ENTRY D1040 20230315 D139D104000000001 SUBENT D1040001 20230315 D139D104000100001 BIB 11 50 D104000100002 TITLE Gamma-ray emission in proton-induced nuclear D104000100003 reactions on natC and mylar targets over the incident D104000100004 energy range, E = 30-200 MeV. Astrophysical D104000100005 implications D104000100006 AUTHOR (Y.Rahma, S.Ouichaoui, J.Kiener, E.A.Lawrie, D104000100007 J.J.Lawrie, V.Tatischeff, A.Belhout, D.Moussa, D104000100008 W.Yahia-Cherif, H.Benhabiles-Mezhoud, T.D.Bucher, D104000100009 T.R.S.Dinoko, A.Chafa, J.L.Conradie, S.Damache, D104000100010 M.Debabi, I.Deloncle, J.L.Easton, M.Fouka, D104000100011 C.Hamadache, F.Hammache, P.Jones, B.V.Kheswa, D104000100012 N.A.Khumalo, T.Lamula, S.N.T.Majola, J.Ndayishimye, D104000100013 D.Negi, S.P.Noncolela, S.Ouziane, P.Papka, S.Peterson, D104000100014 M.K.Raju, V.Ramanathan, B.M.Rebeiro, N.de Sereville, D104000100015 J.F.Sharpey-Schafer, O.Shirinda, M.Wiedeking, D104000100016 S.Wyngaardt) D104000100017 INSTITUTE (3ALGUHB,2FR CSN,3SAFITH,3SAFUWC,3SAFSTL,3ALGCDT, D104000100018 2FR PAR,3SAFSCT,3INDTAT,3SAFWIT) D104000100019 (3ALGALG) Universite M'Hamed Bougara, Boumerdes D104000100020 (3SAFSAF) NMISA, Private Bag X34, Lynnwood Ridge, D104000100021 Pretoria D104000100022 (3ALGALG) Algiers Observatory, Bouzaeah, Algiers D104000100023 (3SAFSAF) University of Johannesburg D104000100024 (3INDIND) GITAM School of Science, Vishakhapatnam D104000100025 (3SR SR) Defence University, Ratmalana D104000100026 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) D104000100027 FACILITY (CYCLO,3SAFITH) SSC facility D104000100028 DETECTOR (HPGE,BGO) AFRODITE array - Eight Compton suppressed D104000100029 clover detectors (four at 90 deg and four at 135 deg) D104000100030 placated 19.6 cm from the target to measure gamma-raysD104000100031 at 85, 95, 130 and 140 deg which subtended ~7.5% of D104000100032 4pi. D104000100033 Energy calibration was done with 137Cs, 60Co and 152Eu D104000100034 standard sources up to 1.408 MeV. D104000100035 Detection efficiency calibration was done with the D104000100036 above mentioned standard sources and extrapolation D104000100037 to higher energies by GEANT4 simulation. D104000100038 METHOD (BCINT) Isolated Faraday cup located 3 m downstream D104000100039 of the reaction chamber (accuracy ~1%) D104000100040 CORRECTION Corrected for D104000100041 - correcting the counts in the energy spectra by usingD104000100042 background data D104000100043 - corrected for dead time losses. D104000100044 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,10.,12.) Statistical errors (10-12%) D104000100045 (ERR-1) Target thickness (1%) D104000100046 (ERR-2) Detector efficiencies (12%) D104000100047 (ERR-3) Collected beam charge (1%) D104000100048 (ERR-4) Measured gamma energy spectra (5%) D104000100049 STATUS (APRVD) Proof-read by S.Ouichaoui (2023-04-14) D104000100050 HISTORY (20230326R) Data received from S.Ouichaoui D104000100051 (20230315C) VT+On. D104000100052 ENDBIB 50 0 D104000100053 COMMON 4 3 D104000100054 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 D104000100055 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT D104000100056 1. 12. 1. 5. D104000100057 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D104000100058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 D104000199999 SUBENT D1040002 20230315 D139D104000200001 BIB 3 5 D104000200002 REACTION (6-C-0(P,X)5-B-10,PAR,DA,G,LEG) D104000200003 SAMPLE natC target of thickness 8.40 +/- 0.07 mg/cm2. The D104000200004 targets were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then D104000200005 into a common holder. D104000200006 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Table 5 D104000200007 ENDBIB 5 0 D104000200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 D104000200009 DATA 4 55 D104000200010 E EN NUMBER DATA D104000200011 MEV MEV NO-DIM MB/SR D104000200012 0.718 30. 0. 7.81 D104000200013 0.718 30. 1. -2.38 D104000200014 0.718 30. 2. -1.89 D104000200015 0.718 42. 0. 14.76 D104000200016 0.718 42. 1. -4.33 D104000200017 0.718 42. 2. -3.62 D104000200018 0.718 54. 0. 13.58 D104000200019 0.718 54. 1. -4.06 D104000200020 0.718 54. 2. -4.26 D104000200021 0.718 66. 0. 8.13 D104000200022 0.718 66. 1. -0.80 D104000200023 0.718 66. 2. 1.76 D104000200024 0.718 80. 0. 9.05 D104000200025 0.718 80. 1. -0.90 D104000200026 0.718 80. 2. -1.07 D104000200027 0.718 95. 0. 8.45 D104000200028 0.718 95. 1. -0.53 D104000200029 0.718 95. 2. -0.76 D104000200030 0.718 110. 0. 8.25 D104000200031 0.718 110. 1. -0.57 D104000200032 0.718 110. 2. -1.19 D104000200033 0.718 125. 0. 7.14 D104000200034 0.718 125. 1. 0.00 D104000200035 0.718 125. 2. 0.84 D104000200036 0.718 150. 0. 7.41 D104000200037 0.718 150. 1. -1.41 D104000200038 0.718 150. 2. -0.12 D104000200039 0.718 175. 0. 6.96 D104000200040 0.718 175. 1. -1.01 D104000200041 0.718 175. 2. -1.10 D104000200042 0.718 200. 0. 6.69 D104000200043 0.718 200. 1. -0.40 D104000200044 0.718 200. 2. -1.25 D104000200045 1.022 30. 0. 1.27 D104000200046 1.022 30. 1. -0.55 D104000200047 1.022 42. 0. 1.55 D104000200048 1.022 42. 1. -0.57 D104000200049 1.022 54. 0. 1.19 D104000200050 1.022 54. 1. -0.56 D104000200051 1.022 66. 0. 1.12 D104000200052 1.022 66. 1. -0.42 D104000200053 1.022 80. 0. 0.96 D104000200054 1.022 80. 1. -0.01 D104000200055 1.022 95. 0. 0.88 D104000200056 1.022 95. 1. -0.12 D104000200057 1.022 110. 0. 0.88 D104000200058 1.022 110. 1. -0.03 D104000200059 1.022 125. 0. 0.79 D104000200060 1.022 125. 1. -0.16 D104000200061 1.022 150. 0. 0.77 D104000200062 1.022 150. 1. -0.03 D104000200063 1.022 175. 0. 0.74 D104000200064 1.022 175. 1. -0.03 D104000200065 1.022 200. 0. 0.72 D104000200066 1.022 200. 1. -0.01 D104000200067 ENDDATA 57 0 D104000200068 ENDSUBENT 67 0 D104000299999 SUBENT D1040003 20230315 D139D104000300001 BIB 3 5 D104000300002 REACTION (6-C-0(P,X)6-C-11,PAR,DA,G,LEG) D104000300003 SAMPLE natC target of thickness 8.40 +/- 0.07 mg/cm2. The D104000300004 targets were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then D104000300005 into a common holder. D104000300006 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Table 5 D104000300007 ENDBIB 5 0 D104000300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 D104000300009 DATA 4 22 D104000300010 E EN NUMBER DATA D104000300011 MEV MEV NO-DIM MB/SR D104000300012 2.00 30. 0. 19.49 D104000300013 2.00 30. 1. -1.93 D104000300014 2.00 42. 0. 14.80 D104000300015 2.00 42. 1. 2.10 D104000300016 2.00 54. 0. 9.66 D104000300017 2.00 54. 1. -0.02 D104000300018 2.00 66. 0. 7.34 D104000300019 2.00 66. 1. 0.09 D104000300020 2.00 80. 0. 