ENTRY            D0361   20051215                             D044D036100000001 
SUBENT        D0361001   20051215                             D044D036100100001 
BIB                 12         50                                 D036100100002 
TITLE      Measurement and analysis of alpha particle induced     D036100100003 
           reactions on Praseodymium                              D036100100004 
AUTHOR     (M.Afzal Ansari,N.P.M.Sathik,D.Singh,M.H.Rashid)       D036100100005 
INSTITUTE  (3INDMUA,3INDVEC)                                      D036100100006 
REFERENCE  (J,JPJ,74,1150,2005)                                   D036100100007 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,3INDVEC)  Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre      D036100100008 
METHOD     (STTA,ACTIV)                                           D036100100009 
MONITOR    The collimated alpha-particle beam was monitored by    D036100100010 
           the charge collection method, using Faradays cup,      D036100100011 
           kept behind the target stack and coupled to a          D036100100012 
           current integrator.                                    D036100100013 
SAMPLE     Targets were made by depositing specpure Pr6O11 of     D036100100014 
           thickness 5 mg/cm2 on aluminum backing of uniform      D036100100015 
           thickness 6.75 mg/cm2 by vacuum evaporation technique. D036100100016 
           The aluminium backing served as energy degrader for    D036100100017 
           alpha-particle.                                        D036100100018 
DETECTOR   (GELI) 100 cm3 Ge (Li) detector along with associated  D036100100019 
           electronics coupled with CANBERA-88 multichannel       D036100100020 
           analyzer                                               D036100100021 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) Scale error                                   D036100100022 
           (ERR-T) Total error. The factors likely to introduce   D036100100023 
           errors in the present measurements and their estimates D036100100024 
           are given as:                                          D036100100025 
            (i) Targets of different dimensions were weighted on  D036100100026 
                an electronic balance and numbers of nuclei       D036100100027 
                present in the target were measured. The          D036100100028 
                uncertainty in the estimate of number of target   D036100100029 
                nuclei is expected to be less than 1 %.           D036100100030 
            (ii) Error in the fluctuations of the beam current    D036100100031 
                has been incorporated by taking the weighted      D036100100032 
                average of aplha-paricle beam current and is      D036100100033 
                found to be less than 5%.                         D036100100034 
            (iii) The error introduced in the determination       D036100100035 
                of the photo-peak area of the characteristic      D036100100036 
                gamma-rays were limited within 2-5%.              D036100100037 
            (iv) The error due to uncertainty in detector         D036100100038 
                eft1ciency was estimated to be less than 5%.      D036100100039 
            (v) The errors due to decrease in beam intensity due  D036100100040 
               to scattering while alpha-particle beam traverses  D036100100041 
                through the stack is estimared to be less than 1%.D036100100042 
            (vi) The inherent uncertainty in the energy of the    D036100100043 
                alpha-particle beam, i.e., O.5MeV at 50 MeV       D036100100044 
                alpha-particle and the energy spread associated   D036100100045 
                with the thickness of each target in the stack    D036100100046 
                contributes < 4% to the alpha-particle energy.    D036100100047 
            (vii) Error associated with the straggling of the     D036100100048 
                alpha-particle is estimated to be negligibly smallD036100100049 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tabl.2 from the article                        D036100100050 
           Entry approved by Dr. M.Afzal Ansari                   D036100100051 
HISTORY    (20051215C) SD                                         D036100100052 
ENDBIB              50          0                                 D036100100053 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D036100100054 
ENDSUBENT           53          0                                 D036100199999 
SUBENT        D0361002   20051215                             D044D036100200001 
BIB                  2          3                                 D036100200002 
REACTION   (59-PR-141(A,N)61-PM-144,,SIG)                         D036100200003 
DECAY-DATA (61-PM-144,349.D,DG,477.,0.422,DG,618.,0.991,          D036100200004 
                            DG,697.,1.0)                          D036100200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 D036100200006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D036100200007 
DATA                 4          6                                 D036100200008 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            D036100200009 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               D036100200010 
  15.71      0.94       19.9       3.2                            D036100200011 
  18.24      0.90      139.8      17.8                            D036100200012 
  25.97      0.82       21.3       3.8                            D036100200013 
  30.14      0.79       11.9       2.4                            D036100200014 
  35.92      0.74       10.0       2.1                            D036100200015 
  44.57      0.72        5.2       1.7                            D036100200016 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 D036100200017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 D036100299999 
SUBENT        D0361003   20051215                             D044D036100300001 
BIB                  2          2                                 D036100300002 
REACTION   (59-PR-141(A,2N)61-PM-143,,SIG)                        D036100300003 
DECAY-DATA (61-PM-143,265.D,DG,742.,0.385)                        D036100300004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 D036100300005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D036100300006 
DATA                 4          5                                 D036100300007 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            D036100300008 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               D036100300009 
  18.24      0.90      168.1       21.2                           D036100300010 
  25.97      0.82      472.5       56.7                           D036100300011 
  30.14      0.79      191.8       23.6                           D036100300012 
  35.92      0.74       99.5       12.6                           D036100300013 
  44.57      0.72       66.6        9.7                           D036100300014 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 D036100300015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 D036100399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 D036199999999