ENTRY D1021 20230627 D139D102100000001 SUBENT D1021001 20230627 D139D102100100001 BIB 8 21 D102100100002 TITLE Competition between fusion and quasifission in the D102100100003 angular momentum dependent dynamics of heavy element D102100100004 synthesis reactions D102100100005 AUTHOR (T.Tanaka, D.J.Hinde, M.Dasgupta, E.Williams, D102100100006 K.Vo-Phuoc, C.Simenel, E.C.Simpson, D.Y.Jeung, D102100100007 I.P.Carter, K.J.Cook, N.R.Lobanov, D.H.Luong, D102100100008 C.Palshetkar, D.C.Rafferty, K.Ramachandran) D102100100009 INSTITUTE (3AULCBR) D102100100010 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,107,054601,2023) D102100100011 (J,PRL,127,222501,2021) Prelim. data for 52Cr+198Pt at D102100100012 E-cm= 219.0 MeV. Elastic scattering relative to the D102100100013 Rutherford cross section for 54Cr+196Pt at D102100100014 E-cm = 222.9 MeV. D102100100015 FACILITY (VDGT,3AULCBR) 14UD electrostatic accelerator and D102100100016 superconducting Linac D102100100017 DETECTOR (MWPC) Two large-area position-sensitive MWPC whose D102100100018 normals (18 cm from the target) were centered at D102100100019 scattering angles of 45 deg and 90 deg D102100100020 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Uncertainty due to counting statistics D102100100021 HISTORY (20220303C) On D102100100022 (20230627A) VT+On. Revision in 002+003. 004 added. D102100100023 ENDBIB 21 0 D102100100024 NOCOMMON 0 0 D102100100025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 D102100199999 SUBENT D1021002 20230627 D139D102100200001 BIB 4 13 D102100200002 REACTION (78-PT-198(24-CR-52,SCT)78-PT-198,,DA,,RTH/MSC) D102100200003 Quasi-elastic scattering (elastic scattering + D102100200004 inelastic scattering + transfer reaction before D102100200005 capture etc.) cross section where the deep-inelastic D102100200006 scattering portion is contaminated, divided by D102100200007 Rutherford cross-section. D102100200008 SAMPLE Isotopically enriched 198Pt (40 ug/cm2) on carbon D102100200009 backings (20 ug/cm2) D102100200010 STATUS (TABLE,,T.Tanaka+,J,PRL,127,222501,2021) Fig. 2(a) D102100200011 (APRVD) Approved by Taiki Tanaka (2022-03-04) D102100200012 (SPSDD,D1021004) D102100200013 HISTORY (20220302R) On. Data received from Taiki Tanaka D102100200014 (20230627A) VT+On. Superseded D102100200015 ENDBIB 13 0 D102100200016 COMMON 1 3 D102100200017 EN-CM D102100200018 MEV D102100200019 219.0 D102100200020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D102100200021 DATA 3 33 D102100200022 ANG-CM DATA ERR-S D102100200023 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM D102100200024 139. 0.0106367 0.000437165 D102100200025 137. 0.0588424 0.001746595 D102100200026 135. 0.153723 0.003843075 D102100200027 133. 0.184055 0.004063106 D102100200028 131. 0.209696 0.004066593 D102100200029 129. 0.248692 0.004390135 D102100200030 127. 0.273969 0.00441712 D102100200031 125. 0.319992 0.004536719 D102100200032 123. 0.357526 0.004591206 D102100200033 121. 0.417726 0.004860576 D102100200034 119. 0.482602 0.005093575 D102100200035 117. 0.543032 0.005263729 D102100200036 115. 0.61305 0.005435878 D102100200037 113. 0.698208 0.005676298 D102100200038 111. 