ENTRY D0295 20230627 D139D029500000001 SUBENT D0295001 20230627 D139D029500100001 BIB 7 10 D029500100002 TITLE Elastic and inelastic scattering of 30 MeV polarized D029500100003 protons on 90Zr,92Zr,and 92Mo D029500100004 AUTHOR (R.De Swiniarski, Dinh-Lien Pham, G.Bagieu) D029500100005 INSTITUTE (2FR GRE) D029500100006 REFERENCE (J,CJP,55,43,1977) D029500100007 FACILITY (CYCLO) D029500100008 STATUS (CURVE)Curves from the article D029500100009 HISTORY (20050315C) SD D029500100010 (20230627A) VT+On. Revision in 002, 004, 006, 010 and D029500100011 012 D029500100012 ENDBIB 10 0 D029500100013 COMMON 4 3 D029500100014 EN EN-RSL ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG D029500100015 MEV MEV PER-CENT PER-CENT D029500100016 30.0 0.1 0.5 0.3 D029500100017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D029500100018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 D029500199999 SUBENT D0295002 20230627 D139D029500200001 BIB 6 14 D029500200002 REACTION (40-ZR-90(P,EL)40-ZR-90,,DA) D029500200003 SAMPLE Enriched target of about 1 mg/cm2 thickness were used. D029500200004 The purity of the 90Zr target was 97.65%. D029500200005 DETECTOR (TELES,SILI,SIBAR) Two telescopes comprising dE surfaceD029500200006 barrier detectors of 700 mu-m thickness and E Si(Li) D029500200007 detectors 5 mm thick. D029500200008 (SILI) To obtain absolute values of differential cross D029500200009 sections, a beam monitor set-up was used by two Si(Li) D029500200010 detectors placed at 30 degr. on each side of the beam. D029500200011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors on cross sections were uniformly D029500200012 set at +/-3% D029500200013 STATUS (TABLE,,R.De Swiniarski+,J,CJP,55,43,1977) Fig. 2 D029500200014 HISTORY (20230627A) VT+On. COMMON: DATA-ERR1 deleted and D029500200015 ERR-ANALYS and DATA: DATA-ERR1-> DATA-ERR replaced. D029500200016 ENDBIB 14 0 D029500200017 NOCOMMON 0 0 D029500200018 DATA 3 17 D029500200019 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR D029500200020 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR D029500200021 23.675 372.78 35.490 D029500200022 28.884 241.48 22.990 D029500200023 33.682 211.20 13.627 D029500200024 39.326 134.54 10.762 D029500200025 43.596 41.852 3.3477 D029500200026 49.980 5.6543 0.70583 D029500200027 53.982 12.169 0.78517 D029500200028 59.304 28.942 2.7554 D029500200029 64.110 27.513 2.2008 D029500200030 68.880 17.529 1.1301 D029500200031 73.199 9.6123 0.62019 D029500200032 78.337 2.7506 0.17747 D029500200033 84.051 3.9011 0.31204 D029500200034 88.451 5.3522 0.34532 D029500200035 93.701 5.5300 0.35680 D029500200036 99.334 3.0829 0.24660 D029500200037 108.38 0.67527 0.54015E-01 D029500200038 ENDDATA 19 0 D029500200039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 D029500299999 SUBENT D0295003 20050315 D040D029500300001 BIB 6 16 D029500300002 REACTION (40-ZR-90(P,EL)40-ZR-90,,POL/DA,,ANA) fig.2 D029500300003 SAMPLE Enriched target of about 1 mg/cm2 thickness were used. D029500300004 The purity of the 90Zr target was 97.65%. D029500300005 DETECTOR (SILI) Up to 3 nA of energy analyzed polarized protons D029500300006 were delivered on the target, with a polarization closeD029500300007 to 70% which was measured with a carbon polarimeter. D029500300008 The carbon polarimeter consists of a thin foil of D029500300009 graphite introduced into the incident beam during 1 minD029500300010 for every 20 min interval, and of two Si(Li) detectors D029500300011 of 5 mm thickness located at 60 degr. on each side of D029500300012 the beam D029500300013 MONITOR (6-C-12(P,EL)6-C-12,,POL/DA,,ANA) The analyzing power D029500300014 for elastic scattering of 29 MeV protons by 12C at D029500300015 60 degr. angle is 0.58 +-0.02. D029500300016 MONIT-REF (,Craig+,J,NP,83,493,1966) D029500300017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) the errors on the polarization were statisticalD029500300018 ENDBIB 16 0 D029500300019 COMMON 4 3 D029500300020 EN-NRM ANG-NRM MONIT MONIT-ERR D029500300021 MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM D029500300022 29. 60. 