ENTRY            D0148   20190709                             D122D014800000001 
SUBENT        D0148001   20190709                             D122D014800100001 
BIB                  9         13                                 D014800100002 
TITLE      Preparation of carrier-free radioactive thallium       D014800100003 
            for medical use                                       D014800100004 
AUTHOR     (D.Comar, C.Crouzel)                                   D014800100005 
INSTITUTE  (2FR SAC) CEA Department of Biology, Service           D014800100006 
            Hospitalier Frederic Joliot                           D014800100007 
REFERENCE  (J,RRL,23,131,1975)                                    D014800100008 
METHOD     (CHSEP)                                                D014800100009 
DETECTOR   (GELI)                                                 D014800100010 
ERR-ANALYS No information on the uncertainty                      D014800100011 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of Radiochem.Radioanal.Lett.23(1975)131D014800100012 
HISTORY    (20040717C) SD                                         D014800100013 
           (20160518A) VS. Major revisions in all data subentries.D014800100014 
           (20190709U) On. HISTORY(20160518A) updated.            D014800100015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 D014800100016 
COMMON               1          3                                 D014800100017 
TIME-IRRD                                                         D014800100018 
HR                                                                D014800100019 
 1.                                                               D014800100020 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D014800100021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 D014800199999 
SUBENT        D0148002   20160518                             D104D014800200001 
BIB                  5         12                                 D014800200002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(D,X)81-TL-199,,TTY,,EOB)                      D014800200003 
DECAY-DATA (81-TL-199,7.4HR)                                      D014800200004 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2UK HHL) 15 MeV deuterons Cyclotron or          D014800200005 
           (VDGT,2FR SAC) 15 MeV deuterons Van de Graaf tandem    D014800200006 
SAMPLE     The irradiated substances consisted of red mercury     D014800200007 
           oxide containing less than 1 ppm iron, and             D014800200008 
           high-purity (99.999%) metallic mercury. The red oxide  D014800200009 
           was deposited on a scored aluminium plate (grooves     D014800200010 
           1mm wide, 1 mm deep and 0.5 mm apart). About 2 g of    D014800200011 
           powder are packed onto a surface of 40 cm2 then        D014800200012 
           covered with a 10 u-m thick aluminium film.            D014800200013 
HISTORY    (20160518A) VS. SF8: DT->EOB.                          D014800200014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 D014800200015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D014800200016 
DATA                 2          1                                 D014800200017 
EN         DATA                                                   D014800200018 
MEV        MUCI/MUA                                               D014800200019 
 15.         410.                                                 D014800200020 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 D014800200021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 D014800299999 
SUBENT        D0148003   20160518                             D104D014800300001 
BIB                  5         12                                 D014800300002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(D,X)81-TL-200,,TTY,,EOB)                      D014800300003 
DECAY-DATA (81-TL-200,1.4D)                                       D014800300004 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2UK HHL) 15 MeV deuterons Cyclotron or          D014800300005 
           (VDGT,2FR SAC) 15 MeV deuterons Van de Graaf tandem    D014800300006 
SAMPLE     The irradiated substances consisted of red mercury     D014800300007 
           oxide containing less than 1 ppm iron, and             D014800300008 
           high-purity (99.999%) metallic mercury. The red oxide  D014800300009 
           was deposited on a scored aluminium plate (grooves     D014800300010 
           1mm wide, 1 mm deep and 0.5 mm apart). About 2 g of    D014800300011 
           powder are packed onto a surface of 40 cm2 then        D014800300012 
           covered with a 10 u-m thick aluminium film.            D014800300013 
HISTORY    (20160518A) VS. SF8: DT->EOB.                          D014800300014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 D014800300015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D014800300016 
DATA                 2          1                                 D014800300017 
EN         DATA                                                   D014800300018 
MEV        MUCI/MUA                                               D014800300019 
 15.         233.                                                 D014800300020 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 D014800300021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 D014800399999 
SUBENT        D0148004   20160518                             D104D014800400001 
