 14 D000200400002 REACTION (1-H-3(P,N)2-HE-3,,DA,,,EVAL) D000200400003 ANALYSIS Above mentioned 3 references were combined D000200400004 ASSUMED (ASSUM,1-H-3(P,N)2-HE-3,,DA,N) D000200400005 Combined value of 3 references. D000200400006 REL-REF (E,D0005003,M.Drosg,J,NSE,67,190,1978) D000200400007 (E,D0007005,N.JARMIE+,J,PR/C,16,15,1977) Revised. D000200400008 (E,D0010003,R.G.ALLAS+,J,PR/C,9,787,1974) Some data werD000200400009 not used for evaluation, because cited errors seem to D000200400010 be too optimistic. D000200400011 STATUS (DEP,D0005003) D000200400012 (DEP,D0007005) D000200400013 (DEP,D0010003) D000200400014 (TABLE) Data taken from table IV D000200400015 HISTORY (19970428U) HW.- N deleted from SF7.- D000200400016 ENDBIB 14 0 D000200400017 COMMON 1 3 D000200400018 EN D000200400019 MEV D000200400020 13.60 D000200400021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D000200400022 DATA 4 15 D000200400023 ANG-CM DATA-CM ASSUM ASSUM-ERR D000200400024 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR PER-CENT D000200400025 0.0 20.80 20.89 1.0 D000200400026 13.5 18.51 18.52 0.9 D000200400027 26.8 13.78 13.71 1.0 D000200400028 40.1 10.12 10.32 1.2 D000200400029 52.9 9.20 9.01 1.0 D000200400030 65.6 10.06 10.02 0.8 D000200400031 77.2 11.10 11.12 0.7 D000200400032 87.6 11.27 11.22 0.8 D000200400033 98.0 10.26 10.29 0.7 D000200400034 108.4 8.34 8.35 0.7 D000200400035 118.6 6.71 6.74 0.6 D000200400036 128.9 7.18 7.25 0.7 D000200400037 139.2 11.25 11.17 0.9 D000200400038 149.4 19.01 19.04 1.1 D000200400039 155.5 24.74 24.82 2.0 D000200400040 ENDDATA 17 0 D000200400041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 D000200499999 SUBENT D0002005 20060406 D046D000200500001 BIB 4 15 D000200500002 REACTION (1-H-3(P,N)2-HE-3,,DA,,LEG/RS,EVAL) D000200500003 Recommended values for legendre coefficients D000200500004 ANALYSIS Energy dependent analysis using smooth 180 degr. valuesD000200500005 from truly independent measurements, D000200500006 the shape error is estimated to be D000200500007 less than +- 3% between 6 and 14 MeV, D000200500008 increasing to about +-5% at 16 MeV, and D000200500009 to about +-10 % at 20 MeV. D000200500010 FLAG (1.) Evaluation below E(p)=7 MeV is not final, because D000200500011 author's recent result ''on the H-3(p,n)He-3 differen- D000200500012 tial cross-sections below 5 MeV'' (priv.comm.from DrosgD000200500013 1979/02/22. see EXFOR D0013. ) gives disagreement withD000200500014 the recommended data by the order of 20 percent both D000200500015 in scale and shape. D000200500016 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from table XV D000200500017 ENDBIB 15 0 D000200500018 NOCOMMON 0 0 D000200500019 DATA 4 173 D000200500020 NUMBER-CM EN DATA-CM FLAG D000200500021 NO-DIM MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM D000200500022 0. 5.00 0.8520 1. D000200500023 0. 5.50 0.9073 1. D000200500024 0. 6.00 0.9714 1. D000200500025 0. 6.50 1.044 1. D000200500026 0. 7.00 1.1172 D000200500027 0. 