0.58 0.02 D029500300023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D029500300024 DATA 3 18 D029500300025 ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S D029500300026 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM D029500300027 19.393 0.10252E-010.21824E-01 D029500300028 23.802 0.15850 0.30554E-01 D029500300029 29.010 0.10593 0.21824E-01 D029500300030 34.164 -.99401E-010.26189E-01 D029500300031 38.453 -.28725 0.26189E-01 D029500300032 44.000 -.61045 0.26173E-01 D029500300033 48.813 -.54951 0.26189E-01 D029500300034 54.037 0.65938 0.30554E-01 D029500300035 59.108 0.22270 0.30570E-01 D029500300036 64.233 -.61198E-010.21824E-01 D029500300037 69.346 -.38002 0.34934E-01 D029500300038 74.453 -.71630 0.26189E-01 D029500300039 78.988 -.21450 0.26189E-01 D029500300040 84.139 0.78924 0.26189E-01 D029500300041 89.291 0.57954 0.26189E-01 D029500300042 93.947 0.19963 0.34934E-01 D029500300043 99.033 -.19340 0.30554E-01 D029500300044 109.42 -.39019 0.34919E-01 D029500300045 ENDDATA 20 0 D029500300046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 D029500399999 SUBENT D0295004 20230627 D139D029500400001 BIB 7 15 D029500400002 REACTION (40-ZR-90(P,INL)40-ZR-90,PAR,DA) D029500400003 SAMPLE Enriched target of about 1 mg/cm2 thickness were used. D029500400004 The purity of the 90Zr target was 97.65%. D029500400005 EN-SEC (E-LVL,40-ZR-90) D029500400006 DETECTOR (TELES,SILI,SIBAR) Two telescopes comprising dE surfaceD029500400007 barrier detectors of 700 mu-m thickness and E Si(Li) D029500400008 detectors 5 mm thick. D029500400009 (SILI) To obtain absolute values of differential cross D029500400010 sections, a beam monitor set-up was used by two Si(Li) D029500400011 detectors placed at 30 degr. on each side of the beam. D029500400012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors on cross sections were uniformly D029500400013 set at +/-3% D029500400014 STATUS (TABLE,,R.De Swiniarski+,J,CJP,55,43,1977) Fig. 3+5 D029500400015 HISTORY (20230627A) VT+On. COMMON: DATA-ERR1 deleted and D029500400016 ERR-ANALYS and DATA: DATA-ERR1-> DATA-ERR replaced. D029500400017 ENDBIB 15 0 D029500400018 NOCOMMON 0 0 D029500400019 DATA 4 55 D029500400020 E-LVL ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR D029500400021 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR D029500400022 2.1800 20.730 1.3314 0.14932 D029500400023 2.1800 26.019 1.3781 0.11412 D029500400024 2.1800 31.007 1.2131 0.63863E-01 D029500400025 2.1800 35.695 0.90820 0.11027 D029500400026 2.1800 40.512 0.51923 0.21926E-01 D029500400027 2.1800 45.599 0.37237 0.19551E-01 D029500400028 2.1800 50.645 0.29112 0.21172E-01 D029500400029 2.1800 55.244 0.26181 0.19005E-01 D029500400030 2.1800 60.248 0.22313 0.22786E-01 D029500400031 2.1800 65.537 0.23095 0.40520E-01 D029500400032 2.1800 70.577 0.18251 0.15089E-01 D029500400033 2.1800 75.150 0.17324 0.19382E-01 D029500400034 2.1800 80.481 0.16448 0.15195E-01 D029500400035 2.1800 85.267 0.10032 0.72823E-02 D029500400036 2.1800 90.085 0.57356E-010.75043E-02 D029500400037 2.1800 94.990 0.60000E-010.49605E-02 D029500400038 2.3200 30.185 0.32536 0.32920E-01 D029500400039 2.3200 35.101 0.33300 0.36826E-01 D029500400040 2.3200 41.194 0.31307 0.19452E-01 D029500400041 2.3200 46.059 0.35648 0.29159E-01 D029500400042 2.3200 51.035 0.32101 0.26300E-01 D029500400043 2.3200 55.325 0.24890 0.15431E-01 D029500400044 2.3200 60.221 0.26584 0.16482E-01 D029500400045 2.3200 64.874 0.21285 0.29502E-01 D029500400046 2.3200 70.382 0.13920 0.16708E-01 D029500400047 2.3200 75.516 0.90055E-010.99705E-02 D029500400048 2.3200 85.192 0.58986E-010.48172E-02 D029500400049 2.3200 95.262 0.37425E-010.41388E-02 D029500400050 2.7500 19.626 1.5207 0.11050 D029500400051 2.7500 24.481 1.9938 0.14467 D029500400052 2.7500 29.770 2.2727 0.21033 D029500400053 2.7500 33.883 2.8229 0.47259 D029500400054 2.7500 39.337 2.0685 0.87277E-01 D029500400055 2.7500 44.349 1.7814 0.11155 D029500400056 2.7500 49.831 1.2105 0.75928E-01 D029500400057 2.7500 54.526 0.87728 0.37016E-01 D029500400058 2.7500 59.523 0.78882 0.73001E-01 D029500400059 2.7500 64.507 0.73258 0.60516E-01 D029500400060 2.7500 69.640 0.45662 0.55395E-01 D029500400061 2.7500 74.563 0.49847 0.41177E-01 D029500400062 2.7500 79.896 0.50468 0.41690E-01 D029500400063 2.7500 89.624 0.29847 0.18658E-01 D029500400064 2.7500 94.661 0.24095 0.17509E-01 D029500400065 2.7500 99.465 0.13054 0.13337E-01 D029500400066 2.7500 109.48 0.10000 0.11180E-01 D029500400067 3.0800 36.225 0.17842 0.14544E-01 D029500400068 3.0800 41.035 0.14882 0.19202E-01 D029500400069 3.0800 46.174 0.10038 0.10115E-01 D029500400070 3.0800 51.051 0.11762 0.13173E-01 D029500400071 3.0800 61.409 0.79264E-010.88875E-02 D029500400072 3.0800 66.161 0.49633E-010.59395E-02 D029500400073 3.0800 70.940 0.35681E-010.39959E-02 D029500400074 3.0800 80.982 0.32033E-010.47429E-02 D029500400075 3.0800 86.258 0.42636E-010.63128E-02 D029500400076 3.0800 90.974 0.22287E-010.32984E-02 D029500400077 ENDDATA 57 0 D029500400078 ENDSUBENT 77 0 D029500499999 SUBENT D0295005 20050315 D040D029500500001 BIB 7 17 D029500500002 REACTION (40-ZR-90(P,INL)40-ZR-90,PAR,POL/DA,,ANA) fig.4,5 D029500500003 EN-SEC (E-LVL,40-ZR-90) D029500500004 SAMPLE Enriched target of about 1 mg/cm2 thickness were used. D029500500005 The purity of the 90Zr target was 97.65%. D029500500006 DETECTOR (SILI) Up to 3 