ENTRY D0202 20221002 D138D020200000001 SUBENT D0202001 20221002 D138D020200100001 BIB 10 25 D020200100002 TITLE 2n-transfer contribution in the 4He(6He,6He)4He D020200100003 cross section at Ec.m.=11.6 MeV D020200100004 AUTHOR (R.Raabe, A.Andreyev, M.Huyse, A.Piechaczek, D020200100005 P.Van Duppen, L.Weissman, A.Wohr, C.Angulo, D020200100006 S.Cherubini, A.Musumarra, D.Baye, P.Descouvemont, D020200100007 T.Davinson, A.Di Pietro, A.M.Laird, A.Ostrowski, D020200100008 A.Shotter, L.I.Galanina, N.S.Zelenskaya) D020200100009 INSTITUTE (2BLGLEU,2BLGLVN,2BLGBRU,2UK EDG,4RUSMOS) D020200100010 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,67,044602,2003) D020200100011 (J,NP/A,701,387,2002) D020200100012 FACILITY (CYCLO,2BLGLVN)CYCLONE 30 and CYCLONE 110 D020200100013 INC-SOURCE 7Li(p,2p)6He D020200100014 SAMPLE Thin 4He-implanted Al foil (0.7 mm thick) as target. D020200100015 The 4He thickness was 2.7E+17 particles/cm2; D020200100016 impurities due to protons, 12C and 16O presented on D020200100017 the surfaces of the foil in amounts comparable with D020200100018 the number of 4He atoms. D020200100019 DETECTOR (TELES,SISD,SISD) Reaction products were registered D020200100020 using a segmented Si detector system (LEDA) D020200100021 consisting of 14 segments, each segment divided into D020200100022 16 annular strips. D020200100023 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from Dr.R.Raabe D020200100024 (APRVD) Entry approved by Dr.R.Raabe D020200100025 HISTORY (20041001C) SD D020200100026 (20221002U) On. FACILITY and INC-SOURCE updated. D020200100027 ENDBIB 25 0 D020200100028 NOCOMMON 0 0 D020200100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 D020200199999 SUBENT D0202002 20221002 D138D020200200001 BIB 4 7 D020200200002 REACTION ((2-HE-4(2-HE-6,EL)2-HE-4,,DA)= D020200200003 (2-HE-6(A,EL)2-HE-6,,DA)) D020200200004 ERR-ANALYS Systematic uncertainty on angle is less than 1.5 deg. D020200200005 (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainty D020200200006 (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty D020200200007 STATUS (COREL,D0173002) Data from an ealier experiment D020200200008 HISTORY (20221002U) On. STATUS=COREL added. D020200200009 ENDBIB 7 0 D020200200010 COMMON 2 3 D020200200011 EN-CM ERR-SYS D020200200012 MEV PER-CENT D020200200013 11.6 9.0 D020200200014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D020200200015 DATA 5 35 D020200200016 ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S -ERR-S +ERR-S D020200200017 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR MB/SR MB/SR D020200200018 20.8 326.6 91.5 D020200200019 22.0 313.3 49.8 D020200200020 23.2 236.1 35.4 D020200200021 24.4 171.1 23.1 D020200200022 25.7 157.3 15.7 D020200200023 26.9 139.2 9.3 D020200200024 28.1 110.3 7.5 D020200200025 29.3 78.8 5.4 D020200200026 30.6 60.9 4.7 D020200200027 31.8 45.2 4.0 D020200200028 69.5 5.19 2.5 D020200200029 72.5 7.10 1.7 D020200200030 75.5 8.64 1.2 D020200200031 78.5 9.51 1.00 D020200200032 81.5 10.54 0.98 D020200200033 84.5 8.81 0.87 D020200200034 87.5 8.20 0.83 D020200200035 90.5 6.18 0.72 D020200200036 93.5 4.17 0.59 D020200200037 96.5 1.85 0.39 D020200200038 99.5 0.59 0.22 D020200200039 102.5 0.26 0.15 D020200200040 105.5 1.22 0.33 D020200200041 108.5 2.73 0.49 D020200200042 111.5 4.08 0.61 D020200200043 114.5 7.39 0.83 D020200200044 117.5 8.63 0.93 D020200200045 120.5 11.10 1.21 D020200200046 123.5 14.83 2.26 D020200200047 126.5 3.87 2.24 D020200200048 155.3 37.2 16.4 5.3 D020200200049 157.2 49.4 31.5 4.5 D020200200050 159.0 54.6 41.4 5.1 D020200200051 160.8 62.1 43.6 7.7 D020200200052 162.5 150.9 111.1 37.7 D020200200053 ENDDATA 37 0 D020200200054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 D020200299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 D020299999999