0.792807 0.005998719 D102100200039 109. 0.911791 0.006418516 D102100200040 107. 0.994325 0.006795476 D102100200041 105. 1.04986 0.007307981 D102100200042 103. 1.07676 0.007196816 D102100200043 101. 1.14977 0.006997661 D102100200044 99. 1.1893 0.006627707 D102100200045 97. 1.18752 0.006430682 D102100200046 95. 1.16324 0.006255428 D102100200047 93. 1.11856 0.005831613 D102100200048 91. 1.0798 0.005483905 D102100200049 89. 1.02857 0.005085456 D102100200050 87. 0.965185 0.004637202 D102100200051 85. 0.939608 0.004426155 D102100200052 83. 0.949153 0.004297803 D102100200053 81. 0.949307 0.004118559 D102100200054 79. 0.951415 0.003979636 D102100200055 77. 0.958218 0.003904662 D102100200056 75. 0.939055 0.00375745 D102100200057 ENDDATA 35 0 D102100200058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 D102100299999 SUBENT D1021003 20230627 D139D102100300001 BIB 4 12 D102100300002 REACTION (78-PT-196(24-CR-54,SCT)78-PT-196,,DA,,RTH/MSC) D102100300003 Quasi-elastic scattering (elastic scattering + D102100300004 inelastic scattering + transfer reaction before D102100300005 capture etc.) cross section where the deep-inelastic D102100300006 scattering portion is contaminated, divided by D102100300007 Rutherford cross-section. D102100300008 SAMPLE Isotopically enriched 196Pt (190 ug/cm2) on carbon D102100300009 backings (20 ug/cm2) D102100300010 STATUS (TABLE,,T.Tanaka+,J,PRL,127,222501,2021) Fig. 2(a) D102100300011 (APRVD) Approved by Taiki Tanaka (2022-03-04) D102100300012 HISTORY (20220302R) On. Data received from Taiki Tanaka D102100300013 (20230627A) VT+On. REACTION corrected. D102100300014 ENDBIB 12 0 D102100300015 COMMON 1 3 D102100300016 EN-CM D102100300017 MEV D102100300018 222.9 D102100300019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D102100300020 DATA 3 33 D102100300021 ANG-CM DATA ERR-S D102100300022 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM D102100300023 139. 0.0107011 0.000747397 D102100300024 137. 0.0362485 0.001940339 D102100300025 135. 0.067087 0.003094495 D102100300026 133. 0.0828351 0.003256587 D102100300027 131. 0.0916466 0.003292047 D102100300028 129. 0.104386 0.003452786 D102100300029 127. 0.121779 0.003549639 D102100300030 125. 0.137629 0.003584768 D102100300031 123. 0.171945 0.003895792 D102100300032 121. 0.20838 0.004172601 D102100300033 119. 0.245675 0.004431805 D102100300034 117. 0.284015 0.004625639 D102100300035 115. 0.344592 0.004976873 D102100300036 113. 0.418711 0.005390276 D102100300037 111. 0.494395 0.005847259 D102100300038 109. 0.593828 0.006407167 D102100300039 107. 0.685465 0.007099155 D102100300040 105. 0.747433 0.007566414 D102100300041 103. 0.853767 0.00766798 D102100300042 101. 0.962392 0.00763659 D102100300043 99. 1.04924 0.007549471 D102100300044 97. 1.13498 0.007719339 D102100300045 95. 1.16657 0.007561905 D102100300046 93. 1.1806 0.007241989 D102100300047 91. 1.17669 0.006921232 D102100300048 89. 1.1218 0.006377052 D102100300049 87. 1.07322 0.005939189 D102100300050 85. 1.03851 0.005668406 D102100300051 83. 1.02 0.005398187 D102100300052 81. 1.00821 0.005163255 D102100300053 79. 0.993417 0.004973989 D102100300054 77. 0.999097 0.004861916 D102100300055 75. 