7.50 1.164 D000200500028 0. 8.00 1.1855 D000200500029 0. 8.50 1.180 D000200500030 0. 9.00 1.1493 D000200500031 0. 9.50 1.0922 D000200500032 0. 10.00 1.0223 D000200500033 0. 11.00 0.8694 D000200500034 0. 12.00 0.7279 D000200500035 0. 13.00 0.6131 D000200500036 0. 13.60 0.5557 D000200500037 0. 14.00 0.5219 D000200500038 0. 15.00 0.4530 D000200500039 0. 16.00 0.3983 D000200500040 0. 18.00 0.323 D000200500041 0. 20.00 0.270 D000200500042 1. 5.00 -0.6446 1. D000200500043 1. 5.50 -0.7088 1. D000200500044 1. 6.00 -0.7709 1. D000200500045 1. 6.50 -0.831 1. D000200500046 1. 7.00 -0.8820 D000200500047 1. 7.50 -0.900 D000200500048 1. 8.00 -0.8870 D000200500049 1. 8.50 -0.844 D000200500050 1. 9.00 -0.7744 D000200500051 1. 9.50 -0.6807 D000200500052 1. 10.00 -0.5776 D000200500053 1. 11.00 -0.4012 D000200500054 1. 12.00 -0.2605 D000200500055 1. 13.00 -0.1527 D000200500056 1. 13.60 -0.0995 D000200500057 1. 14.00 -0.0684 D000200500058 1. 15.00 -0.0036 D000200500059 1. 16.00 0.0445 D000200500060 1. 18.00 0.110 D000200500061 1. 20.00 0.151 D000200500062 2. 5.00 1.0742 1. D000200500063 2. 5.50 1.1515 1. D000200500064 2. 6.00 1.2240 1. D000200500065 2. 6.50 1.284 1. D000200500066 2. 7.00 1.3227 D000200500067 2. 7.50 1.321 D000200500068 2. 8.00 1.2813 D000200500069 2. 8.50 1.208 D000200500070 2. 9.00 1.1035 D000200500071 2. 9.50 0.9720 D000200500072 2. 10.00 0.8383 D000200500073 2. 11.00 0.6318 D000200500074 2. 12.00 0.4948 D000200500075 2. 13.00 0.4052 D000200500076 2. 13.60 0.3661 D000200500077 2. 14.00 0.3437 D000200500078 2. 15.00 0.3023 D000200500079 2. 16.00 0.2761 D000200500080 2. 18.00 0.247 D000200500081 2. 20.00 0.230 D000200500082 3. 5.00 -0.3759 1. D000200500083 3. 5.50 -0.4994 1. D000200500084 3. 6.00 -0.6372 1. D000200500085 3. 6.50 -0.774 1. D000200500086 3. 7.00 -0.9023 D000200500087 3. 7.50 -0.997 D000200500088 3. 8.00 -1.0515 D000200500089 3. 8.50 -1.065 D000200500090 3. 9.00 -1.0323 D000200500091 3. 9.50 -0.9529 D000200500092 3. 10.00 -0.8554 D000200500093 3. 11.00 -0.6612 D000200500094 3. 12.00 -0.4891 D000200500095 3. 13.00 -0.3520 D000200500096 3. 13.60 -0.2874 D000200500097 3. 14.00 -0.2478 D000200500098 3. 15.00 -0.1725 D000200500099 3. 16.00 -0.1151 D000200500100 3. 18.00 -0.034 D000200500101 3. 20.00 0.024 D000200500102 4. 5.00 0.1116 1. D000200500103 4. 5.50 0.1732 1. D000200500104 4. 6.00 0.2448 1. D000200500105 4. 6.50 0.320 1. D000200500106 4. 7.00 0.3988 D000200500107 4. 7.50 0.477 D000200500108 4. 8.00 0.5446 D000200500109 4. 8.50 0.600 D000200500110 4. 9.00 0.6340 D000200500111 4. 9.50 0.6454 D000200500112 4. 10.00 0.6410 D000200500113 4. 11.00 0.6142 D000200500114 4. 12.00 0.5649 D000200500115 4. 13.00 0.5084 D000200500116 4. 13.60 0.4768 D000200500117 4. 14.00 0.4571 D000200500118 4. 15.00 0.4117 D000200500119 4. 16.00 0.3710 D000200500120 4. 18.00 0.311 D000200500121 4. 20.00 0.263 D000200500122 5. 5.00 -0.0214 1. D000200500123 5. 5.50 -0.0322 1. D000200500124 5. 6.00 -0.0440 1. D000200500125 5. 