ENTRY            D0175   20040927                             0000D017500000001 
SUBENT        D0175001   20040927                             0000D017500100001 
BIB                 11         36                                 D017500100002 
TITLE      Probing the 6He Halo Structure with Elastic and        D017500100003 
           Inelastic Proton Scattering                            D017500100004 
AUTHOR     (A.Lagoyannis,F.Auger,A.Musumarra,N.Alamanos,          D017500100005 
           E.C.Pollacco,A.Pakou,Y.Blumenfeld,F.Braga,M.La Commara,D017500100006 
           S.Ottini-Hustache,D.Pierroutsakou,M.Romoli,            D017500100008 
           P.Roussel-Chomaz,M.Sandoli,D.Santonocito,J.A.Scarpaci, D017500100009 
           J.L.Sida,T.Suomijarvi,S.Karataglidis,K.Amos)           D017500100010 
           1USALAS,3AULAML)                                       D017500100012 
REFERENCE  (J,PL/B,518,27,2001)                                   D017500100013 
           (J,NP/A,722,49,2003)                                   D017500100014 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2FR GAN) The experiment was performed at the    D017500100015 
           GANIL facility with a 40.9A MeV 6He radioac. ion beam  D017500100016 
           (PRJFS,2FR GAN) fragmentation of a primary 75A MeV     D017500100017 
           13C beam on a 8.45 mm thick C target located in the    D017500100018 
           SISSI device. The secondary beam was purified with     D017500100019 
           a 0.9 mm thick Al degrader situated between the        D017500100020 
           dipoles of the aplha-spectrometer. The beam intensity  D017500100021 
           on the polypropylene (CH2)3 reaction target was        D017500100022 
           105 particles per second with a 2% total               D017500100023 
           contamination of 8Li and 9Be.                          D017500100024 
SAMPLE     A 1.48 mg/cm2 thick polypropylene target (density,     D017500100025 
           0.896 g/cm3) was used. Good statistics at larger       D017500100026 
           angles was obtained by using a 8.25mg/cm2 thick        D017500100027 
           target.                                                D017500100028 
METHOD     (TOF,EDE)                                              D017500100029 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SISD,SISD) The recoiling protons were detected  D017500100030 
           in MUST, an array of 8 three-stage telescopes          D017500100031 
           6 cm x 6 cm each. The first stages consist in          D017500100032 
           double-sided Si-strip detectors (300 mu-m).            D017500100033 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) uncertainty in the target thickness            D017500100034 
           (ERR-2) uncertainty in the number of incident 6He      D017500100035 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were received from Dr. V.Lapoux           D017500100036 
           (APRVD) Entry was approved by Dr. V.Lapoux             D017500100037 
HISTORY    (20040927C) SD                                         D017500100038 
ENDBIB              36          0                                 D017500100039 
COMMON               3          3                                 D017500100040 
EN         ERR-1      ERR-2                                       D017500100041 
MEV/A      PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    D017500100042 
  40.9       5.0       3.                                         D017500100043 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D017500100044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 D017500199999 
SUBENT        D0175002   20040927                             0000D017500200001 
BIB                  2          2                                 D017500200002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(2-HE-6,EL)1-H-1,,DA)                            D017500200003 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S)  statistical error                             D017500200004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 D017500200005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D017500200006 
DATA                 3         34                                 D017500200007 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-S                                       D017500200008 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       D017500200009 
    77.248     0.721     0.252                                    D017500200010 
    75.351     0.651     0.247                                    D017500200011 
    73.000     0.782     0.151                                    D017500200012 
    70.949     0.779     0.189                                    D017500200013 
    69.475     0.655     0.136                                    D017500200014 
    67.348     1.291     0.177                                    D017500200015 
    65.402     1.661     0.225                                    D017500200016 
    63.458     1.526     0.206                                    D017500200017 
    61.417     1.865     0.230                                    D017500200018 
    59.516     3.441     0.314                                    D017500200019 
    57.400     2.653     0.290                                    D017500200020 
    55.493     5.094     0.377                                    D017500200021 
    53.489     7.129     0.488                                    D017500200022 
    51.496    11.030     0.571                                    D017500200023 
    49.585    13.332     0.661                                    D017500200024 
    47.576    20.214     0.841                                    D017500200025 
    45.677    21.995     0.873                                    D017500200026 
    43.672    33.920     1.074                                    D017500200027 
    41.767    39.595     1.205                                    D017500200028 
    39.861    53.618     1.526                                    D017500200029 
    37.861    66.703     1.925                                    D017500200030 
    35.881    82.462     2.429                                    D017500200031 
    33.990    88.466     2.683                                    D017500200032 
    32.070   118.893     3.598                                    D017500200033 
    30.046   148.206     5.029                                    D017500200034 
    28.139   168.720     6.365                                    D017500200035 
    24.210   242.329     3.479                                    D017500200036 
    22.306   275.649     3.562                                    D017500200037 
    20.354   283.037     3.617                                    D017500200038 
    18.413   321.937     3.814                                    D017500200039 
    16.491   341.561     4.129                                    D017500200040 
    14.590   375.484     4.495                                    D017500200041 
    12.620   421.399     9.750                                    D017500200042 
    10.662   464.646     12.88                                    D017500200043 
ENDDATA             36          0                                 D017500200044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 D017500299999 
SUBENT        D0175003   20040927                             0000D017500300001 
BIB                  3          4                                 D017500300002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(2-HE-6,INL)1-H-1,PAR,DA)                        D017500300003 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,2-HE-6)                                         D017500300004 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)errors from statistics and due to the        D017500300005 
           background subtraction.                                D017500300006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 D017500300007 
COMMON               1          3                                 D017500300008 
E-LVL                                                             D017500300009 
MEV                                                               D017500300010 
  1.8                                                             D017500300011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D017500300012 
DATA                 3         27                                 D017500300013 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    D017500300014 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       D017500300015 
    77.509     0.384     0.337                                    D017500300016 
    75.104     0.461     0.315                                    D017500300017 
    73.397     0.875     0.405                                    D017500300018 
    70.999     0.297     0.176                                    D017500300019 
    69.372     0.678     0.265                                    D017500300020 
    67.156     1.063     0.331                                    D017500300021 
    64.864     0.789     0.268                                    D017500300022 
    62.993     1.669     0.425                                    D017500300023 
    60.982     1.564     0.394                                    D017500300024 
    58.854     2.980     0.578                                    D017500300025 
    56.731     3.015     0.577                                    D017500300026 
    54.644     3.852     0.685                                    D017500300027 
    52.622     4.980     0.816                                    D017500300028 
    50.497     4.653     0.794                                    D017500300029 
    48.288     6.361     0.985                                    D017500300030 
    46.311     7.429     1.104                                    D017500300031 
    44.095     8.456     1.219                                    D017500300032 
    41.936    10.288     1.411                                    D017500300033 
    39.810    11.490     1.531                                    D017500300034 
    37.560    10.830     1.496                                    D017500300035 
    35.376    13.377     1.825                                    D017500300036 
    33.233    12.780     1.842                                    D017500300037 
    30.591    13.620     2.087                                    D017500300038 
    27.420    14.700     1.893                                    D017500300039 
    23.007    10.550     1.767                                    D017500300040 
    19.898    11.260     1.694                                    D017500300041 
    16.502     6.400     1.081                                    D017500300042 
ENDDATA             29          0                                 D017500300043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 D017500399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 D017599999999