ENTRY            D0160   20150605                             D099D016000000001 
SUBENT        D0160001   20150605                             D099D016000100001 
BIB                 10         29                                 D016000100002 
TITLE      Long range absorption in the scattering of 6He         D016000100003 
           on 208Pb and 197Au at 27 MeV                           D016000100004 
AUTHOR     (O.R.Kakuee,M.A.G.Alvarez,M.V.Andres,S.Cherubini,      D016000100005 
           T.Davinson,A.Di Pietro,W.Galster,J.Gomez-Camacho,      D016000100006 
           A.M.Laird,M.Lamehi-Rachti,I.Martel,A.M.Moro,           D016000100007 
           J.Rahighi,A.M.Sanchez-Benitez,A.C.Shotter,W.B.Smith,   D016000100008 
           J.Vervier,P.J.Woods)                                   D016000100009 
INSTITUTE  (3IRNNRT,2UK EDG,2SPNSEU,2BLGLVN,2GERBOC)              D016000100010 
           (2SPNSPN) Universidad de Huelva, E-21819 Huelva, Spain D016000100011 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,765,294,2006)                                  D016000100012 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2BLGLVN)                                        D016000100013 
INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) The 6He beam used in this experiment was       D016000100014 
           produced via the 7Li(p,2p)6He reaction using LiF       D016000100015 
           powder target contained in a graphite holder           D016000100016 
           The post-accelerated secondary 6He beam of 27 MeV      D016000100017 
           energy and intensity of 3 x 106 ions/s.                D016000100018 
SAMPLE     197Au target, which was in fact the backing of a       D016000100019 
           7LiF target. The thickness of the 197Au layer was      D016000100020 
           approximately 300 mu-g/cm2. The thickness of the       D016000100021 
           7LiF layer was 400 mu-g/cm2.                           D016000100022 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SISD,SISD) The reaction products were detected  D016000100023 
           in a detection system consisting of a LEDA and a LAMP  D016000100024 
           silicon strip detector arrays cover two different      D016000100025 
           angular ranges from 6-15 degr. and from 23-72 degr.    D016000100026 
           in the laboratory frame, respectively.                 D016000100027 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were received from Dr.A.M.Sanchez-Benitez D016000100028 
           (APRVD) Entry approved by Dr.A.M.Sanchez-Benitez       D016000100029 
HISTORY    (20060210C) SD                                         D016000100030 
           (20150603U) VS Institute update                        D016000100031 
ENDBIB              29          0                                 D016000100032 
COMMON               1          3                                 D016000100033 
EN                                                                D016000100034 
MEV                                                               D016000100035 
  27.0                                                            D016000100036 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D016000100037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 D016000199999 
SUBENT        D0160002   20060210                             D049D016000200001 
BIB                  1          1                                 D016000200002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(2-HE-6,EL)79-AU-197,,DA,,RTH)               D016000200003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 D016000200004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D016000200005 
DATA                 3         16                                 D016000200006 
ANG        DATA       ERR-S                                       D016000200007 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      D016000200008 
 24.3        0.998      0.018                                     D016000200009 
 27.9        0.955      0.030                                     D016000200010 
 30.2        0.945      0.025                                     D016000200011 
 33.9        0.937      0.020                                     D016000200012 
 37.2        0.983      0.024                                     D016000200013 
 40.6        0.984      0.027                                     D016000200014 
 44.0        0.982      0.037                                     D016000200015 
 47.5        0.885      0.032                                     D016000200016 
 51.0        0.802      0.034                                     D016000200017 
 54.4        0.715      0.052                                     D016000200018 
 57.6        0.692      0.036                                     D016000200019 
 60.8        0.491      0.033                                     D016000200020 
 63.9        0.461      0.045                                     D016000200021 
 66.9        0.383      0.040                                     D016000200022 
 69.8        0.330      0.045                                     D016000200023 
 72.5        0.376      0.072                                     D016000200024 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 D016000200025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 D016000299999 
SUBENT        D0160003   20060210                             D049D016000300001 
BIB                  1          1                                 D016000300002 
REACTION   (82-PB-208(2-HE-6,EL)82-PB-208,,DA,,RTH)               D016000300003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 D016000300004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D016000300005 
DATA                 3         32                                 D016000300006 
ANG        DATA       ERR-S                                       D016000300007 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      D016000300008 
   6.4       0.9990     0.0035                                    D016000300009 
   7.0       1.0036     0.0043                                    D016000300010 
   7.6       1.0023     0.0055                                    D016000300011 
   8.2       0.9986     0.0059                                    D016000300012 
   8.8       0.9971     0.0036                                    D016000300013 
   9.4       0.9898     0.0059                                    D016000300014 
  10.0       0.9997     0.0044                                    D016000300015 
  10.7       1.0002     0.0052                                    D016000300016 
  11.2       1.0023     0.0077                                    D016000300017 
  11.8       1.0055     0.0057                                    D016000300018 
  12.4       1.0065     0.0062                                    D016000300019 
  13.0       1.0136     0.0071                                    D016000300020 
  13.6       0.9971     0.0071                                    D016000300021 
  14.2       1.0172     0.0094                                    D016000300022 
  14.7       1.0181     0.0097                                    D016000300023 
  15.8       1.0153     0.0022                                    D016000300024 
  24.2       0.9974     0.0014                                    D016000300025 
  27.3       0.9862     0.0094                                    D016000300026 
  30.2       0.958      0.018                                     D016000300027 
  33.5       0.953      0.019                                     D016000300028 
  37.1       0.963      0.014                                     D016000300029 
  40.5       0.959      0.016                                     D016000300030 
  44.0       0.949      0.018                                     D016000300031 
  47.8       0.921      0.030                                     D016000300032 
  50.9       0.890      0.037                                     D016000300033 
  54.3       0.763      0.041                                     D016000300034 
  57.6       0.665      0.029                                     D016000300035 
  60.8       0.551      0.041                                     D016000300036 
  64.0       0.466      0.043                                     D016000300037 
  67.0       0.365      0.039                                     D016000300038 
  69.9       0.268      0.026                                     D016000300039 
  72.8       0.225      0.030                                     D016000300040 
ENDDATA             34          0                                 D016000300041 
ENDSUBENT           40          0                                 D016000399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 D016099999999