ENTRY D0052 20230209 D138D005200000001 SUBENT D0052001 20230209 D138D005200100001 BIB 11 26 D005200100002 TITLE Investigation of the 58Ni(p,p+n)57Ni monitor reaction D005200100003 AUTHOR (F.Tarkanyi, F.Szelecsenyi, P.Kopecky) D005200100004 INSTITUTE (3HUNDEB,3CZRUJF) D005200100005 REFERENCE (P,ATOMKI-AR-1989,2,1989) D005200100006 FACILITY (CYCLO,3HUNDEB) MGC-20E cyclotron for 18 MeV D005200100007 (CYCLO,3CZRUJF) U-120M cyclotron for 30 and 22 MeV D005200100008 (CYCLO,2GERJUL) CV-28 cyclotron for 22 MeV D005200100009 SAMPLE High purity natural Ni foils of 10 and 25 um D005200100010 INC-SOURCE uncertainties in energy are 0.5 - 0.8 MeV in the whole D005200100011 measured region. D005200100012 METHOD (EXTB) D005200100013 (STTA) The Ni stacks were interspersed with 8 and D005200100014 22 um. Thin Cu foils to degrade the beam energy and to D005200100015 determine in each foil the beam intensity and to D005200100016 control the proton energy. D005200100017 (ACTIV) The direct measurement of the beam currents D005200100018 were done by a Faraday cup. D005200100019 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,10.,15.) The errors in cross sections were D005200100020 estimated to be 10-15% D005200100021 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Atomki annual report,1989,pag3, D005200100022 HISTORY (19900426C) vof.- D005200100023 (20060726A) BIB section upgraded D005200100024 (20210928A) VS. SF3=X in 002. 3CSRUJV -> 3CZRUJF D005200100025 ERR-ANALYS: coded information added. D005200100026 (20230209U) VT+On. REFERENCE: R,ATOMKI-AR-1989-> D005200100027 P,ATOMKI-AR-1989 replaced. D005200100028 ENDBIB 26 0 D005200100029 NOCOMMON 0 0 D005200100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 D005200199999 SUBENT D0052002 20210929 D132D005200200001 BIB 3 6 D005200200002 REACTION (28-NI-58(P,X)28-NI-57,,SIG) D005200200003 COMMENT compiler's note: D005200200004 it is not known from the paper why the point En=20.0 D005200200005 MeV was measured twice. D005200200006 HISTORY (19900515U) VOF.-compiler's note added.- D005200200007 (20210928A) VS. SF3=X c.f. Memo CP-D/0999. D005200200008 ENDBIB 6 0 D005200200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 D005200200010 DATA 2 40 D005200200011 EN DATA D005200200012 MEV MB D005200200013 14.4 3.6 D005200200014 14.8 5.6 D005200200015 15.0 7.4 D005200200016 15.7 22.3 D005200200017 16.0 23.1 D005200200018 16.2 29.5 D005200200019 16.8 56.5 D005200200020 17.1 64.7 D005200200021 17.3 67.6 D005200200022 17.7 82.0 D005200200023 17.9 100. D005200200024 18.2 119. D005200200025 18.4 111. D005200200026 19.0 141. D005200200027 19.1 129. D005200200028 19.3 148. D005200200029 19.5 149. D005200200030 20.0 167. D005200200031 20.0 176. D005200200032 20.3 174. D005200200033 20.5 171. D005200200034 20.9 198. D005200200035 21.0 190. D005200200036 21.2 193. D005200200037 21.4 191. D005200200038 21.5 223. D005200200039 22.1 208. D005200200040 22.6 225. D005200200041 23.4 220. D005200200042 24.0 247. D005200200043 24.5 253. D005200200044 25.3 262. D005200200045 25.8 273. D005200200046 26.3 272. D005200200047 27.0 270. D005200200048 27.5 282. D005200200049 27.9 267. D005200200050 28.7 259. D005200200051 29.1 244. D005200200052 29.6 251. D005200200053 ENDDATA 42 0 D005200200054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 D005200299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 D005299999999