ENTRY D1035 20230203 D138D103500000001 SUBENT D1035001 20230203 D138D103500100001 BIB 7 21 D103500100002 TITLE 26Si(p,gamma)27P direct proton capture by means of the D103500100003 asymptotic normalization coefficients method for mirrorD103500100004 nuclei D103500100005 AUTHOR (G.D'Agata, A.I.Kilic, V.Burjan, J.Mrazek, V.Glagolev, D103500100006 V.Kroha, G.L.Guardo, M.La Cognata, L.Lamia, D103500100007 S.Palmerini, R.G.Pizzone, G.G.Rapisarda, S.Romano, D103500100008 M.L.Sergi, R.Sparta, C.Spitaleri, I.Sivacek, D103500100009 A.Tumino) D103500100010 INSTITUTE (3CZRUJF,2ITYLNS,2ITYCAT,2ITYSIC,4ZZZDUB,2ITYENN) D103500100011 (2ITYITY) Universita degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia D103500100012 (2ITYITY) INFN-sezione di Perugia, Perugia D103500100013 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,103,015806,2021) D103500100014 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.103.015806 D103500100015 FACILITY (CYCLO,3CZRUJF) D103500100016 ADD-RES (RRATE) The asymptotic normalization (ANC) for the D103500100017 26Si(p,g)27P reaction were extracted from 26Mg(d,p)27MgD103500100018 The reaction rate for the ground state direct capture D103500100019 and excited state resonant contribution are provided D103500100020 in Table IV of the article. D103500100021 HISTORY (20230203C) VS D103500100022 (20230201R) Data received from G.D'Agata D103500100023 ENDBIB 21 0 D103500100024 COMMON 2 3 D103500100025 EN ANG-ERR D103500100026 MEV ADEG D103500100027 19.2 0.5 D103500100028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D103500100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 D103500199999 SUBENT D1035002 20230203 D138D103500200001 BIB 7 13 D103500200002 REACTION (12-MG-26(D,EL)12-MG-26,,DA) D103500200003 SAMPLE (12-MG-26,ENR=0.99) 26MgO target (70 ug/cm2) D103500200004 evaporated on a carbon backing (32 ug/cm2) D103500200005 DETECTOR (TELES,SI,SI) five deltaE-E telescopes, each of them D103500200006 consisting of a thin (250 um) and a thick (5000 um) D103500200007 silicon detector. D103500200008 METHOD (EDE) D103500200009 FLAG (1.) Measurement 1 D103500200010 (2.) Measurement 2 D103500200011 (3.) Measurement 3 D103500200012 (4.) Measurement 4 D103500200013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Reported uncertainties are statistical D103500200014 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.4(a) of Phys.Rev.C103(2021)015806 D103500200015 ENDBIB 13 0 D103500200016 NOCOMMON 0 0 D103500200017 DATA 4 40 D103500200018 ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S FLAG D103500200019 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR NO-DIM D103500200020 7.76 1547.93 990.64 D103500200021 9.91 5585.80 690.30 D103500200022 13.15 3510.37 11.37 D103500200023 16.36 1835.50 118.87 D103500200024 16.38 1335.50 4.32 D103500200025 18.5 1209.13 89.20 1. D103500200026 18.5 1098.77 81.06 2. D103500200027 20.65 671.40 55.71 1. D103500200028 20.65 718.58 59.63 2. D103500200029 20.65 578.38 47.99 3. D103500200030 21.72 476.01 41.73 D103500200031 23.87 177.71 17.28 D103500200032 24.94 122.41 12.50 D103500200033 27.08 38.18 4.28 1. D103500200034 27.08 42.73 4.79 2. D103500200035 28.15 30.54 3.58 D103500200036 29.22 26.12 3.21 1. D103500200037 29.22 29.77 3.66 2. D103500200038 29.22 27.48 3.38 3. D103500200039 29.22 24.90 3.06 4. D103500200040 31.35 40.29 5.36 1. D103500200041 31.35 43.74 5.82 2. D103500200042 31.35 40.43 5.38 3. D103500200043 31.35 40.55 5.40 4. D103500200044 32.42 51.21 7.10 D103500200045 34.55 70.67 10.60 1. D103500200046 34.55 63.75 9.56 2. D103500200047 37.74 67.58 11.36 1. D103500200048 37.74 71.60 12.03 2. D103500200049 38.80 66.22 11.54 D103500200050 39.87 57.38 10.37 1. D103500200051 39.87 64.28 11.62 2. D103500200052 39.87 58.61 10.59 3. D103500200053 41.99 48.47 9.41 1. D103500200054 41.99 49.41 9.60 2. D103500200055 43.05 40.34 8.12 D103500200056 44.10 34.79 7.25 D103500200057 45.16 18.48 3.99 D103500200058 48.33 11.81 2.83 D103500200059 49.38 7.89 1.96 D103500200060 ENDDATA 42 0 D103500200061 ENDSUBENT 60 0 D103500299999 SUBENT D1035003 20230203 D138D103500300001 BIB 7 13 D103500300002 REACTION (12-MG-26(D,P)12-MG-27,PAR,DA) D103500300003 SAMPLE (12-MG-26,ENR=0.99) 26MgO target (70 ug/cm2) D103500300004 evaporated on a carbon backing (32 ug/cm2) D103500300005 