BIB                  5         12                                 D014800400002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(D,X)81-TL-201,,TTY,,EOB)                      D014800400003 
DECAY-DATA (81-TL-201,3.08D)                                      D014800400004 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2UK HHL) 15 MeV deuterons Cyclotron or          D014800400005 
           (VDGT,2FR SAC) 15 MeV deuterons Van de Graaf tandem    D014800400006 
SAMPLE     The irradiated substances consisted of red mercury     D014800400007 
           oxide containing less than 1 ppm iron, and             D014800400008 
           high-purity (99.999%) metallic mercury. The red oxide  D014800400009 
           was deposited on a scored aluminium plate (grooves     D014800400010 
           1mm wide, 1 mm deep and 0.5 mm apart). About 2 g of    D014800400011 
           powder are packed onto a surface of 40 cm2 then        D014800400012 
           covered with a 10 u-m thick aluminium film.            D014800400013 
HISTORY    (20160518A) VS. SF8: DT->EOB.                          D014800400014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 D014800400015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D014800400016 
DATA                 2          1                                 D014800400017 
EN         DATA                                                   D014800400018 
MEV        MUCI/MUA                                               D014800400019 
 15.         84.                                                  D014800400020 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 D014800400021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 D014800499999 
SUBENT        D0148005   20160518                             D104D014800500001 
BIB                  5         13                                 D014800500002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(D,X)81-TL-202,,TTY,,EOB)                      D014800500003 
DECAY-DATA (81-TL-202,12.D)                                       D014800500004 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2UK HHL) 15 MeV deuterons Cyclotron or          D014800500005 
           (VDGT,2FR SAC) 15 MeV deuterons Van de Graaf tandem    D014800500006 
SAMPLE     The irradiated substances consisted of red mercury     D014800500007 
           oxide containing less than 1 ppm iron, and             D014800500008 
           high-purity (99.999%) metallic mercury. The red oxide  D014800500009 
           was deposited on a scored aluminium plate (grooves     D014800500010 
           1mm wide, 1 mm deep and 0.5 mm apart). About 2 g of    D014800500011 
           powder are packed onto a surface of 40 cm2 then        D014800500012 
           covered with a 10 u-m thick aluminium film.            D014800500013 
HISTORY    (20160518A) VS. SF8: DT->EOB.                          D014800500014 
                 Decay data 81-TL-201->81-TL-202                  D014800500015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 D014800500016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D014800500017 
DATA                 2          1                                 D014800500018 
EN         DATA                                                   D014800500019 
MEV        MUCI/MUA                                               D014800500020 
 15.         21.                                                  D014800500021 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 D014800500022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 D014800599999 
SUBENT        D0148006   20160518                             D104D014800600001 
BIB                  5         12                                 D014800600002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(P,X)81-TL-199,,TTY,,EOB)                      D014800600003 
DECAY-DATA (81-TL-199,7.4HR)                                      D014800600004 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2FR SAC)50 and 14MeV protons Cyclotron or       D014800600005 
           (CYCLO,2FR CSN) compact Cyclotron                      D014800600006 
SAMPLE     The irradiated substances consisted of red mercury     D014800600007 
           oxide containing less than 1 ppm iron, and             D014800600008 
           high-purity (99.999%) metallic mercury. The red oxide  D014800600009 
           was deposited on a scored aluminium plate (grooves     D014800600010 
           1mm wide, 1 mm deep and 0.5 mm apart). About 2 g of    D014800600011 
           powder are packed onto a surface of 40 cm2 then        D014800600012 
           covered with a 10 u-m thick aluminium film.            D014800600013 
HISTORY    (20160518A) VS. SF8: DT->EOB.                          D014800600014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 D014800600015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D014800600016 
DATA                 2          2                                 D014800600017 
EN         DATA                                                   D014800600018 
MEV        MUCI/MUA                                               D014800600019 
  14.         250.                                                D014800600020 
  50.        2600.                                                D014800600021 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 D014800600022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 D014800699999 
