ENTRY            D4007   20190821                             D121D400700000001 
SUBENT        D4007001   20190821                             D121D400700100001 
BIB                 14         39                                 D400700100002 
TITLE      Excitation function of the 35Cl(alpha,n)38K reaction   D400700100003 
           using gas targets                                      D400700100004 
AUTHOR     (F.Tarkanyi,Z.Kovacs,I.Mahunka,O.Solin,J.Bergman)      D400700100005 
REFERENCE  (J,RCA,54,165,1991) Main reference                     D400700100006 
INSTITUTE  (3HUNDEB,2SF ABA)                                      D400700100007 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2SF ABA)                                        D400700100008 
SAMPLE     Quartz gas cells with 25 micron polyimide windows,     D400700100009 
           length 2.5 cm were filled with 1 bar natCl gas.        D400700100010 
METHOD     (ACTIV,STTA,EXTB,BCINT) .Two cells were irradiated at  D400700100011 
           a time with alpha particle beam of 50-60 Na for 15     D400700100012 
           min. Beam current was measured by a Faraday cup and    D400700100013 
           monitored by Cu foils.                                 D400700100014 
DETECTOR   (HPGE)                                                 D400700100015 
MONITOR    (29-CU-63(P,N)30-ZN-63,,SIG)                           D400700100016 
           (29-CU-63(P,2N)30-ZN-62,,SIG)                          D400700100017 
           (29-CU-65(P,N)30-ZN-65,,SIG)                           D400700100018 
MONIT-REF  (A0333001,P.Kopecky,J,ARI,36,657,1985)                 D400700100019 
           (D0505001,A.Gruetter,J,NP/A,383,98,1982)               D400700100020 
           (B0057001,R.Colle+,J,PR/C,9,1819,1974)                 D400700100021 
           (,F.Tarkanyi+,C,89TURKU,,29,1989)                      D400700100022 
REL-REF    (A,A0393001,S.M.Qaim+,J,ARI,39,479,1988)               D400700100023 
           (M,A0395001,F.Tarkanyi+,J,ARI,39,135,1988) Stacked gas D400700100024 
            cell technique                                        D400700100025 
           (R,,E.Browne+,B,BROWNE,,123-3,1986) decay data were    D400700100026 
           from Table of radioactive isotopes,p.123-3, Wiley,     D400700100027 
           New York 1986                                          D400700100028 
ADD-RES    (TTY-C)                                                D400700100029 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from the author                           D400700100030 
           (APRVD).By F.Tarkanyi                                  D400700100031 
HISTORY    (19951025C)                                            D400700100032 
           (19951102U)                                            D400700100033 
           (19970507A) HW.- Small correction in BIB section of    D400700100034 
           Subent 002, alterations in BIB and data                D400700100035 
           section of Subent 003.                                 D400700100036 
           (20060730A) BIB section upgraded                       D400700100037 
           (20190821A) SD: REACTION code updated according to new D400700100038 
           EXFOR rules in Subent 003.  REL-REF updated. Small     D400700100039 
           corrections in all Subents. ANALYSIS, EXP-YEAR deleted.D400700100040 
           Ref. ARI,39,135,1988 moved to REL-REF.                 D400700100041 
ENDBIB              39          0                                 D400700100042 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D400700100043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 D400700199999 
SUBENT        D4007002   20190821                             D121D400700200001 
BIB                  4         14                                 D400700200002 
REACTION   (17-CL-35(A,N)19-K-38-G,,SIG)                          D400700200003 
DECAY-DATA (19-K-38-G,7.636MIN,DG,2168.,0.998)                    D400700200004 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) Determined by the energy scale fitting        D400700200005 
           procedure,F.Tarkanyi+,C,89TURKI,,29,89.                D400700200006 
           (DATA-ERR) The overall uncertainties of the cross      D400700200007 
           section were estimated by quadratic summation of       D400700200008 
           individual errors.                                     D400700200009 
HISTORY    (19970507U) HW.- Small corrections in free text under  D400700200010 
           decay-data                                             D400700200011 
           (20060730A) BIB section updated                        D400700200012 
           (20190821U) SD: Free text from DECAY-DATA moved to     D400700200013 
           REL-REF to Subent 001.                                 D400700200014 
                       On. REACTION(SF4), DECAY-DATA: -G added.   D400700200015 
                           RAD-DET deleted.                       D400700200016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 D400700200017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D400700200018 
DATA                 4          6                                 D400700200019 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       DATA-ERR                         D400700200020 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               D400700200021 
        8.6        1.9       11.2        3.8                      D400700200022 
       11.0        1.9       37.0        10.                      D400700200023 
       13.0        1.0       104.        22.                      D400700200024 
       13.5        1.9        55.        13.                      D400700200025 
       14.7        1.0       141.        30.                      D400700200026 
       16.4        1.0       130.        26.                      D400700200027 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 D400700200028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 D400700299999 
SUBENT        D4007003   20190821                             D121D400700300001 
BIB                  4         11                                 D400700300002 
REACTION   (17-CL-35(A,N)19-K-38-G,,TTY,,SAT,DERIV)               D400700300003 
ANALYSIS   (INTEF) Derived from measured excitation function      D400700300004 
STATUS     (DEP,D4007002) Excitation function                     D400700300005 
HISTORY    (19970507A) HW.- Reaction sf1, -2, -6, -8 and -9 altereD400700300006 
           keyword 'status' added, code under 'analysis'          D400700300007 
           corrected, flag deleted from bib and data section.     D400700300008 
           (20190821A) SD: SF8=SAT added to REACTION code. Free   D400700300009 
           text from DECAY-DATA moved to REL-REF to Subent 001.   D400700300010 
           ANALYSIS added.  ANALYSIS added.                       D400700300011 
                       On. DECAY-DATA and RAD-DET deleted.        D400700300012 
                           REACTION(SF4): -G added.               D400700300013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 D400700300014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D400700300015 
DATA                 3          1                                 D400700300016 
EN-MAX     EN-MIN     DATA                                        D400700300017 
MEV        MEV        MCI/MUA                                     D400700300018 
        21.         7.         5.                                 D400700300019 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 D400700300020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 D400700399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 D400799999999