ENTRY            D0921   20181220                             D119D092100000001 
SUBENT        D0921001   20181220                             D119D092100100001 
BIB                 14         50                                 D092100100002 
TITLE      Fission cross sections as a probe of fusion dynamics   D092100100003 
            at high angular momentum                              D092100100004 
AUTHOR     (C.S.Palshetkar, D.J.Hinde, M.Dasgupta, E.Williams,    D092100100005 
            K.Ramachandran, I.P.Carter, K.J.Cook, D.Y.Jeung,      D092100100006 
            D.H.Luong, S.D.McNeil, D.C.Rafferty, A.Wakhle)        D092100100007 
INSTITUTE  (3AULCBR)                                              D092100100008 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,98,044603,2018)                                D092100100009 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.98.044603                        D092100100010 
REL-REF    (M,,D.J.Hinde+,J,PR/C,53,1290,1996) Kinematic          D092100100011 
           coincidence method                                     D092100100012 
FACILITY   (VDGT,3AULCBR) 14UD electrostatic tandem accelerator   D092100100013 
           at the Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility.                 D092100100014 
INC-SOURCE Pulsed beams of less than 1 ns FWHM                    D092100100015 
SAMPLE     The thicknesses of target and 12C backing are          D092100100016 
                   Target(ug/cm**2)   Backing(ug/cm**2)           D092100100017 
             SM-148       30                40                    D092100100018 
             BA-136       40                12                    D092100100019 
             SN-124       17                12                    D092100100020 
           The target was located 18 cm away from the central     D092100100021 
           cathode foil of each MWPC.                             D092100100022 
DETECTOR   (MWPC) The CUBE spectrometer consisting of two large   D092100100023 
           area multiwire proportional counters, each having an   D092100100024 
           active area of 27.9 x 35.7 cm**2 and giving an         D092100100025 
           angular coverage in-plane of 75 degree.                D092100100026 
              MWPC 1: angular coverage of theta1 = 95-170 degree  D092100100027 
                      for 40Ca + 124Sn, theta1 = 55-130 degree    D092100100028 
              MWPC 2: angular coverage of theta2 = 5-80 degree    D092100100029 
           (SIBAR) Two silicon surface barrier detectors were     D092100100030 
           placed out of plane, at thetamon = 23 degree and       D092100100031 
           phi1 = 90 degree, phi2 = 270 degree to detect the      D092100100032 
           elastically scattered beam particles that were used    D092100100033 
           for normalization. The solid angle of the detection    D092100100034 
           system was determined by using 28Si+197Au and          D092100100035 
           40Ca+197Au elastic scattering.                         D092100100036 
METHOD     (TOF) The emission angle of the detected fission       D092100100037 
           fragments and their velocities.                        D092100100038 
           (COINC) Two MWPCs for the detection of binary fission  D092100100039 
           fragments in coincidence.                              D092100100040 
ANALYSIS   The cross sections were converted from the lab frame   D092100100041 
           to the CM frame assuming binary fission and by taking  D092100100042 
           the average kinetic energy of the fragments given by   D092100100043 
           the Viola systematics.                                 D092100100044 
CORRECTION Fission yields corresponding to 5 degree bins in angle D092100100045 
           were extracted and were corrected for the detector     D092100100046 
           solid angle to get the differential cross sections for D092100100047 
           each energy.                                           D092100100048 
HISTORY    (20181210R) Numerical data of Fig. 3 was received from D092100100049 
                       Dr. C.S.Palshetkar.                        D092100100050 
           (20181220C) So NDS                                     D092100100051 
STATUS     (APRVD) Approved by Dr. Palshetkar on 12. January 2019 D092100100052 
ENDBIB              50          0                                 D092100100053 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D092100100054 
ENDSUBENT           53          0                                 D092100199999 
SUBENT        D0921002   20181220                             D119D092100200001 
BIB                  3          4                                 D092100200002 
REACTION   (62-SM-148(8-O-16,F),,DA,FF)                           D092100200003 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The uncertainties shown on the cross           D092100200004 
                   sections are statistical.                      D092100200005 
STATUS     (TABLE) Fig. 3 (a) in Phys.Rev.C98,044603(2018)        D092100200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 D092100200007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D092100200008 
DATA                 4         46                                 D092100200009 
EN         ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-S                            D092100200010 
MEV        ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                            D092100200011 
      73.92     112.74    0.00111    0.00078                      D092100200012 
      73.92     117.50    0.00301    0.00123                      D092100200013 
      73.92     122.14    0.00101    0.00072                      D092100200014 
      73.92     126.68    0.00205    0.00103                      D092100200015 