6.50 -0.058 1. D000200500126 5. 7.00 -0.0725 D000200500127 5. 7.50 -0.087 D000200500128 5. 8.00 -0.0994 D000200500129 5. 8.50 -0.110 D000200500130 5. 9.00 -0.1167 D000200500131 5. 9.50 -0.1175 D000200500132 5. 10.00 -0.1143 D000200500133 5. 11.00 -0.1054 D000200500134 5. 12.00 -0.0933 D000200500135 5. 13.00 -0.0809 D000200500136 5. 13.60 -0.0732 D000200500137 5. 14.00 -0.0677 D000200500138 5. 15.00 -0.0543 D000200500139 5. 16.00 -0.0423 D000200500140 5. 18.00 -0.024 D000200500141 5. 20.00 -0.007 D000200500142 6. 5.00 0.0090 1. D000200500143 6. 5.50 0.0162 1. D000200500144 6. 6.00 0.0223 1. D000200500145 6. 6.50 0.028 1. D000200500146 6. 7.00 0.0337 D000200500147 6. 7.50 0.039 D000200500148 6. 8.00 0.0446 D000200500149 6. 8.50 0.049 D000200500150 6. 9.00 0.0533 D000200500151 6. 9.50 0.0552 D000200500152 6. 10.00 0.0561 D000200500153 6. 11.00 0.0565 D000200500154 6. 12.00 0.0546 D000200500155 6. 13.00 0.0526 D000200500156 6. 13.60 0.0518 D000200500157 6. 14.00 0.0510 D000200500158 6. 15.00 0.0504 D000200500159 6. 16.00 0.0505 D000200500160 6. 18.00 0.052 D000200500161 6. 20.00 0.054 D000200500162 7. 5.00 -0.0049 1. D000200500163 7. 5.50 -0.0078 1. D000200500164 7. 6.00 -0.0104 1. D000200500165 7. 6.50 -0.013 1. D000200500166 7. 7.00 -0.0156 D000200500167 7. 7.50 -0.017 D000200500168 7. 8.00 -0.0181 D000200500169 7. 8.50 -0.018 D000200500170 7. 9.00 -0.0167 D000200500171 7. 9.50 -0.0137 D000200500172 7. 10.00 -0.0104 D000200500173 7. 11.00 -0.0041 D000200500174 7. 12.00 0.0007 D000200500175 7. 13.00 0.0049 D000200500176 7. 13.60 0.0068 D000200500177 7. 14.00 0.0081 D000200500178 7. 15.00 0.0108 D000200500179 7. 16.00 0.0133 D000200500180 7. 18.00 0.015 D000200500181 7. 20.00 0.016 D000200500182 8. 13.00 0.0014 D000200500183 8. 13.60 0.0029 D000200500184 8. 14.00 0.0039 D000200500185 8. 15.00 0.0069 D000200500186 8. 16.00 0.0095 D000200500187 8. 18.00 0.011 D000200500188 8. 20.00 0.014 D000200500189 9. 14.00 -0.0018 D000200500190 9. 15.00 -0.0047 D000200500191 9. 16.00 -0.0058 D000200500192 9. 18.00 -0.011 D000200500193 9. 20.00 -0.014 D000200500194 10. 20.00 -0.001 D000200500195 ENDDATA 175 0 D000200500196 ENDSUBENT 195 0 D000200599999 SUBENT D0002006 20060406 D046D000200600001 BIB 5 14 D000200600002 REACTION (1-H-3(P,N)2-HE-3,,DA,,,EVAL) D000200600003 ANALYSIS From truly independent measurements, D000200600004 the shape error is estimated to be D000200600005 less than +- 3 percent between 6 and 14 MeV, D000200600006 increasing to about +-5 percent at 16 MeV, and D000200600007 to about +-10 percent at 20 MeV. D000200600008 COMMENT Data(cms) at 0 deg.is repetition of .002(lab sys.) D000200600009 FLAG (1.) Evaluation below E(p)=7 MeV is not final, because D000200600010 author's recent result ''on the H-3(p,n)He-3 differen- D000200600011 tial cross-sections below 5 MeV'' (priv.comm.from DrosgD000200600012 1979/02/22. see EXFOR D0013. ) gives disagreement withD000200600013 the recommended data for 0(cms) at 5MeV by the order D000200600014 OF 12%. D000200600015 STATUS (TABLE) Data Taken from table XV D000200600016 ENDBIB 14 0 D000200600017 NOCOMMON 0 0 D000200600018 DATA 4 40 D000200600019 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM FLAG D000200600020 MEV ADEG MB/SR NO-DIM D000200600021 0. 