ENTRY D1048 20230623 D139D104800000001 SUBENT D1048001 20230623 D139D104800100001 BIB 11 29 D104800100002 TITLE Differential cross-section measurements of the D104800100003 11B(d,pgamma1,2)12B reactions for analytical D104800100004 applications D104800100005 AUTHOR (H.T.Aslani, A.A.Mehmandoost-Khajeh-Dad, A.Jokar, D104800100006 H.Rafi-Kheiri) D104800100007 REFERENCE (J,NIM/B,540,141,2023) D104800100008 #doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2023.04.033 D104800100009 INSTITUTE (3IRNNRT) D104800100010 (3IRNIRN) University of Sistan and Baluchestan, ZahedanD104800100011 FACILITY (VDG,3IRNNRT) D104800100012 DETECTOR (HPGE,SI) D104800100013 SAMPLE A thin target of natB2O3 over a thin self-supporting AgD104800100014 film. The target was characterized by applying the D104800100015 Elastic Backscattering Spectrometry technique with a D104800100016 2.6 MeV proton beam at 165 degrees. D104800100017 METHOD (GSPEC,BCINT) D104800100018 ERR-ANALYS The estimated uncertainties in the absolute values of D104800100019 the measured differential cross-sections originate fromD104800100020 (ERR-1) the HPGe detector absolute efficiency D104800100021 measurement 5% D104800100022 (ERR-2) the number of target nuclei measurement 5% D104800100023 (ERR-3) the collected charge 3% D104800100024 (ERR-4,2.,3.) the gamma peak area determination D104800100025 (ERR-S) the statistical errors from the gamma-ray and D104800100026 the Ag peak areas are found to be (0.2-3) % and less D104800100027 than 0.1%, respectively. D104800100028 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by A. Jokar, Aug. 12, 2023. D104800100029 HISTORY (20230725R) Data received from A. Jokar. D104800100030 (20230623C) VS D104800100031 ENDBIB 29 0 D104800100032 COMMON 5 3 D104800100033 ANG EN-ERR ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 D104800100034 ADEG KEV PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT D104800100035 90. 2. 5. 5. 3. D104800100036 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D104800100037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 D104800199999 SUBENT D1048002 20230623 D139D104800200001 BIB 2 4 D104800200002 REACTION (5-B-11(D,P)5-B-12,PAR,DA,G) D104800200003 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from A. Jokar, Jul. 27, 2023. D104800200004 for IBANDL database. D104800200005 Converted by R33toX4 from the R33 files. D104800200006 ENDBIB 4 0 D104800200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 D104800200008 DATA 4 79 D104800200009 E EN DATA ERR-S D104800200010 KEV KEV MB/SR MB/SR D104800200011 953. 671.1 1.2 0.03 D104800200012 953. 711.3 1.45 0.03 D104800200013 953. 752.2 1.63 0.03 D104800200014 953. 792.7 1.92 0.04 D104800200015 953. 833.2 2.14 0.04 D104800200016 953. 873.7 2.45 0.04 D104800200017 953. 914.1 2.87 0.05 D104800200018 953. 954.4 3.19 0.05 D104800200019 953. 994.9 3.28 0.05 D104800200020 953. 1025.1 3.33 0.05 D104800200021 953. 1055.3 3.63 0.05 D104800200022 953. 1085.6 4. 0.05 D104800200023 953. 1115.8 4.19 0.06 D104800200024 953. 1146. 4.4 0.06 D104800200025 953. 1176.3 4.56 0.06 D104800200026 953. 1206.5 4.79 0.07 D104800200027 953. 1236.7 4.94 0.07 D104800200028 953. 1266.9 5.07 0.06 D104800200029 953. 1297.1 5.2 0.07 D104800200030 953. 1327.2 5.4 0.09 D104800200031 953. 1357.4 5.52 0.09 D104800200032 953. 1387.6 5.65 0.10 D104800200033 953. 1417.7 5.7 0.10 D104800200034 953. 1447.9 5.75 0.10 D104800200035 953. 1478.1 5.81 0.10 D104800200036 953. 1508.2 5.8 0.10 D104800200037 953. 1538.3 5.77 0.10 D104800200038 953. 1568.5 5.84 0.10 D104800200039 953. 1598.7 5.82 0.10 D104800200040 953. 1628.8 6.1 0.10 D104800200041 953. 1658.9 6.3 0.10 D104800200042 953. 1689. 6.39 0.10 D104800200043 953. 1719.2 6.56 0.11 D104800200044 953. 1749.3 6.54 0.11 D104800200045 953. 1779.4 6.6 0.11 D104800200046 953. 1809.5 6.92 0.11 D104800200047 953. 1839.6 7.03 0.11 D104800200048 953. 1869.7 7.13 0.11 D104800200049 953. 1899.8 7.38 0.11 D104800200050 953. 1929.9 7.52 0.11 D104800200051 953. 1960. 7.7 0.12 D104800200052 953. 1990.1 7.76 0.09 D104800200053 1674. 873.7 0.27 0.02 D104800200054 1674. 914.1 0.52 0.02 D104800200055 1674. 954.4 0.99 0.03 D104800200056 1674. 994.9 1.4 0.04 D104800200057 1674. 1025.1 1.72 0.04 D104800200058 1674. 1055.3 2.09 0.05 D104800200059 1674. 1085.6 2.59 0.05 D104800200060 1674. 1115.8 3.12 0.06 D104800200061 1674. 1146. 3.51 0.06 D104800200062 1674. 1176.3 3.95 0.07 D104800200063 1674. 1206.5 4.86 0.08 D104800200064 1674. 1236.7 5.36 0.08 D104800200065 1674. 1266.9 5.57 0.08 D104800200066 1674. 1297.1 6.06 0.09 D104800200067 1674. 1327.2 6.31 0.12 D104800200068 1674. 1357.4 6.88 0.13 D104800200069 1674. 1387.6 7.39 0.13 D104800200070 1674. 1417.7 8.03 0.14 D104800200071 1674. 1447.9 8.36 0.14 D104800200072 1674. 1478.1 8.43 0.14 D104800200073 1674. 1508.2 8.78 0.15 D104800200074 1674. 1538.3 9.02 0.15 D104800200075 1674. 1568.5 9.08 0.15 D104800200076 1674. 1598.7 9.65 0.16 D104800200077 1674. 1628.8 9.58 0.16 D104800200078 1674. 1658.9 10.22 0.16 D104800200079 1674. 1689. 10.4 0.16 D104800200080 1674. 1719.2 10.87 0.17 D104800200081 1674. 1749.3 11.08 0.17 D104800200082 1674. 1779.4 11.56 0.18 D104800200083 1674. 1809.5 11.69 0.18 D104800200084 1674. 1839.6 11.84 0.18 D104800200085 1674. 1869.7 11.82 0.17 D104800200086 1674. 1899.8 11.91 0.18 D104800200087 1674. 1929.9 12.07 0.18 D104800200088 1674. 1960. 12.1 0.18 D104800200089 1674. 1990.1 12.43 0.15 D104800200090 ENDDATA 81 0 D104800200091 ENDSUBENT 90 0 D104800299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 D104899999999