      73.92     131.10    0.00161    0.00093                      D092100200016 
      73.92     135.42    0.00278    0.00124                      D092100200017 
      73.92     139.64    0.00222    0.00111                      D092100200018 
      73.92     143.77    0.00502    0.00167                      D092100200019 
      73.92     147.82    0.00289    0.00129                      D092100200020 
      73.92     151.79    0.00513    0.00182                      D092100200021 
      82.04     113.57    0.02854    0.00344                      D092100200022 
      82.04     118.32    0.03308    0.00353                      D092100200023 
      82.04     122.95    0.03761    0.00379                      D092100200024 
      82.04     127.45    0.03290    0.00357                      D092100200025 
      82.04     131.84    0.02999    0.00349                      D092100200026 
      82.04     136.12    0.03491    0.00384                      D092100200027 
      82.04     140.30    0.03887    0.00406                      D092100200028 
      82.04     144.38    0.03910    0.00408                      D092100200029 
      82.04     148.38    0.03265    0.00380                      D092100200030 
      82.04     152.29    0.04714    0.00482                      D092100200031 
      82.04     156.13    0.05804    0.00591                      D092100200032 
      82.04     159.91    0.06197    0.00699                      D092100200033 
      90.21     114.38    0.25413    0.01943                      D092100200034 
      90.21     119.11    0.22219    0.01734                      D092100200035 
      90.21     123.72    0.26066    0.01892                      D092100200036 
      90.21     128.20    0.26905    0.01943                      D092100200037 
      90.21     132.56    0.30155    0.02109                      D092100200038 
      90.21     136.80    0.29853    0.02140                      D092100200039 
      90.21     140.93    0.28831    0.02111                      D092100200040 
      90.21     144.97    0.35565    0.02356                      D092100200041 
      90.21     148.91    0.33787    0.02342                      D092100200042 
      90.21     152.77    0.44127    0.02830                      D092100200043 
      90.21     156.55    0.49704    0.03320                      D092100200044 
      90.21     160.27    0.52328    0.03903                      D092100200045 
      99.24     115.23    1.70691    0.09162                      D092100200046 
      99.24     119.95    1.60874    0.08506                      D092100200047 
      99.24     124.53    1.70248    0.08829                      D092100200048 
      99.24     128.98    1.93698    0.09547                      D092100200049 
      99.24     133.31    2.03976    0.10058                      D092100200050 
      99.24     137.51    2.02738    0.10241                      D092100200051 
      99.24     141.60    2.37765    0.11169                      D092100200052 
      99.24     145.59    2.71210    0.12020                      D092100200053 
      99.24     149.48    3.02168    0.12979                      D092100200054 
      99.24     153.28    3.14207    0.13987                      D092100200055 
      99.24     157.00    3.60790    0.16588                      D092100200056 
      99.24     160.65    4.25342    0.20677                      D092100200057 
ENDDATA             48          0                                 D092100200058 
ENDSUBENT           57          0                                 D092100299999 
SUBENT        D0921003   20181220                             D119D092100300001 
BIB                  3          4                                 D092100300002 
REACTION   (56-BA-136(14-SI-28,F),,DA,FF)                         D092100300003 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The uncertainties shown on the cross           D092100300004 
                   sections are statistical                       D092100300005 
STATUS     (TABLE) Fig. 3 (b) in Phys.Rev.C98,044603(2018)        D092100300006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 D092100300007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D092100300008 
DATA                 4         44                                 D092100300009 
EN         ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-S                            D092100300010 
MEV        ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                            D092100300011 
     108.22     123.53    0.07135    0.00981                      D092100300012 
     108.22     128.10    0.08125    0.01017                      D092100300013 
     108.22     132.47    0.07456    0.00997                      D092100300014 
     108.22     136.64    0.07598    0.01035                      D092100300015 
     108.22     140.62    0.06108    0.00966                      D092100300016 
     108.22     144.42    0.07710    0.01125                      D092100300017 
     108.22     148.06    0.06980    0.01091                      D092100300018 
     108.22     151.55    0.07770    0.01172                      D092100300019 
     108.22     154.90    0.10562    0.01413                      D092100300020 
     108.22     158.13    0.07967    0.01311                      D092100300021 
     108.22     161.26    0.12347    0.01823                      D092100300022 
     116.38     124.57    2.41445    0.13731                      D092100300023 
     116.38     129.12    2.33033    0.13130                      D092100300024 
     116.38     133.46    2.14002    0.12903                      D092100300025 
     116.38     137.59    2.25468    0.13646                      D092100300026 
     116.38     141.52    2.58230    0.15443                      D092100300027 
     116.38     145.27    3.38301    0.18393                      D092100300028 
