ENTRY D0734 20231113 D139D073400000001 SUBENT D0734001 20231113 D139D073400100001 BIB 13 43 D073400100002 TITLE Excitation functions of natZn(p,x) nuclear reactions D073400100003 with proton beam energy below 18 MeV D073400100004 AUTHOR (A.H.Asad, S.Chan, L.Morandeau, D.Cryer, S.V.Smith, D073400100005 R.I.Price) D073400100006 INSTITUTE (3AULCBR,3AULUWA,1USABNL) D073400100007 (3AULAUL) Radiopharmaceutical Production and D073400100008 Development Laboratory, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, D073400100009 Perth D073400100010 (3AULAUL) Curtin University, Perth D073400100011 REFERENCE (J,ARI,94,67,2014) D073400100012 #doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2014.07.008 D073400100013 FACILITY (ISOCY,2BLGLVN) IBA 18/18 MeV isochronous cyclotron D073400100014 INC-SPECT Primary beam energy 17.6 MeV degraded to energies D073400100015 below the threshold of the studied reactions after D073400100016 the final stack. Beam current 5 uA. The energy D073400100017 degradation calculated by SRIM2008 software. D073400100018 SAMPLE Natural Zn foils with elemental purity 99.99%, 25 mm D073400100019 diameter and a thickness of 0.025 +/- 0.003 mm. D073400100020 Isotopic composition of 64Zn (48.6%), 66Zn (27.9%), D073400100021 67Zn (4.1%), 68Zn (18.8%)and 70Zn (0.6%). D073400100022 Monitor foils: natural Cu with elemental purity D073400100023 99.99%. and a thickness of 0.025 +/- 0.004 mm. D073400100024 DETECTOR (HPGE) Detector-sample distance 50 cm. D073400100025 METHOD (STTA) Four (Cu-4xZn-Cu) stacks + one (Cu-8xZn-Cu). D073400100026 (ACTIV) Irradiation time 3 min. measurements at 3 h D073400100027 following the bombardment. D073400100028 (GSPEC) D073400100029 MONITOR (29-CU-63(P,N)30-ZN-63,,SIG) D073400100030 (29-CU-65(P,N)30-ZN-65,,SIG) D073400100031 Data from: Charged-particle Cross Section Data Base D073400100032 for Medical Radioisotope Production, Monitor Reactions.D073400100033 https://www-nds.iaea.org/medical/ D073400100034 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The total uncertainty was determined from the D073400100035 following independent uncertainties: D073400100036 (ERR-S,4.,8.) counting statistics (4-8%) D073400100037 (ERR-1,10.,12.) beam current (10-12)% D073400100038 (ERR-2) detector efficiency (5%) D073400100039 (ERR-3,4.,7.) foil thickness (4-7%) D073400100040 (ERR-4,1.,2.) time of irradiation (1-2%) D073400100041 STATUS (TABLE,,A.H.Asad+,J,ARI,94,67,2014) Table 2 D073400100042 HISTORY (20141114C) VS D073400100043 (20231113A) VT+On. Revision in 005 and ERR-ANALYS, D073400100044 STATUS updated in 001. D073400100045 ENDBIB 43 0 D073400100046 COMMON 1 3 D073400100047 ERR-2 D073400100048 PER-CENT D073400100049 5. D073400100050 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D073400100051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 D073400199999 SUBENT D0734002 20141114 D096D073400200001 BIB 2 2 D073400200002 REACTION (30-ZN-0(P,X)29-CU-61,,SIG) D073400200003 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-61,3.33HR,DG,282.956,0.1220,DG,656.008,0.1077) D073400200004 ENDBIB 2 0 D073400200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 D073400200006 DATA 4 21 D073400200007 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T D073400200008 MEV MEV MB MB D073400200009 17.45 0.25 21.8 1.515 D073400200010 17.1 0.25 23.36 1.675 D073400200011 16.75 0.25 26.6 1.865 D073400200012 16.4 0.25 27.2 1.875 D073400200013 15.63 0.25 30.64 2.33 D073400200014 15.26 0.25 29.43 1.98 D073400200015 14.89 0.25 30.77 2.07 D073400200016 14.52 0.25 31.47 2.175 D073400200017 13.68 0.3 31.23 2.155 D073400200018 13.28 0.3 32.47 2.44 D073400200019 12.87 0.35 33.8 2.31 D073400200020 11.94 0.35 32.69 2.31 D073400200021 11.48 0.35 30.18 1.955 D073400200022 11.01 0.35 28.03 1.95 D073400200023 10.53 0.35 24.69 1.825 D073400200024 9.18 0.4 22.54 1.535 