0.971009 0.004716531 D102100300056 ENDDATA 35 0 D102100300057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 D102100399999 SUBENT D1021004 20230627 D139D102100400001 BIB 4 12 D102100400002 REACTION (78-PT-198(24-CR-52,SCT)78-PT-198,,DA,,RTH/MSC) D102100400003 Quasi-elastic scattering (elastic scattering + D102100400004 inelastic scattering + transfer reaction before D102100400005 capture etc.) cross section where the deep-inelastic D102100400006 scattering portion is contaminated, divided by D102100400007 Rutherford cross-section. D102100400008 SAMPLE Isotopically enriched 198Pt (40 ug/cm2) on carbon D102100400009 backings (20 ug/cm2) D102100400010 STATUS (TABLE,,T.Tanaka+,J,PR/C,107,054601,2023) Fig. 5(a) D102100400011 (APRVD) Approved by Taiki Tanaka (2023-06-28) D102100400012 HISTORY (20220626R) VT+On. Data received from Taiki Tanaka D102100400013 (20230627C) VT+On. D102100400014 ENDBIB 12 0 D102100400015 NOCOMMON 0 0 D102100400016 DATA 4 116 D102100400017 EN-CM ANG-CM DATA ERR-S D102100400018 MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM D102100400019 209.5 133. 0.635857 0.00634305 D102100400020 209.5 131. 0.661622 0.00600063 D102100400021 209.5 129. 0.742846 0.00631552 D102100400022 209.5 127. 0.781326 0.00624621 D102100400023 209.5 125. 0.81696 0.00605006 D102100400024 209.5 123. 0.8682 0.0059638 D102100400025 209.5 121. 0.948758 0.00609293 D102100400026 209.5 119. 0.995016 0.00608666 D102100400027 209.5 117. 1.02151 0.00600982 D102100400028 209.5 115. 1.04831 0.00591369 D102100400029 209.5 113. 1.09359 0.0059026 D102100400030 209.5 111. 1.1312 0.00595204 D102100400031 209.5 109. 1.17886 0.00605022 D102100400032 209.5 107. 1.17183 0.00609848 D102100400033 209.5 105. 1.10034 0.00622128 D102100400034 209.5 103. 1.07915 0.00600902 D102100400035 209.5 101. 1.06983 0.00562391 D102100400036 209.5 99. 1.05891 0.0052139 D102100400037 209.5 97. 1.02998 0.00500079 D102100400038 209.5 95. 1.012 0.00485418 D102100400039 209.5 93. 0.979194 0.0045428 D102100400040 209.5 91. 0.976769 0.00434937 D102100400041 209.5 89. 0.934817 0.00402524 D102100400042 209.5 87. 0.908637 0.00374601 D102100400043 209.5 85. 0.913677 0.00364208 D102100400044 209.5 83. 0.920314 0.0035183 D102100400045 209.5 81. 0.942823 0.00341811 D102100400046 209.5 79. 0.951636 0.00332368 D102100400047 209.5 77. 0.969318 0.00326818 D102100400048 215.7 133. 0.326382 0.00505487 D102100400049 215.7 131. 0.365014 0.00501763 D102100400050 215.7 129. 0.411142 0.00525509 D102100400051 215.7 127. 0.457535 0.00533536 D102100400052 215.7 125. 0.497536 0.00527652 D102100400053 215.7 123. 0.554116 0.00534337 D102100400054 215.7 121. 0.637147 0.00558965 D102100400055 215.7 119. 0.71075 0.00576703 D102100400056 215.7 117. 0.768181 0.00583061 D102100400057 215.7 115. 0.851247 0.00597812 D102100400058 215.7 113. 0.919875 0.00607605 D102100400059 215.7 111. 1.02189 0.00635905 D102100400060 215.7 109. 1.09711 0.00656458 D102100400061 215.7 107. 1.15244 0.00682718 D102100400062 215.7 105. 1.15318 0.00708713 D102100400063 215.7 103. 1.16917 0.0069885 D102100400064 215.7 101. 1.1924 0.00662475 D102100400065 215.7 99. 