ENTRY D4001 20231023 D139D400100000001 SUBENT D4001001 20231023 D139D400100100001 BIB 14 49 D400100100002 TITLE Excitation functions of (p,xn) reactions on nat-Ti: D400100100003 monitoring of bombarding proton beams D400100100004 AUTHOR (P.Kopecky, F.Szelecsenyi, T.Molnar, P.Mikecz, D400100100005 F.Tarkanyi) D400100100006 INSTITUTE (3CZRUJV,3HUNDEB) D400100100007 REFERENCE (J,ARI,44,687,1993) main reference D400100100008 (C,92TURKU,,(A23),1992) preliminary report D400100100009 (J,ARI,36,657,1985) experimental details D400100100010 (J,ARI,42,513,1991) experimental details D400100100011 (C,91JUELIC,,529,1991) experimental details D400100100012 Acta Radiologica, Suppl. 376, 72 (1991). - .energy D400100100013 determination D400100100014 FACILITY (CYCLO,3HUNDEB) MGC-20E cyclotron D400100100015 (CYCLO,3CZRUJV) U-120M cyclotron D400100100016 SAMPLE Metallic foils of high purity nat-Ti thickness of D400100100017 10 mg/cm**2 were irradiated with 14.5 and 8.0 MeV D400100100018 protons and 35 mg/cm**2 were irradiated with 30.2 MeV D400100100019 extracted protons. D400100100020 DETECTOR (GELI,HPGE) D400100100021 MONITOR (29-CU-63(P,N)30-ZN-63,,SIG) D400100100022 (29-CU-63(P,2N)30-ZN-62,,SIG) D400100100023 (29-CU-65(P,N)30-ZN-65,,SIG) D400100100024 (28-NI-0(P,X)23-V-48,,SIG) D400100100025 MONIT-REF (,P.KOPECKY+,J,ARI,36,657,1985) D400100100026 (,F.TARKANYI+,J,ARI,42,513,1991) D400100100027 METHOD (ACTIV,STTA,EXTB) The total thickness of different D400100100028 stack was: 30.2-10.3 MeV degradation of proton energy D400100100029 was calculated according to C. F. Williamson D400100100030 et.al.,CEA-R3042(1966). D400100100031 copper foils (7.3 and 20.6 mg/cm**2) and nick D400100100032 were inserted into the stack for intercomparison D400100100033 ANALYSIS (AREA) D400100100034 ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) The incident proton energy was defined by D400100100035 operating condition of the cyclotron and measured by D400100100036 analyzing magnet with an accuracy of 0.2 MeV. D400100100037 uncertainty of the proton energy along the stack D400100100038 includes errors in the thicknesses in the target foils D400100100039 and energy straggling. D400100100040 (DATA-ERR) The overall uncertainties of the cross D400100100041 section were estimated by summing up the errors in D400100100042 - current integration D400100100043 - counting statistics and photopeak integration D400100100044 - detector efficiency D400100100045 - number of target nuclei and decay data. D400100100046 STATUS (APRVD)By Tarkany F D400100100047 HISTORY (19951025C) D400100100048 (19951102U) D400100100049 (20060727A) BIB section upgraded. ref. corrected D400100100050 (20231023A) VT+On. Revision in 002-006. D400100100051 ENDBIB 49 0 D400100100052 NOCOMMON 0 0 D400100100053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 D400100199999 SUBENT D4001002 20231023 D139D400100200001 BIB 4 6 D400100200002 REACTION (22-TI-0(P,X)23-V-48,,SIG) D400100200003 DECAY-DATA (23-V-48,383.424HR,DG,983.5,0.9999, D400100200004 DG,1312.0,0.9749) D400100200005 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Kopecky+,J,ARI,44,687,1993) Table 2 D400100200006 HISTORY (20231023A) VT+On. DATA: 563 mb-> 363 mb at 10.61 MeV D400100200007 replaced. RAD-DET, REL-REF deleted and STATUS added. D400100200008 ENDBIB 6 0 D400100200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 D400100200010 DATA 4 69 D400100200011 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR D400100200012 MEV MEV MB MB D400100200013 4.5 0.41 0.463 0.042 D400100200014 5.31 0.39 36.79 2.79 D400100200015 5.76 0.37 103.2 7.8 D400100200016 6.18 0.37 163. 12. D400100200017 6.85 0.35 212. 17. D400100200018 7.23 0.35 244. 19. D400100200019 7.59 0.34 279. 22. D400100200020 8.57 0.32 318. 26. D400100200021 8.88 0.31 341. 27. D400100200022 8.96 0.40 362. 28. D400100200023 9.19 0.31 344. 27. D400100200024 9.47 0.39 371. 29. D400100200025 9.97 0.38 347. 27. D400100200026 10.05 0.29 353. 28. D400100200027 10.34 0.28 369. 29. D400100200028 10.45 0.37 357. 28. D400100200029 10.61 0.28 363. 28. D400100200030 10.78 0.50 364. 24. D400100200031 10.91 0.36 362. 28. D400100200032 11.35 0.35 366. 29. D400100200033 11.39 0.26 386. 30. D400100200034 11.64 0.26 377. 30. D400100200035 11.73 0.49 366. 23. D400100200036 11.78 0.34 368. 28. D400100200037 11.89 0.25 374. 30. D400100200038 12.19 0.33 373. 29. D400100200039 12.60 0.32 376. 29. D400100200040 12.61 0.24 381. 30. D400100200041 12.62 0.47 378. 25. D400100200042 13.28 0.3 372. 29. D400100200043 13.29 0.22 380. 29. D400100200044 13.47 0.46 377. 25. D400100200045 13.95 0.29 339. 26. D400100200046 13.96 0.21 338. 26. D400100200047 14.27 0.45 331. 22. D400100200048 14.59 0.27 302. 24. D400100200049 15.05 0.44 264. 18. D400100200050 15.22 0.26 262. 20. D400100200051 15.79 0.42 223. 15. D400100200052 15.82 0.25 219. 17. D400100200053 16.41 0.23 190. 15. D400100200054 16.5 0.41 172. 12. D400100200055 16.98 0.22 164. 13. D400100200056 17.19 0.40 153. 11. D400100200057 17.54 0.21 141. 11. D400100200058 17.86 0.39 131. 9. D400100200059 18.51 0.38 115. 8. D400100200060 19.14 0.37 98.6 7.2 D400100200061 19.76 0.36 86.4 6.2 D400100200062 20.36 0.35 82.1 5.9 D400100200063 20.95 0.34 76.5 5.5 D400100200064 21.53 0.33 68.2 5.0 D400100200065 22.10 0.32 63.4 4.6 D400100200066 22.65 0.32 58.6 4.3 D400100200067 23.20 0.31 54.2 4.0 D400100200068 23.53 0.30 52.6 3.9 D400100200069 24.26 0.29 50.1 3.7 D400100200070 24.77 0.28 48.6 3.6 D400100200071 25.28 0.27 44.2 3.3 D400100200072 25.78 0.27 42.6 3.2 D400100200073 26.27 0.26 40.8 3.0 D400100200074 26.76 0.25 39.4 2.9 D400100200075 27.23 0.24 37.3 2.8 D400100200076 27.71 0.24 36.8 2.8 D400100200077 28.17 0.23 36.0 2.7 D400100200078 28.63 0.22 35.2 2.6 D400100200079 29.08 0.21 34.2 2.6 D400100200080 29.53 0.21 34.8 2.6 D400100200081 29.98 0.20 34.3 2.6 D400100200082 ENDDATA 71 0 D400100200083 ENDSUBENT 82 0 D400100299999 SUBENT D4001003 20231023 D139D400100300001 BIB 4 5 D400100300002 REACTION (22-TI-0(P,X)21-SC-43,,SIG) D400100300003 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-43,3.891HR,DG,372.8,0.22) D400100300004 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Kopecky+,J,ARI,44,687,1993) Table 3 D400100300005 HISTORY (20231023A) VT+On. RAD-DET, REL-REF deleted and STATUS D400100300006 added. D400100300007 ENDBIB 5 0 D400100300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 D400100300009 DATA 4 27 D400100300010 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR D400100300011 MEV MEV MB MB D400100300012 8.88 0.31 0.251 0.128 D400100300013 9.19 0.31 0.470 0.212 D400100300014 9.47 0.39 0.750 0.269 D400100300015 9.97 0.38 0.743 0.170 D400100300016 10.05 0.29 0.999 0.214 D400100300017 10.34 0.28 1.30 0.20 D400100300018 10.45 0.37 1.25 0.18 D400100300019 10.61 0.28 1.59 0.19 D400100300020 10.91 0.36 1.60 0.20 D400100300021 11.35 0.35 1.96 0.29 D400100300022 11.39 0.26 1.96 0.27 D400100300023 11.64 0.26 2.17 0.27 D400100300024 11.78 0.34 2.12 0.24 D400100300025 11.89 0.25 2.18 0.33 D400100300026 12.19 0.33 2.47 0.26 D400100300027 12.60 0.32 2.43 0.25 D400100300028 12.61 0.24 2.58 0.22 D400100300029 13.28 0.30 2.80 0.28 D400100300030 13.29 0.22 2.98 0.25 D400100300031 13.95 0.29 3.20 0.31 D400100300032 13.96 0.21 3.32 0.32 D400100300033 14.59 0.27 3.51 0.34 D400100300034 15.22 0.26 3.51 0.34 D400100300035 15.82 0.25 3.87 0.37 D400100300036 16.41 0.23 3.83 0.49 D400100300037 16.98 0.22 3.60 0.46 D400100300038 17.54 0.21 3.84 0.31 D400100300039 ENDDATA 29 0 D400100300040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 D400100399999 SUBENT D4001004 20231023 D139D400100400001 BIB 4 5 D400100400002 REACTION (22-TI-0(P,X)21-SC-44-M,,SIG) D400100400003 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-44-M,58.608HR,DG,271.2,0.866) D400100400004 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Kopecky+,J,ARI,44,687,1993) Table 3 D400100400005 HISTORY (20231023A) VT+On. RAD-DET, REL-REF deleted and STATUS D400100400006 added. D400100400007 ENDBIB 5 0 D400100400008 NOCOMMON 0 0 D400100400009 DATA 4 21 D400100400010 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR D400100400011 MEV MEV MB MB D400100400012 8.88 0.31 0.059 0.013 D400100400013 10.05 0.29 0.115 0.029 D400100400014 10.34 0.28 0.153 0.023 D400100400015 10.61 0.28 0.195 0.037 D400100400016 11.39 0.26 0.247 0.031 D400100400017 11.64 0.26 0.333 0.045 D400100400018 11.78 0.34 0.418 0.063 D400100400019 11.89 0.25 0.368 0.056 D400100400020 12.19 0.33 0.438 0.066 D400100400021 12.60 0.32 0.433 0.065 D400100400022 12.61 0.24 0.449 0.047 D400100400023 13.28 0.30 0.534 0.081 D400100400024 13.29 0.22 0.620 0.06 D400100400025 13.95 0.29 0.670 0.083 D400100400026 13.96 0.21 0.685 0.083 D400100400027 14.59 0.27 0.796 0.084 D400100400028 15.22 0.26 0.897 0.091 D400100400029 15.82 0.25 1.10 0.1 D400100400030 16.41 0.23 1.15 0.1 D400100400031 16.98 0.22 1.19 0.1 D400100400032 17.54 0.21 1.17 0.1 D400100400033 ENDDATA 23 0 D400100400034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 