ENTRY D0162 20230829 D139D016200000001 SUBENT D0162001 20230829 D139D016200100001 BIB 10 42 D016200100002 TITLE Nickel and copper foils as monitors for cyclotron D016200100003 beam intensities D016200100004 AUTHOR (G.A.Brinkman, J.Helmer, L.Lindner) D016200100005 INSTITUTE (2NEDAMS) D016200100006 REFERENCE (J,RRL,28,9,1977) D016200100007 FACILITY (SYNCY,2NEDIKO) Irradiations were performed in the D016200100008 extracted beam (diam.= 2 cm) D016200100009 target foils of diam. = 3 cm. Beam intensities were D016200100010 in the order of tens to hundreds of nanoamperes. D016200100011 SAMPLE The nickel and copper foils used consisted of high D016200100012 purity metal of natural isotopic composition with D016200100013 thicknesses of 94 mg Ni/cm2 (58Ni -68.3%; 60Ni -26.1%, D016200100014 61Ni - 1.1%) and 8.7 mg Cu/cm2 (65Cu - 30.9%), D016200100015 respectively. Degradation of beam energy in these D016200100016 foils was calculated using tabulated data from D016200100017 C.F.Williamson, etc., Tables of range and stopping D016200100018 power, Saclay, CEA-R-3042,1966. D016200100019 DETECTOR (GELI) Gamma-ray measurements were performed using D016200100020 a 10% (relative to a 3 in. x 3 in. Nal(Tl) detector) D016200100021 Ge(Li) solid state detector, ca1ibrated with a set of D016200100022 standard sources. D016200100023 METHOD (EXTB,ACTIV) D016200100024 Monitor foils were placed in a vacuum chamber provided D016200100025 with a target array to select one out of several targetD016200100026 foils for insertion in the beam. Beam intensities were D016200100027 calibrated directly by using a conventional Faraday D016200100028 cup. This was done immediately before and after D016200100029 activation, with the target-foils withdrawn from the D016200100030 beam. During irradiation of the foils beam currents D016200100031 were held constant within a few percent. D016200100032 ADD-RES Additional cross section for 100% isotopic abundance D016200100033 for the following reactions listed in Table 1: D016200100034 58Ni(d,x)57Ni : 111 mb at 50.6 MeV D016200100035 58Ni(p,x)55Co : 57 mb at 50.6 MeV D016200100036 65Cu(p,x)64Cu : 184 mb at 51.0 MeV D016200100037 63Cu(p,x)58Co : 161 mb at 51.0 Mev D016200100038 HISTORY (20040718C) SD D016200100039 (20210928A) VS. SF3=X in 002, 007, 010-011 and 013. D016200100040 DECAY-DATA in 001 deleted. D016200100041 (20230829A) VT+On. Revision in 003,004,006, 009-014 D016200100042 (20231122D) VT. 002,005,007 and 008 deleted D016200100043 data compiled in ADD-RES keyword in 001. D016200100044 ENDBIB 42 0 D016200100045 NOCOMMON 0 0 D016200100046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 D016200199999 NOSUBENT D0162002 20231122 D139D016200200001 SUBENT D0162003 20230829 D139D016200300001 BIB 4 4 D016200300002 REACTION (28-NI-58(D,X)28-NI-57,,SIG) D016200300003 DECAY-DATA (28-NI-57,35.94HR,DG,1378.,0.79) D016200300004 STATUS (TABLE,,G.A.Brinkman+,J,RRL,28,9,1977) Table 1 D016200300005 HISTORY (20230829A) VT+On. REACTION: SF3: N+D->X replaced D016200300006 ENDBIB 4 0 D016200300007 NOCOMMON 0 0 D016200300008 DATA 2 1 D016200300009 EN DATA D016200300010 MEV MB D016200300011 35.94 49. D016200300012 ENDDATA 3 0 D016200300013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 D016200399999 SUBENT D0162004 20230829 D139D016200400001 BIB 4 4 D016200400002 REACTION (28-NI-58(A,X)28-NI-57,,SIG) D016200400003 DECAY-DATA (28-NI-57,35.94HR,DG,1378.,0.79) D016200400004 STATUS (TABLE,,G.A.Brinkman+,J,RRL,28,9,1977) Table 1 D016200400005 HISTORY (20230829A) VT+On. REACTION: SF3: N+A->X replaced D016200400006 