nA of energy analyzed polarized protons D029500500007 were delivered on the target, with a polarization closeD029500500008 to 70% which was measured with a carbon polarimeter. D029500500009 The carbon polarimeter consists of a thin foil of D029500500010 graphite introduced into the incident beam during 1 minD029500500011 for every 20 min interval, and of two Si(Li) detectors D029500500012 of 5 mm thickness located at 60 degr. on each side of D029500500013 the beam D029500500014 MONITOR (6-C-12(P,EL)6-C-12,,POL/DA,,ANA) The analyzing power D029500500015 for elastic scattering of 29 MeV protons by 12C at D029500500016 60 degr. angle is 0.58 +-0.02. D029500500017 MONIT-REF (,Craig+,J,NP,83,493,1966) D029500500018 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) the errors on the polarization were statisticalD029500500019 ENDBIB 17 0 D029500500020 COMMON 4 3 D029500500021 EN-NRM ANG-NRM MONIT MONIT-ERR D029500500022 MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM D029500500023 29. 60. 0.58 0.02 D029500500024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D029500500025 DATA 4 53 D029500500026 E-LVL ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S D029500500027 MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM D029500500028 2.1800 19.135 0.10856 0.45149E-01 D029500500029 2.1800 23.680 0.13357 0.41676E-01 D029500500030 2.1800 28.935 0.15522 0.31257E-01 D029500500031 2.1800 33.743 0.13529E-010.41676E-01 D029500500032 2.1800 39.097 -.27336E-010.24365E-01 D029500500033 2.1800 43.685 -.30107E-010.55568E-01 D029500500034 2.1800 49.508 0.78474E-010.45095E-01 D029500500035 2.1800 54.025 0.12085 0.65987E-01 D029500500036 2.1800 59.220 0.18070 0.55622E-01 D029500500037 2.1800 63.798 0.18488 0.76406E-01 D029500500038 2.1800 69.493 0.15101 0.59041E-01 D029500500039 2.1800 74.207 0.68364E-010.55568E-01 D029500500040 2.1800 78.559 -.73942E-020.76460E-01 D029500500041 2.1800 84.487 0.25753 0.90298E-01 D029500500042 2.1800 89.511 0.20271 0.12166 D029500500043 2.1800 94.904 0.35986 0.90298E-01 D029500500044 2.3200 24.139 0.12430 0.46340E-01 D029500500045 2.3200 29.577 0.25353 0.67728E-01 D029500500046 2.3200 34.480 0.51088E-010.49962E-01 D029500500047 2.3200 39.573 -.47926E-010.74800E-01 D029500500048 2.3200 45.279 0.13484 0.53526E-01 D029500500049 2.3200 49.924 0.96363E-010.67728E-01 D029500500050 2.3200 54.880 0.30753 0.71292E-01 D029500500051 2.3200 65.574 0.23438 0.14615 D029500500052 2.3200 70.712 0.10684 0.89116E-01 D029500500053 2.3200 76.006 0.10413 0.99809E-01 D029500500054 2.3200 85.614 0.48632E-010.14971 D029500500055 2.3200 95.414 0.54225 0.10694 D029500500056 2.7500 20.777 0.13582 0.41995E-01 D029500500057 2.7500 25.855 0.87605E-010.34941E-01 D029500500058 2.7500 30.740 0.15837 0.35052E-01 D029500500059 2.7500 40.630 0.22642 0.28052E-01 D029500500060 2.7500 45.044 0.14659 0.34996E-01 D029500500061 2.7500 49.652 0.16831 0.28052E-01 D029500500062 2.7500 54.933 -.58964E-020.31552E-01 D029500500063 2.7500 59.954 -.19119E-010.31497E-01 D029500500064 2.7500 64.879 0.27152E-010.31497E-01 D029500500065 2.7500 70.388 0.15402 0.62993E-01 D029500500066 2.7500 75.676 0.41738 0.48995E-01 D029500500067 2.7500 81.417 0.40077 0.45440E-01 D029500500068 2.7500 89.951 0.20257 0.77047E-01 D029500500069 2.7500 99.976 -.33911E-010.90879E-01 D029500500070 2.7500 110.60 0.68534 0.10149 D029500500071 3.0800 34.266 0.62459E-010.74091E-01 D029500500072 3.0800 39.445 -.30378E-010.77777E-01 D029500500073 3.0800 44.386 0.15828 0.88888E-01 D029500500074 3.0800 50.018 0.23209 0.88906E-01 D029500500075 3.0800 59.627 0.39043E-010.10370 D029500500076 3.0800 64.493 0.72148E-010.10741 D029500500077 3.0800 69.727 0.94124E-010.15555 D029500500078 3.0800 79.453 0.14552 0.18146 D029500500079 3.0800 89.235 0.31543 0.21113 D029500500080 3.0800 94.530 0.46333 0.88871E-01 D029500500081 ENDDATA 55 0 D029500500082 ENDSUBENT 81 0 D029500599999 SUBENT D0295006 20230627 D139D029500600001 BIB 6 14 D029500600002 REACTION (40-ZR-92(P,EL)40-ZR-92,,DA) D029500600003 SAMPLE Enriched target of about 1 mg/cm2 thickness were used. D029500600004 The purity of the 92Zr target was 93.20%. D029500600005 DETECTOR (TELES,SILI,SIBAR) Two telescopes comprising dE D029500600006 surface barrier detector of 700 mu-m thickness and E D029500600007 Si(Li) detectors 5 mm thick. D029500600008 (SILI) To obtain absolute values of differential cross D029500600009 sections, a beam monitor set-up was used by two Si(Li) D029500600010 detectors placed at 30 degr. on each side of the beam. D029500600011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors on cross sections were uniformly D029500600012 set at +/-3% D029500600013 STATUS (TABLE,,R.De Swiniarski+,J,CJP,55,43,1977) Fig. 2 D029500600014 