ENTRY            D0293   20050315                             D041D029300000001 
SUBENT        D0293001   20050315                             D041D029300100001 
BIB                 10         21                                 D029300100002 
TITLE      Polarization and Asymmetry in the Elastic and          D029300100003 
           Inelastic Scattering of 50 MeV Protons by 24Mg,        D029300100004 
           64Zn and 68Zn                                          D029300100005 
AUTHOR     (V.E.Lewis,E.J.Burge,A.A.Rush,D.A.Smith,N.K.Ganguly)   D029300100006 
INSTITUTE  (2UK KCL,2UK NIN)                                      D029300100007 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,101,589,1967)                                  D029300100008 
FACILITY   (LINAC,2UK NIN)                                        D029300100009 
METHOD     (EDE)                                                  D029300100010 
SAMPLE     Two self-supporting metallic foils of 24Mg were used   D029300100011 
           as a targets. They were mounted in a target wheel at   D029300100012 
           the centre of the scattering chamber and could be      D029300100013 
           selected and rotated remotely. A 12 mg/cm2 target was  D029300100014 
           used to give larger counting rates when energy         D029300100015 
           resolution was not a limiting factor; otherwise a      D029300100016 
           6 mg/cm2 target was used.                              D029300100017 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SCIN,SCIN) The wedge-shaped scintillator was    D029300100018 
           preceded by a thin dE/dx scintillator to form a        D029300100019 
           telescope which enabled the elimination of events      D029300100020 
           due to particles other than protons.                   D029300100021 
STATUS     (TABLE)Tables from the article                         D029300100022 
HISTORY    (20050315C) SD                                         D029300100023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 D029300100024 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D029300100025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 D029300199999 
SUBENT        D0293002   20050315                             D041D029300200001 
BIB                  2         10                                 D029300200002 
REACTION   (12-MG-24(P,EL)12-MG-24,,POL/DA)                       D029300200003 
SAMPLE     The targets used for all isotopes were over 98% pure,  D029300200004 
           metallic, self-supporting foils of 2cm x 1cm.          D029300200005 
           A metallic foil of only 12 mg/cm2 (120 keV) was        D029300200006 
           magnesium work, therefore a 85 mg/cm2 foil of          D029300200007 
           magnesium oxide used at large angles to give           D029300200008 
           reasonable counting rates. This was feasible           D029300200009 
           above where the oxygen peak was well separated         D029300200010 
           from the inelastic magnesium peak owing to the         D029300200011 
           kinematics of the reactions.                           D029300200012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 D029300200013 
COMMON               1          3                                 D029300200014 
EN                                                                D029300200015 
MEV                                                               D029300200016 
  49.2                                                            D029300200017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D029300200018 
DATA                 3         26                                 D029300200019 
ANG        DATA       ERR-S                                       D029300200020 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      D029300200021 
  10.       0.073      0.006                                      D029300200022 
  15.       0.002      0.008                                      D029300200023 
  20.      -0.056      0.008                                      D029300200024 
  25.      -0.115      0.012                                      D029300200025 
  30.      -0.078      0.020                                      D029300200026 
  35.       0.496      0.024                                      D029300200027 
  40.       0.745      0.027                                      D029300200028 
  45.       0.575      0.022                                      D029300200029 
  50.       0.424      0.020                                      D029300200030 
  55.       0.260      0.030                                      D029300200031 
  60.       0.364      0.020                                      D029300200032 
  65.       0.660      0.032                                      D029300200033 
  70.       0.938      0.037                                      D029300200034 
  75.       1.00       0.032                                      D029300200035 
  80.       1.00       0.033                                      D029300200036 
  85.       0.955      0.043                                      D029300200037 
  90.       0.824      0.033                                      D029300200038 
  95.       0.666      0.042                                      D029300200039 
 100.       0.418      0.048                                      D029300200040 
 105.       0.320      0.067                                      D029300200041 
 110.       0.318      0.050                                      D029300200042 
 115.       0.320      0.048                                      D029300200043 
 120.       0.382      0.048                                      D029300200044 
 125.       0.535      0.045                                      D029300200045 
 130.       0.620      0.060                                      D029300200046 
 135.       0.687      0.120                                      D029300200047 
ENDDATA             28          0                                 D029300200048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 D029300299999 
SUBENT        D0293003   20050315                             D041D029300300001 
BIB                  2         10                                 D029300300002 
REACTION   (12-MG-24(P,EL)12-MG-24,,POL/DA,,ASY)                  D029300300003 
SAMPLE     The targets used for all isotopes were over 98% pure,  D029300300004 
           metallic, self-supporting foils of 2cm x 1cm.          D029300300005 