ENDBIB 4 0 D016200400007 NOCOMMON 0 0 D016200400008 DATA 2 1 D016200400009 EN DATA D016200400010 MEV MB D016200400011 47.5 34. D016200400012 ENDDATA 3 0 D016200400013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 D016200499999 NOSUBENT D0162005 20230829 D139D016200500001 SUBENT D0162006 20230829 D139D016200600001 BIB 4 4 D016200600002 REACTION (28-NI-58(D,X)27-CO-55,,SIG) D016200600003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-55,18.2HR,DG,931.,0.733) D016200600004 STATUS (TABLE,,G.A.Brinkman+,J,RRL,28,9,1977) Table 1 D016200600005 HISTORY (20230829A) VT+On. REACTION: SF3: N+A->X replaced D016200600006 ENDBIB 4 0 D016200600007 NOCOMMON 0 0 D016200600008 DATA 2 1 D016200600009 EN DATA D016200600010 MEV MB D016200600011 24.9 36. D016200600012 ENDDATA 3 0 D016200600013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 D016200699999 NOSUBENT D0162007 20231122 D139D016200700001 NOSUBENT D0162008 20230829 D139D016200800001 SUBENT D0162009 20231122 D139D016200900001 BIB 4 4 D016200900002 REACTION (29-CU-63(A,N)31-GA-66,,SIG) D016200900003 DECAY-DATA (31-GA-66,9.3HR,DG,1039.,0.39) D016200900004 STATUS (TABLE,,G.A.Brinkman+,J,RRL,28,9,1977) Table 1 D016200900005 HISTORY (20231122U) VT. STATUS updated D016200900006 ENDBIB 4 0 D016200900007 NOCOMMON 0 0 D016200900008 DATA 2 1 D016200900009 EN DATA D016200900010 MEV MB D016200900011 51.6 82. D016200900012 ENDDATA 3 0 D016200900013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 D016200999999 SUBENT D0162010 20231122 D139D016201000001 BIB 4 5 D016201000002 REACTION (29-CU-63(HE3,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) D016201000003 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-64,9.13HR,DG,548.,0.126) D016201000004 STATUS (TABLE,,G.A.Brinkman+,J,RRL,28,9,1977) Table 1 D016201000005 HISTORY (20210928A) VS. SF3=X c.f. Memo CP-D/0999. D016201000006 (20231122U) VT. STATUS updated D016201000007 ENDBIB 5 0 D016201000008 NOCOMMON 0 0 D016201000009 DATA 2 1 D016201000010 EN DATA D016201000011 MEV MB D016201000012 69.7 42. D016201000013 ENDDATA 3 0 D016201000014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 D016201099999 SUBENT D0162011 20231122 D139D016201100001 BIB 4 5 D016201100002 REACTION (28-NI-58(P,X)28-NI-57,,SIG) D016201100003 DECAY-DATA (28-NI-57,35.94HR,DG,1378.,0.79) D016201100004 STATUS (CURVE,,G.A.Brinkman+,J,RRL,28,9,1977) Fig.1a D016201100005 HISTORY (20210928A) VS. SF3=X c.f. Memo CP-D/0999. D016201100006 (20231122U) VT. STATUS updated D016201100007 ENDBIB 5 0 D016201100008 COMMON 2 3 D016201100009 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG D016201100010 MEV MB D016201100011 0.1 1. D016201100012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D016201100013 DATA 2 19 D016201100014 EN DATA D016201100015 MEV MB D016201100016 12.188 9.5091 D016201100017 14.010 16.085 D016201100018 17.916 105.39 D016201100019 18.079 119.73 D016201100020 21.706 208.49 D016201100021 23.143 235.50 D016201100022 26.410 274.60 D016201100023 26.527 260.80 D016201100024 30.489 213.79 D016201100025 30.748 202.19 D016201100026 34.687 140.83 D016201100027 36.775 140.22 D016201100028 37.032 126.97 D016201100029 45.635 107.44 D016201100030 45.789 116.26 D016201100031 46.079 123.43 D016201100032 50.108 117.26 D016201100033 50.393 121.11 D016201100034 50.659 113.38 D016201100035 ENDDATA 21 0 D016201100036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 D016201199999 SUBENT D0162012 20230829 D139D016201200001 BIB 4 4 D016201200002 REACTION (28-NI-58(P,X)27-CO-55,,SIG) D016201200003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-55,18.2HR,DG,931.,0.733) D016201200004 