     116.38     148.86    3.48322    0.19051                      D092100300029 
     116.38     152.28    3.97651    0.20792                      D092100300030 
     116.38     155.56    4.35175    0.22528                      D092100300031 
     116.38     158.73    4.42137    0.24283                      D092100300032 
     116.38     161.78    4.72689    0.28057                      D092100300033 
     119.07     124.91    4.06028    0.07965                      D092100300034 
     119.07     129.45    4.36834    0.08087                      D092100300035 
     119.07     133.78    4.49924    0.08440                      D092100300036 
     119.07     137.90    4.54018    0.08742                      D092100300037 
     119.07     141.82    4.84091    0.09450                      D092100300038 
     119.07     145.55    5.29519    0.10443                      D092100300039 
     119.07     149.11    5.97147    0.11391                      D092100300040 
     119.07     152.52    6.81984    0.12513                      D092100300041 
     119.07     155.78    7.36244    0.13511                      D092100300042 
     119.07     158.92    7.79497    0.14900                      D092100300043 
     119.07     161.95    8.42399    0.17345                      D092100300044 
     125.42     125.69   12.44580    0.30875                      D092100300045 
     125.42     130.22   12.58450    0.30364                      D092100300046 
     125.42     134.53   13.02050    0.31785                      D092100300047 
     125.42     138.62   13.92690    0.33999                      D092100300048 
     125.42     142.50   15.32190    0.37776                      D092100300049 
     125.42     146.19   15.93700    0.40091                      D092100300050 
     125.42     149.71   17.28200    0.42817                      D092100300051 
     125.42     153.07   18.71690    0.45678                      D092100300052 
     125.42     156.28   19.84430    0.48817                      D092100300053 
     125.42     159.36   21.22200    0.54084                      D092100300054 
     125.42     162.33   23.14470    0.63154                      D092100300055 
ENDDATA             46          0                                 D092100300056 
ENDSUBENT           55          0                                 D092100399999 
SUBENT        D0921004   20181220                             D119D092100400001 
BIB                  3          4                                 D092100400002 
REACTION   (50-SN-124(20-CA-40,F),,DA,FF)                         D092100400003 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The uncertainties shown on the cross           D092100400004 
                   sections are statistical                       D092100400005 
STATUS     (TABLE) Fig. 3 (c) in Phys.Rev.C98,044603(2018)        D092100400006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 D092100400007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D092100400008 
DATA                 4         39                                 D092100400009 
EN         ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-S                            D092100400010 
MEV        ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                            D092100400011 
     126.00      87.78     0.1206     0.0270                      D092100400012 
     126.00      94.52     0.0953     0.0225                      D092100400013 
     126.00     101.02     0.1318     0.0276                      D092100400014 
     126.00     107.26     0.1117     0.0264                      D092100400015 
     126.00     113.21     0.1521     0.0326                      D092100400016 
     126.00     118.85     0.1202     0.0301                      D092100400017 
     126.00     124.17     0.1267     0.0340                      D092100400018 
     126.00     129.17     0.1108     0.0335                      D092100400019 
     126.00     133.85     0.1200     0.0363                      D092100400020 
     126.00     138.21     0.1676     0.0467                      D092100400021 
     130.11      88.32     0.4956     0.0744                      D092100400022 
     130.11      95.10     0.4845     0.0690                      D092100400023 
     130.11     101.64     0.6091     0.0808                      D092100400024 
     130.11     107.90     0.3761     0.0659                      D092100400025 
     130.11     113.87     0.4330     0.0748                      D092100400026 
     130.11     119.53     0.5963     0.0918                      D092100400027 
     130.11     124.86     0.5198     0.0941                      D092100400028 
     130.11     129.86     0.6180     0.1085                      D092100400029 
     130.11     134.53     0.5084     0.1024                      D092100400030 
     130.11     138.87     0.6757     0.1288                      D092100400031 
     139.19      89.50     5.9219     0.3662                      D092100400032 
     139.19      96.37     5.6956     0.3392                      D092100400033 
     139.19     102.98     6.3157     0.3743                      D092100400034 
     139.19     109.31     5.8812     0.3752                      D092100400035 
     139.19     115.34     6.5351     0.4207                      D092100400036 
     139.19     121.03     6.1864     0.4266                      D092100400037 
     139.19     126.38     6.0574     0.4632                      D092100400038 
     139.19     131.38     7.4293     0.5487                      D092100400039 
     139.19     136.03     8.0931     0.6009                      D092100400040 
     144.07      90.12     9.9517     0.7265                      D092100400041 
     144.07      97.04     9.6750     0.6777                      D092100400042 
     144.07     103.70     8.9591     0.6762                      D092100400043 