6.34 D104000300021 2.00 80. 1. -0.24 D104000300022 2.00 95. 0. 5.67 D104000300023 2.00 95. 1. 0.52 D104000300024 2.00 110. 0. 5.25 D104000300025 2.00 110. 1. 0.66 D104000300026 2.00 125. 0. 5.31 D104000300027 2.00 125. 1. 0.21 D104000300028 2.00 150. 0. 5.51 D104000300029 2.00 150. 1. 1.02 D104000300030 2.00 175. 0. 4.71 D104000300031 2.00 175. 1. 0.50 D104000300032 2.00 200. 0. 3.76 D104000300033 2.00 200. 1. 0.40 D104000300034 ENDDATA 24 0 D104000300035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 D104000399999 SUBENT D1040004 20230315 D139D104000400001 BIB 3 5 D104000400002 REACTION (6-C-0(P,X)5-B-11,PAR,DA,G,LEG) D104000400003 SAMPLE natC target of thickness 8.40 +/- 0.07 mg/cm2. The D104000400004 targets were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then D104000400005 into a common holder. D104000400006 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Table 5 D104000400007 ENDBIB 5 0 D104000400008 NOCOMMON 0 0 D104000400009 DATA 4 55 D104000400010 E EN NUMBER DATA D104000400011 MEV MEV NO-DIM MB/SR D104000400012 2.124 30. 0. 8.47 D104000400013 2.124 30. 1. -1.57 D104000400014 2.124 42. 0. 6.52 D104000400015 2.124 42. 1. 1.4 D104000400016 2.124 54. 0. 3.56 D104000400017 2.124 54. 1. 0.29 D104000400018 2.124 66. 0. 2.65 D104000400019 2.124 66. 1. 0.06 D104000400020 2.124 80. 0. 2.67 D104000400021 2.124 80. 1. -0.13 D104000400022 2.124 95. 0. 2.34 D104000400023 2.124 95. 1. 0.67 D104000400024 2.124 110. 0. 2.36 D104000400025 2.124 110. 1. 0.66 D104000400026 2.124 125. 0. 2.28 D104000400027 2.124 125. 1. 0.37 D104000400028 2.124 150. 0. 2.63 D104000400029 2.124 150. 1. 0.68 D104000400030 2.124 175. 0. 2.24 D104000400031 2.124 175. 1. 0.42 D104000400032 2.124 200. 0. 1.86 D104000400033 2.124 200. 1. 0.51 D104000400034 4.44 30. 0. 71.18 D104000400035 4.44 30. 1. -6.44 D104000400036 4.44 30. 2. -32.64 D104000400037 4.44 42. 0. 53.87 D104000400038 4.44 42. 1. -21.75 D104000400039 4.44 42. 2. -27.23 D104000400040 4.44 54. 0. 25.57 D104000400041 4.44 54. 1. -7.07 D104000400042 4.44 54. 2. -2.54 D104000400043 4.44 66. 0. 17.60 D104000400044 4.44 66. 1. -3.00 D104000400045 4.44 66. 2. 0.37 D104000400046 4.44 80. 0. 13.09 D104000400047 4.44 80. 1. -3.62 D104000400048 4.44 80. 2. 0.64 D104000400049 4.44 95. 0. 12.55 D104000400050 4.44 95. 1. -0.87 D104000400051 4.44 95. 2. 2.88 D104000400052 4.44 110. 0. 9.98 D104000400053 4.44 110. 1. -1.64 D104000400054 4.44 110. 2. 2.93 D104000400055 4.44 125. 0. 9.78 D104000400056 4.44 125. 1. -3.79 D104000400057 4.44 125. 2. -0.46 D104000400058 4.44 150. 0. 8.13 D104000400059 4.44 150. 1. -3.55 D104000400060 4.44 150. 2. 1.58 D104000400061 4.44 175. 0. 7.59 D104000400062 4.44 175. 1. -3.81 D104000400063 4.44 175. 2. 0.34 D104000400064 4.44 200. 0. 6.48 D104000400065 4.44 200. 1. -2.68 D104000400066 4.44 200. 2. 0.96 D104000400067 ENDDATA 57 0 D104000400068 ENDSUBENT 67 0 D104000499999 SUBENT D1040005 20230315 D139D104000500001 BIB 3 6 D104000500002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,X)7-N-14,PAR,DA,G,LEG) D104000500003 SAMPLE Mylar target having chemical composition is C10H8O4 D104000500004 having thickness 7.00 +/- 0.08 mg/cm2. The targets D104000500005 were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then into a D104000500006 common holder. D104000500007 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Table 5 D104000500008 ENDBIB 6 0 D104000500009 NOCOMMON 0 0 D104000500010 DATA 4 22 D104000500011 E EN NUMBER DATA D104000500012 MEV MEV NO-DIM MB/SR D104000500013 2.313 30. 0. 16.74 D104000500014 2.313 30. 1. 0.93 D104000500015 2.313 42. 0. 17.87 D104000500016 2.313 42. 1. -2.24 D104000500017 2.313 54. 0. 20.42 D104000500018 2.313 54. 1. -3.11 D104000500019 2.313 66. 0. 14.07 D104000500020 2.313 66. 1. -2.5 D104000500021 2.313 80. 0. 12.06 D104000500022 2.313 80. 1. -1.71 D104000500023 2.313 95. 0. 11.7 D104000500024 2.313 95. 1. -0.6 D104000500025 2.313 110. 0. 10.52 D104000500026 2.313 110. 1. -1.43 D104000500027 2.313 125. 0. 10.41 D104000500028 2.313 125. 1. 0.82 D104000500029 2.313 150. 0. 10.82 D104000500030 2.313 150. 1. 0.56 D104000500031 2.313 175. 0. 9.24 D104000500032 2.313 175. 1. -0.78 D104000500033 2.313 200. 0. 9.07 D104000500034 2.313 200. 1. -0.12 D104000500035 ENDDATA 24 0 D104000500036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 D104000599999 SUBENT D1040006 20230315 D139D104000600001 BIB 3 6 D104000600002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,X)6-C-12,PAR,DA,G,LEG) D104000600003 SAMPLE Mylar target having chemical composition is C10H8O4 D104000600004 having thickness 7.00 +/- 0.08 mg/cm2. The targets D104000600005 were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then into a D104000600006 common holder. D104000600007 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Table 5 D104000600008 ENDBIB 6 0 D104000600009 NOCOMMON 0 0 D104000600010 DATA 4 33 D104000600011 E EN NUMBER DATA D104000600012 MEV MEV NO-DIM MB/SR D104000600013 4.439 30. 0. 93.55 D104000600014 4.439 30. 1. 26.02 D104000600015 4.439 30. 2. 20.84 D104000600016 4.439 42. 0. 48.23 D104000600017 4.439 42. 1. 28.1 D104000600018 4.439 42. 2. 23.03 D104000600019 4.439 54. 0. 29.76 D104000600020 4.439 54. 1. 2.22 D104000600021 4.439 54. 2. 5.89 D104000600022 4.439 66. 0. 18.07 D104000600023 4.439 66. 1. -5.98 D104000600024 4.439 66. 2. -5.67 D104000600025 4.439 80. 0. 8.56 D104000600026 4.439 80. 1. 0.36 D104000600027 4.439 80. 2. 5.32 D104000600028 4.439 95. 0. 4.12 D104000600029 4.439 95. 1. -2.07 D104000600030 4.439 95. 2. -2.69 D104000600031 4.439 110. 0. 3.91 D104000600032 4.439 110. 1. -1.36 D104000600033 4.439 110. 2. -0.32 D104000600034 4.439 125. 0. 3.82 D104000600035 4.439 125. 1. 1.47 D104000600036 4.439 125. 2. 1.24 D104000600037 4.439 150. 0. 3.58 D104000600038 4.439 150. 1. 0.7 D104000600039 4.439 150. 2. 1.89 D104000600040 4.439 175. 0. 2.58 D104000600041 4.439 175. 1. 1.54 D104000600042 4.439 175. 2. -1.01 D104000600043 4.439 200. 0. 2.49 D104000600044 4.439 200. 1. 1.37 D104000600045 4.439 200. 2. 0.18 D104000600046 ENDDATA 35 0 D104000600047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 D104000699999 SUBENT D1040007 20230315 D139D104000700001 BIB 3 6 D104000700002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,X)8-O-15,PAR,DA,G,LEG) D104000700003 SAMPLE Mylar target having chemical composition is C10H8O4 D104000700004 having thickness 7.00 +/- 0.08 mg/cm2. The targets D104000700005 were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then into a D104000700006 common holder. D104000700007 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Table 5 D104000700008 ENDBIB 6 0 D104000700009 NOCOMMON 0 0 D104000700010 DATA 4 33 D104000700011 E EN NUMBER DATA D104000700012 MEV MEV NO-DIM MB/SR D104000700013 5.240 30. 