DETECTOR (TELES,SI,SI) five deltaE-E telescopes, each of them D103500300006 consisting of a thin (250 um) and a thick (5000 um) D103500300007 silicon detector. D103500300008 METHOD (EDE) D103500300009 FLAG (1.) Measurement 1 D103500300010 (2.) Measurement 2 D103500300011 (3.) Measurement 3 D103500300012 (4.) Measurement 4 D103500300013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Reported uncertainties are statistical D103500300014 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.4(b)and (c) of Phys.Rev.C103(2021)015806 D103500300015 ENDBIB 13 0 D103500300016 NOCOMMON 0 0 D103500300017 DATA 5 93 D103500300018 E-LVL ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S FLAG D103500300019 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR NO-DIM D103500300020 0.0 7.55 11.83 1.49 D103500300021 0.0 9.65 8.87 1.15 D103500300022 0.0 12.80 3.47 0.47 D103500300023 0.0 15.94 1.71 0.28 1. D103500300024 0.0 15.94 1.18 0.24 2. D103500300025 0.0 18.04 1.08 0.25 1. D103500300026 0.0 18.04 1.40 0.20 2. D103500300027 0.0 18.04 1.03 0.28 3. D103500300028 0.0 18.04 1.07 0.18 4. D103500300029 0.0 20.13 1.78 0.37 1. D103500300030 0.0 20.13 1.95 0.43 2. D103500300031 0.0 20.13 1.70 0.32 3. D103500300032 0.0 21.18 2.07 0.45 D103500300033 0.0 23.27 2.76 0.59 D103500300034 0.0 24.13 2.93 0.70 D103500300035 0.0 26.40 3.28 0.80 D103500300036 0.0 27.45 3.33 0.90 D103500300037 0.0 28.49 2.81 0.76 1. D103500300038 0.0 28.49 3.31 0.89 2. D103500300039 0.0 28.49 3.22 0.85 3. D103500300040 0.0 28.49 2.74 0.73 4. D103500300041 0.0 30.58 3.11 0.94 1. D103500300042 0.0 30.58 3.25 0.93 2. D103500300043 0.0 30.58 3.39 1.01 3. D103500300044 0.0 30.58 2.85 0.82 4. D103500300045 0.0 31.62 2.80 0.83 D103500300046 0.0 33.70 2.73 0.91 1. D103500300047 0.0 33.70 2.07 0.67 2. D103500300048 0.0 34.75 1.94 0.65 D103500300049 0.0 36.83 1.55 0.57 1. D103500300050 0.0 36.83 1.25 0.45 2. D103500300051 0.0 36.83 1.27 0.46 3. D103500300052 0.0 37.87 1.00 0.37 D103500300053 0.0 38.91 0.72 0.29 1. D103500300054 0.0 38.91 0.97 0.39 2. D103500300055 0.0 38.91 0.67 0.26 3. D103500300056 0.0 40.99 0.40 0.17 1. D103500300057 0.0 40.99 0.45 0.19 2. D103500300058 0.0 42.03 0.31 0.13 D103500300059 0.0 43.06 0.19 0.09 D103500300060 0.0 44.10 0.17 0.08 D103500300061 0.0 45.14 0.09 0.04 D103500300062 0.0 47.21 0.10 0.05 D103500300063 0.0 48.24 0.09 0.05 D103500300064 0.0 51.34 0.19 0.11 D103500300065 0.0 53.40 0.26 0.16 D103500300066 0.0 54.43 0.34 0.22 D103500300067 0.0 57.52 0.37 0.27 D103500300068 0.984 7.56 4.97 0.63 D103500300069 0.984 9.66 4.65 0.58 D103500300070 0.984 12.81 4.90 0.75 D103500300071 0.984 15.96 4.66 0.71 D103500300072 0.984 18.05 4.14 0.82 1. D103500300073 0.984 18.05 4.32 0.75 2. D103500300074 0.984 18.05 4.24 0.81 3. D103500300075 0.984 18.05 4.11 0.17 4. D103500300076 0.984 20.15 4.27 0.88 1. D103500300077 0.984 20.15 3.91 0.79 2. D103500300078 0.984 20.15 4.02 0.75 3. D103500300079 0.984 21.20 3.63 0.78 D103500300080 0.984 23.29 2.84 0.61 D103500300081 0.984 24.34 2.74 0.66 D103500300082 0.984 26.43 1.84 0.45 1. D103500300083 0.984 26.43 1.79 0.45 2. D103500300084 0.984 27.48 1.89 0.51 D103500300085 0.984 28.52 1.31 0.36 1. D103500300086 0.984 28.52 1.48 0.41 2. D103500300087 0.984 28.52 1.46 0.39 3. D103500300088 0.984 28.52 2.56 0.69 4. D103500300089 0.984 30.61 1.06 0.32 1. D103500300090 0.984 30.61 1.01 0.29 2. D103500300091 0.984 30.61 1.10 0.36 3. D103500300092 0.984 30.61 0.98 0.28 4. D103500300093 0.984 31.65 0.82 0.24 D103500300094 0.984 33.74 0.61 0.21 1. D103500300095 0.984 33.74 0.49 0.16 2. D103500300096 0.984 34.78 0.44 0.15 D103500300097 0.984 36.87 0.38 0.14 D103500300098 0.984 37.91 0.35 0.13 D103500300099 0.984 38.95 0.36 0.15 1. D103500300100 0.984 38.95 0.28 0.12 2. D103500300101 0.984 41.03 0.31 0.13 1. D103500300102 0.984 41.03 0.33 0.14 2. D103500300103 0.984 42.06 0.36 0.15 D103500300104 0.984 43.10 0.38 0.17 D103500300105 0.984 44.14 0.42 0.19 D103500300106 0.984 45.18 0.43 0.20 D103500300107 0.984 47.25 0.45 0.23 D103500300108 0.984 48.29 0.44 0.23 D103500300109 0.984 51.39 0.40 0.23 D103500300110 0.984 53.45 0.34 0.22 D103500300111 0.984 54.48 0.37 0.24 D103500300112 0.984 57.57 0.28 0.21 D103500300113 ENDDATA 95 0 D103500300114 ENDSUBENT 113 0 D103500399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 D103599999999