HISTORY (20230627A) VT+On. COMMON: DATA-ERR1 deleted and D029500600015 ERR-ANALYS and DATA: DATA-ERR1-> DATA-ERR replaced. D029500600016 ENDBIB 14 0 D029500600017 NOCOMMON 0 0 D029500600018 DATA 3 21 D029500600019 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR D029500600020 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR D029500600021 18.324 2255.6 266.42 D029500600022 24.002 554.23 55.115 D029500600023 26.624 321.46 31.969 D029500600024 30.120 239.74 32.700 D029500600025 32.307 260.69 20.955 D029500600026 35.803 190.39 18.934 D029500600027 38.863 148.07 17.489 D029500600028 44.542 36.381 3.6179 D029500600029 49.342 3.7084 0.29808 D029500600030 55.030 10.793 1.0734 D029500600031 60.717 22.468 2.2343 D029500600032 69.024 21.098 1.6959 D029500600033 75.141 6.2595 0.62247 D029500600034 80.821 2.5428 0.25286 D029500600035 86.945 4.6679 0.46420 D029500600036 90.006 5.1832 0.51545 D029500600037 95.252 4.3833 0.43589 D029500600038 100.50 2.9439 0.29275 D029500600039 104.87 1.5377 0.15291 D029500600040 109.67 0.65138 0.14479 D029500600041 119.73 0.91067 0.17212 D029500600042 ENDDATA 23 0 D029500600043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 D029500699999 SUBENT D0295007 20050315 D040D029500700001 BIB 6 16 D029500700002 REACTION (40-ZR-92(P,EL)40-ZR-92,,POL/DA,,ANA) fig.2 D029500700003 SAMPLE Enriched target of about 1 mg/cm2 thickness were used. D029500700004 The purity of the 92Zr target was 93.20%. D029500700005 DETECTOR (SILI) Up to 3 nA of energy analyzed polarized protons D029500700006 were delivered on the target, with a polarization closeD029500700007 to 70% which was measured with a carbon polarimeter. D029500700008 The carbon polarimeter consists of a thin foil of D029500700009 graphite introduced into the incident beam during 1 minD029500700010 for every 20 min interval, and of two Si(Li) detectors D029500700011 of 5 mm thickness located at 60 degr. on each side of D029500700012 the beam D029500700013 MONITOR (6-C-12(P,EL)6-C-12,,POL/DA,,ANA) The analyzing power D029500700014 for elastic scattering of 29 MeV protons by 12C at D029500700015 60 degr. angle is 0.58 +-0.02. D029500700016 MONIT-REF (,Craig+,J,NP,83,493,1966) D029500700017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) the errors on the polarization were statisticalD029500700018 ENDBIB 16 0 D029500700019 COMMON 4 3 D029500700020 EN-NRM ANG-NRM MONIT MONIT-ERR D029500700021 MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM D029500700022 29. 60. 0.58 0.02 D029500700023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D029500700024 DATA 3 19 D029500700025 ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S D029500700026 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM D029500700027 17.822 0.12747 0.17295E-01 D029500700028 23.994 0.29584 0.21619E-01 D029500700029 26.577 0.22655 0.17314E-01 D029500700030 29.191 0.22643 0.21638E-01 D029500700031 33.026 0.31696E-010.17295E-01 D029500700032 38.601 -.17176 0.17295E-01 D029500700033 45.377 -.61741 0.17314E-01 D029500700034 49.763 -.54842 0.30285E-01 D029500700035 54.901 0.25128 0.17295E-01 D029500700036 59.616 0.73796E-010.21600E-01 D029500700037 69.493 -.25092 0.25943E-01 D029500700038 74.589 -.55381 0.38914E-01 D029500700039 80.306 0.57448 0.17295E-01 D029500700040 89.373 0.38816 0.38914E-01 D029500700041 94.017 0.50704E-010.25961E-01 D029500700042 99.550 -.24788 0.30285E-01 D029500700043 104.65 -.54644 0.25943E-01 D029500700044 109.15 -.20505 0.30248E-01 D029500700045 119.18 0.81495 0.34590E-01 D029500700046 ENDDATA 21 0 D029500700047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 D029500799999 SUBENT D0295008 20050315 D040D029500800001 BIB 5 12 D029500800002 REACTION (40-ZR-92(P,INL)40-ZR-92,PAR,DA) fig.4,5 D029500800003 SAMPLE Enriched target of about 1 mg/cm2 thickness were used. D029500800004 The purity of the 92Zr target was 93.20%. D029500800005 EN-SEC (E-LVL,40-ZR-92) D029500800006 DETECTOR (TELES,SILI,SIBAR) The measurements were made using D029500800007 four telescopes comprising dE surface barrier detector D029500800008 of 700 mu-m thickness and E Si(Li) detectors 5 mm thickD029500800009 (SILI) To obtain absolute values of differential cross D029500800010 sections, a beam monitor set-up was used by two Si(Li) D029500800011 detectors placed at 30 degr. on each side of the beam. D029500800012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR1) Errors on the cross sections were D029500800013 uniformly set at +-3% D029500800014 ENDBIB 12 0 D029500800015 COMMON 1 3 D029500800016 DATA-ERR1 D029500800017 PER-CENT D029500800018 3. D029500800019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D029500800020 DATA 4 35 D029500800021 E-LVL ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S