0. 13.18 D104000700014 5.240 30. 1. -3.05 D104000700015 5.240 30. 2. -5.17 D104000700016 5.240 42. 0. 6.83 D104000700017 5.240 42. 1. -1.95 D104000700018 5.240 42. 2. -3.06 D104000700019 5.240 54. 0. 6.27 D104000700020 5.240 54. 1. -2.14 D104000700021 5.240 54. 2. -2.56 D104000700022 5.240 66. 0. 6.21 D104000700023 5.240 66. 1. 2.18 D104000700024 5.240 66. 2. 0.28 D104000700025 5.240 80. 0. 4.12 D104000700026 5.240 80. 1. -2.13 D104000700027 5.240 80. 2. -1.86 D104000700028 5.240 95. 0. 3.67 D104000700029 5.240 95. 1. 0.43 D104000700030 5.240 95. 2. 0.43 D104000700031 5.240 110. 0. 3.11 D104000700032 5.240 110. 1. 0.01 D104000700033 5.240 110. 2. 0.03 D104000700034 5.240 125. 0. 3.08 D104000700035 5.240 125. 1. -0.76 D104000700036 5.240 125. 2. -0.34 D104000700037 5.240 150. 0. 3.16 D104000700038 5.240 150. 1. -0.12 D104000700039 5.240 150. 2. -0.23 D104000700040 5.240 175. 0. 2.39 D104000700041 5.240 175. 1. -0.1 D104000700042 5.240 175. 2. -0.28 D104000700043 5.240 200. 0. 2.92 D104000700044 5.240 200. 1. -0.83 D104000700045 5.240 200. 2. -0.96 D104000700046 ENDDATA 35 0 D104000700047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 D104000799999 SUBENT D1040008 20230315 D139D104000800001 BIB 3 6 D104000800002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,X)7-N-15,PAR,DA,G,LEG) D104000800003 SAMPLE Mylar target having chemical composition is C10H8O4 D104000800004 having thickness 7.00 +/- 0.08 mg/cm2. The targets D104000800005 were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then into a D104000800006 common holder. D104000800007 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Table 5 D104000800008 ENDBIB 6 0 D104000800009 NOCOMMON 0 0 D104000800010 DATA 4 33 D104000800011 E EN NUMBER DATA D104000800012 MEV MEV NO-DIM MB/SR D104000800013 5.270 30. 0. 10.31 D104000800014 5.270 30. 1. -3.92 D104000800015 5.270 30. 2. -2.91 D104000800016 5.270 42. 0. 4.44 D104000800017 5.270 42. 1. -1.76 D104000800018 5.270 42. 2. -2.18 D104000800019 5.270 54. 0. 3.84 D104000800020 5.270 54. 1. -1.16 D104000800021 5.270 54. 2. -1.03 D104000800022 5.270 66. 0. 3.66 D104000800023 5.270 66. 1. 0.95 D104000800024 5.270 66. 2. -0.47 D104000800025 5.270 80. 0. 2.45 D104000800026 5.270 80. 1. -0.38 D104000800027 5.270 80. 2. -0.44 D104000800028 5.270 95. 0. 2.05 D104000800029 5.270 95. 1. -0.2 D104000800030 5.270 95. 2. -0.08 D104000800031 5.270 110. 0. 1.86 D104000800032 5.270 110. 1. 0.13 D104000800033 5.270 110. 2. 0.15 D104000800034 5.270 125. 0. 1.88 D104000800035 5.270 125. 1. -1.77 D104000800036 5.270 125. 2. -1.55 D104000800037 5.270 150. 0. 1.93 D104000800038 5.270 150. 1. -0.12 D104000800039 5.270 150. 2. -0.35 D104000800040 5.270 175. 0. 1.47 D104000800041 5.270 175. 1. -0.76 D104000800042 5.270 175. 2. 0.56 D104000800043 5.270 200. 0. 1.67 D104000800044 5.270 200. 1. -0.09 D104000800045 5.270 200. 2. -0.02 D104000800046 ENDDATA 35 0 D104000800047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 D104000899999 SUBENT D1040009 20230315 D139D104000900001 BIB 3 6 D104000900002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,X)8-O-16,PAR,DA,G,LEG) D104000900003 SAMPLE Mylar target having chemical composition is C10H8O4 D104000900004 having thickness 7.00 +/- 0.08 mg/cm2. The targets D104000900005 were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then into a D104000900006 common holder. D104000900007 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Table 5 D104000900008 ENDBIB 6 0 D104000900009 NOCOMMON 0 0 D104000900010 DATA 4 20 D104000900011 E EN NUMBER DATA D104000900012 MEV MEV NO-DIM MB/SR D104000900013 6.129 66. 0. 13.53 D104000900014 6.129 66. 1. -0.63 D104000900015 6.129 66. 2. -0.12 D104000900016 6.129 66. 3. 0.69 D104000900017 6.129 125. 0. 5.40 D104000900018 6.129 125. 1. -1.98 D104000900019 6.129 125. 2. 0.42 D104000900020 6.129 125. 3. 1.85 D104000900021 6.129 150. 0. 4.90 D104000900022 6.129 150. 1. -1.30 D104000900023 6.129 150. 2. 0.11 D104000900024 6.129 150. 3. 0.91 D104000900025 6.129 175. 0. 4.33 D104000900026 6.129 175. 1. -1.59 D104000900027 6.129 175. 2. 0.81 D104000900028 6.129 175. 3. 2.05 D104000900029 6.129 200. 0. 3.86 D104000900030 6.129 200. 1. -0.13 D104000900031 6.129 200. 2. 0.05 D104000900032 6.129 200. 3. 0.00 D104000900033 ENDDATA 22 0 D104000900034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 D104000999999 SUBENT D1040010 20230315 D139D104001000001 BIB 5 9 D104001000002 REACTION (6-C-0(P,X)5-B-10,PAR,SIG,G) D104001000003 SAMPLE natC target of thickness 8.40 +/- 0.07 mg/cm2. The D104001000004 targets were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then D104001000005 into a common holder. D104001000006 ANALYSIS (INTAD) Legendre fitting D104001000007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total errors propagated from partial D104001000008 uncertainties including those orignated from Legendre D104001000009 fitting D104001000010 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Table 6 D104001000011 ENDBIB 9 0 D104001000012 NOCOMMON 0 0 D104001000013 DATA 4 22 D104001000014 E EN DATA ERR-T D104001000015 MEV MEV MB MB D104001000016 0.718 30. 7.8 1.4 D104001000017 0.718 42. 14.8 2.5 D104001000018 0.718 54. 13.6 2.4 D104001000019 0.718 66. 8.1 1.5 D104001000020 0.718 80. 9.0 1.9 D104001000021 0.718 95. 8.4 1.6 D104001000022 0.718 110. 8.2 1.4 D104001000023 0.718 125. 7.1 1.4 D104001000024 0.718 150. 7.4 1.7 D104001000025 0.718 175. 6.9 1.2 D104001000026 0.718 200. 6.6 1.2 D104001000027 1.022 30. 1.27 0.24 D104001000028 1.022 42. 1.55 0.31 D104001000029 1.022 54. 1.19 0.21 D104001000030 1.022 66. 1.12 0.20 D104001000031 1.022 80. 0.96 0.18 D104001000032 1.022 95. 0.88 0.19 D104001000033 1.022 110. 0.88 0.18 D104001000034 1.022 125. 0.79 0.17 D104001000035 1.022 150. 0.77 0.17 D104001000036 1.022 175. 0.74 0.17 D104001000037 1.022 200. 0.72 0.17 D104001000038 ENDDATA 24 0 D104001000039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 D104001099999 SUBENT D1040011 20230315 D139D104001100001 BIB 5 9 D104001100002 REACTION (6-C-0(P,X)6-C-11,PAR,SIG,G) D104001100003 SAMPLE natC target of thickness 8.40 +/- 0.07 mg/cm2. The D104001100004 targets were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then D104001100005 into a common holder. D104001100006 ANALYSIS (INTAD) Legendre fitting D104001100007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total errors propagated from partial D104001100008 uncertainties including those orignated from Legendre D104001100009 fitting. D104001100010 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Table 6 D104001100011 ENDBIB 9 0 D104001100012 NOCOMMON 0 0 D104001100013 DATA 4 11 D104001100014 E EN DATA ERR-T D104001100015 MEV MEV MB MB D104001100016 2.00 30. 