D073400200025 8.36 0.4 18.54 1.26 D073400200026 7.77 0.5 14.25 1.08 D073400200027 7.13 0.5 10.67 0.715 D073400200028 6.46 0.55 6.66 0.445 D073400200029 5.73 0.6 3.61 0.25 D073400200030 ENDDATA 23 0 D073400200031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 D073400299999 SUBENT D0734003 20141204 D096D073400300001 BIB 2 2 D073400300002 REACTION (30-ZN-0(P,X)31-GA-66,,SIG) D073400300003 DECAY-DATA (31-GA-66,9.49HR,DG,833.537,0.0588,DG,1039.231,0.3690) D073400300004 ENDBIB 2 0 D073400300005 NOCOMMON 0 0 D073400300006 DATA 4 23 D073400300007 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T D073400300008 MEV MEV MB MB D073400300009 17.45 0.25 61.84 4.295 D073400300010 17.1 0.25 67.99 5.43 D073400300011 16.75 0.25 72.22 5.545 D073400300012 16.4 0.25 80.06 5.81 D073400300013 15.63 0.25 98.06 7.05 D073400300014 15.26 0.25 106.46 7.165 D073400300015 14.89 0.25 114.12 7.65 D073400300016 14.52 0.25 123.8 8.8 D073400300017 13.68 0.3 142.11 10.035 D073400300018 13.28 0.3 146.75 10.65 D073400300019 12.87 0.35 148.61 11.425 D073400300020 11.94 0.35 149.88 10.595 D073400300021 11.48 0.35 145.64 10.125 D073400300022 11.01 0.35 142.6 9.94 D073400300023 10.53 0.35 136.18 10.075 D073400300024 9.18 0.4 132.28 9.005 D073400300025 8.36 0.4 113.97 7.735 D073400300026 7.77 0.5 99.99 7.575 D073400300027 7.13 0.5 86.86 5.82 D073400300028 6.46 0.55 64.77 4.345 D073400300029 5.73 0.6 36.3 2.525 D073400300030 4.92 0.7 9.43 0.685 D073400300031 4.00 0.75 0.85 0.06 D073400300032 ENDDATA 25 0 D073400300033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 D073400399999 SUBENT D0734004 20141204 D096D073400400001 BIB 2 2 D073400400002 REACTION (30-ZN-0(P,X)31-GA-67,,SIG) D073400400003 DECAY-DATA (31-GA-67,3.26D,DG,184.46,0.212,DG,300.2,0.168) D073400400004 ENDBIB 2 0 D073400400005 NOCOMMON 0 0 D073400400006 DATA 4 24 D073400400007 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T D073400400008 MEV MEV MB MB D073400400009 17.45 0.25 101.82 7.0705 D073400400010 17.1 0.25 94.49 7.56 D073400400011 16.75 0.25 95.42 7.635 D073400400012 16.4 0.25 90.91 5.91 D073400400013 15.63 0.25 83.31 6.34 D073400400014 15.26 0.25 72.46 5.705 D073400400015 14.89 0.25 75.53 4.91 D073400400016 14.52 0.25 62.89 4.405 D073400400017 13.68 0.3 41.34 2.895 D073400400018 13.28 0.3 33.19 2.69 D073400400019 12.87 0.35 25.58 1.75 D073400400020 11.94 0.35 20.66 1.345 D073400400021 11.48 0.35 19.16 1.495 D073400400022 11.01 0.35 19.51 1.27 D073400400023 10.53 0.35 20.37 1.385 D073400400024 9.18 0.4 22.22 1.555 D073400400025 8.36 0.4 18.44 1.29 D073400400026 7.77 0.5 19.13 1.435 D073400400027 7.13 0.5 16.29 1.06 D073400400028 6.46 0.55 15.46 1.035 D073400400029 5.73 0.6 12.8 1.03 D073400400030 4.92 0.7 10.66 0.745 D073400400031 4.00 0.75 7.51 0.57 D073400400032 3.21 0.85 2.81 0.76 D073400400033 ENDDATA 26 0 D073400400034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 D073400499999 SUBENT D0734005 20231113 D139D073400500001 BIB 3 4 D073400500002 REACTION (30-ZN-0(P,X)30-ZN-65,,SIG) D073400500003 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-65,244.26D,DG,1115.5,0.5060) D073400500004 HISTORY (20231113A) VT+On. DATA: 18.17-> 118.17 mb at 17.45 MeVD073400500005 replaced. D073400500006 ENDBIB 4 0 D073400500007 NOCOMMON 0 0 D073400500008 DATA 4 9 D073400500009 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T D073400500010 MEV MEV MB MB D073400500011 17.45 0.25 118.17 6.425 D073400500012 17.1 0.25 113.26 6.415 D073400500013 16.75 0.25 102.55 5.355 D073400500014 16.4 0.25 99.24 5.345 D073400500015 15.63 0.25 69.58 3.81 D073400500016 15.26 0.25 55.87 2.845 D073400500017 14.89 0.25 42.42 2.16 D073400500018 14.52 0.25 32.47 1.68 D073400500019 13.68 0.3 11.04 0.585 D073400500020 ENDDATA 11 0 D073400500021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 D073400599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 D073499999999