ENTRY            D0486   20120201                             D081D048600000001 
SUBENT        D0486001   20120201                             D081D048600100001 
BIB                 10         28                                 D048600100002 
TITLE      106,110Pd(p,n)106,110Ag reactions at Ep=6.0-7.7 MeV    D048600100003 
AUTHOR     (Hu Bi-Tao, P.P.Zarubin, U.U.Juravlev)                 D048600100004 
INSTITUTE  (3CPRLNZ,4RUSSUL)                                      D048600100005 
REFERENCE  (J,CPH,16,989,2007)                                    D048600100006 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,4RUSSUL) MGC-20 cyclotron with diameter 103 cm  D048600100007 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR) To monitor the elastically scattered proton at D048600100008 
            21 deg. relative to the beam direction                D048600100009 
           (GELI) Resolution of 3.0 keV (FWHM) at 1332.5 keV      D048600100010 
METHOD     (GSPEC)                                                D048600100011 
ANALYSIS   Since at this angle the cross section for elastic      D048600100012 
            scattering follows the Rutherford formula, knowing    D048600100013 
            the solid angle of the monitor, we can easily obtain  D048600100014 
            the absolute measurement of cross sections which is   D048600100015 
            independent of target thickness and of integrated     D048600100016 
            beam current.                                         D048600100017 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Addition in quadrature of all kinds of errors  D048600100018 
            listed below yields an overall uncertainty of about   D048600100019 
            5%-6% in the cross section                            D048600100020 
           (ERR-S) Pure statistical errors coming from            D048600100021 
            determination of peak areas.                          D048600100022 
           (ERR-1) absolute Rutherford normalization:             D048600100023 
           (ERR-2) gamma-detector efficiency                      D048600100024 
           (ERR-3,,1.) absolute intensity of gamma transition     D048600100025 
             of radioactive isotopes are < 1%.                    D048600100026 
           (EN-ERR-DIG) Digitizing error                          D048600100027 
           (ERR-DIG)    Digitizing error                          D048600100028 
HISTORY    (20080806C)                                            D048600100029 
           (20120201U) On. REFERENCE: CP -> CPH                   D048600100030 
ENDBIB              28          0                                 D048600100031 
COMMON               5          3                                 D048600100032 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-S      EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG               D048600100033 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   MEV        MB                    D048600100034 
 2.0        1.0        5.0        0.007      0.5                  D048600100035 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D048600100036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 D048600199999 
SUBENT        D0486002   20120201                             D081D048600200001 
BIB                  5          9                                 D048600200002 
REACTION   (46-PD-106(P,N)47-AG-106,,SIG)                         D048600200003 
SAMPLE     (46-PD-106,ENR=0.982)                                  D048600200004 
            Thin enriched (98.2% pure) metallic 106Pd             D048600200005 
            (0.3 mg/cm2 thick)                                    D048600200006 
DECAY-DATA (47-AG-106-M,8.46D,DG,451.,0.283)                      D048600200007 
           (47-AG-106-G,23.96MIN,DG,616.,0.0142,                  D048600200008 
                                 DG,621.,0.0032)                  D048600200009 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.1 of Chinese Phys.16(2007)989              D048600200010 
HISTORY    (20120201U) On. STATUS moved from 001                  D048600200011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 D048600200012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D048600200013 
DATA                 3         34                                 D048600200014 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       D048600200015 
MEV        MB         MB                                          D048600200016 
 6.2496     175.30     9.2877                                     D048600200017 
 6.3493     179.93     10.062                                     D048600200018 
 6.4000     186.12     10.062                                     D048600200019 
 6.5995     228.66     10.836                                     D048600200020 
 6.6338     197.70     10.062                                     D048600200021 
 6.6437     205.44     10.062                                     D048600200022 
 6.6567     193.83     10.836                                     D048600200023 
 6.6829     218.59     10.836                                     D048600200024 
 6.7074     233.29     10.062                                     D048600200025 
 6.7303     230.97     12.384                                     D048600200026 
 6.7549     239.48     11.610                                     D048600200027 
 6.7810     265.79     11.609                                     D048600200028 
 6.7892     285.92     11.610                                     D048600200029 
 6.8056     294.43     13.158                                     D048600200030 
 6.8301     314.55     14.706                                     D048600200031 
 6.8546     300.61     14.706                                     D048600200032 
 6.8644     280.49     13.932                                     D048600200033 
 6.8791     255.72     12.383                                     D048600200034 
 6.9053     251.07     12.384                                     D048600200035 
 6.9135     261.13     11.609                                     D048600200036 
 6.9282     270.42     13.158                                     D048600200037 
 6.9446     281.25     13.158                                     D048600200038 
 6.9544     264.23     12.384                                     D048600200039 
 6.9691     261.13     11.609                                     D048600200040 