19.5 4.6 D104001100017 2.00 42. 14.8 3.2 D104001100018 2.00 54. 9.7 2.5 D104001100019 2.00 66. 7.3 1.9 D104001100020 2.00 80. 6.3 1.5 D104001100021 2.00 95. 5.7 1.3 D104001100022 2.00 110. 5.3 1.2 D104001100023 2.00 125. 5.3 1.5 D104001100024 2.00 150. 5.5 1.5 D104001100025 2.00 175. 4.7 1.2 D104001100026 2.00 200. 3.7 1.0 D104001100027 ENDDATA 13 0 D104001100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 D104001199999 SUBENT D1040012 20230315 D139D104001200001 BIB 5 9 D104001200002 REACTION (6-C-0(P,X)5-B-11,PAR,SIG,G) D104001200003 SAMPLE natC target of thickness 8.40 +/- 0.07 mg/cm2. The D104001200004 targets were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then D104001200005 into a common holder. D104001200006 ANALYSIS (INTAD) Legendre fitting D104001200007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total errors propagated from partial D104001200008 uncertainties including those orignated from Legendre D104001200009 fitting. D104001200010 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Table 6 D104001200011 ENDBIB 9 0 D104001200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 D104001200013 DATA 4 22 D104001200014 E EN DATA ERR-T D104001200015 MEV MEV MB MB D104001200016 2.124 30. 8.5 1.8 D104001200017 2.124 42. 6.5 1.3 D104001200018 2.124 54. 3.6 0.8 D104001200019 2.124 66. 2.6 0.6 D104001200020 2.124 80. 2.6 0.7 D104001200021 2.124 95. 2.3 0.6 D104001200022 2.124 110. 2.3 0.6 D104001200023 2.124 125. 2.2 0.6 D104001200024 2.124 150. 2.6 0.7 D104001200025 2.124 175. 2.2 0.6 D104001200026 2.124 200. 1.8 0.5 D104001200027 4.44 30. 71.1 15.0 D104001200028 4.44 42. 53.9 12.0 D104001200029 4.44 54. 25.6 7.0 D104001200030 4.44 66. 17.6 4.3 D104001200031 4.44 80. 13.0 3.7 D104001200032 4.44 95. 12.5 3. D104001200033 4.44 110. 10.0 2. D104001200034 4.44 125. 9.8 1.9 D104001200035 4.44 150. 8.1 2.2 D104001200036 4.44 175. 7.6 1.8 D104001200037 4.44 200. 6.4 1.7 D104001200038 ENDDATA 24 0 D104001200039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 D104001299999 SUBENT D1040013 20230315 D139D104001300001 BIB 5 10 D104001300002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,X)7-N-14,PAR,SIG,G) D104001300003 SAMPLE Mylar target having chemical composition is C10H8O4 D104001300004 having thickness 7.00 +/- 0.08 mg/cm2. The targets D104001300005 were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then into a D104001300006 common holder. D104001300007 ANALYSIS (INTAD) Legendre fitting D104001300008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total errors propagated from partial D104001300009 uncertainties including those orignated from Legendre D104001300010 fitting. D104001300011 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Table 6 D104001300012 ENDBIB 10 0 D104001300013 NOCOMMON 0 0 D104001300014 DATA 4 11 D104001300015 E EN DATA ERR-T D104001300016 MEV MEV MB MB D104001300017 2.313 30. 16.7 3.4 D104001300018 2.313 42. 17.9 3.6 D104001300019 2.313 54. 20.4 4.2 D104001300020 2.313 66. 14.0 2.9 D104001300021 2.313 80. 12.0 2.7 D104001300022 2.313 95. 11.7 2.3 D104001300023 2.313 110. 10.5 1.9 D104001300024 2.313 125. 10.4 1.9 D104001300025 2.313 150. 10.8 2.2 D104001300026 2.313 175. 9.2 1.9 D104001300027 2.313 200. 9.0 1.8 D104001300028 ENDDATA 13 0 D104001300029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 D104001399999 SUBENT D1040014 20230315 D139D104001400001 BIB 5 10 D104001400002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,X)6-C-12,PAR,SIG,G) D104001400003 SAMPLE Mylar target having chemical composition is C10H8O4 D104001400004 having thickness 7.00 +/- 0.08 mg/cm2. The targets D104001400005 were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then into a D104001400006 common holder. D104001400007 ANALYSIS (INTAD) Legendre fitting D104001400008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total errors propagated from partial D104001400009 uncertainties including those orignated from Legendre D104001400010 fitting. D104001400011 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Table 6 D104001400012 ENDBIB 10 0 D104001400013 NOCOMMON 0 0 D104001400014 DATA 4 11 D104001400015 E EN DATA ERR-T D104001400016 MEV MEV MB MB D104001400017 4.44 30. 93.5 27.0 D104001400018 4.44 42. 48.2 12.0 D104001400019 4.44 54. 29.8 9.5 D104001400020 4.44 66. 18.0 5.9 D104001400021 4.44 80. 8.5 2.7 D104001400022 4.44 95. 4.1 1.2 D104001400023 4.44 110. 3.9 1.1 D104001400024 4.44 125. 3.8 1.1 D104001400025 4.44 150. 3.5 1.0 D104001400026 4.44 175. 2.5 0.8 D104001400027 4.44 200. 2.4 0.7 D104001400028 ENDDATA 13 0 D104001400029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 D104001499999 SUBENT D1040015 20230315 D139D104001500001 BIB 5 10 D104001500002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,X)8-O-15,PAR,SIG,G) D104001500003 SAMPLE Mylar target having chemical composition is C10H8O4 D104001500004 having thickness 7.00 +/- 0.08 mg/cm2. The targets D104001500005 were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then into a D104001500006 common holder. D104001500007 ANALYSIS (INTAD) Legendre fitting D104001500008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total errors propagated from partial D104001500009 uncertainties including those orignated from Legendre D104001500010 fitting. D104001500011 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Table 6 D104001500012 ENDBIB 10 0 D104001500013 NOCOMMON 0 0 D104001500014 DATA 4 11 D104001500015 E EN DATA ERR-T D104001500016 MEV MEV MB MB D104001500017 5.240 30. 13.2 2.5 D104001500018 5.240 42. 6.8 1.3 D104001500019 5.240 54. 6.3 1.2 D104001500020 5.240 66. 6.2 1.2 D104001500021 5.240 80. 4.1 0.9 D104001500022 5.240 95. 3.7 0.7 D104001500023 5.240 110. 3.1 0.8 D104001500024 5.240 125. 3.0 0.6 D104001500025 5.240 150. 3.1 0.7 D104001500026 5.240 175. 2.4 0.5 D104001500027 5.240 200. 2.5 0.6 D104001500028 ENDDATA 13 0 D104001500029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 D104001599999 SUBENT D1040016 20230315 D139D104001600001 BIB 5 10 D104001600002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,X)7-N-15,PAR,SIG,G) D104001600003 SAMPLE Mylar target having chemical composition is C10H8O4 D104001600004 having thickness 7.00 +/- 0.08 mg/cm2. The targets D104001600005 were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then into a D104001600006 common holder. D104001600007 ANALYSIS (INTAD) Legendre fitting D104001600008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total errors propagated from partial D104001600009 uncertainties including those orignated from Legendre D104001600010 fitting. D104001600011 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Table 6 D104001600012 ENDBIB 10 0 D104001600013 NOCOMMON 0 0 D104001600014 DATA 4 11 D104001600015 E EN DATA ERR-T D104001600016 MEV MEV MB MB D104001600017 5.270 30. 