ENTRY            D0614   20100901                             D074D061400000001 
SUBENT        D0614001   20100901                             D074D061400100001 
BIB                 15         59                                 D061400100002 
TITLE       Structure of 55Ti from relativistic one-neutron       D061400100003 
            knockout                                              D061400100004 
AUTHOR     (P.Maierbeck, R.Gernhaeuser, R.Krucken, T.Kroll,       D061400100005 
            H.Alvarez-Pol, F.Aksouh, T.Aumann, K.Behr,            D061400100006 
            E.A.Benjamim, J.Benlliure, V.Bildstein, M.Bohmer,     D061400100007 
            K.Boretzky, M.J.G.Borge, A.Brunle, A.Burger,          D061400100008 
            M.Caamano, E.Casarejos, A.Chatillon, L.V.Chulkov,     D061400100009 
            D.Cortina-Gil, J.Enders, K.Eppinger, T.Faestermann,   D061400100010 
            J.Friese, L.Fabbietti, M.Gascon, H.Geissel, J.Gerl,   D061400100011 
            M.Gorska, P.G.Hansen, B.Jonson, R.Kanungo, O.Kiselev, D061400100012 
            I.Kojouharov, A.Klimkiewicz, T.Kurtukian, N.Kurz,     D061400100013 
            K.Larsson, T.Le Bleis, K.Mahata, L.Maier, T.Nilsson,  D061400100014 
            C.Nociforo, G.Nyman, C.Pascual-Izarra, A.Perea,       D061400100015 
            D.Perez, A.Prochazka, C.Rodriguez-Tajes, D.Rossi,     D061400100016 
            H.Schaffner, G.Schrieder, S.Schwertel, H.Simon,       D061400100017 
            B.Sitar, M.Stanoiu, K.Summerer, O.Tengblad, H.Weick,  D061400100018 
            S.Winkler, B.A.Brown, T.Otsuka, J.Tostevin, W.D.M.Rae)D061400100019 
           1USAMSU,2SWDCTH,1CANTMF,2SWTPSI,2FR STR,3INDTRM,       D061400100021 
           3SLKUB,2JPNTOK,2UK SUR)                                D061400100022 
REFERENCE  (J,PL/B,675,22,2009)                                   D061400100023 
           (T,MAIERBECK,2009)                                     D061400100024 
            Details of analysis procedures                        D061400100025 
REL-REF    (I,,J.Eberth+,J,PNP,46,389,2001)                       D061400100026 
            Miniball description                                  D061400100027 
           (I,,H.Geissel+,J,NIM/B,70,286,1992)                    D061400100028 
            FRS description                                       D061400100029 
           (I,,A.Buerger+,J,NIM/A,571,739,2006)                   D061400100030 
            Description of special database software used for     D061400100031 
            the analysis                                          D061400100032 
FACILITY   (FRS,2GERGSI) Fragment separator (FRS) of GSI,         D061400100033 
            Darmstadt, which was used as a two-stage spectrometer.D061400100034 
INC-SOURCE  For the main experiment,  a 500A MeV 86Kr primary     D061400100035 
            beam with an intensity of up  to 10**9 particles per  D061400100036 
            second was fragmented in a 1625 mg/cm2 9Be            D061400100037 
            production target at the entrance of the FRS. The     D061400100038 
            fragments of interest  were identified on an          D061400100039 
            event-by-event basis and transported  to the          D061400100040 
            intermediate focal plane of the FRS.                  D061400100041 
INC-SPECT  R.Gernhaeuser (2010-09-15):                            D061400100042 
            390 MeV/A was given as a good average energy.         D061400100043 
            Note that,                                            D061400100044 
            48Ca before target: 410 MeV/A;                        D061400100045 
            47Ca after target: 373.6 MeV/A;                       D061400100046 
            56Ti before target: 405 MeV/A;                        D061400100047 
            55Ti after target: 365.5 MeV/A.                       D061400100048 
SAMPLE      9Be - secondary reaction target of 1720 mg/cm2        D061400100049 
            thickness                                             D061400100050 
METHOD     (TOF,GSPEC,FPGAM) The fragments of interest  were      D061400100051 
            identified on an event-by-event basis and transported D061400100052 
            to the intermediate focal plane of the FRS            D061400100053 
DETECTOR   (TELES,GE,GE) Prompt gamma-rays emitted by the         D061400100054 
            reaction products were  detected with the eight       D061400100055 
            triple-cluster detectors of the Miniball  gamma-ray   D061400100056 
            spectrometer                                          D061400100057 
ADD-RES    (STRUC) First determination of 55Ti(g.s.) Jpi=1/2-     D061400100058 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Nothing said about uncertainties            D061400100059 
STATUS     (APRVD) Roman Gernhaeuser (2010-09-17)                 D061400100060 
HISTORY    (20100901C) SD + On                                    D061400100061 
ENDBIB              59          0                                 D061400100062 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D061400100063 
ENDSUBENT           62          0                                 D061400199999 
SUBENT        D0614002   20100901                             D074D061400200001 
BIB                  3          3                                 D061400200002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(20-CA-48,X)20-CA-47,,SIG)                      D061400200003 