 6.9838     265.77     12.383                                     D048600200041 
 7.0001     263.45     12.384                                     D048600200042 
 7.0083     258.80     13.158                                     D048600200043 
 7.0181     271.18     13.158                                     D048600200044 
 7.0296     290.53     14.705                                     D048600200045 
 7.0394     304.46     14.705                                     D048600200046 
 7.0492     300.59     15.480                                     D048600200047 
 7.0590     290.53     14.706                                     D048600200048 
 7.0737     273.50     12.384                                     D048600200049 
 7.0999     272.72     13.932                                     D048600200050 
ENDDATA             36          0                                 D048600200051 
ENDSUBENT           50          0                                 D048600299999 
SUBENT        D0486003   20120201                             D081D048600300001 
BIB                  5         10                                 D048600300002 
REACTION   (46-PD-110(P,N)47-AG-110,,SIG)                         D048600300003 
SAMPLE     (46-PD-110,ENR=0.985)                                  D048600300004 
            Thin enriched (98.5% pure) metallic 110Pd             D048600300005 
            (0.42 mg/cm2 thick)                                   D048600300006 
DECAY-DATA (47-AG-110-M,252.2D,DG,658.,0.944,                     D048600300007 
                               DG,885.,0.728,                     D048600300008 
                               DG,937.,0.343)                     D048600300009 
           (47-AG-110-G,24.62SEC,DG,658.,0.045)                   D048600300010 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.2 of Chinese Phys.16(2007)989              D048600300011 
HISTORY    (20120201U) On. STATUS moved from 001                  D048600300012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 D048600300013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D048600300014 
DATA                 3         49                                 D048600300015 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       D048600300016 
MEV        MB         MB                                          D048600300017 
 6.0002     111.22     6.5413                                     D048600300018 
 6.2337     130.86     6.5416                                     D048600300019 
 6.3995     143.96     6.5416                                     D048600300020 
 6.5991     170.96     8.9939                                     D048600300021 
 6.6769     200.40     9.8119                                     D048600300022 
 7.0017     220.87     11.447                                     D048600300023 
 7.0592     225.79     10.630                                     D048600300024 
 7.0795     215.98     11.447                                     D048600300025 
 7.0998     251.14     13.083                                     D048600300026 
 7.1302     281.39     14.718                                     D048600300027 
 7.1437     296.11     14.718                                     D048600300028 
 7.1606     297.75     13.900                                     D048600300029 
 7.1741     304.29     15.535                                     D048600300030 
 7.1911     285.49     13.900                                     D048600300031 
 7.2047     248.69     13.083                                     D048600300032 
 7.2182     256.05     13.082                                     D048600300033 
 7.2419     264.23     13.900                                     D048600300034 
 7.2689     275.68     13.900                                     D048600300035 
 7.2892     300.21     15.535                                     D048600300036 
 7.3027     323.93     16.353                                     D048600300037 
 7.3161     361.54     17.988                                     D048600300038 
 7.3297     337.83     16.353                                     D048600300039 
 7.3467     296.13     15.536                                     D048600300040 
 7.4008     290.41     14.718                                     D048600300041 
 7.4178     302.68     14.718                                     D048600300042 
 7.4482     309.22     15.536                                     D048600300043 
 7.4685     310.86     15.535                                     D048600300044 
 7.4854     320.67     16.353                                     D048600300045 
 7.4989     336.21     17.171                                     D048600300046 
 7.5158     352.56     17.988                                     D048600300047 
 7.5293     348.48     17.171                                     D048600300048 
 7.5497     346.84     17.171                                     D048600300049 
 7.5598     358.29     17.171                                     D048600300050 
 7.5699     363.20     17.171                                     D048600300051 
 7.5801     356.66     16.353                                     D048600300052 
 7.5936     346.85     16.353                                     D048600300053 
 7.6004     342.76     17.171                                     D048600300054 
 7.6139     350.94     17.171                                     D048600300055 
 7.6275     359.93     17.170                                     D048600300056 
 7.6410     362.39     13.900                                     D048600300057 
 7.6511     362.39     17.171                                     D048600300058 
 7.6579     373.02     18.806                                     D048600300059 
 7.6680     386.10     19.624                                     D048600300060 
 7.6815     399.18     20.441                                     D048600300061 
 7.6883     400.82     20.441                                     D048600300062 
 7.6985     399.19     20.441                                     D048600300063 
 7.7120     384.47     18.806                                     D048600300064 
 7.7188     373.02     18.806                                     D048600300065 
 7.7290     368.93     18.806                                     D048600300066 
ENDDATA             51          0                                 D048600300067 
ENDSUBENT           66          0                                 D048600399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 D048699999999