           A metallic foil of only 12 mg/cm2 (120 keV) was        D029300300006 
           magnesium work, therefore a 85 mg/cm2 foil of          D029300300007 
           magnesium oxide used at large angles to give           D029300300008 
           reasonable counting rates. This was feasible           D029300300009 
           above where the oxygen peak was well separated         D029300300010 
           from the inelastic magnesium peak owing to the         D029300300011 
           kinematics of the reactions.                           D029300300012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 D029300300013 
COMMON               1          3                                 D029300300014 
EN                                                                D029300300015 
MEV                                                               D029300300016 
  49.2                                                            D029300300017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D029300300018 
DATA                 3         26                                 D029300300019 
ANG        DATA       ERR-S                                       D029300300020 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      D029300300021 
  10.      -0.012      0.060                                      D029300300022 
  15.      -0.030      0.060                                      D029300300023 
  20.      -0.072      0.035                                      D029300300024 
  25.      -0.054      0.036                                      D029300300025 
  30.      -0.097      0.036                                      D029300300026 
  35.      -0.133      0.030                                      D029300300027 
  40.       0.050      0.043                                      D029300300028 
  45.       0.315      0.037                                      D029300300029 
  50.       0.830      0.042                                      D029300300030 
  55.       0.854      0.054                                      D029300300031 
  60.       0.697      0.026                                      D029300300032 
  65.       0.575      0.042                                      D029300300033 
  70.       0.310      0.055                                      D029300300034 
  75.       0.303      0.073                                      D029300300035 
  80.       0.435      0.067                                      D029300300036 
  85.       0.522      0.080                                      D029300300037 
  90.       0.635      0.080                                      D029300300038 
  95.       0.634      0.060                                      D029300300039 
 100.       0.642      0.055                                      D029300300040 
 105.       0.660      0.060                                      D029300300041 
 110.       0.610      0.079                                      D029300300042 
 115.       0.182      0.066                                      D029300300043 
 120.      -0.042      0.072                                      D029300300044 
 125.      -0.115      0.068                                      D029300300045 
 130.      -0.024      0.065                                      D029300300046 
 135.       0.114      0.091                                      D029300300047 
ENDDATA             28          0                                 D029300300048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 D029300399999 
SUBENT        D0293004   20050315                             D041D029300400001 
BIB                  2          5                                 D029300400002 
REACTION   (30-ZN-64(P,EL)30-ZN-64,,POL/DA)                       D029300400003 
SAMPLE     The targets used for all isotopes were over 98% pure,  D029300400004 
           metallic, self-supporting foils of 2cm x 1cm.          D029300400005 
           Thicknesses of 70 mg/cm2 (570 keV) and                 D029300400006 
           40 mg/cm2 (330 keV) were uzed for both zinc isotopes.  D029300400007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 D029300400008 
COMMON               1          3                                 D029300400009 
EN                                                                D029300400010 
MEV                                                               D029300400011 
  49.3                                                            D029300400012 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D029300400013 
DATA                 3         31                                 D029300400014 
ANG        DATA       ERR-S                                       D029300400015 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      D029300400016 
  10.      -0.012      0.010                                      D029300400017 
  15.      -0.030      0.010                                      D029300400018 
  17.5     -0.072      0.010                                      D029300400019 
  20.      -0.054      0.012                                      D029300400020 
  22.5     -0.097      0.016                                      D029300400021 
  25.      -0.133      0.018                                      D029300400022 
  27.5      0.616      0.014                                      D029300400023 
  30.       0.424      0.015                                      D029300400024 
  35.       0.165      0.010                                      D029300400025 
  40.      -0.061      0.019                                      D029300400026 
  45.       0.003      0.019                                      D029300400027 
  47.5      0.533      0.025                                      D029300400028 
  50.       0.897      0.026                                      D029300400029 
  55.       0.730      0.026                                      D029300400030 
  60.       0.484      0.025                                      D029300400031 
  65.       0.294      0.025                                      D029300400032 
  70.       0.400      0.030                                      D029300400033 
  75.       0.925      0.036                                      D029300400034 
  80.       1.00       0.040                                      D029300400035 
  85.       0.725      0.050                                      D029300400036 
  90.       0.740      0.054                                      D029300400037 
  95.       0.697      0.070                                      D029300400038 