SUBENT        D0148007   20160518                             D104D014800700001 
BIB                  5         12                                 D014800700002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(P,X)81-TL-200,,TTY,,EOB)                      D014800700003 
DECAY-DATA (81-TL-200,1.4D)                                       D014800700004 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2FR SAC)50 and 14MeV protons Cyclotron or       D014800700005 
           (CYCLO,2FR CSN) compact Cyclotron                      D014800700006 
SAMPLE     The irradiated substances consisted of red mercury     D014800700007 
           oxide containing less than 1 ppm iron, and             D014800700008 
           high-purity (99.999%) metallic mercury. The red oxide  D014800700009 
           was deposited on a scored aluminium plate (grooves     D014800700010 
           1mm wide, 1 mm deep and 0.5 mm apart). About 2 g of    D014800700011 
           powder are packed onto a surface of 40 cm2 then        D014800700012 
           covered with a 10 u-m thick aluminium film.            D014800700013 
HISTORY    (20160518A) VS. SF8: DT->EOB.                          D014800700014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 D014800700015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D014800700016 
DATA                 2          2                                 D014800700017 
EN         DATA                                                   D014800700018 
MEV        MUCI/MUA                                               D014800700019 
  14.          60.                                                D014800700020 
  50.         730.                                                D014800700021 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 D014800700022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 D014800799999 
SUBENT        D0148008   20160518                             D104D014800800001 
BIB                  5         12                                 D014800800002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(P,X)81-TL-201,,TTY,,EOB)                      D014800800003 
DECAY-DATA (81-TL-201,3.08D)                                      D014800800004 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2FR SAC)50 and 14MeV protons Cyclotron or       D014800800005 
           (CYCLO,2FR CSN) compact Cyclotron                      D014800800006 
SAMPLE     The irradiated substances consisted of red mercury     D014800800007 
           oxide containing less than 1 ppm iron, and             D014800800008 
           high-purity (99.999%) metallic mercury. The red oxide  D014800800009 
           was deposited on a scored aluminium plate (grooves     D014800800010 
           1mm wide, 1 mm deep and 0.5 mm apart). About 2 g of    D014800800011 
           powder are packed onto a surface of 40 cm2 then        D014800800012 
           covered with a 10 u-m thick aluminium film.            D014800800013 
HISTORY    (20160518A) VS. SF8: DT->EOB.                          D014800800014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 D014800800015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D014800800016 
DATA                 2          2                                 D014800800017 
EN         DATA                                                   D014800800018 
MEV        MUCI/MUA                                               D014800800019 
  14.          45.                                                D014800800020 
  50.         123.                                                D014800800021 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 D014800800022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 D014800899999 
SUBENT        D0148009   20160518                             D104D014800900001 
BIB                  5         13                                 D014800900002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(P,X)81-TL-202,,TTY,,EOB)                      D014800900003 
DECAY-DATA (81-TL-202,12.D)                                       D014800900004 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2FR SAC)50 and 14MeV protons Cyclotron or       D014800900005 
           (CYCLO,2FR CSN) compact Cyclotron                      D014800900006 
SAMPLE     The irradiated substances consisted of red mercury     D014800900007 
           oxide containing less than 1 ppm iron, and             D014800900008 
           high-purity (99.999%) metallic mercury. The red oxide  D014800900009 
           was deposited on a scored aluminium plate (groovs      D014800900010 
           1mm wide, 1 mm deep and 0.5 mm apart). About 2 g of    D014800900011 
           powder are packed onto a surface of 40 cm2 then        D014800900012 
           covered with a 10 u-m thick aluminium film.            D014800900013 
HISTORY    (20160518A) VS. SF8: DT->EOB.                          D014800900014 
                 Decay data 81-TL-201->81-TL-202                  D014800900015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 D014800900016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D014800900017 
DATA                 2          1                                 D014800900018 
EN         DATA                                                   D014800900019 
MEV        MUCI/MUA                                               D014800900020 
  50.          7.6                                                D014800900021 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 D014800900022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 D014800999999 