10.3 2.9 D104001600018 5.270 42. 4.4 0.9 D104001600019 5.270 54. 3.8 0.8 D104001600020 5.270 66. 3.6 0.7 D104001600021 5.270 80. 2.4 0.5 D104001600022 5.270 95. 2.0 0.4 D104001600023 5.270 110. 1.8 0.4 D104001600024 5.270 125. 1.8 0.4 D104001600025 5.270 150. 1.9 0.5 D104001600026 5.270 175. 1.4 0.3 D104001600027 5.270 200. 1.6 0.4 D104001600028 ENDDATA 13 0 D104001600029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 D104001699999 SUBENT D1040017 20230315 D139D104001700001 BIB 5 10 D104001700002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,X)8-O-16,PAR,SIG,G) D104001700003 SAMPLE Mylar target having chemical composition is C10H8O4 D104001700004 having thickness 7.00 +/- 0.08 mg/cm2. The targets D104001700005 were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then into a D104001700006 common holder. D104001700007 ANALYSIS (INTAD) Legendre fitting D104001700008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total errors propagated from partial D104001700009 uncertainties including those orignated from Legendre D104001700010 fitting. D104001700011 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Table 6 D104001700012 ENDBIB 10 0 D104001700013 NOCOMMON 0 0 D104001700014 DATA 4 5 D104001700015 E EN DATA ERR-T D104001700016 MEV MEV MB MB D104001700017 6.129 66. 13.5 2.5 D104001700018 6.129 125. 5.4 1.2 D104001700019 6.129 150. 4.90 1.0 D104001700020 6.129 175. 4.3 0.9 D104001700021 6.129 200. 3.8 0.8 D104001700022 ENDDATA 7 0 D104001700023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 D104001799999 SUBENT D1040018 20230327 D139D104001800001 BIB 5 13 D104001800002 REACTION (6-C-0(P,X)5-B-11,PAR,DA,G,4PI) D104001800003 SAMPLE natC target of thickness 8.40 +/- 0.07 mg/cm2. The D104001800004 targets were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then D104001800005 into a common holder. D104001800006 COMMENT By S.Ouichaoui (2023-04-03): Fig.9 (a) errors in the D104001800007 presented data at Eg=4.44 MeV; the reported values D104001800008 for Ep = 66 MeV were actually taken at Ep= 30 MeV. D104001800009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total errors propagated from partial D104001800010 uncertainties including those orignated from Legendre D104001800011 fitting. An overall average value 17% of the relative D104001800012 uncertainty. D104001800013 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Data for D104001800014 E=4.44 MeV are plotted in Fig.9(a) D104001800015 ENDBIB 13 0 D104001800016 NOCOMMON 0 0 D104001800017 DATA 5 96 D104001800018 E EN ANG DATA ERR-T D104001800019 MEV MEV ADEG MB MB D104001800020 2.124 30. 85. 9.37 0.77 D104001800021 2.124 30. 95. 8.96 0.73 D104001800022 2.124 30. 130. 8.74 0.71 D104001800023 2.124 30. 140. 7.56 0.62 D104001800024 2.124 42. 85. 5.75 0.48 D104001800025 2.124 42. 95. 5.74 0.47 D104001800026 2.124 42. 130. 7.29 0.60 D104001800027 2.124 42. 140. 6.63 0.54 D104001800028 2.124 54. 85. 3.49 0.30 D104001800029 2.124 54. 95. 3.31 0.28 D104001800030 2.124 54. 130. 3.70 0.31 D104001800031 2.124 54. 140. 3.59 0.30 D104001800032 2.124 66. 85. 2.75 0.26 D104001800033 2.124 66. 95. 2.50 0.24 D104001800034 2.124 66. 130. 2.63 0.23 D104001800035 2.124 66. 140. 2.70 0.23 D104001800036 2.124 80. 85. 2.96 0.36 D104001800037 2.124 80. 95. 2.51 0.27 D104001800038 2.124 80. 130. 2.67 0.24 D104001800039 2.124 80. 140. 2.61 0.24 D104001800040 2.124 95. 85. 1.83 0.21 D104001800041 2.124 95. 95. 2.17 0.25 D104001800042 2.124 95. 130. 2.48 0.22 D104001800043 2.124 95. 140. 2.55 0.25 D104001800044 2.124 110. 85. 2.04 0.21 D104001800045 2.124 110. 95. 1.98 0.20 D104001800046 2.124 110. 130. 2.60 0.23 D104001800047 2.124 110. 140. 2.50 0.23 D104001800048 2.124 125. 85. 1.94 0.25 D104001800049 2.124 125. 95. 2.16 0.27 D104001800050 2.124 125. 130. 2.62 0.31 D104001800051 2.124 125. 140. 2.22 0.25 D104001800052 2.124 150. 85. 2.34 0.21 D104001800053 2.124 150. 95. 2.24 0.20 D104001800054 2.124 150. 130. 2.72 0.23 D104001800055 2.124 150. 140. 2.88 0.24 D104001800056 2.124 175. 85. 2.20 0.23 D104001800057 2.124 175. 95. 1.79 0.18 D104001800058 2.124 175. 130. 2.49 0.23 D104001800059 2.124 175. 140. 2.25 0.20 D104001800060 2.124 200. 85. 1.66 0.18 D104001800061 2.124 200. 95. 1.49 0.16 D104001800062 2.124 200. 130. 2.18 0.21 D104001800063 2.124 200. 140. 1.88 0.18 D104001800064 4.444 30. 85. 65.74 11.02 D104001800065 4.444 30. 95. 60.57 10.22 D104001800066 4.444 30. 130. 84.18 12.22 D104001800067 4.444 30. 140. 79.01 11.50 D104001800068 4.444 42. 85. 50.90 11.20 D104001800069 4.444 42. 95. 45.70 9.44 D104001800070 4.444 42. 130. 71.19 14.53 D104001800071 4.444 42. 140. 60.50 11.46 D104001800072 4.444 54. 85. 28.95 6.67 D104001800073 4.444 54. 95. 27.32 6.08 D104001800074 4.444 54. 130. 25.80 6.91 D104001800075 4.444 54. 140. 23.69 6.17 D104001800076 4.444 66. 85. 18.34 5.34 D104001800077 4.444 66. 95. 20.01 6.95 D104001800078 4.444 66. 130. 17.19 5.32 D104001800079 4.444 66. 140. 16.24 6.52 D104001800080 4.444 66. 166. 15.16 4.19 D104001800081 4.444 80. 85. 15.12 3.79 D104001800082 4.444 80. 95. 15.02 4.53 D104001800083 4.444 80. 130. 12.39 3.47 D104001800084 4.444 80. 140. 11.52 3.85 D104001800085 4.444 95. 85. 12.96 2.41 D104001800086 4.444 95. 95. 14.96 2.68 D104001800087 4.444 95. 130. 11.23 1.90 D104001800088 4.444 95. 140. 11.31 1.71 D104001800089 4.444 110. 85. 11.66 2.11 D104001800090 4.444 110. 95. 11.90 2.05 D104001800091 4.444 110. 130. 8.54 1.85 D104001800092 4.444 110. 140. 8.43 1.94 D104001800093 4.444 125. 85. 11.27 2.02 D104001800094 4.444 125. 95. 11.65 1.79 D104001800095 4.444 125. 130. 9.64 1.61 D104001800096 4.444 125. 140. 8.30 1.31 D104001800097 4.444 125. 166. 6.39 0.90 D104001800098 4.444 125. 172. 5.36 0.81 D104001800099 4.444 150. 85. 10.62 1.87 D104001800100 4.444 150. 95. 10.15 1.63 D104001800101 4.444 150. 130. 7.11 1.08 D104001800102 4.444 150. 140. 6.26 0.91 D104001800103 4.444 150. 166. 5.79 0.81 D104001800104 4.444 150. 172. 6.34 0.90 D104001800105 4.444 175. 85. 10.51 2.04 D104001800106 4.444 175. 95. 8.62 1.83 D104001800107 4.444 175. 130. 8.77 1.37 D104001800108 4.444 175. 140. 6.04 1.15 D104001800109 4.444 175. 166. 5.65 1.05 D104001800110 4.444 175. 