ENTRY D0854 20230830 D139D085400000001 SUBENT D0854001 20230830 D139D085400100001 BIB 10 25 D085400100002 TITLE Thermonuclear reaction rates for proton induced D085400100003 reactions on K-41 and neutron induced reactions on D085400100004 Ca-41 D085400100005 AUTHOR (M.E.Sevior, M.R.Anderson, L.W.Mitchell, S.R.Kennett, D085400100006 D.G.Sargood) D085400100007 INSTITUTE (3AULAML) School of Physics D085400100008 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,378,349,1982) D085400100009 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(82)90598-X D085400100010 REL-REF (N,A0392001,M.E.Sevior+,J,NP/A,454,128,1986) D085400100011 The second experiment of the same research group with D085400100012 better statistics. D085400100013 FACILITY (VDG,3AULAML) 5U Pelletron. D085400100014 SAMPLE (19-K-41,ENR=0.067) Natural KBr evaporated onto 0.25 D085400100015 mm tantalum backing. The target thickness was D085400100016 6.52*10**16 K-41 nuclei per cm2. D085400100017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error. D085400100018 (ERR-T) The absolute error. D085400100019 (ERR-1) Uncertainty of target thickness determination. D085400100020 (ERR-2) Error of beam current integration. D085400100021 ADD-RES (RRATE) Thermonuclear reaction rates for (p,g), D085400100022 (p,a1), (p,n) reactions were calculated for the D085400100023 target nucleus in its ground state and for the D085400100024 stellar environment. D085400100025 HISTORY (20171228C) SS+On D085400100026 (20230830A) VT+On. Revision in 002-004 D085400100027 ENDBIB 25 0 D085400100028 COMMON 2 3 D085400100029 ERR-1 ERR-2 D085400100030 PER-CENT PER-CENT D085400100031 5. 5. D085400100032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D085400100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 D085400199999 SUBENT D0854002 20230830 D139D085400200001 BIB 6 10 D085400200002 REACTION (19-K-41(P,G)20-CA-42,,SIG) D085400200003 METHOD (GSPEC) 1.525 MeV gamma (2+ -> 0+, branching ratio D085400200004 90%) detection at 55 degr. D085400200005 DETECTOR (GELI) 120 cm3 detector mounted at an angle of 55 degr D085400200006 to the beam direction and 2 cm from the target D085400200007 was used for gamma registration. D085400200008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-3) GeLi detector efficiency. D085400200009 STATUS (CURVE,,M.E.Sevior+,J,NP/A,378,349,1982) Fig.2 D085400200010 (COREL,A0392010) Measurement with a natural sample D085400200011 HISTORY (20230830A) VT+On. SATUS: COREL added D085400200012 ENDBIB 10 0 D085400200013 COMMON 4 3 D085400200014 ERR-T ERR-3 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG D085400200015 PER-CENT PER-CENT MEV PER-CENT D085400200016 12. 9. 0.0018 0.665 D085400200017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D085400200018 DATA 3 45 D085400200019 EN DATA ERR-S D085400200020 MEV B B D085400200021 0.7068 4.8939E-06 2.4987E-06 D085400200022 0.7450 2.2640E-05 2.4287E-06 D085400200023 0.7820 1.7850E-05 2.7919E-06 D085400200024 0.8264 2.2155E-05 2.5987E-06 D085400200025 0.8616 5.3085E-05 5.6922E-06 D085400200026 0.9020 6.2252E-05 5.4000E-06 D085400200027 0.9420 9.2636E-05 1.1788E-05 D085400200028 0.9784 1.0499E-04 1.0189E-05 D085400200029 1.0230 1.1373E-04 8.6810E-06 D085400200030 1.0627 1.9614E-04 1.4971E-05 