SUBENT        D0148010   20160518                             D104D014801000001 
BIB                  5         10                                 D014801000002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(P,X)81-TL-198-M,,TTY,,EOB)                    D014801000003 
DECAY-DATA (81-TL-198-M,1.8HR)                                    D014801000004 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2FR CSN) 14,16 and 20MeV protons compact CyclotrD014801000005 
           (CYCLO,2FR SAC) variable-energy cyclotron              D014801000006 
SAMPLE     The mercury metal is placed in a titanium cell of      D014801000007 
           a depth of 3 mm and area of 20cm2, a 20 u-m titanium   D014801000008 
           film and a 0.1 mm aliminium film covering the face     D014801000009 
           directed towards the charged particle beam. The purposeD014801000010 
           of the latter film is to stiffen the former.           D014801000011 
HISTORY    (20160518A) VS. SF8: DT->EOB.                          D014801000012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 D014801000013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D014801000014 
DATA                 2          3                                 D014801000015 
EN         DATA                                                   D014801000016 
MEV        MUCI/MUA                                               D014801000017 
   14.        600.                                                D014801000018 
   16.       1400.                                                D014801000019 
   20.       2380.                                                D014801000020 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 D014801000021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 D014801099999 
SUBENT        D0148011   20160518                             D104D014801100001 
BIB                  5         10                                 D014801100002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(P,X)81-TL-198-G,M+,TTY,,EOB)                  D014801100003 
DECAY-DATA (81-TL-198-G,5.34HR)                                   D014801100004 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2FR CSN) 14,16 and 20MeV protons compact CyclotrD014801100005 
           (CYCLO,2FR SAC) variable-energy cyclotron              D014801100006 
SAMPLE     The mercury metal is placed in a titanium cell of      D014801100007 
           a depth of 3 mm and area of 20cm2, a 20 u-m titanium   D014801100008 
           film and a 0.1 mm aliminium film covering the face     D014801100009 
           directed towards the charged particle beam. The purposeD014801100010 
           of the latter film is to stiffen the former.           D014801100011 
HISTORY    (20160518A) VS. SF8: DT->EOB.                          D014801100012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 D014801100013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D014801100014 
DATA                 2          3                                 D014801100015 
EN         DATA                                                   D014801100016 
MEV        MUCI/MUA                                               D014801100017 
   14.        370.                                                D014801100018 
   16.        470.                                                D014801100019 
   20.        870.                                                D014801100020 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 D014801100021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 D014801199999 
SUBENT        D0148012   20160518                             D104D014801200001 
BIB                  5         10                                 D014801200002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(P,X)81-TL-199,,TTY,,EOB)                      D014801200003 
DECAY-DATA (81-TL-199,7.4HR)                                      D014801200004 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2FR CSN) 14,16 and 20MeV protons compact CyclotrD014801200005 
           (CYCLO,2FR SAC) variable-energy cyclotron              D014801200006 
SAMPLE     The mercury metal is placed in a titanium cell of      D014801200007 
           a depth of 3 mm and area of 20cm2, a 20 u-m titanium   D014801200008 
           film and a 0.1 mm aliminium film covering the face     D014801200009 
           directed towards the charged particle beam. The purposeD014801200010 
           of the latter film is to stiffen the former.           D014801200011 
HISTORY    (20160518A) VS. SF8: DT->EOB.                          D014801200012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 D014801200013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D014801200014 
DATA                 2          3                                 D014801200015 
EN         DATA                                                   D014801200016 
MEV        MUCI/MUA                                               D014801200017 
   14.        700.                                                D014801200018 
   16.       1870.                                                D014801200019 
   20.       2200.                                                D014801200020 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 D014801200021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 D014801299999 