172. 4.20 0.82 D104001800111 4.444 200. 85. 9.15 0.76 D104001800112 4.444 200. 95. 7.01 0.58 D104001800113 4.444 200. 130. 6.16 0.52 D104001800114 4.444 200. 140. 4.74 0.40 D104001800115 4.444 200. 172. 4.82 0.47 D104001800116 ENDDATA 98 0 D104001800117 ENDSUBENT 116 0 D104001899999 SUBENT D1040019 20230327 D139D104001900001 BIB 4 10 D104001900002 REACTION (6-C-0(P,X)5-B-10,PAR,DA,G,4PI) D104001900003 SAMPLE natC target of thickness 8.40 +/- 0.07 mg/cm2. The D104001900004 targets were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then D104001900005 into a common holder. D104001900006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total errors propagated from partial D104001900007 uncertainties including those orignated from Legendre D104001900008 fitting. An overall average value 17% of the relative D104001900009 uncertainty. D104001900010 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Data not D104001900011 included in the article D104001900012 ENDBIB 10 0 D104001900013 NOCOMMON 0 0 D104001900014 DATA 5 91 D104001900015 E EN ANG DATA ERR-T D104001900016 MEV MEV ADEG MB MB D104001900017 0.718 30. 85. 8.40 0.68 D104001900018 0.718 30. 95. 8.26 0.67 D104001900019 0.718 30. 130. 8.33 0.68 D104001900020 0.718 30. 140. 7.51 0.61 D104001900021 0.718 42. 85. 15.94 1.29 D104001900022 0.718 42. 95. 15.31 1.24 D104001900023 0.718 42. 130. 15.77 1.28 D104001900024 0.718 42. 140. 14.26 1.16 D104001900025 0.718 54. 85. 14.04 1.14 D104001900026 0.718 54. 95. 14.14 1.15 D104001900027 0.718 54. 130. 14.89 1.21 D104001900028 0.718 54. 140. 13.38 1.09 D104001900029 0.718 66. 85. 10.11 0.82 D104001900030 0.718 66. 95. 8.02 0.65 D104001900031 0.718 66. 130. 7.91 0.64 D104001900032 0.718 66. 140. 6.62 0.54 D104001900033 0.718 66. 166. 8.79 0.72 D104001900034 0.718 80. 85. 8.41 0.68 D104001900035 0.718 80. 95. 9.83 0.80 D104001900036 0.718 80. 130. 9.39 0.76 D104001900037 0.718 80. 140. 9.04 0.73 D104001900038 0.718 95. 85. 7.82 0.64 D104001900039 0.718 95. 95. 9.08 0.74 D104001900040 0.718 95. 130. 8.70 0.71 D104001900041 0.718 95. 140. 8.48 0.69 D104001900042 0.718 110. 85. 7.37 0.60 D104001900043 0.718 110. 95. 8.86 0.72 D104001900044 0.718 110. 130. 8.68 0.70 D104001900045 0.718 110. 140. 8.41 0.68 D104001900046 0.718 125. 85. 7.65 0.62 D104001900047 0.718 125. 95. 7.04 0.57 D104001900048 0.718 125. 130. 7.76 0.63 D104001900049 0.718 125. 140. 5.86 0.47 D104001900050 0.718 125. 166. 7.87 0.65 D104001900051 0.718 125. 172. 7.96 0.66 D104001900052 0.718 150. 85. 8.66 0.70 D104001900053 0.718 150. 95. 7.44 0.60 D104001900054 0.718 150. 130. 7.30 0.59 D104001900055 0.718 150. 140. 6.92 0.56 D104001900056 0.718 175. 85. 8.05 0.65 D104001900057 0.718 175. 95. 6.96 0.56 D104001900058 0.718 175. 130. 8.21 0.67 D104001900059 0.718 175. 140. 6.73 0.54 D104001900060 0.718 200. 85. 6.92 0.56 D104001900061 0.718 200. 95. 5.99 0.49 D104001900062 0.718 200. 130. 7.17 0.58 D104001900063 0.718 200. 140. 6.93 0.56 D104001900064 1.022 30. 85. 1.51 0.14 D104001900065 1.022 30. 95. 1.43 0.13 D104001900066 1.022 30. 130. 1.21 0.10 D104001900067 1.022 30. 140. 0.96 0.085 D104001900068 1.022 42. 85. 1.88 0.15 D104001900069 1.022 42. 95. 1.76 0.14 D104001900070 1.022 42. 130. 1.59 0.13 D104001900071 1.022 42. 140. 1.26 0.17 D104001900072 1.022 54. 85. 1.69 0.18 D104001900073 1.022 54. 95. 1.22 0.16 D104001900074 1.022 54. 130. 1.19 0.14 D104001900075 1.022 54. 140. 0.92 0.11 D104001900076 1.022 66. 85. 1.26 0.18 D104001900077 1.022 66. 95. 1.07 0.09 D104001900078 1.022 66. 130. 0.96 0.10 D104001900079 1.022 66. 140. 0.77 0.07 D104001900080 1.022 80. 85. 1.04 0.09 D104001900081 1.022 80. 95. 1.12 0.096 D104001900082 1.022 80. 130. 1.47 0.12 D104001900083 1.022 80. 140. 0.87 0.075 D104001900084 1.022 95. 85. 0.93 0.081 D104001900085 1.022 95. 95. 0.95 0.082 D104001900086 1.022 95. 130. 0.88 0.076 D104001900087 1.022 95. 140. 0.83 0.071 D104001900088 1.022 110. 85. 0.89 0.075 D104001900089 1.022 110. 95. 0.90 0.076 D104001900090 1.022 110. 130. 0.87 0.073 D104001900091 1.022 110. 140. 0.87 0.073 D104001900092 1.022 125. 85. 0.92 0.086 D104001900093 1.022 125. 95. 0.81 0.075 D104001900094 1.022 125. 130. 0.85 0.078 D104001900095 1.022 125. 140. 0.68 0.063 D104001900096 1.022 150. 85. 0.98 0.082 D104001900097 1.022 150. 95. 0.91 0.077 D104001900098 1.022 150. 130. 0.97 0.085 D104001900099 1.022 150. 140. 0.89 0.074 D104001900100 1.022 175. 85. 0.794 0.075 D104001900101 1.022 175. 95. 0.71 0.068 D104001900102 1.022 175. 130. 0.79 0.073 D104001900103 1.022 175. 140. 0.69 0.062 D104001900104 1.022 200. 85. 0.73 0.077 D104001900105 1.022 200. 95. 0.70 0.075 D104001900106 1.022 200. 130. 0.80 0.079 D104001900107 1.022 200. 140. 0.66 0.064 D104001900108 ENDDATA 93 0 D104001900109 ENDSUBENT 108 0 D104001999999 SUBENT D1040020 20230327 D139D104002000001 BIB 4 10 D104002000002 REACTION (6-C-0(P,X)6-C-11,PAR,DA,G,4PI) D104002000003 SAMPLE natC target of thickness 8.40 +/- 0.07 mg/cm2. The D104002000004 targets were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then D104002000005 into a common holder. D104002000006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total errors propagated from partial D104002000007 uncertainties including those orignated from Legendre D104002000008 fitting. An overall average value 17% of the relative D104002000009 uncertainty. D104002000010 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Data not D104002000011 included in the article D104002000012 ENDBIB 10 0 D104002000013 COMMON 1 3 D104002000014 E D104002000015 MEV D104002000016 2.000 D104002000017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D104002000018 DATA 4 45 D104002000019 EN ANG DATA ERR-T D104002000020 MEV ADEG MB MB D104002000021 30. 140. 18.04 1.47 D104002000022 30. 130. 20.27 1.65 D104002000023 30. 95. 19.57 1.59 D104002000024 30. 85. 20.98 1.71 D104002000025 42. 140. 14.87 1.21 D104002000026 42. 130. 16.087 1.31 D104002000027 42. 95. 12.96 1.06 D104002000028 42. 85. 14.27 1.16 D104002000029 54. 140. 9.45 0.77 D104002000030 54. 130. 9.95 0.81 D104002000031 54. 95. 9.30 0.76 D104002000032 54. 85. 9.97 0.81 D104002000033 66. 140. 7.32 0.60 D104002000034 66. 130. 7.44 0.61 D104002000035 66. 95. 6.88 0.56 D104002000036 66. 85. 7.69 0.63 D104002000037 80. 140. 6.22 0.51 D104002000038 80. 130. 6.35 0.52 D104002000039 80. 95. 6.43 0.54 D104002000040 80. 85. 6.48 0.55 D104002000041 95. 140. 5.76 0.48 D104002000042 95. 130. 5.88 0.48 D104002000043 95. 95. 5.48 0.46 D104002000044 95. 85. 5.30 0.45 D104002000045 110. 140. 5.39 0.44 D104002000046 110. 130. 5.52 0.45 D104002000047 110. 95. 4.98 0.41 D104002000048 110. 