 100.       0.644      0.065                                      D029300400039 
 105.       0.635      0.070                                      D029300400040 
 110.       0.843      0.070                                      D029300400041 
 115.       0.870      0.070                                      D029300400042 
 120.       1.00       0.055                                      D029300400043 
 125.       0.816      0.079                                      D029300400044 
 130.       0.564      0.080                                      D029300400045 
 135.       0.333      0.097                                      D029300400046 
 145.       0.355      0.091                                      D029300400047 
ENDDATA             33          0                                 D029300400048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 D029300499999 
SUBENT        D0293005   20050315                             D041D029300500001 
BIB                  2          5                                 D029300500002 
REACTION   (30-ZN-64(P,EL)30-ZN-64,,POL/DA,,ASY)                  D029300500003 
SAMPLE     The targets used for all isotopes were over 98% pure,  D029300500004 
           metallic, self-supporting foils of 2cm x 1cm.          D029300500005 
           Thicknesses of 70 mg/cm2 (570 keV) and                 D029300500006 
           40 mg/cm2 (330 keV) were uzed for both zinc isotopes.  D029300500007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 D029300500008 
COMMON               1          3                                 D029300500009 
EN                                                                D029300500010 
MEV                                                               D029300500011 
  49.3                                                            D029300500012 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D029300500013 
DATA                 4         31                                 D029300500014 
ANG        DATA       +ERR-S     -ERR-S                           D029300500015 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           D029300500016 
  10.      -0.030      0.090                                      D029300500017 
  15.      -0.066      0.061                                      D029300500018 
  17.5     -0.130      0.065                                      D029300500019 
  20.      -0.029      0.056                                      D029300500020 
  22.5     -0.140      0.039                                      D029300500021 
  25.      -0.246      0.029                                      D029300500022 
  27.5     -0.170      0.043                                      D029300500023 
  30.      -0.121      0.062                                      D029300500024 
  35.       0.523      0.071                                      D029300500025 
  40.       0.203      0.053                                      D029300500026 
  45.       0.087      0.040                                      D029300500027 
  47.5      0.068      0.036                                      D029300500028 
  50.      -0.051      0.054                                      D029300500029 
  55.       0.112      0.075                                      D029300500030 
  60.       0.667      0.078                                      D029300500031 
  65.       0.830      0.048                                      D029300500032 
  70.       0.536      0.036                                      D029300500033 
  75.       0.324      0.035                                      D029300500034 
  80.       0.685      0.114                                      D029300500035 
  85.       0.815      0.108                                      D029300500036 
  90.       0.988      0.012       0.078                          D029300500037 
  95.       0.877      0.096                                      D029300500038 
 100.       0.873      0.110                                      D029300500039 
 105.       0.674      0.125                                      D029300500040 
 110.       0.347      0.135                                      D029300500041 
 115.       0.500      0.096                                      D029300500042 
 120.       0.504      0.066                                      D029300500043 
 125.       0.631      0.072                                      D029300500044 
 130.       0.606      0.115                                      D029300500045 
 135.       0.603      0.122                                      D029300500046 
 145.       0.232      0.128                                      D029300500047 
ENDDATA             33          0                                 D029300500048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 D029300599999 
SUBENT        D0293006   20050315                             D041D029300600001 
BIB                  2          5                                 D029300600002 
REACTION   (30-ZN-68(P,EL)30-ZN-68,,POL/DA)                       D029300600003 
SAMPLE     The targets used for all isotopes were over 98% pure,  D029300600004 
           metallic, self-supporting foils of 2cm x 1cm.          D029300600005 
           Thicknesses of 70 mg/cm2 (570 keV) and                 D029300600006 
           40 mg/cm2 (330 keV) were uzed for both zinc isotopes.  D029300600007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 D029300600008 
COMMON               1          3                                 D029300600009 
EN                                                                D029300600010 
MEV                                                               D029300600011 
  49.5                                                            D029300600012 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D029300600013 
DATA                 3         33                                 D029300600014 
ANG        DATA       ERR-S                                       D029300600015 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      D029300600016 
  10.       0.035      0.010                                      D029300600017 
  15.      -0.099      0.015                                      D029300600018 
  17.5     -0.189      0.015                                      D029300600019 
  20.      -0.408      0.021                                      D029300600020 
  22.5     -0.542      0.030                                      D029300600021 
  25.       0.681      0.019                                      D029300600022 