1.17226 0.00616288 D102100400066 215.7 97. 1.14455 0.00590713 D102100400067 215.7 95. 1.08439 0.00560837 D102100400068 215.7 93. 1.04931 0.00527131 D102100400069 215.7 91. 1.0413 0.00502639 D102100400070 215.7 89. 0.991459 0.00464146 D102100400071 215.7 87. 0.941862 0.00428141 D102100400072 215.7 85. 0.932349 0.00411875 D102100400073 215.7 83. 0.938018 0.00397833 D102100400074 215.7 81. 0.940833 0.00382392 D102100400075 215.7 79. 0.94212 0.00370514 D102100400076 215.7 77. 0.955656 0.00362775 D102100400077 219.0 133. 0.184055 0.00406311 D102100400078 219.0 131. 0.209696 0.00406659 D102100400079 219.0 129. 0.248692 0.00439014 D102100400080 219.0 127. 0.273969 0.00441712 D102100400081 219.0 125. 0.319992 0.00453672 D102100400082 219.0 123. 0.357526 0.00459121 D102100400083 219.0 121. 0.417726 0.00486058 D102100400084 219.0 119. 0.482602 0.00509357 D102100400085 219.0 117. 0.543032 0.00526373 D102100400086 219.0 115. 0.61305 0.00543588 D102100400087 219.0 113. 0.698208 0.0056763 D102100400088 219.0 111. 0.792807 0.00599872 D102100400089 219.0 109. 0.911791 0.00641852 D102100400090 219.0 107. 0.994325 0.00679548 D102100400091 219.0 105. 1.04986 0.00730798 D102100400092 219.0 103. 1.07676 0.00719682 D102100400093 219.0 101. 1.14977 0.00699766 D102100400094 219.0 99. 1.1893 0.00662771 D102100400095 219.0 97. 1.18752 0.00643068 D102100400096 219.0 95. 1.16324 0.00625543 D102100400097 219.0 93. 1.11856 0.00583161 D102100400098 219.0 91. 1.0798 0.0054839 D102100400099 219.0 89. 1.02857 0.00508546 D102100400100 219.0 87. 0.965185 0.0046372 D102100400101 219.0 85. 0.939608 0.00442616 D102100400102 219.0 83. 0.949153 0.0042978 D102100400103 219.0 81. 0.949307 0.00411856 D102100400104 219.0 79. 0.951415 0.00397964 D102100400105 219.0 77. 0.958218 0.00390466 D102100400106 223.8 133. 0.0847528 0.00364718 D102100400107 223.8 131. 0.0911217 0.0035496 D102100400108 223.8 129. 0.114586 0.0039536 D102100400109 223.8 127. 0.13515 0.00411248 D102100400110 223.8 125. 0.15376 0.00416024 D102100400111 223.8 123. 0.17647 0.00428129 D102100400112 223.8 121. 0.211586 0.00458456 D102100400113 223.8 119. 0.259889 0.00495678 D102100400114 223.8 117. 0.299636 0.00518232 D102100400115 223.8 115. 0.361273 0.00553517 D102100400116 223.8 113. 0.425096 0.00587865 D102100400117 223.8 111. 0.499481 0.00632812 D102100400118 223.8 109. 0.621634 0.00704541 D102100400119 223.8 107. 0.70882 0.00763144 D102100400120 223.8 105. 0.783556 0.00840881 D102100400121 223.8 103. 0.868924 0.00854849 D102100400122 223.8 101. 0.995918 0.00862695 D102100400123 223.8 99. 1.07646 0.00834892 D102100400124 223.8 97. 1.15985 0.00843889 D102100400125 223.8 95. 1.2008 0.00842818 D102100400126 223.8 93. 1.1951 0.00798492 D102100400127 223.8 91. 1.1943 0.00764446 D102100400128 223.8 89. 1.15772 0.00715065 D102100400129 223.8 87. 1.08128 0.00650606 D102100400130 223.8 85. 1.04566 0.00619048 D102100400131 223.8 83. 1.01643 0.00589604 D102100400132 223.8 81. 1.01708 0.00565394 D102100400133 223.8 79. 1.01155 0.00543758 D102100400134 223.8 77. 1.0137 0.00532877 D102100400135 ENDDATA 118 0 D102100400136 ENDSUBENT 135 0 D102100499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 D102199999999