ENTRY D1037 20230227 D138D103700000001 SUBENT D1037001 20230227 D138D103700100001 BIB 10 32 D103700100002 TITLE The 3He+5He -> a+a reaction below the coulomb barrier D103700100003 via the trojan horse method D103700100004 AUTHOR (C.Spitaleri, S.Typel, C.A.Bertulani, D103700100005 A.M.Mukhamedzhanov, T.Kajino, M.Lattuada, D103700100006 A.Cvetinovic, S.Messina, G.L.Guardo, N.Soic, M.Milin, D103700100007 S.S.Perrotta, C.Li, P.Colovic, G.D'agata, D103700100008 D.Dell'aquilla, C.G.Fatuzzo, M.Gulino, S.Q.Hou, D103700100009 M.Lacognata, D.Lattuada, D.Nurkic, R.Popocovski, D103700100010 N.Skukan, S.Szilner, O.Trippella, M.Uroic, N.Vukman) D103700100011 INSTITUTE (2ITYLNS,2ITYCAT,2GERTHD,2GERGSI,1USATAM,2JPNTOK, D103700100012 3CPRBHN,3SLNIJS,3CRORBZ,3CROZAG,2SPNSEU,3CZRUJF, D103700100013 1USABRK,2ITYENN,3CPRIMP) D103700100014 (2JPNJPN) National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, D103700100015 Mitaka, Tokyo D103700100016 (3CPRCPR) Beijing Radiation Center, Beijing Academic D103700100017 of Science and Technology, Beijing D103700100018 (2ITYITY) INFN Sezione di Perugia, Perugia D103700100019 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,57,20,2021) D103700100020 FACILITY (VDGT,3CRORBZ) EN Tandem D103700100021 SAMPLE A 9Be target ~ 124 ug/cm2 thick, evaporated on a thin D103700100022 carbon foil, ~ 40 ug/cm2 thick, placed at 90 degree D103700100023 with respect the beam direction. D103700100024 DETECTOR (PS,SI) Four single-sided silicon position sensitive D103700100025 detectors, two 1000 um and two 500 um thick, mounted D103700100026 in a co-planar geometry on both sides of the beam D103700100027 direction covering a solid angle 3.5 msr. D103700100028 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The total uncertainty includes: D103700100029 - uncertainty due to counting statistics D103700100030 - uncertainty due to background subtraction D103700100031 - uncertainty due to normalization procedure D103700100032 STATUS (APRVD) Proof-read by C.Spitaleri (2023-03-01) D103700100033 HISTORY (20230227C) VT+On. D103700100034 ENDBIB 32 0 D103700100035 NOCOMMON 0 0 D103700100036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 D103700199999 SUBENT D1037002 20230227 D138D103700200001 BIB 5 20 D103700200002 REACTION (2-HE-5(HE3,A)2-HE-4,,SIG,,,DERIV) D103700200003 ANALYSIS (TROJA) The trojan horse method was used to extract D103700200004 the cross section of the 3He(5He,2a)4He by measuring D103700200005 quasi-free contribution of the 9Be(3He,2a)4He reaction.D103700200006 The absolute units of cross section and uncertainties D103700200007 are obtained by normalizing them in range 300-600 keV D103700200008 to prediction by DWBA. D103700200009 MISC-COL (MISC1) Event counts D103700200010 (MISC2) Uncertainty in counts due to statistics D103700200011 (MISC3) Uncertainty in counts due to background D103700200012 subtraction D103700200013 COMMENT By C.Spitaleri (2023-02-27): there are typos in Table3 D103700200014 DATA-ERR: 0.35E-03-> 0.35E-02 at 387.5 keV. D103700200015 MISC3: 11.61-> 1.161 at 562.5 keV D103700200016 10.46-> 1.046 at 587.5 keV D103700200017 10.35-> 1.035 at 612.5 keV D103700200018 Also, the units of statistical uncertainty, uncertaintyD103700200019 related to the subtraction and total uncertainty are D103700200020 not in % but in counts. D103700200021 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of Eur.Phys.J.A57(2021)20 D103700200022 ENDBIB 20 0 D103700200023 NOCOMMON 0 0 D103700200024 DATA 6 24 D103700200025 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR MISC1 MISC2 MISC3 D103700200026 KEV MB MB ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS D103700200027 37.5 1.33E-09 0.2E-09 108. 10.4 12.42D103700200028 62.5 3.40E-07 0.54E-07 118. 10.9 13.57D103700200029 87.5 5.26E-06 0.69E-06 117. 10.81 13.45D103700200030 112.5 2.93E-05 0.41E-05 118. 10.86 13.57D103700200031 137.5 1.07E-04 0.14E-04 125. 11.18 14.37D103700200032 162.5 2.88E-04 0.43E-04 115. 10.72 13.22D103700200033 187.5 8.28E-04 1.24E-04 131. 11.44 15.06D103700200034 212.5 2.52E-03 0.38E-03 104. 10.20 11.96D103700200035 237.5 2.52E-03 0.38E-03 104. 10.20 11.96D103700200036 262.5 4.55E-03 0.68E-03 114. 10.67 13.11D103700200037 287.5 6.95E-03 1.04E-03 113. 10.63 13.0D103700200038 312.5 8.33E-03 1.25E-03 91. 9.5 10.46D103700200039 337.5 1.31E-02 0.20E-02 101. 10. 11.61D103700200040 362.5 1.23E-02 0.21E-02 69. 9.3 7.935D103700200041 387.5 2.36E-02 0.35E-02 100. 10. 11.5D103700200042 412.5 2.11E-02 0.34E-02 69. 8.3 7.9D103700200043 437.5 3.14E-02 0.50E-02 80. 8.9 9.2D103700200044 462.5 3.96E-02 0.673E-02 80. 8.9 9.2D103700200045 487.5 3.78E-02 0.64E-02 61. 7.8 7.02D103700200046 512.5 3.78E-02 0.68E-02 48. 6.9 5.52D103700200047 537.5 3.42E-02 0.68E-02 36. 6. 4.14D103700200048 562.5 1.31E-02 0.36E-02 15. 3.9 1.161D103700200049 587.5 9.00E-03 0.25E-02 16. 4. 1.046D103700200050 612.5 2.88E-02 1.01E-02 9. 3. 1.035D103700200051 ENDDATA 26 0 D103700200052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 D103700299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 D103799999999