D029500800022 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR D029500800023 0.93000 27.376 4.9107 0.25706 D029500800024 0.93000 30.888 4.0524 0.21213 D029500800025 0.93000 33.620 3.4900 0.14639 D029500800026 0.93000 36.500 2.2726 0.11896 D029500800027 0.93000 45.263 1.0181 0.53296E-01 D029500800028 0.93000 60.025 0.51474 0.32162E-01 D029500800029 0.93000 69.022 0.62039 0.38763E-01 D029500800030 0.93000 75.073 0.63552 0.39708E-01 D029500800031 0.93000 81.053 0.36420 0.22756E-01 D029500800032 0.93000 86.807 0.15609 0.17413E-01 D029500800033 0.93000 94.635 0.97568E-010.70745E-02 D029500800034 0.93000 99.758 0.13795 0.72213E-02 D029500800035 0.93000 104.68 0.13824 0.10024E-01 D029500800036 0.93000 109.72 0.11173 0.81011E-02 D029500800037 0.93000 119.66 0.46448E-010.33609E-02 D029500800038 2.3300 18.313 2.4578 0.10320 D029500800039 2.3300 27.283 3.5517 0.18591 D029500800040 2.3300 30.317 3.6721 0.19170 D029500800041 2.3300 32.891 4.4585 0.23275 D029500800042 2.3300 36.359 4.1416 0.25808 D029500800043 2.3300 39.053 3.9295 0.16498 D029500800044 2.3300 45.247 3.2474 0.13634 D029500800045 2.3300 50.508 1.7469 0.91194E-01 D029500800046 2.3300 60.222 1.2047 0.50579E-01 D029500800047 2.3300 69.016 1.1457 0.48102E-01 D029500800048 2.3300 74.792 1.0204 0.42844E-01 D029500800049 2.3300 80.938 0.92875 0.48485E-01 D029500800050 2.3300 86.777 0.72736 0.37971E-01 D029500800051 2.3300 89.059 0.73585 0.45854E-01 D029500800052 2.3300 90.074 0.43993 0.18533E-01 D029500800053 2.3300 94.806 0.31948 0.16678E-01 D029500800054 2.3300 100.17 0.30343 0.15840E-01 D029500800055 2.3300 104.45 0.25600 0.15952E-01 D029500800056 2.3300 109.81 0.24055 0.12524E-01 D029500800057 2.3300 119.46 0.19275 0.10063E-01 D029500800058 ENDDATA 37 0 D029500800059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 D029500899999 SUBENT D0295009 20050315 D040D029500900001 BIB 7 17 D029500900002 REACTION (40-ZR-92(P,INL)40-ZR-92,PAR,POL/DA,,ANA) fig.4,5 D029500900003 EN-SEC (E-LVL,40-ZR-92) D029500900004 SAMPLE Enriched target of about 1 mg/cm2 thickness were used. D029500900005 The purity of the 92Zr target was 93.20%. D029500900006 DETECTOR (SILI) Up to 3 nA of energy analyzed polarized protons D029500900007 were delivered on the target, with a polarization closeD029500900008 to 70% which was measured with a carbon polarimeter. D029500900009 The carbon polarimeter consists of a thin foil of D029500900010 graphite introduced into the incident beam during 1 minD029500900011 for every 20 min interval, and of two Si(Li) detectors D029500900012 of 5 mm thickness located at 60 degr. on each side of D029500900013 the beam D029500900014 MONITOR (6-C-12(P,EL)6-C-12,,POL/DA,,ANA) The analyzing power D029500900015 for elastic scattering of 29 MeV protons by 12C at D029500900016 60 degr. angle is 0.58 +-0.02. D029500900017 MONIT-REF (,Craig+,J,NP,83,493,1966) D029500900018 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) the errors on the polarization were statisticalD029500900019 ENDBIB 17 0 D029500900020 COMMON 4 3 D029500900021 EN-NRM ANG-NRM MONIT MONIT-ERR D029500900022 MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM D029500900023 29. 60. 0.58 0.02 D029500900024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D029500900025 DATA 4 31 D029500900026 E-LVL ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S D029500900027 MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM D029500900028 0.93000 26.251 0.52313E-010.35309E-01 D029500900029 0.93000 30.330 0.14481 0.52963E-01 D029500900030 0.93000 35.624 0.14216 0.56494E-01 D029500900031 0.93000 59.275 -.87034E-010.70617E-01 D029500900032 0.93000 68.922 0.26421 0.70617E-01 D029500900033 0.93000 74.594 0.32048E-010.88272E-01 D029500900034 0.93000 81.062 -.41051E-010.81268E-01 D029500900035 0.93000 87.076 0.16126 0.18360 D029500900036 0.93000 95.059 0.45219 0.77679E-01 D029500900037 0.93000 100.08 0.18813 0.84741E-01 D029500900038 0.93000 105.44 0.14310 0.49490E-01 D029500900039 0.93000 110.85 0.73358E-010.56494E-01 D029500900040 0.93000 120.52 0.19504 0.10593 D029500900041 2.3300 26.999 0.15116 0.35367E-01 D029500900042 2.3300 30.789 0.26129 0.42441E-01 D029500900043 2.3300 32.940 0.25448 0.28338E-01 D029500900044 2.3300 39.398 0.23051 0.35323E-01 D029500900045 2.3300 45.852 0.21009 0.28294E-01 D029500900046 2.3300 50.912 -.12179 0.35367E-01 D029500900047 2.3300 55.629 -.18134 0.60168E-01 D029500900048 2.3300 60.619 -.17365 0.42485E-01 D029500900049 2.3300 70.078 0.25552 0.49470E-01 D029500900050 2.3300 75.957 0.40835 0.70779E-01 D029500900051 2.3300 82.437 0.36670 0.35367E-01 D029500900052 2.3300 88.279 0.26484 0.53007E-01 D029500900053 2.3300 90.768 -.10756E-010.67198E-01 D029500900054 2.3300 