85. 4.84 0.48 D104002000049 125. 140. 5.14 0.44 D104002000050 125. 130. 5.70 0.49 D104002000051 125. 95. 5.00 0.43 D104002000052 125. 85. 5.31 0.46 D104002000053 150. 166. 6.76 0.58 D104002000054 150. 140. 5.47 0.45 D104002000055 150. 130. 5.52 0.45 D104002000056 150. 95. 4.95 0.41 D104002000057 150. 85. 5.31 0.43 D104002000058 175. 140. 4.73 0.39 D104002000059 175. 130. 5.01 0.42 D104002000060 175. 95. 4.06 0.34 D104002000061 175. 85. 4.85 0.41 D104002000062 200. 140. 3.66 0.31 D104002000063 200. 130. 4.16 0.35 D104002000064 200. 95. 3.23 0.28 D104002000065 200. 85. 3.78 0.33 D104002000066 ENDDATA 47 0 D104002000067 ENDSUBENT 66 0 D104002099999 SUBENT D1040021 20230327 D139D104002100001 BIB 4 11 D104002100002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,X)8-O-16,PAR,DA,G,4PI) D104002100003 SAMPLE Mylar target having chemical composition is C10H8O4 D104002100004 having thickness 7.00 +/- 0.08 mg/cm2. The targets D104002100005 were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then into a D104002100006 common holder. D104002100007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total errors propagated from partial D104002100008 uncertainties including those orignated from Legendre D104002100009 fitting. An overall average value 17% of the relative D104002100010 uncertainty. D104002100011 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Data for D104002100012 E=6.129 MeV are plotted in Fig.9(b) D104002100013 ENDBIB 11 0 D104002100014 COMMON 1 3 D104002100015 E D104002100016 MEV D104002100017 6.129 D104002100018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D104002100019 DATA 4 30 D104002100020 EN ANG DATA ERR-T D104002100021 MEV ADEG MB MB D104002100022 66. 85. 13.20 1.96 D104002100023 66. 95. 14.038 2.13 D104002100024 66. 130. 13.55 2.18 D104002100025 66. 140. 13.11 2.13 D104002100026 66. 166. 13.18 2.095 D104002100027 66. 172. 13.38 2.25 D104002100028 125. 85. 6.43 1.04 D104002100029 125. 95. 5.66 0.95 D104002100030 125. 130. 5.10 0.99 D104002100031 125. 140. 3.94 0.50 D104002100032 125. 166. 4.74 1.04 D104002100033 125. 172. 4.99 1.04 D104002100034 150. 85. 5.12 0.98 D104002100035 150. 95. 5.57 0.98 D104002100036 150. 130. 4.75 0.74 D104002100037 150. 140. 4.08 0.73 D104002100038 150. 166. 4.21 0.61 D104002100039 150. 172. 4.41 0.61 D104002100040 175. 85. 5.30 0.88 D104002100041 175. 95. 4.37 0.77 D104002100042 175. 130. 3.95 0.64 D104002100043 175. 140. 2.83 0.45 D104002100044 175. 166. 4.39 0.97 D104002100045 175. 172. 5.11 0.98 D104002100046 200. 85. 4.56 0.44 D104002100047 200. 95. 3.72 0.34 D104002100048 200. 130. 4.30 0.44 D104002100049 200. 140. 2.97 0.32 D104002100050 200. 166. 3.67 0.72 D104002100051 200. 172. 3.72 0.78 D104002100052 ENDDATA 32 0 D104002100053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 D104002199999 SUBENT D1040022 20230327 D139D104002200001 BIB 4 11 D104002200002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,X)7-N-14,PAR,DA,G,4PI) D104002200003 SAMPLE Mylar target having chemical composition is C10H8O4 D104002200004 having thickness 7.00 +/- 0.08 mg/cm2. The targets D104002200005 were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then into a D104002200006 common holder. D104002200007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total errors propagated from partial D104002200008 uncertainties including those orignated from Legendre D104002200009 fitting. An overall average value 17% of the relative D104002200010 uncertainty. D104002200011 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Data not D104002200012 included in the article D104002200013 ENDBIB 11 0 D104002200014 COMMON 1 3 D104002200015 E D104002200016 MEV D104002200017 2.313 D104002200018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D104002200019 DATA 4 45 D104002200020 EN ANG DATA ERR-T D104002200021 MEV ADEG MB MB D104002200022 30. 140. 16.00 1.33 D104002200023 30. 130. 18.41 1.55 D104002200024 30. 95. 15.66 1.31 D104002200025 30. 85. 16.44 1.38 D104002200026 42. 140. 16.19 1.34 D104002200027 42. 130. 18.78 1.57 D104002200028 42. 95. 17.47 1.45 D104002200029 42. 85. 20.10 1.67 D104002200030 54. 140. 18.64 1.56 D104002200031 54. 130. 20.90 1.73 D104002200032 54. 95. 20.53 1.71 D104002200033 54. 85. 23.07 1.94 D104002200034 66. 166. 11.46 1.07 D104002200035 66. 140. 12.43 1.02 D104002200036 66. 130. 15.53 1.28 D104002200037 66. 95. 13.94 1.15 D104002200038 66. 85. 15.90 1.31 D104002200039 80. 140. 11.61 1.01 D104002200040 80. 130. 11.43 1.00 D104002200041 80. 95. 13.44 1.16 D104002200042 80. 85. 12.33 1.08 D104002200043 95. 140. 11.43 0.95 D104002200044 95. 130. 11.68 0.97 D104002200045 95. 95. 11.81 0.98 D104002200046 95. 85. 12.16 1.01 D104002200047 110. 140. 9.58 0.81 D104002200048 110. 130. 10.91 0.92 D104002200049 110. 95. 10.87 0.92 D104002200050 110. 85. 11.39 0.97 D104002200051 125. 140. 10.11 0.92 D104002200052 125. 130. 11.38 1.05 D104002200053 125. 95. 9.67 0.89 D104002200054 125. 85. 10.09 0.94 D104002200055 150. 140. 10.79 0.90 D104002200056 150. 130. 11.24 0.94 D104002200057 150. 95. 9.17 0.77 D104002200058 150. 85. 11.81 0.99 D104002200059 175. 140. 8.45 0.75 D104002200060 175. 130. 9.86 0.88 D104002200061 175. 95. 8.13 0.74 D104002200062 175. 85. 10.91 0.97 D104002200063 200. 140. 8.53 0.89 D104002200064 200. 130. 9.75 0.98 D104002200065 200. 95. 8.22 0.90 D104002200066 200. 85. 9.83 0.94 D104002200067 ENDDATA 47 0 D104002200068 ENDSUBENT 67 0 D104002299999 SUBENT D1040023 20230327 D139D104002300001 BIB 4 11 D104002300002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,X)6-C-12,PAR,DA,G,4PI) D104002300003 SAMPLE Mylar target having chemical composition is C10H8O4 D104002300004 having thickness 7.00 +/- 0.08 mg/cm2. The targets D104002300005 were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then into a D104002300006 common holder. D104002300007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total errors propagated from partial D104002300008 uncertainties including those orignated from Legendre D104002300009 fitting. An overall average value 17% of the relative D104002300010 uncertainty. D104002300011 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Data not D104002300012 included in the article D104002300013 ENDBIB 11 0 D104002300014 COMMON 1 3 D104002300015 E D104002300016 MEV D104002300017 4.439 D104002300018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D104002300019 DATA 4 44 D104002300020 EN ANG DATA ERR-T D104002300021 MEV ADEG MB MB D104002300022 30. 85. 84.48 19.57 D104002300023 30. 95. 91.57 19.27 D104002300024 30. 130. 87.86 19.80 D104002300025 30. 140. 96.84 19.35 D104002300026 42. 