D400100499999 SUBENT D4001005 20231023 D139D400100500001 BIB 4 5 D400100500002 REACTION (22-TI-0(P,X)21-SC-44-G,,SIG) D400100500003 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-44-G,3.927HR,DG,1157.0,0.999) D400100500004 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Kopecky+,J,ARI,44,687,1993) Table 3 D400100500005 HISTORY (20231023A) VT+On. RAD-DET, REL-REF deleted and STATUS D400100500006 added. D400100500007 ENDBIB 5 0 D400100500008 NOCOMMON 0 0 D400100500009 DATA 4 20 D400100500010 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR D400100500011 MEV MEV MB MB D400100500012 8.88 0.31 0.49 0.13 D400100500013 10.05 0.29 1.14 0.30 D400100500014 10.34 0.28 1.52 0.26 D400100500015 10.61 0.28 1.72 0.35 D400100500016 11.39 0.26 2.35 0.34 D400100500017 11.64 0.26 2.47 0.38 D400100500018 11.89 0.25 2.27 0.38 D400100500019 12.19 0.33 2.88 0.48 D400100500020 12.60 0.32 2.97 0.49 D400100500021 12.61 0.24 2.92 0.36 D400100500022 13.28 0.30 3.36 0.56 D400100500023 13.29 0.22 3.55 0.41 D400100500024 13.95 0.29 3.62 0.51 D400100500025 13.96 0.21 3.52 0.65 D400100500026 14.59 0.27 3.80 0.49 D400100500027 15.22 0.26 3.86 0.46 D400100500028 15.82 0.25 4.20 0.49 D400100500029 16.41 0.23 4.11 0.46 D400100500030 16.98 0.22 4.18 0.46 D400100500031 17.54 0.21 3.78 0.41 D400100500032 ENDDATA 22 0 D400100500033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 D400100599999 SUBENT D4001006 20231023 D139D400100600001 BIB 4 5 D400100600002 REACTION (22-TI-0(P,X)21-SC-47,,SIG) D400100600003 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-47,80.184HR,DG,159.4,0.68) D400100600004 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Kopecky+,J,ARI,44,687,1993) Table 3 D400100600005 HISTORY (20231023A) VT+On. RAD-DET, REL-REF deleted and STATUS D400100600006 added. D400100600007 ENDBIB 5 0 D400100600008 NOCOMMON 0 0 D400100600009 DATA 4 23 D400100600010 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR D400100600011 MEV MEV MB MB D400100600012 8.88 0.31 0.133 0.019 D400100600013 9.19 0.31 0.139 0.049 D400100600014 10.05 0.29 0.286 0.056 D400100600015 10.34 0.28 0.300 0.099 D400100600016 10.45 0.37 0.400 0.052 D400100600017 10.91 0.36 0.460 0.063 D400100600018 11.35 0.35 0.475 0.137 D400100600019 11.39 0.26 0.469 0.079 D400100600020 11.78 0.34 0.575 0.072 D400100600021 11.89 0.25 0.519 0.100 D400100600022 12.19 0.33 0.601 0.101 D400100600023 12.60 0.32 0.666 0.117 D400100600024 12.61 0.24 0.601 0.101 D400100600025 13.28 0.30 0.757 0.161 D400100600026 13.29 0.22 0.787 0.076 D400100600027 13.95 0.29 0.857 0.102 D400100600028 13.96 0.21 0.893 0.178 D400100600029 14.59 0.27 0.971 0.104 D400100600030 15.22 0.26 1.21 0.124 D400100600031 15.82 0.25 1.39 0.13 D400100600032 16.41 0.23 1.72 0.14 D400100600033 16.98 0.22 2.24 0.18 D400100600034 17.54 0.21 2.72 0.22 D400100600035 ENDDATA 25 0 D400100600036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 D400100699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 D400199999999