95.574 -.14104 0.42441E-01 D029500900055 2.3300 101.11 -.24052E-020.53051E-01 D029500900056 2.3300 104.69 0.28102 0.46021E-01 D029500900057 2.3300 110.11 0.50807 0.35367E-01 D029500900058 2.3300 120.34 0.60838 0.38904E-01 D029500900059 ENDDATA 33 0 D029500900060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 D029500999999 SUBENT D0295010 20230627 D139D029501000001 BIB 6 14 D029501000002 REACTION (42-MO-92(P,EL)42-MO-92,,DA) D029501000003 SAMPLE Enriched target of about 1 mg/cm2 thickness were used. D029501000004 The purity of the 92Mo target was 98.27%. D029501000005 DETECTOR (TELES,SILI,SIBAR) Two telescopes comprising dE surfaceD029501000006 barrier detectors of 700 mu-m thickness and E Si(Li) D029501000007 detectors 5 mm thick. D029501000008 (SILI) To obtain absolute values of differential cross D029501000009 sections, a beam monitor set-up was used by two Si(Li) D029501000010 detectors placed at 30 degr. on each side of the beam. D029501000011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors on cross sections were uniformly D029501000012 set at +/-3% D029501000013 STATUS (TABLE,,R.De Swiniarski+,J,CJP,55,43,1977) Fig. 2 D029501000014 HISTORY (20230627A) VT+On. COMMON: DATA-ERR1 deleted and D029501000015 ERR-ANALYS and DATA: DATA-ERR1-> DATA-ERR replaced. D029501000016 ENDBIB 14 0 D029501000017 NOCOMMON 0 0 D029501000018 DATA 3 22 D029501000019 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR D029501000020 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR D029501000021 20.011 1519.4 147.55 D029501000022 24.386 455.18 44.201 D029501000023 29.634 284.52 22.327 D029501000024 34.882 222.67 21.623 D029501000025 39.692 167.28 16.244 D029501000026 44.066 64.038 6.2185 D029501000027 49.755 8.8264 0.69264 D029501000028 54.563 13.836 1.0857 D029501000029 58.933 32.634 3.1690 D029501000030 64.617 35.414 2.7790 D029501000031 68.990 24.021 2.3327 D029501000032 74.239 10.609 1.2240 D029501000033 79.051 3.5929 0.34890 D029501000034 84.298 3.8201 0.37096 D029501000035 89.106 5.2973 0.41569 D029501000036 94.352 7.1971 0.69889 D029501000037 99.599 5.5185 0.43305 D029501000038 104.41 3.3798 0.26521 D029501000039 109.22 1.5550 0.12202 D029501000040 114.47 1.0765 0.84478E-01 D029501000041 119.71 1.7223 0.19870 D029501000042 129.33 2.3884 0.23192 D029501000043 ENDDATA 24 0 D029501000044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 D029501099999 SUBENT D0295011 20050315 D040D029501100001 BIB 6 16 D029501100002 REACTION (42-MO-92(P,EL)42-MO-92,,POL/DA,,ANA) fig.2 D029501100003 SAMPLE Enriched target of about 1 mg/cm2 thickness were used. D029501100004 The purity of the 92Mo target was 98.27%. D029501100005 DETECTOR (SILI) Up to 3 nA of energy analyzed polarized protons D029501100006 were delivered on the target, with a polarization closeD029501100007 to 70% which was measured with a carbon polarimeter. D029501100008 The carbon polarimeter consists of a thin foil of D029501100009 graphite introduced into the incident beam during 1 minD029501100010 for every 20 min interval, and of two Si(Li) detectors D029501100011 of 5 mm thickness located at 60 degr. on each side of D029501100012 the beam D029501100013 MONITOR (6-C-12(P,EL)6-C-12,,POL/DA,,ANA) The analyzing power D029501100014 for elastic scattering of 29 MeV protons by 12C at D029501100015 60 degr. angle is 0.58 +-0.02. D029501100016 MONIT-REF (,Craig+,J,NP,83,493,1966) D029501100017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) the errors on the polarization were statisticalD029501100018 ENDBIB 16 0 D029501100019 COMMON 4 3 D029501100020 EN-NRM ANG-NRM MONIT MONIT-ERR D029501100021 MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM D029501100022 29. 60. 0.58 0.02 D029501100023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D029501100024 DATA 3 21 D029501100025 ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S D029501100026 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM D029501100027 19.384 -.18724E-010.21590E-01 D029501100028 23.353 0.11499 0.17272E-01 D029501100029 25.096 0.11493 0.17272E-01 D029501100030 29.459 0.13636 0.17272E-01 D029501100031 38.896 -.26555 0.17287E-01 D029501100032 44.447 -.57233 0.17272E-01 D029501100033 49.183 -.72363 0.25923E-01 D029501100034 54.503 0.72704 0.30241E-01 D029501100035 59.565 0.27346 0.30210E-01 D029501100036 64.672 -.54891E-010.34544E-01 D029501100037 68.924 -.34003 0.21590E-01 D029501100038 74.038 -.65111 0.21590E-01 D029501100039 79.795 -.39224 0.30226E-01 D029501100040 85.026 0.81230 0.30241E-01 D029501100041 89.295 0.57466 0.30241E-01 D029501100042 99.494 -.12523 0.21590E-01 D029501100043 104.61 -.42335 0.30210E-01 D029501100044 109.82 -.47104 0.43180E-01 D029501100045 114.48 0.36217 0.47482E-01 