ENTRY D0346 20231117 D139D034600000001 SUBENT D0346001 20231117 D139D034600100001 BIB 12 27 D034600100002 TITLE Nucleon exchange and quasi-free scattering in the D034600100003 reaction 1H(d,pn)p at 12.2 MeV D034600100004 AUTHOR (N.T.Okumusoglu, C.O.Blyth, P.B.Dunscombe, N.Berovic, D034600100005 J.S.C.McKee) D034600100006 INSTITUTE (2UK BIR) D034600100007 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,231,391,1974) D034600100008 FACILITY (CYCLO,2UK BIR) Radial ridge cyclotron D034600100009 SAMPLE The target consisted of 3.45 mg/cm2 polythene D034600100010 situated at the centre of a specially designed D034600100011 scattering chamber D034600100012 DETECTOR (SCIN) liquid scintillator, NE213. In addition, a D034600100013 monitor counter was maintained at a fixed angle inside D034600100014 the scattering chamber to provide normalization for D034600100015 the measured cross sections. D034600100016 METHOD (BCINT) The deuteron beam was stopped in a Faraday D034600100017 cup at the back of the chamber. D034600100018 EN-SEC (E,P) D034600100019 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) statistical error D034600100020 (ERR-T) The uncertainties in the absolute differential D034600100021 cross sections were included: D034600100022 * the neutron detector efficiency, D034600100023 * the integrated beam current D034600100024 * and the target and geometry parameters. D034600100025 STATUS (TABLE,,N.T.Okumusoglu+,J,NP/A,231,391,1974) Table 2 D034600100026 HISTORY (20060216C) SD D034600100027 (20231117U) VT+On. FACILITY: 2UK BIR added in 2nd fieldD034600100028 and STATUS updated. D034600100029 ENDBIB 27 0 D034600100030 COMMON 1 3 D034600100031 EN D034600100032 MEV D034600100033 12.2 D034600100034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D034600100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 D034600199999 SUBENT D0346002 20060216 D046D034600200001 BIB 2 10 D034600200002 REACTION (1-H-1(D,N+P)1-H-1,,DA/DA/DE,N/P/P) D034600200003 ANG1 - N, ANG2 - P D034600200004 FLAG Two measurements were made at two mirrow angles 32. D034600200005 and -32. of the scattering chamber. The angle is D034600200006 between scattering chamber, which can be rotated and D034600200007 the incident deuteron beam direction. This measurement D034600200008 showed that there was no asymmetry in the rotation of D034600200009 the chamber. D034600200010 (1.) 32. degr. of rotating chamber D034600200011 (2.) -32. degr. of rotating chamber D034600200012 ENDBIB 10 0 D034600200013 COMMON 2 3 D034600200014 ANG1 E D034600200015 ADEG MEV D034600200016 5.0 2.7 D034600200017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D034600200018 DATA 5 8 D034600200019 ANG2 DATA ERR-S ERR-T FLAG D034600200020 ADEG MB/SR2/MEV MB/SR2/MEV MB/SR2/MEV NO-DIM D034600200021 24. 5.92 0.30 0.6 1. D034600200022 24. 5.97 0.30 0.6 2. D034600200023 23. 6.17 0.30 0.6 1. D034600200024 23. 6.06 0.30 0.6 2. D034600200025 22. 6.06 0.30 0.6 D034600200026 20. 6.39 0.45 0.90 D034600200027 18. 6.56 0.50 1.00 D034600200028 16. 6.27 0.45 0.90 D034600200029 ENDDATA 10 0 D034600200030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 D034600299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 D034699999999