STATUS (CURVE,,G.A.Brinkman+,J,RRL,28,9,1977) Fig.1b D016201200005 HISTORY (20230829A) VT+On. REACTION: SF3: A->X replaced D016201200006 ENDBIB 4 0 D016201200007 COMMON 2 3 D016201200008 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG D016201200009 MEV MB D016201200010 0.1 0.1 D016201200011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D016201200012 DATA 2 23 D016201200013 EN DATA D016201200014 MEV MB D016201200015 7.1094 1.7718 D016201200016 13.055 29.014 D016201200017 13.462 26.383 D016201200018 17.804 34.947 D016201200019 17.951 36.884 D016201200020 23.000 13.473 D016201200021 24.274 19.143 D016201200022 26.035 7.7867 D016201200023 26.721 5.5696 D016201200024 31.021 3.3381 D016201200025 31.025 4.4453 D016201200026 34.506 5.9540 D016201200027 36.600 8.2986 D016201200028 36.728 5.6684 D016201200029 40.089 11.883 D016201200030 40.930 13.818 D016201200031 41.079 16.308 D016201200032 45.452 32.346 D016201200033 45.475 38.297 D016201200034 46.703 32.479 D016201200035 49.163 56.829 D016201200036 49.436 55.721 D016201200037 49.849 54.750 D016201200038 ENDDATA 25 0 D016201200039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 D016201299999 SUBENT D0162013 20231122 D139D016201300001 BIB 4 5 D016201300002 REACTION (29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-64,,SIG) D016201300003 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-64,12.82HR,DG,511.,0.772) D016201300004 STATUS (CURVE,,G.A.Brinkman+,J,RRL,28,9,1977) Fig.1c D016201300005 HISTORY (20210928A) VS. SF3=X c.f. Memo CP-D/0999. D016201300006 (20231122U) VT. STATUS updated D016201300007 ENDBIB 5 0 D016201300008 COMMON 2 3 D016201300009 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG D016201300010 MEV MB D016201300011 0.1 1. D016201300012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D016201300013 DATA 2 16 D016201300014 EN DATA D016201300015 MEV MB D016201300016 12.660 15.293 D016201300017 17.586 163.80 D016201300018 21.365 359.26 D016201300019 22.347 318.94 D016201300020 26.194 338.51 D016201300021 26.284 352.34 D016201300022 30.485 272.37 D016201300023 30.609 276.81 D016201300024 36.235 267.72 D016201300025 36.271 257.76 D016201300026 41.029 217.65 D016201300027 45.822 206.86 D016201300028 45.838 202.43 D016201300029 49.964 182.75 D016201300030 50.090 186.63 D016201300031 55.506 158.17 D016201300032 ENDDATA 18 0 D016201300033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 D016201399999 SUBENT D0162014 20230829 D139D016201400001 BIB 4 5 D016201400002 REACTION (29-CU-63(P,X)27-CO-58,,SIG) D016201400003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-58-G,1711.HR,DG,811.,0.834) D016201400004 STATUS (CURVE,,G.A.Brinkman+,J,RRL,28,9,1977) Fig.1d D016201400005 HISTORY (20230829A) VT+On. REACTION: SF3: N+P+A->X replaced D016201400006 DECAY-DATA: -G added. D016201400007 ENDBIB 5 0 D016201400008 COMMON 2 3 D016201400009 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG D016201400010 MEV MB D016201400011 0.1 1. D016201400012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D016201400013 DATA 2 10 D016201400014 EN DATA D016201400015 MEV MB D016201400016 26.107 4.0195 D016201400017 30.421 8.1962 D016201400018 36.018 165.36 D016201400019 36.039 160.38 D016201400020 40.560 212.77 D016201400021 40.823 216.66 D016201400022 45.975 189.32 D016201400023 46.095 193.76 D016201400024 50.126 135.32 D016201400025 50.425 130.91 D016201400026 ENDDATA 12 0 D016201400027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 D016201499999 ENDENTRY 14 0 D016299999999