ENTRY D0065 20210929 D132D006500000001 SUBENT D0065001 20210929 D132D006500100001 BIB 14 30 D006500100002 TITLE Analysis of the excitation function of alpha-particle- D006500100003 induced reactions on natural silver D006500100004 AUTHOR (H.B.Patel, M.S.Gadkari, Bhruna Dave, N.L.Singh, D006500100005 S.Mukherjee) D006500100006 INSTITUTE (3INDBDA) D006500100007 REFERENCE (J,CJP,74,618,1996) D006500100008 FACILITY (CYCLO,3INDVEC) Variable energy cyclotron D006500100009 SAMPLE Spectroscopically pure (99.99%) silver foil of D006500100010 suitable thickness 21 mg/cm2 was interspersed with D006500100011 aluminium foil of suitable thickness that acted as D006500100012 an energy degrader. D006500100013 DETECTOR (GELI) 95 cm3 Ge(Li) D006500100014 METHOD (ACTIV,STTA) D006500100015 MONITOR (13-AL-27(A,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) D006500100016 The incident alpha-particle flux was derived by D006500100017 measuring the activity of 24Na in the aluminium foil. D006500100018 MONIT-REF (B0174001,H.J.Probst+,J,ARI,27,431,1976) D006500100019 REL-REF (R,,C.M.Lederer+,B,LEDERER-7,,,1978) D006500100020 Decay data of reaction and monitor products D006500100021 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Contributions to the total error are: D006500100022 (MONIT-ERR) monitor cross section (6%) D006500100023 (ERR-1,3.,4.) photopeak efficiency (3-4%) D006500100024 (ERR-2,1.,5.) photopeak (1-5%) D006500100025 (ERR-3,1.,2.) uniformity of foil thickness (1-2%) D006500100026 (ERR-4,0.02,2.4) spectroscopy data (0.02-2.4%) D006500100027 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Can.J.Phys.74(1996)618 D006500100028 HISTORY (20031124C) SD D006500100029 (20110813A) On. DECAY-DATA, DECAY-MON -> REL-REF D006500100030 (20210928A) VS. Left-hand side of the reaction code D006500100031 deleted subentries 003-006. D006500100032 ENDBIB 30 0 D006500100033 COMMON 1 3 D006500100034 MONIT-ERR D006500100035 PER-CENT D006500100036 6. D006500100037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D006500100038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 D006500199999 SUBENT D0065002 20031121 0000D006500200001 BIB 1 1 D006500200002 REACTION (47-AG-109(A,2N)49-IN-111,,SIG) D006500200003 ENDBIB 1 0 D006500200004 NOCOMMON 0 0 D006500200005 DATA 3 10 D006500200006 EN DATA ERR-T D006500200007 MEV MB MB D006500200008 20.9 740.0 56.0 D006500200009 23.8 1186.0 89.6 D006500200010 29.7 910.0 68.8 D006500200011 35.6 272.0 21.1 D006500200012 41.1 138.0 10.7 D006500200013 45.9 78.4 6.1 D006500200014 51.0 46.8 3.6 D006500200015 56.7 32.8 2.6 D006500200016 61.4 23.6 1.9 D006500200017 66.1 18.4 1.5 D006500200018 ENDDATA 12 0 D006500200019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 D006500299999 SUBENT D0065003 20210929 D132D006500300001 BIB 2 3 D006500300002 REACTION (47-AG-0(A,X)49-IN-110-M,,SIG) D006500300003 HISTORY (20210928A) VS. Left-hand side of the reaction code D006500300004 deleted c.f. Memo CP-D/0954. D006500300005 ENDBIB 3 0 D006500300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 D006500300007 DATA 3 10 D006500300008 EN DATA ERR-T D006500300009 MEV MB MB D006500300010 20.9 110.0 9.6 D006500300011 23.8 59.2 5.2 D006500300012 29.7 330.0 28.9 D006500300013 35.6 762.0 66.7 D006500300014 41.1 625.0 54.7 D006500300015 45.9 340.0 29.7 D006500300016 51.0 190.0 16.6 D006500300017 56.7 108.0 9.4 D006500300018 61.4 71.2 6.2 D006500300019 66.1 45.8 4.0 D006500300020 ENDDATA 12 0 D006500300021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 D006500399999 SUBENT D0065004 20210929 D132D006500400001 BIB 2 3 D006500400002 REACTION (47-AG-0(A,X)49-IN-109,,SIG) D006500400003 HISTORY (20210928A) VS. Left-hand side of the reaction code D006500400004 deleted c.f. Memo CP-D/0954. D006500400005 ENDBIB 3 0 D006500400006 NOCOMMON 0 0 D006500400007 DATA 3 10 D006500400008 EN DATA ERR-T D006500400009 MEV MB MB D006500400010 20.9 560.0 47.6 D006500400011 23.8 982.0 83.5 D006500400012 29.7 840.0 71.5 D006500400013 35.6 274.0 23.3 D006500400014 41.1 291.0 24.8 D006500400015 45.9 706.0 60.1 D006500400016 51.0 760.0 64.7 D006500400017 56.7 565.0 48.1 D006500400018 61.4 372.0 31.6 D006500400019 66.1 210.0 17.9 D006500400020 ENDDATA 12 0 D006500400021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 D006500499999 SUBENT D0065005 20210929 D132D006500500001 BIB 2 3 D006500500002 REACTION (47-AG-0(A,X)47-AG-106-M,,SIG) D006500500003 HISTORY (20210928A) VS. Left-hand side of the reaction code D006500500004 deleted c.f. Memo CP-D/0954. D006500500005 ENDBIB 3 0 D006500500006 NOCOMMON 0 0 D006500500007 DATA 3 9 D006500500008 EN DATA ERR-T D006500500009 MEV MB MB D006500500010 23.8 8.8 0.8 D006500500011 29.7 31.0 2.7 D006500500012 35.6 46.2 4.1 D006500500013 41.1 32.0 2.8 D006500500014 45.9 40.6 3.6 D006500500015 51.0 72.0 6.4 D006500500016 56.7 104.0 8.8 D006500500017 61.4 128.0 10.9 D006500500018 66.1 140.0 11.9 D006500500019 ENDDATA 11 0 D006500500020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 D006500599999 SUBENT D0065006 20210929 D132D006500600001 BIB 2 3 D006500600002 REACTION (47-AG-0(A,X)47-AG-105,CUM,SIG) D006500600003 HISTORY (20210928A) VS. Left-hand side of the reaction code D006500600004 deleted c.f. Memo CP-D/0954. SF5=CUM added. D006500600005 ENDBIB 3 0 D006500600006 NOCOMMON 0 0 D006500600007 DATA 3 7 D006500600008 EN DATA ERR-T D006500600009 MEV MB MB D006500600010 35.6 20.2 2.2 D006500600011 41.1 117.0 12.6 D006500600012 45.9 190.0 20.4 D006500600013 51.0 92.0 9.9 D006500600014 56.7 102.0 10.9 D006500600015 61.4 151.0 16.2 D006500600016 66.1 192.0 20.7 D006500600017 ENDDATA 9 0 D006500600018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 D006500699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 D006599999999