D085400200031 1.0992 2.1004E-04 1.6032E-05 D085400200032 1.1400 1.9192E-04 1.4649E-05 D085400200033 1.1796 3.6654E-04 D085400200034 1.2209 2.5222E-04 1.7776E-05 D085400200035 1.2614 2.6406E-04 2.2918E-05 D085400200036 1.2976 3.5079E-04 2.3063E-05 D085400200037 1.3425 3.0632E-04 D085400200038 1.3791 3.0301E-04 2.3114E-05 D085400200039 1.4202 2.3355E-04 D085400200040 1.4617 1.3711E-04 1.1894E-05 D085400200041 1.5018 1.8846E-04 1.4385E-05 D085400200042 1.5383 1.9507E-04 1.8931E-05 D085400200043 1.5783 3.0376E-04 D085400200044 1.6195 2.1872E-04 1.8973E-05 D085400200045 1.6557 2.7145E-04 2.3547E-05 D085400200046 1.6972 1.5756E-04 1.3668E-05 D085400200047 1.7368 3.0436E-04 D085400200048 1.7775 3.0798E-04 D085400200049 1.8179 3.5307E-04 D085400200050 1.8589 2.8155E-04 2.1490E-05 D085400200051 1.8908 4.1893E-04 D085400200052 1.9358 3.4960E-04 D085400200053 1.9775 1.7710E-04 1.5363E-05 D085400200054 2.0183 1.6553E-04 1.6064E-05 D085400200055 2.0541 2.6069E-04 2.7954E-05 D085400200056 2.0992 2.1267E-04 1.8458E-05 D085400200057 2.1355 2.4657E-04 2.1400E-05 D085400200058 2.1719 2.7946E-04 2.7120E-05 D085400200059 2.2209 2.5249E-04 2.1914E-05 D085400200060 2.2620 1.8181E-04 2.3144E-05 D085400200061 2.3025 2.0607E-04 2.4172E-05 D085400200062 2.3394 1.7001E-04 2.9822E-05 D085400200063 2.3790 3.2469E-04 3.4817E-05 D085400200064 2.4199 2.7094E-04 3.7157E-05 D085400200065 2.4603 3.2873E-04 3.5234E-05 D085400200066 ENDDATA 47 0 D085400200067 ENDSUBENT 66 0 D085400299999 SUBENT D0854003 20230830 D139D085400300001 BIB 8 14 D085400300002 REACTION (19-K-41(P,A)18-AR-38,PAR,SIG) D085400300003 PART-DET (G) 2.168 MeV gamma (for cross section determination) D085400300004 and 1.210 MeV (for feeding correction). D085400300005 CORRECTION Corrected for feeding on the 2+ level by measurement D085400300006 of very weak 1.210 gamma (0+ -> 2+). D085400300007 METHOD (GSPEC) 2.168 MeV gamma (2+ -> 0+) detection at 55 D085400300008 degr. D085400300009 DETECTOR (GELI) 120 cm3 detector mounted at an angle of 55 degr D085400300010 to the beam direction and 2 cm from the target D085400300011 was used for gamma registration. D085400300012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-3) GeLi detector efficiency. D085400300013 STATUS (CURVE,,M.E.Sevior+,J,NP/A,378,349,1982) Fig.3 D085400300014 (COREL,A0392007) Measurement with a natural sample D085400300015 HISTORY (20230830A) VT+On. SATUS: COREL added D085400300016 ENDBIB 14 0 D085400300017 COMMON 5 3 D085400300018 E-LVL ERR-T ERR-3 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG D085400300019 MEV PER-CENT PER-CENT MEV PER-CENT D085400300020 2.168 12. 9. 0.0028 0.709 D085400300021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D085400300022 DATA 3 33 D085400300023 EN DATA ERR-S D085400300024 MEV B B D085400300025 1.1789 4.8685E-05 1.4277E-05 D085400300026 1.2227 6.6160E-05 1.4131E-05 D085400300027 1.2565 5.8657E-05 1.3141E-05 D085400300028 1.2999 5.4126E-05 1.4310E-05 D085400300029 1.3394 1.2215E-04 1.6678E-05 D085400300030 1.3775 6.2652E-05 1.8373E-05 D085400300031 1.4165 8.9813E-05 1.1225E-05 D085400300032 1.4606 1.5111E-04 1.7105E-05 D085400300033 1.4991 1.2202E-04 1.5251E-05 D085400300034 1.5376 9.5931E-05 1.8451E-05 D085400300035 1.5769 1.8201E-04 2.2754E-05 D085400300036 