5.00 36.24 1.0 D000200600022 0. 5.50 30.25 1.0 D000200600023 0. 6.00 25.42 1.0 D000200600024 0. 6.50 21.60 1.0 D000200600025 0. 7.00 18.63 D000200600026 0. 7.50 16.63 D000200600027 0. 8.00 15.31 D000200600028 0. 8.50 14.52 D000200600029 0. 9.00 14.22 D000200600030 0. 9.50 14.40 D000200600031 0. 10.00 14.93 D000200600032 0. 11.00 16.25 D000200600033 0. 12.00 17.94 D000200600034 0. 13.00 19.73 D000200600035 0. 13.60 20.79 D000200600036 0. 14.00 21.50 D000200600037 0. 15.00 23.02 D000200600038 0. 16.00 24.38 D000200600039 0. 18.00 26.2 D000200600040 0. 20.00 27.6 D000200600041 180. 5.00 112.1 1.0 D000200600042 180. 5.50 105.8 1.0 D000200600043 180. 6.00 99.8 1.0 D000200600044 180. 6.50 94.0 1.0 D000200600045 180. 7.00 88.4 D000200600046 180. 7.50 83.2 D000200600047 180. 8.00 78.3 D000200600048 180. 8.50 73.7 D000200600049 180. 9.00 69.4 D000200600050 180. 9.50 65.3 D000200600051 180. 10.00 61.4 D000200600052 180. 11.00 54.3 D000200600053 180. 12.00 48.2 D000200600054 180. 13.00 42.7 D000200600055 180. 13.60 39.6 D000200600056 180. 14.00 37.7 D000200600057 180. 15.00 33.3 D000200600058 180. 16.00 29.5 D000200600059 180. 18.00 23.2 D000200600060 180. 20.00 18.2 D000200600061 ENDDATA 42 0 D000200600062 ENDSUBENT 61 0 D000200699999 SUBENT D0002007 20060406 D046D000200700001 BIB 3 9 D000200700002 REACTION (1-H-3(P,N)2-HE-3,,SIG,,,EVAL) D000200700003 Recommended value for total cross-section. D000200700004 FLAG (1.) Evaluation below E(p)=7 MeV is not final, because D000200700005 author's recent result ''on the H-3(p,n)He-3 differen- D000200700006 tial cross-sections below 5 MeV'' (priv.comm.from DrosgD000200700007 1979/02/22. see EXFOR D0013. ) gives disagreement withD000200700008 the recommended data at 5MeV by the order of 8 percent.D000200700009 (2.) by interpolation. D000200700010 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from table XV D000200700011 ENDBIB 9 0 D000200700012 NOCOMMON 0 0 D000200700013 DATA 3 20 D000200700014 EN DATA FLAG D000200700015 MEV MB NO-DIM D000200700016 5.00 388.0 1. D000200700017 5.50 344.9 1. D000200700018 6.00 310.4 1. D000200700019 6.50 283.4 1. D000200700020 7.00 261.5 D000200700021 7.50 243.2 2. D000200700022 8.00 228.2 D000200700023 8.50 215.4 2. D000200700024 9.00 205.4 D000200700025 9.50 197.6 D000200700026 10.00 191.8 D000200700027 11.00 177.5 D000200700028 12.00 164.1 D000200700029 13.00 152.0 D000200700030 13.60 145.2 D000200700031 14.00 141.0 D000200700032 15.00 131.0 D000200700033 16.00 122.0 D000200700034 18.00 106.3 D000200700035 20.00 93.6 2. D000200700036 ENDDATA 22 0 D000200700037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 D000200799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 D000299999999