PART-DET   (20-CA-47)                                             D061400200004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Text p.24 of Phys.Lett.B675(2009)22            D061400200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 D061400200006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D061400200007 
DATA                 3          1                                 D061400200008 
EN-MEAN    DATA       DATA-ERR                                    D061400200009 
MEV/A      MB         MB                                          D061400200010 
 390.       77.        10.                                        D061400200011 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 D061400200012 
ENDSUBENT           11          0                                 D061400299999 
SUBENT        D0614003   20100901                             D074D061400300001 
BIB                  5         10                                 D061400300002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(20-CA-48,X)20-CA-47,PAR,SIG)                   D061400300003 
PART-DET   (20-CA-47,G)                                           D061400300004 
METHOD     (COINC) The gamma-ray spectrum observed in coincidence D061400300005 
            with identified 47Ca residues                         D061400300006 
CRITIQUE   R.Gernhaeuser (2010-09-15):                            D061400300007 
            Small contribution of the feeding of 47Ca higher      D061400300008 
            states due to the Gamma ray spectrum which clearly    D061400300009 
            contains only the expected contributions with good    D061400300010 
            statistics.                                           D061400300011 
STATUS     (TABLE) Text p.24 of Phys.Lett.B675(2009)22            D061400300012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 D061400300013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D061400300014 
DATA                 5          1                                 D061400300015 
EN-MEAN    E-LVL      E-LVL      DATA       DATA-ERR              D061400300016 
MEV/A      KEV        KEV        MB         MB                    D061400300017 
 390.       2578.      2599.      30.        4.                   D061400300018 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 D061400300019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 D061400399999 
SUBENT        D0614004   20100901                             D074D061400400001 
BIB                  3          6                                 D061400400002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(22-TI-56,X)22-TI-55,,SIG)                      D061400400003 
PART-DET   (22-TI-55)                                             D061400400004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Text p.24 of Phys.Lett.B675(2009)22            D061400400005 
           (DEP,D0614003) The reaction 48Ca -> 47Ca was used for  D061400400006 
            the calibration of the set-up and to verify the       D061400400007 
            analysis methods.                                     D061400400008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 D061400400009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D061400400010 
DATA                 3          1                                 D061400400011 
EN-MEAN    DATA       DATA-ERR                                    D061400400012 
MEV/A      MB         MB                                          D061400400013 
 390.       83.        12.                                        D061400400014 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 D061400400015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 D061400499999 
SUBENT        D0614005   20100901                             D074D061400500001 
BIB                  5         14                                 D061400500002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(36-KR-86,X)22-TI-55,PAR,SIG)                   D061400500003 
PART-DET   (DG)                                                   D061400500004 
METHOD     (COINC) The gamma-ray spectrum observed in coincidence D061400500005 
            with identified 55Ti residues                         D061400500006 
CRITIQUE   R.Gernhaeuser (2010-09-15):                            D061400500007 
            The feeding of 55Ti higher states could not completelyD061400500008 
            be ruled out so the cross section is more an upper    D061400500009 
            limit. But the momentum distributions and theoretical D061400500010 
            expectations  suggest an error not larger than 30% dueD061400500011 
            to feeding.                                           D061400500012 
STATUS     (TABLE) The text p.24 of Phys.Lett.B675(2009)22        D061400500013 
           (DEP,D0614003) The reaction 48Ca -> 47Ca was used for  D061400500014 
            the calibration of the set-up and to verify the       D061400500015 
            analysis methods.                                     D061400500016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 D061400500017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D061400500018 
DATA                 5          1                                 D061400500019 
EN-MEAN    E-LVL      E-LVL-ERR  DATA       DATA-ERR              D061400500020 
MEV/A      KEV        KEV        MB         MB                    D061400500021 
 390.       955.       6.         22.        6.                   D061400500022 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 D061400500023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 D061400599999 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 D061499999999