1.6207 2.6442E-04 2.9939E-05 D085400300037 1.6588 1.2518E-04 1.8531E-05 D085400300038 1.6975 1.2185E-04 2.0770E-05 D085400300039 1.7321 2.7136E-04 2.4215E-05 D085400300040 1.7807 3.6386E-04 3.2458E-05 D085400300041 1.8195 4.2129E-04 3.2425E-05 D085400300042 1.8630 3.8875E-04 4.4006E-05 D085400300043 1.8970 4.2107E-04 4.1224E-05 D085400300044 1.9360 5.7222E-04 4.4042E-05 D085400300045 1.9839 3.4446E-04 3.0717E-05 D085400300046 2.0226 3.6325E-04 3.2415E-05 D085400300047 2.0571 7.2702E-04 D085400300048 2.1006 6.7086E-04 5.1613E-05 D085400300049 2.1394 6.9809E-04 5.3729E-05 D085400300050 2.1837 1.7068E-03 D085400300051 2.2223 1.4733E-03 D085400300052 2.2660 1.7520E-03 D085400300053 2.3047 1.7989E-03 D085400300054 2.3383 1.3408E-03 D085400300055 2.3822 1.9220E-03 D085400300056 2.4211 2.2856E-03 D085400300057 2.4649 3.1477E-03 D085400300058 ENDDATA 35 0 D085400300059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 D085400399999 SUBENT D0854004 20230830 D139D085400400001 BIB 5 9 D085400400002 REACTION (19-K-41(P,N)20-CA-41,,SIG) D085400400003 DETECTOR (BF3) Detector mounted axially in a cylinder of D085400400004 polythene (21.6 cm in diameter and 25.4 cm long) D085400400005 placed at 35 degr to the beam direction and 3 cm from D085400400006 the target was used for neutron registration. D085400400007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-3) Neutron detector efficiency. D085400400008 STATUS (CURVE,,M.E.Sevior+,J,NP/A,378,349,1982) Fig.4 D085400400009 (COREL,A0392009) Measurement with a natural sample D085400400010 HISTORY (20230830A) VT+On. SATUS: COREL added D085400400011 ENDBIB 9 0 D085400400012 COMMON 4 3 D085400400013 ERR-T ERR-3 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG D085400400014 PER-CENT PER-CENT MEV PER-CENT D085400400015 13. 10. 0.0056 1.02 D085400400016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D085400400017 DATA 3 31 D085400400018 EN DATA ERR-S D085400400019 MEV B B D085400400020 1.2633 2.4960E-04 8.8921E-05 D085400400021 1.3024 4.9953E-04 8.5145E-05 D085400400022 1.3412 7.9676E-04 9.0190E-05 D085400400023 1.3803 1.6377E-03 1.8538E-04 D085400400024 1.4179 6.6945E-04 8.3671E-05 D085400400025 1.4617 1.2366E-03 1.6891E-04 D085400400026 1.5002 1.3940E-03 1.4123E-04 D085400400027 1.5396 3.9474E-03 3.2898E-04 D085400400028 1.5827 3.4530E-03 3.0802E-04 D085400400029 1.6206 2.1927E-03 1.9559E-04 D085400400030 1.6642 3.2281E-03 2.8795E-04 D085400400031 1.7026 3.0594E-03 3.4477E-04 D085400400032 1.7411 3.6869E-03 3.0742E-04 D085400400033 1.7796 3.7353E-03 2.5780E-04 D085400400034 1.8235 7.6775E-03 D085400400035 1.8628 2.0886E-02 D085400400036 1.9056 1.2742E-02 D085400400037 1.9439 1.2238E-02 D085400400038 1.9769 6.4470E-03 D085400400039 2.0251 7.9790E-03 D085400400040 2.0591 1.2392E-02 D085400400041 2.1024 1.3969E-02 D085400400042 2.1409 1.4929E-02 D085400400043 2.1798 2.5117E-02 D085400400044 2.2229 2.1393E-02 D085400400045 2.2607 1.1574E-02 D085400400046 2.3045 2.3162E-02 D085400400047 2.3428 2.0262E-02 D085400400048 2.3812 1.9461E-02 D085400400049 2.4200 2.8652E-02 D085400400050 2.4633 3.4528E-02 D085400400051 ENDDATA 33 0 D085400400052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 D085400499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 D085499999999