ENTRY D0552 20250123 D145D055200000001 SUBENT D0552001 20250123 D145D055200100001 BIB 9 20 D055200100002 TITLE Trojan horse method applied to 9Be(p,a)6Li at D055200100003 astrophysical energies D055200100004 AUTHOR (Qun-Gang Wen, Cheng-Bo Li, Shu-Hua Zhou, D055200100005 Qiu-Ying Meng, Jing Zhou, Xiao-Mei Li, Shou-Yang Hu, D055200100006 Yuan-Yong Fu, C.Spitaleri, A.Tumino, R.G.Pizzone, D055200100007 G.G.Rapisarda) D055200100008 INSTITUTE (3CPRAEP,2ITYLNS) D055200100009 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,78,035805,2008) D055200100010 (J,CNPR,22,248,2005) Preliminary results D055200100011 FACILITY (VDGT,3CPRAEP) Beijing Tandem Accelerator National D055200100012 Laboratory D055200100013 SAMPLE A strip of CD2 (~155 ug/cm2, 1.5 mm in width) oriented D055200100014 with its surface perpendicular to the beam direction D055200100015 DETECTOR (TELES,SI) Two position sensitive detectors (PSD): D055200100016 PSD1 at 23+/-5 deg for alpha detection; D055200100017 PSD2 at -15+/-5 deg for 6Li detection D055200100018 METHOD (EDE,COINC) D055200100019 HISTORY (20090515C) SD D055200100020 (20250121U) Jimin Wang: J,CNPR,22,248,2005 added. D055200100021 (20250123D) On. 002 revised. 003 and 004 deleted. D055200100022 ENDBIB 20 0 D055200100023 NOCOMMON 0 0 D055200100024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 D055200199999 SUBENT D0552002 20250123 D145D055200200001 BIB 6 6 D055200200002 REACTION (4-BE-9(P,A)3-LI-6,,SIG,,SFC,DERIV) D055200200003 ANALYSIS (TROJA) 2H(9Be,a+6Li)n used D055200200004 ADD-RES Corresponding cross sections in Fig.10. D055200200005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on the source of uncertainty D055200200006 STATUS (TABLE,,Qun-Gang Wen+,J,PR/C,78,035805,2008) Table I D055200200007 HISTORY (20250123A) On. SF9=DERIV added. DATA-CM -> DATA. D055200200008 ENDBIB 6 0 D055200200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 D055200200010 DATA 3 12 D055200200011 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR D055200200012 MEV B*MEV B*MEV D055200200013 0.0125 20.7 4. D055200200014 0.0375 21.3 4. D055200200015 0.0625 26.3 5. D055200200016 0.0875 30.7 5. D055200200017 0.1125 33.8 5. D055200200018 0.1375 41.6 6. D055200200019 0.1625 51.0 7. D055200200020 0.1875 60.6 8. D055200200021 0.2125 71.9 9. D055200200022 0.2375 84.6 10. D055200200023 0.2625 91.7 11. D055200200024 0.2875 89.7 11. D055200200025 ENDDATA 14 0 D055200200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 D055200299999 NOSUBENT D0552003 20250123 D145D055200300001 NOSUBENT D0552004 20250123 D145D055200400001 ENDENTRY 4 0 D055299999999