85. 41.98 9.13 D104002300027 42. 95. 37.26 9.09 D104002300028 42. 130. 35.88 8.34 D104002300029 42. 140. 52.95 10.31 D104002300030 54. 85. 35.19 8.02 D104002300031 54. 95. 26.20 6.58 D104002300032 54. 130. 27.54 4.97 D104002300033 54. 140. 28.75 4.77 D104002300034 66. 85. 21.88 4.70 D104002300035 66. 95. 16.20 2.88 D104002300036 66. 130. 19.75 3.38 D104002300037 66. 140. 17.59 3.95 D104002300038 80. 85. 12.96 3.57 D104002300039 80. 95. 7.25 2.58 D104002300040 80. 130. 6.48 2.72 D104002300041 80. 140. 7.11 2.73 D104002300042 95. 85. 7.03 1.37 D104002300043 95. 95. 4.31 0.96 D104002300044 95. 130. 5.12 1.07 D104002300045 95. 140. 3.11 0.96 D104002300046 110. 85. 4.74 1.67 D104002300047 110. 95. 6.98 1.38 D104002300048 110. 130. 4.55 1.36 D104002300049 110. 140. 2.55 1.30 D104002300050 125. 85. 3.69 0.662 D104002300051 125. 95. 3.37 0.55 D104002300052 125. 130. 3.47 0.53 D104002300053 125. 140. 3.99 0.54 D104002300054 150. 85. 3.28 1.76 D104002300055 150. 95. 4.49 1.38 D104002300056 150. 130. 2.86 1.42 D104002300057 150. 140. 3.25 1.42 D104002300058 175. 85. 1.69 0.468 D104002300059 175. 95. 1.26 0.454 D104002300060 175. 130. 3.19 0.976 D104002300061 175. 140. 3.49 0.978 D104002300062 200. 85. 1.37 0.16 D104002300063 200. 95. 2.39 0.27 D104002300064 200. 130. 2.57 0.25 D104002300065 200. 140. 2.95 0.26 D104002300066 ENDDATA 46 0 D104002300067 ENDSUBENT 66 0 D104002399999 SUBENT D1040024 20230327 D139D104002400001 BIB 4 11 D104002400002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,X)8-O-15,PAR,DA,G,4PI) D104002400003 SAMPLE Mylar target having chemical composition is C10H8O4 D104002400004 having thickness 7.00 +/- 0.08 mg/cm2. The targets D104002400005 were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then into a D104002400006 common holder. D104002400007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total errors propagated from partial D104002400008 uncertainties including those orignated from Legendre D104002400009 fitting. An overall average value 17% of the relative D104002400010 uncertainty. D104002400011 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Data not D104002400012 included in the article D104002400013 ENDBIB 11 0 D104002400014 COMMON 1 3 D104002400015 E D104002400016 MEV D104002400017 5.240 D104002400018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D104002400019 DATA 4 45 D104002400020 EN ANG DATA ERR-T D104002400021 MEV ADEG MB MB D104002400022 30. 140. 13.65 1.14 D104002400023 30. 130. 15.00 1.26 D104002400024 30. 95. 12.20 1.03 D104002400025 30. 85. 13.59 1.18 D104002400026 42. 140. 7.05 0.61 D104002400027 42. 130. 7.89 0.69 D104002400028 42. 95. 6.30 0.55 D104002400029 42. 85. 7.15 0.63 D104002400030 54. 140. 6.27 0.55 D104002400031 54. 130. 7.10 0.64 D104002400032 54. 95. 6.25 0.55 D104002400033 54. 85. 6.63 0.61 D104002400034 66. 166. 8.46 0.95 D104002400035 66. 140. 6.60 0.62 D104002400036 66. 130. 6.68 0.62 D104002400037 66. 95. 4.91 0.44 D104002400038 66. 85. 5.51 0.48 D104002400039 80. 140. 4.37 0.48 D104002400040 80. 130. 6.23 0.62 D104002400041 80. 95. 4.28 0.45 D104002400042 80. 85. 4.10 0.43 D104002400043 95. 140. 3.70 0.33 D104002400044 95. 130. 3.54 0.32 D104002400045 95. 95. 3.69 0.33 D104002400046 95. 85. 3.52 0.32 D104002400047 110. 140. 3.10 0.31 D104002400048 110. 130. 3.09 0.29 D104002400049 110. 95. 3.15 0.31 D104002400050 110. 85. 3.08 0.30 D104002400051 125. 140. 2.89 0.38 D104002400052 125. 130. 3.13 0.44 D104002400053 125. 95. 3.22 0.38 D104002400054 125. 85. 3.44 0.43 D104002400055 150. 140. 3.18 0.30 D104002400056 150. 130. 3.24 0.31 D104002400057 150. 95. 3.05 0.29 D104002400058 150. 85. 3.22 0.30 D104002400059 175. 140. 2.41 0.28 D104002400060 175. 130. 2.49 0.31 D104002400061 175. 95. 2.19 0.27 D104002400062 175. 85. 2.57 0.32 D104002400063 200. 140. 2.38 0.27 D104002400064 200. 130. 2.70 0.30 D104002400065 200. 95. 2.28 0.23 D104002400066 200. 85. 2.67 0.27 D104002400067 ENDDATA 47 0 D104002400068 ENDSUBENT 67 0 D104002499999 SUBENT D1040025 20230327 D139D104002500001 BIB 4 11 D104002500002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,X)7-N-14,PAR,DA,G,4PI) D104002500003 SAMPLE Mylar target having chemical composition is C10H8O4 D104002500004 having thickness 7.00 +/- 0.08 mg/cm2. The targets D104002500005 were mounted on rectangular Al frames, then into a D104002500006 common holder. D104002500007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total errors propagated from partial D104002500008 uncertainties including those orignated from Legendre D104002500009 fitting. An overall average value 17% of the relative D104002500010 uncertainty. D104002500011 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Rahma+,J,NP/A,1032,122622,2023) Data not D104002500012 included in the article D104002500013 ENDBIB 11 0 D104002500014 COMMON 1 3 D104002500015 E D104002500016 MEV D104002500017 5.270 D104002500018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D104002500019 DATA 4 45 D104002500020 EN ANG DATA ERR-T D104002500021 MEV ADEG MB MB D104002500022 30. 140. 9.74 0.82 D104002500023 30. 130. 11.07 0.94 D104002500024 30. 95. 10.55 0.90 D104002500025 30. 85. 11.90 1.06 D104002500026 42. 140. 4.46 0.39 D104002500027 42. 130. 5.15 0.46 D104002500028 42. 95. 4.24 0.38 D104002500029 42. 85. 4.85 0.45 D104002500030 54. 140. 3.72 0.35 D104002500031 54. 130. 4.14 0.40 D104002500032 54. 95. 3.87 0.37 D104002500033 54. 85. 4.22 0.43 D104002500034 66. 166. 4.19 0.45 D104002500035 66. 140. 4.19 0.45 D104002500036 66. 130. 3.95 0.41 D104002500037 66. 95. 2.81 0.28 D104002500038 66. 85. 3.25 0.31 D104002500039 80. 140. 2.44 0.32 D104002500040 80. 130. 2.59 0.30 D104002500041 80. 95. 2.54 0.32 D104002500042 80. 85. 2.44 0.31 D104002500043 95. 140. 2.00 0.20 D104002500044 95. 130. 2.06 0.20 D104002500045 95. 95. 2.18 0.22 D104002500046 95. 85. 2.06 0.21 D104002500047 110. 140. 1.86 0.22 D104002500048 110. 130. 1.81 0.20 D104002500049 110. 95. 1.87 0.22 D104002500050 110. 85. 1.82 0.21 D104002500051 125. 140. 1.70 0.33 D104002500052 125. 130. 2.33 0.39 D104002500053 125. 95. 2.09 0.30 D104002500054 125. 85. 2.33 0.35 D104002500055 150. 140. 1.96 0.21 D104002500056 150. 130. 2.06 0.22 D104002500057 150. 95. 1.93 0.21 D104002500058 150. 85. 1.90 0.20 D104002500059 175. 140. 1.36 0.21 D104002500060 175. 130. 1.78 0.27 D104002500061 175. 95. 1.65 0.24 D104002500062 175. 85. 1.69 0.26 D104002500063 200. 140. 1.64 0.22 D104002500064 200. 130. 1.67 0.22 D104002500065 200. 95. 1.47 0.18 D104002500066 200. 85. 1.94 0.20 D104002500067 ENDDATA 47 0 D104002500068 ENDSUBENT 67 0 D104002599999 ENDENTRY 25 0 D104099999999