  27.5      0.563      0.019                                      D029300600023 
  30.       0.335      0.010                                      D029300600024 
  35.       0.10       0.012                                      D029300600025 
  40.      -0.113      0.010                                      D029300600026 
  42.5     -0.085      0.015                                      D029300600027 
  45.       0.127      0.020                                      D029300600028 
  47.5      0.813      0.022                                      D029300600029 
  50.       0.897      0.022                                      D029300600030 
  55.       0.707      0.025                                      D029300600031 
  57.5      0.527      0.022                                      D029300600032 
  60.       0.375      0.028                                      D029300600033 
  65.       0.228      0.034                                      D029300600034 
  70.       0.697      0.042                                      D029300600035 
  75.       1.00       0.025                                      D029300600036 
  80.       0.984      0.043                                      D029300600037 
  85.       0.769      0.050                                      D029300600038 
  90.       0.709      0.046                                      D029300600039 
  95.       0.547      0.053                                      D029300600040 
 100.       0.779      0.053                                      D029300600041 
 105.       0.992      0.056                                      D029300600042 
 110.       1.00       0.054                                      D029300600043 
 115.       1.00       0.067                                      D029300600044 
 120.       0.641      0.085                                      D029300600045 
 125.       0.476      0.053                                      D029300600046 
 130.       0.633      0.095                                      D029300600047 
 135.       0.644      0.075                                      D029300600048 
 145.       0.695      0.095                                      D029300600049 
ENDDATA             35          0                                 D029300600050 
ENDSUBENT           49          0                                 D029300699999 
SUBENT        D0293007   20050315                             D041D029300700001 
BIB                  2          5                                 D029300700002 
REACTION   (30-ZN-68(P,EL)30-ZN-68,,POL/DA,,ASY)                  D029300700003 
SAMPLE     The targets used for all isotopes were over 98% pure,  D029300700004 
           metallic, self-supporting foils of 2cm x 1cm.          D029300700005 
           Thicknesses of 70 mg/cm2 (570 keV) and                 D029300700006 
           40 mg/cm2 (330 keV) were uzed for both zinc isotopes.  D029300700007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 D029300700008 
COMMON               1          3                                 D029300700009 
EN                                                                D029300700010 
MEV                                                               D029300700011 
  49.5                                                            D029300700012 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D029300700013 
DATA                 3         33                                 D029300700014 
ANG        DATA       ERR-S                                       D029300700015 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      D029300700016 
  10.      -0.160      0.105                                      D029300700017 
  15.      -0.112      0.130                                      D029300700018 
  17.5     -0.096      0.105                                      D029300700019 
  20.       0.043      0.085                                      D029300700020 
  22.5      0.000      0.075                                      D029300700021 
  25.      -0.096      0.047                                      D029300700022 
  27.5     -0.136      0.073                                      D029300700023 
  30.      -0.011      0.075                                      D029300700024 
  35.      -0.166      0.075                                      D029300700025 
  40.       0.395      0.069                                      D029300700026 
  42.5      0.214      0.048                                      D029300700027 
  45.       0.052      0.045                                      D029300700028 
  47.5     -0.077      0.053                                      D029300700029 
  50.      -0.085      0.054                                      D029300700030 
  55.       0.418      0.063                                      D029300700031 
  57.5      0.887      0.090                                      D029300700032 
  60.       0.775      0.053                                      D029300700033 
  65.       0.693      0.084                                      D029300700034 
  70.       0.320      0.085                                      D029300700035 
  75.       0.240      0.055                                      D029300700036 
  80.       0.503      0.130                                      D029300700037 
  85.       0.880      0.110                                      D029300700038 
  90.       0.915      0.076                                      D029300700039 
  95.       0.882      0.086                                      D029300700040 
 100.       0.780      0.110                                      D029300700041 
 105.       0.570      0.115                                      D029300700042 
 110.       0.617      0.105                                      D029300700043 
 115.       0.425      0.102                                      D029300700044 
 120.       0.390      0.118                                      D029300700045 
 125.       0.815      0.106                                      D029300700046 
 130.       0.960      0.127                                      D029300700047 
 135.       0.650      0.132                                      D029300700048 
 145.       0.227      0.160                                      D029300700049 
ENDDATA             35          0                                 D029300700050 
ENDSUBENT           49          0                                 D029300799999 
ENDENTRY             7          0                                 D029399999999