D029501100046 119.47 0.91038 0.34544E-01 D029501100047 129.80 0.56025 0.38877E-01 D029501100048 ENDDATA 23 0 D029501100049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 D029501199999 SUBENT D0295012 20230627 D139D029501200001 BIB 7 15 D029501200002 REACTION (42-MO-92(P,INL)42-MO-92,PAR,DA) D029501200003 EN-SEC (E-LVL,42-MO-92) D029501200004 SAMPLE Enriched target of about 1 mg/cm2 thickness were used. D029501200005 The purity of the 92Mo target was 98.27%. D029501200006 DETECTOR (TELES,SILI,SIBAR) Two telescopes comprising dE surfaceD029501200007 barrier detectors of 700 mu-m thickness and E Si(Li) D029501200008 detectors 5 mm thick. D029501200009 (SILI) To obtain absolute values of differential cross D029501200010 sections, a beam monitor set-up was used by two Si(Li) D029501200011 detectors placed at 30 degr. on each side of the beam. D029501200012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors on cross sections were uniformly D029501200013 set at +/-3% D029501200014 STATUS (TABLE,,R.De Swiniarski+,J,CJP,55,43,1977) Fig. 4+5 D029501200015 HISTORY (20230627A) VT+On. COMMON: DATA-ERR1 deleted and D029501200016 ERR-ANALYS and DATA: DATA-ERR1-> DATA-ERR replaced. D029501200017 ENDBIB 15 0 D029501200018 NOCOMMON 0 0 D029501200019 DATA 4 69 D029501200020 E-LVL ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR D029501200021 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR D029501200022 1.5100 20.283 2.3327 0.17080 D029501200023 1.5100 25.815 3.0685 0.19362 D029501200024 1.5100 30.681 3.4283 0.25102 D029501200025 1.5100 35.423 1.2239 0.10187 D029501200026 1.5100 40.794 1.0887 0.79713E-01 D029501200027 1.5100 45.438 0.91690 0.48472E-01 D029501200028 1.5100 50.779 0.86113 0.36759E-01 D029501200029 1.5100 54.977 0.81717 0.51561E-01 D029501200030 1.5100 59.730 0.56600 0.63660E-01 D029501200031 1.5100 65.631 0.38380 0.39567E-01 D029501200032 1.5100 70.190 0.37634 0.38739E-01 D029501200033 1.5100 80.829 0.35818 0.40341E-01 D029501200034 1.5100 85.618 0.23243 0.26214E-01 D029501200035 1.5100 90.143 0.12268 0.20151E-01 D029501200036 1.5100 95.230 0.18184 0.23079E-01 D029501200037 1.5100 99.746 0.19238 0.24456E-01 D029501200038 1.5100 105.23 0.14074 0.13130E-01 D029501200039 1.5100 109.95 0.10181 0.14363E-01 D029501200040 1.5100 115.28 0.97718E-010.11006E-01 D029501200041 1.5100 119.83 0.97921E-010.13815E-01 D029501200042 2.2800 35.920 0.44788 0.52665E-01 D029501200043 2.2800 40.715 0.33393 0.32087E-01 D029501200044 2.2800 45.502 0.23912 0.22760E-01 D029501200045 2.2800 50.337 0.22492 0.18932E-01 D029501200046 2.2800 55.167 0.20524 0.21586E-01 D029501200047 2.2800 60.427 0.26138 0.30721E-01 D029501200048 2.2800 65.297 0.30091 0.31660E-01 D029501200049 2.2800 70.818 0.20074 0.23594E-01 D029501200050 2.2800 80.743 0.90256E-010.13471E-01 D029501200051 2.2800 85.519 0.60216E-010.11016E-01 D029501200052 2.2800 90.690 0.45811E-010.96962E-02 D029501200053 2.2800 95.633 0.80611E-010.12246E-01 D029501200054 2.2800 100.91 0.11243 0.15814E-01 D029501200055 2.2800 105.34 0.88175E-010.12402E-01 D029501200056 2.2800 110.11 0.58828E-010.89340E-02 D029501200057 2.2800 115.28 0.44305E-010.57077E-02 D029501200058 2.5200 39.729 0.72046 0.59611E-01 D029501200059 2.5200 45.185 0.57561 0.75289E-01 D029501200060 2.5200 50.186 0.52909 0.59242E-01 D029501200061 2.5200 54.920 0.39182 0.40096E-01 D029501200062 2.5200 59.658 0.28705 0.34838E-01 D029501200063 2.5200 64.865 0.36878 0.41188E-01 D029501200064 2.5200 69.991 0.26731 0.29931E-01 D029501200065 2.5200 75.236 0.15446 0.20225E-01 D029501200066 2.5200 80.526 0.81866E-010.12998E-01 D029501200067 2.5200 95.278 0.49590E-010.92029E-02 D029501200068 2.5200 100.56 0.55368E-010.97856E-02 D029501200069 2.5200 105.43 0.64536E-010.84593E-02 D029501200070 2.5200 110.00 0.66072E-010.98779E-02 D029501200071 2.5200 119.76 0.42612E-010.79023E-02 D029501200072 2.5200 130.16 0.34861E-010.43956E-02 D029501200073 2.8500 39.972 3.1754 0.21334 D029501200074 2.8500 44.582 2.8842 0.19378 D029501200075 2.8500 49.656 2.0867 0.13159 D029501200076 2.8500 54.667 1.7955 0.13118 D029501200077 2.8500 59.734 1.3275 0.83575E-01 D029501200078 2.8500 64.796 0.99218 0.72486E-01 D029501200079 2.8500 69.387 0.95137 0.59795E-01 D029501200080 2.8500 74.406 0.80108 0.42254E-01 D029501200081 2.8500 79.047 0.66718 0.48673E-01 D029501200082 2.8500 84.412 0.61941 0.32672E-01 D029501200083 2.8500 89.498 0.43380 0.27311E-01 D029501200084 2.8500 94.081 0.42507 0.31055E-01 D029501200085 2.8500 99.072 0.38613 0.28210E-01 D029501200086 2.8500 104.20 0.24265 0.17727E-01 D029501200087 2.8500 108.85 0.19563 0.16247E-01 D029501200088 2.8500 113.76 0.22555 0.18732E-01 D029501200089 2.8500 119.06 0.24905 0.18221E-01 D029501200090 2.8500 128.67 0.20108 0.20653E-01 