ENTRY D0337 20230703 D139D033700000001 SUBENT D0337001 20230703 D139D033700100001 BIB 12 35 D033700100002 TITLE A method for the measurement of total reaction D033700100003 cross-sections for charged particles D033700100004 AUTHOR (K.Bearpark, W.R.Graham, G.Jones) D033700100005 INSTITUTE (2UK OXF) Oxford University D033700100006 REFERENCE (J,NIM,35,235,1965) D033700100007 REL-REF (O,D0314009,K.Bearpark+,J,NP,73,206,1965) Total D033700100008 reaction cross section at 50 degree compiled here D033700100009 (R,,N.M.Hintz+,J,PR,106,1201,1957) D033700100010 (R,,G.W.Greenless+,J,PRS/A,243,206,1957) D033700100011 (R,,J.Benveniste+,J,PR,123,1818,1961) D033700100012 J. Benveniste, R. Booth and A. Mitchell, D033700100013 Phys.Rev.123(1958)1818. D033700100014 V.Meyer and N. M. Hintz, University of Minnesota D033700100015 Linear Accelerator Lab. Ann.Progr.Rep (1959). D033700100016 FACILITY (VDGT,2UK HAR) AERE Harwell Tandem Electrostatic D033700100017 Generator. D033700100018 SAMPLE Thin foils from natural targets D033700100019 DETECTOR The charge, collected on the target system, is measuredD033700100020 by a vibrating reed electrometer. D033700100021 METHOD (TRN) The determination of total reaction D033700100022 cross-sections for charged particles was made by D033700100023 measuring the attenuation of the incident beam while D033700100024 traversing a thin target. D033700100025 CORRECTION The data were corrected on: D033700100026 * elastic scattering (was calculated from the D033700100027 other publications (see REL-REF) or obtained from D033700100028 the optical model calculation D033700100029 * non-elastic loss (was obtained by integrating the D033700100030 total charged particle yield D033700100031 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties D033700100032 HISTORY (20050416C) SD D033700100033 (20230703A) VT+On. Revision is 003 and REL-REF added inD033700100034 001. D033700100035 (20230703D) VT+On. Subents 002 deleted same data D033700100036 available in D0314015. D033700100037 ENDBIB 35 0 D033700100038 NOCOMMON 0 0 D033700100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 D033700199999 NOSUBENT D0337002 20230703 D139D033700200001 SUBENT D0337003 20230703 D139D033700300001 BIB 5 16 D033700300002 REACTION (29-CU-0(P,NON),,SIG) D033700300003 FLAG (1.) Corrected for charged reaction product emitted to D033700300004 less than 50 deg. D033700300005 (2.) Corrected for charged reaction product emitted to D033700300006 less than 30 deg. D033700300007 COMMENT The angle which determines the elastic correction was D033700300008 varied by fitting exit ports of various diameters to D033700300009 the target chamber. Results are presented for values D033700300010 of 30 and 50 degr. as a check on the self-consistency D033700300011 of the measurements. Two target thicknesses, differing D033700300012 by a factor of approximately 2 are also included as a D033700300013 self-consistency check. D033700300014 STATUS (TABLE,,K.Bearpark+,J,NIM,35,235,1965) Table 2 D033700300015 HISTORY (20230703A) VT+On. The total cross section values at D033700300016 50 degree deleted except at 9.85 MeV. The deleted D033700300017 values are available in D0314009. STATUS added. D033700300018 ENDBIB 16 0 D033700300019 NOCOMMON 0 0 D033700300020 DATA 5 5 D033700300021 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR FLAG D033700300022 MEV MEV MB MB NO-DIM D033700300023 9.15 0.70 672.0 105.0 2. D033700300024 9.52 0.68 720.0 97.0 2. D033700300025 9.85 0.66 758.0 93.0 2. D033700300026 9.85 0.66 790.0 32.0 1. D033700300027 10.19 0.31 783.0 87.0 2. D033700300028 ENDDATA 7 0 D033700300029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 D033700399999 SUBENT D0337004 20230703 D139D033700400001 BIB 3 3 D033700400002 REACTION (28-NI-0(P,NON),,SIG) D033700400003 STATUS (TABLE,,K.Bearpark+,J,NIM,35,235,1965) Table 3 D033700400004 HISTORY (20230703U) VT+On. STATUS added. D033700400005 ENDBIB 3 0 D033700400006 NOCOMMON 0 0 D033700400007 DATA 4 2 D033700400008 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR D033700400009 MEV MEV MB MB D033700400010 11.03 0.47 1460.0 60.0 D033700400011 11.55 0.45 1460.0 60.0 D033700400012 ENDDATA 4 0 D033700400013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 D033700499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 D033799999999