SUBENT        D0148013   20160518                             D104D014801300001 
BIB                  5         10                                 D014801300002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(P,X)81-TL-200,,TTY,,EOB)                      D014801300003 
DECAY-DATA (81-TL-200,1.4D)                                       D014801300004 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2FR CSN) 14,16 and 20MeV protons compact CyclotrD014801300005 
           (CYCLO,2FR SAC) variable-energy cyclotron              D014801300006 
SAMPLE     The mercury metal is placed in a titanium cell of      D014801300007 
           a depth of 3 mm and area of 20cm2, a 20 u-m titanium   D014801300008 
           film and a 0.1 mm aliminium film covering the face     D014801300009 
           directed towards the charged particle beam. The purposeD014801300010 
           of the latter film is to stiffen the former.           D014801300011 
HISTORY    (20160518A) VS. SF8: DT->EOB.                          D014801300012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 D014801300013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D014801300014 
DATA                 2          3                                 D014801300015 
EN         DATA                                                   D014801300016 
MEV        MUCI/MUA                                               D014801300017 
   14.        180.                                                D014801300018 
   16.        350.                                                D014801300019 
   20.        350.                                                D014801300020 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 D014801300021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 D014801399999 
SUBENT        D0148014   20160518                             D104D014801400001 
BIB                  5         10                                 D014801400002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(P,X)81-TL-201,,TTY,,EOB)                      D014801400003 
DECAY-DATA (81-TL-201,3.08D)                                      D014801400004 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2FR CSN) 14,16 and 20MeV protons compact CyclotrD014801400005 
           (CYCLO,2FR SAC) variable-energy cyclotron              D014801400006 
SAMPLE     The mercury metal is placed in a titanium cell of      D014801400007 
           a depth of 3 mm and area of 20cm2, a 20 u-m titanium   D014801400008 
           film and a 0.1 mm aliminium film covering the face     D014801400009 
           directed towards the charged particle beam. The purposeD014801400010 
           of the latter film is to stiffen the former.           D014801400011 
HISTORY    (20160518A) VS. SF8: DT->EOB.                          D014801400012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 D014801400013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D014801400014 
DATA                 2          3                                 D014801400015 
EN         DATA                                                   D014801400016 
MEV        MUCI/MUA                                               D014801400017 
   14.        160.                                                D014801400018 
   16.        270.                                                D014801400019 
   20.        290.                                                D014801400020 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 D014801400021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 D014801499999 
SUBENT        D0148015   20160518                             D104D014801500001 
BIB                  5         11                                 D014801500002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(P,X)81-TL-202,,TTY,,EOB)                      D014801500003 
DECAY-DATA (81-TL-202,12.D)                                       D014801500004 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2FR CSN) 14,16 and 20MeV protons compact CyclotrD014801500005 
           (CYCLO,2FR SAC) variable-energy cyclotron              D014801500006 
SAMPLE     The mercury metal is placed in a titanium cell of      D014801500007 
           a depth of 3 mm and area of 20cm2, a 20 u-m titanium   D014801500008 
           film and a 0.1 mm aliminium film covering the face     D014801500009 
           directed towards the charged particle beam. The purposeD014801500010 
           of the latter film is to stiffen the former.           D014801500011 
HISTORY    (20160518A) VS. SF8: DT->EOB.                          D014801500012 
                 Decay data 81-TL-201->81-TL-202                  D014801500013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 D014801500014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D014801500015 
DATA                 2          3                                 D014801500016 
EN         DATA                                                   D014801500017 
MEV        MUCI/MUA                                               D014801500018 
   14.        4.2                                                 D014801500019 
   16.        7.6                                                 D014801500020 
   20.        6.                                                  D014801500021 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 D014801500022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 D014801599999 
ENDENTRY            15          0                                 D014899999999