ENTRY D0173 20221002 D138D017300000001 SUBENT D0173001 20221002 D138D017300100001 BIB 10 24 D017300100002 TITLE Elastic 2n-transfer in the 4He(6He,6He)4He scattering D017300100003 AUTHOR (R.Raabe, A.Piechaczek, A.Andreyev, D.Baye, D017300100004 W.Bradfield-Smith, S.Cherubini, T.Davinson, D017300100005 P.Descouvemont, A.Di Pietro, W.Galster, M.Huyse, D017300100006 A.M.Laird, J.McKenzie, W.F.Mueller, A.Ostrowski, D017300100007 A.Shotter, P.Van Duppen, A.Wohr) D017300100008 INSTITUTE (2BLGLEU,2BLGBRU,2UK EDG,2BLGLVN) D017300100009 REFERENCE (J,PL/B,458,1,1999) D017300100010 (J,PR/C,67,044602,2003) Revised data at Ecm=11.6 MeV D017300100011 (J,NP/A,701,387,2002) Revised data at Ecm=11.6 MeV D017300100012 FACILITY (CYCLO,2BLGLVN) CYCLONE 30 and CYCLONE 110 D017300100013 INC-SOURCE 7Li(p,2p)6He D017300100014 SAMPLE Gas cell of 1 cm thickness (1.2E+19 atoms/cm2) at D017300100015 500 mbar pressure between a Al entrance window D017300100016 (2.33 mg/cm2, 10 mm diam.) and a Al exit window D017300100017 (2.33 mg/cm2, 30 mm diam.). D017300100018 DETECTOR (TELES,SISD,SISD) Reaction products were registered D017300100019 using a segmented Si detector system (LEDA) D017300100020 consisting of 14 segments, each segment divided into D017300100021 16 annular strips. D017300100022 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from Dr.R.Raabe D017300100023 (APRVD) Entry approved by Dr.R.Raabe D017300100024 HISTORY (20041013C) SD D017300100025 (20221002U) On. FACILITY updated. INC-SOURCE added. D017300100026 ENDBIB 24 0 D017300100027 NOCOMMON 0 0 D017300100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 D017300199999 SUBENT D0173002 20221002 D138D017300200001 BIB 4 7 D017300200002 REACTION ((2-HE-4(2-HE-6,EL)2-HE-4,,DA)= D017300200003 (2-HE-6(A,EL)2-HE-6,,DA)) D017300200004 ERR-ANALYS Systematic uncertainty on angles is less than 1.5 deg. D017300200005 (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainty D017300200006 (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty D017300200007 STATUS (COREL,D0202002) Data from a later experiment D017300200008 HISTORY (20221002U) On. STATUS=COREL added. D017300200009 ENDBIB 7 0 D017300200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 D017300200011 DATA 5 50 D017300200012 EN-CM ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S ERR-SYS D017300200013 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR PER-CENT D017300200014 11.6 49.5 7.89 2.79 8.0 D017300200015 11.6 52.5 5.31 1.08 8.0 D017300200016 11.6 55.5 4.14 0.71 8.0 D017300200017 11.6 58.5 4.29 0.58 8.0 D017300200018 11.6 61.5 3.96 0.50 8.0 D017300200019 11.6 64.5 4.42 0.50 8.0 D017300200020 11.6 67.5 4.02 0.46 8.0 D017300200021 11.6 70.5 4.82 0.50 8.0 D017300200022 11.6 73.5 6.68 0.58 8.0 D017300200023 11.6 76.5 7.47 0.61 8.0 D017300200024 11.6 79.5 6.50 0.57 8.0 D017300200025 11.6 82.5 7.90 0.61 8.0 D017300200026 11.6 85.5 5.32 0.51 8.0 D017300200027 11.6 88.5 5.70 0.52 8.0 D017300200028 11.6 91.5 3.87 0.43 8.0 D017300200029 11.6 94.5 1.58 0.27 8.0 D017300200030 11.6 97.5 1.44 0.26 8.0 D017300200031 11.6 100.5 0.40 0.14 8.0 D017300200032 11.6 103.5 1.03 0.22 8.0 D017300200033 11.6 106.5 2.26 0.34 8.0 D017300200034 11.6 109.5 3.46 0.42 8.0 D017300200035 11.6 112.5 5.49 0.53 8.0 D017300200036 11.6 115.5 8.94 0.68 8.0 D017300200037 11.6 118.5 11.34 0.79 8.0 D017300200038 11.6 121.5 11.15 0.80 8.0 D017300200039 11.6 124.5 11.75 0.84 8.0 D017300200040 11.6 127.5 7.63 0.68 8.0 D017300200041 11.6 130.5 6.49 0.64 8.0 D017300200042 11.6 133.5 3.09 0.46 8.0 D017300200043 11.6 136.5 1.20 0.33 8.0 D017300200044 11.6 139.5 0.15 0.15 8.0 D017300200045 15.9 60.5 2.55 0.44 30.0 D017300200046 15.9 63.5 2.54 0.36 30.0 D017300200047 15.9 66.5 2.59 0.34 30.0 D017300200048 15.9 69.5 3.78 0.40 30.0 D017300200049 15.9 72.5 3.65 0.38 30.0 D017300200050 15.9 75.5 3.95 0.39 30.0 D017300200051 15.9 78.5 4.99 0.44 30.0 D017300200052 15.9 81.5 5.84 0.48 30.0 D017300200053 15.9 84.5 6.34 0.50 30.0 D017300200054 15.9 87.5 5.96 0.49 30.0 D017300200055 15.9 90.5 3.91 0.39 30.0 D017300200056 15.9 93.5 2.03 0.28 30.0 D017300200057 15.9 96.5 1.01 0.19 30.0 D017300200058 15.9 99.5 0.49 0.14 30.0 D017300200059 15.9 102.5 1.67 0.25 30.0 D017300200060 15.9 105.5 3.24 0.35 30.0 D017300200061 15.9 115.0 7.02 1.40 30.0 D017300200062 15.9 121.0 11.28 1.24 30.0 D017300200063 15.9 127.0 7.36 1.47 30.0 D017300200064 ENDDATA 52 0 D017300200065 ENDSUBENT 64 0 D017300299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 D017399999999