     144.07     110.06     9.3459     0.7219                      D092100400044 
     144.07     116.11    10.0265     0.7938                      D092100400045 
     144.07     121.83    10.3455     0.8446                      D092100400046 
     144.07     127.19    10.1596     0.9188                      D092100400047 
     144.07     132.19    11.4793     1.0408                      D092100400048 
     144.07     136.83    11.3120     1.0798                      D092100400049 
     144.07     141.11    13.4815     1.2965                      D092100400050 
ENDDATA             41          0                                 D092100400051 
ENDSUBENT           50          0                                 D092100499999 
SUBENT        D0921005   20181220                             D119D092100500001 
BIB                  5          8                                 D092100500002 
REACTION   (62-SM-148(8-O-16,F),,SIG)                             D092100500003 
REL-REF    (M,,B.B.Back+,J,PR/C,32,195,1985)                      D092100500004 
ANALYSIS   (INTAD) The differential cross sections were fitted    D092100500005 
           with transition state model by Back et al.             D092100500006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty due to parametrization of       D092100500007 
           the angular distribution for extrapolation to 90       D092100500008 
           and 180 degree.                                        D092100500009 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table II in Phys.Rev.C98,044603(2018)          D092100500010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 D092100500011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D092100500012 
DATA                 3          4                                 D092100500013 
EN-CM      DATA       DATA-ERR                                    D092100500014 
MEV        MB         MB                                          D092100500015 
      73.92      0.013      0.008                                 D092100500016 
      82.04      0.21       0.01                                  D092100500017 
      90.21      1.74       0.04                                  D092100500018 
      99.24     12.7        0.2                                   D092100500019 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 D092100500020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 D092100599999 
SUBENT        D0921006   20181220                             D119D092100600001 
BIB                  5          8                                 D092100600002 
REACTION   (56-BA-136(14-SI-28,F),,SIG)                           D092100600003 
REL-REF    (M,,B.B.Back+,J,PR/C,32,195,1985)                      D092100600004 
ANALYSIS   (INTAD) The differential cross sections were fitted    D092100600005 
           with transition state model by Back et al.             D092100600006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty due to parametrization of       D092100600007 
           the angular distribution for extrapolation to 90       D092100600008 
           and 180 degree.                                        D092100600009 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table II in Phys.Rev.C98,044603(2018)          D092100600010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 D092100600011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D092100600012 
DATA                 3          4                                 D092100600013 
EN-CM      DATA       DATA-ERR                                    D092100600014 
MEV        MB         MB                                          D092100600015 
     108.22       0.38       0.06                                 D092100600016 
     116.38      14.9        0.3                                  D092100600017 
     119.07      26.8        0.2                                  D092100600018 
     125.42      78.5        0.6                                  D092100600019 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 D092100600020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 D092100699999 
SUBENT        D0921007   20181220                             D119D092100700001 
BIB                  5          8                                 D092100700002 
REACTION   (50-SN-124(20-CA-40,F),,SIG)                           D092100700003 
REL-REF    (M,,B.B.Back+,J,PR/C,32,195,1985)                      D092100700004 
ANALYSIS   (INTAD) The differential cross sections were fitted    D092100700005 
           with transition state model by Back et al.             D092100700006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty due to parametrization of       D092100700007 
           the angular distribution for extrapolation to 90       D092100700008 
           and 180 degree.                                        D092100700009 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table II in Phys.Rev.C98,044603(2018)          D092100700010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 D092100700011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D092100700012 
DATA                 3          4                                 D092100700013 
EN-CM      DATA       DATA-ERR                                    D092100700014 
MEV        MB         MB                                          D092100700015 
     126.00       0.96       0.29                                 D092100700016 
     130.11       4.0        0.7                                  D092100700017 
     139.19      50.2        3.5                                  D092100700018 
     144.07      77.2        6.4                                  D092100700019 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 D092100700020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 D092100799999 
ENDENTRY             7          0                                 D092199999999