D029501200091 ENDDATA 71 0 D029501200092 ENDSUBENT 91 0 D029501299999 SUBENT D0295013 20050315 D040D029501300001 BIB 7 17 D029501300002 REACTION (42-MO-92(P,INL)42-MO-92,PAR,POL/DA,,ANA) fig.4,5 D029501300003 EN-SEC (E-LVL,42-MO-92) D029501300004 SAMPLE Enriched target of about 1 mg/cm2 thickness were used. D029501300005 The purity of the 92Mo target was 98.27%. D029501300006 DETECTOR (SILI) Up to 3 nA of energy analyzed polarized protons D029501300007 were delivered on the target, with a polarization closeD029501300008 to 70% which was measured with a carbon polarimeter. D029501300009 The carbon polarimeter consists of a thin foil of D029501300010 graphite introduced into the incident beam during 1 minD029501300011 for every 20 min interval, and of two Si(Li) detectors D029501300012 of 5 mm thickness located at 60 degr. on each side of D029501300013 the beam D029501300014 MONITOR (6-C-12(P,EL)6-C-12,,POL/DA,,ANA) The analyzing power D029501300015 for elastic scattering of 29 MeV protons by 12C at D029501300016 60 degr. angle is 0.58 +-0.02. D029501300017 MONIT-REF (,Craig+,J,NP,83,493,1966) D029501300018 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) the errors on the polarization were statisticalD029501300019 ENDBIB 17 0 D029501300020 COMMON 4 3 D029501300021 EN-NRM ANG-NRM MONIT MONIT-ERR D029501300022 MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM D029501300023 29. 60. 0.58 0.02 D029501300024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D029501300025 DATA 4 63 D029501300026 E-LVL ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S D029501300027 MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM D029501300028 1.5100 19.539 0.40585E-010.39125E-01 D029501300029 1.5100 25.477 0.73700E-010.46312E-01 D029501300030 1.5100 30.728 0.96004E-010.46312E-01 D029501300031 1.5100 35.207 0.15737 0.92686E-01 D029501300032 1.5100 40.596 -.10538 0.53375E-01 D029501300033 1.5100 45.240 -.14020 0.60562E-01 D029501300034 1.5100 49.596 -.75862E-020.67625E-01 D029501300035 1.5100 55.610 0.18590 0.85499E-01 D029501300036 1.5100 60.003 0.29714 0.10681 D029501300037 1.5100 65.285 0.30163 0.11044 D029501300038 1.5100 69.867 0.30244 0.99625E-01 D029501300039 1.5100 80.391 0.12968 0.99749E-01 D029501300040 1.5100 84.790 -.17245 0.99810E-01 D029501300041 1.5100 91.463 0.25278 0.13537 D029501300042 1.5100 95.730 0.64196 0.11756 D029501300043 1.5100 101.15 0.36139 0.12112 D029501300044 1.5100 106.33 0.21976 0.12469 D029501300045 1.5100 110.97 0.18850 0.16037 D029501300046 1.5100 115.23 0.17143 0.14244 D029501300047 1.5100 121.75 0.72799E-010.13537 D029501300048 2.2800 34.347 0.16181 0.14094 D029501300049 2.2800 39.924 0.11337 0.11128 D029501300050 2.2800 44.679 -.12048 0.11127 D029501300051 2.2800 49.560 -.46499E-010.12241 D029501300052 2.2800 54.918 0.28338 0.12981 D029501300053 2.2800 59.797 0.35365 0.14094 D029501300054 2.2800 64.989 0.27556 0.14094 D029501300055 2.2800 79.919 0.28979 0.16691 D029501300056 2.2800 84.516 0.58261 0.20771 D029501300057 2.2800 94.944 0.53397 0.19657 D029501300058 2.2800 100.10 0.37799 0.11497 D029501300059 2.2800 104.93 0.32958 0.15576 D029501300060 2.2800 110.49 0.23293 0.19286 D029501300061 2.2800 115.34 0.23273 0.21513 D029501300062 2.5200 40.148 0.29968E-010.75794E-01 D029501300063 2.5200 44.338 0.99148E-010.79353E-01 D029501300064 2.5200 49.178 -.44567E-010.86622E-01 D029501300065 2.5200 54.574 -.72686E-010.10467 D029501300066 2.5200 60.453 0.32524 0.11910 D029501300067 2.5200 64.827 0.26088 0.13349 D029501300068 2.5200 74.583 -.80693E-010.18407 D029501300069 2.5200 80.251 -.47405E-010.18041 D029501300070 2.5200 94.821 0.51895E-020.23826 D029501300071 2.5200 100.76 0.99886E-010.19490 D029501300072 2.5200 105.34 0.40738 0.17324 D029501300073 2.5200 110.63 0.71497 0.15525 D029501300074 2.5200 132.07 -.33250 0.26713 D029501300075 2.8500 40.471 0.99008E-010.22906E-01 D029501300076 2.8500 45.870 0.83492E-010.28245E-01 D029501300077 2.8500 50.299 0.30864E-010.22929E-01 D029501300078 2.8500 55.042 -.58664E-020.24693E-01 D029501300079 2.8500 60.138 -.40809E-010.28245E-01 D029501300080 2.8500 64.967 0.21258E-010.28221E-01 D029501300081 2.8500 69.175 0.49765E-010.29985E-01 D029501300082 2.8500 80.484 0.22341 0.24693E-01 D029501300083 2.8500 89.811 0.77605E-010.38804E-01 D029501300084 2.8500 95.567 -.68433E-010.40568E-01 D029501300085 2.8500 100.71 -.11925 0.42355E-01 D029501300086 2.8500 104.77 -.39592E-010.51150E-01 D029501300087 2.8500 110.27 0.40160E-010.51150E-01 D029501300088 2.8500 115.04 0.38625 0.28269E-01 D029501300089 2.8500 120.73 0.39192 0.35276E-01 D029501300090 2.8500 130.03 0.25847 0.45859E-01 D029501300091 ENDDATA 65 0 D029501300092 ENDSUBENT 91 0 D029501399999 ENDENTRY 13 0 D029599999999