ENTRY D4010 20230209 D138D401000000001 SUBENT D4010001 20230209 D138D401000100001 BIB 11 24 D401000100002 TITLE Production of 110In for pet investigation via D401000100003 Cd(3He,xn)110Sn,110In reaction with low energy D401000100004 cyclotron D401000100005 AUTHOR (F.Szelecsenyi, Z.Kovacs, F.Tarkanyi, Gy.Toth) D401000100006 INSTITUTE (3HUNDEB) D401000100007 REFERENCE (J,JLCR,30,98,1991) D401000100008 (J,RCA,50,19,1990) Experimental technique and method ofD401000100009 data evaluation D401000100010 (P,ATOMKI-AR-1989,76,1990) D401000100011 FACILITY (ISOCY,3HUNDEB) D401000100012 SAMPLE High purity Cd foils and samples prepared via D401000100013 electrolytic deposition of Cd on Ni foils. D401000100014 METHOD (ACTIV,STTA,EXTB,GSPEC) Beam current was measured via D401000100015 monitor reactions on Ti and Cu and by faraday cup. D401000100016 ADD-RES Method of chemical separation for production of 110In D401000100017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The overall uncertainties of the cross D401000100018 section were estimated by quadratic summation of D401000100019 individual errors. D401000100020 STATUS (TABLE) Private communication D401000100021 HISTORY (19951025C) D401000100022 (19951031U) D401000100023 (20060730A) BIB section upgraded D401000100024 (20230209U) VT+On. REFERENCE: R,ATOMKI-AR-89 -> D401000100025 P,ATOMKI-AR-1989 replaced. D401000100026 ENDBIB 24 0 D401000100027 NOCOMMON 0 0 D401000100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 D401000199999 SUBENT D4010002 20060731 D048D401000200001 BIB 3 6 D401000200002 REACTION (48-CD-0(HE3,X)50-SN-110,,SIG) D401000200003 RAD-DET (50-SN-110,DG) D401000200004 DECAY-DATA (50-SN-110,4.11HR,DG,283.,0.97) D401000200005 decay data were taken from E.Browne and R.B.Fireston, D401000200006 table of radioactive isotopes,p.123-3, Willey, D401000200007 New York 1986 D401000200008 ENDBIB 6 0 D401000200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 D401000200010 DATA 3 16 D401000200011 EN DATA DATA-ERR D401000200012 MEV MB MB D401000200013 16.4 0.46 0.06 D401000200014 16.7 0.70 0.08 D401000200015 17.4 2.0 0.3 D401000200016 17.8 2.9 0.4 D401000200017 19.8 10.5 0.8 D401000200018 20.0 12.2 1.3 D401000200019 20.3 13.0 1.3 D401000200020 22.1 27. 3. D401000200021 22.2 23. 2. D401000200022 23.2 33. 3. D401000200023 23.3 35. 3. D401000200024 24.1 40. 4. D401000200025 24.4 43. 4. D401000200026 26.1 54. 5. D401000200027 26.2 53. 7. D401000200028 26.4 58. 7. D401000200029 ENDDATA 18 0 D401000200030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 D401000299999 SUBENT D4010003 20060731 D048D401000300001 BIB 3 7 D401000300002 REACTION (48-CD-0(HE3,X)50-SN-111,,SIG) D401000300003 RAD-DET (50-SN-111,DG) D401000300004 DECAY-DATA (50-SN-111,35.3MIN,DG,762.,0.0144, D401000300005 DG,1153.2,0.027) D401000300006 decay data were taken from E.Browne and R.B.Fireston, D401000300007 table of radioactive isotopes,p.123-3, Willey, D401000300008 New York 1986 D401000300009 ENDBIB 7 0 D401000300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 D401000300011 DATA 3 8 D401000300012 EN DATA DATA-ERR D401000300013 MEV MB MB D401000300014 16.7 20.5 3.0 D401000300015 17.8 33.0 7.0 D401000300016 19.8 42.5 9.5 D401000300017 20.3 45.0 9.5 D401000300018 22.1 62. 11. D401000300019 23.2 63. 12. D401000300020 24.1 72. 13. D401000300021 26.1 76. 14. D401000300022 ENDDATA 10 0 D401000300023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 D401000399999 SUBENT D4010004 20060731 D048D401000400001 BIB 3 6 D401000400002 REACTION (48-CD-0(HE3,X)50-SN-113-M,,SIG) D401000400003 RAD-DET (50-SN-113-M,DG) D401000400004 DECAY-DATA (50-SN-113-M,21.4MIN,DG,77.383,0.005) D401000400005 decay data were taken from E.Browne and R.B.Fireston, D401000400006 table of radioactive isotopes,p.123-3, Willey, D401000400007 New York 1986 D401000400008 ENDBIB 6 0 D401000400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 D401000400010 DATA 3 8 D401000400011 EN DATA DATA-ERR D401000400012 MEV MB MB D401000400013 16.7 66. 6. D401000400014 17.8 80. 10. D401000400015 19.8 100. 9. D401000400016 20.3 102. 10. D401000400017 22.1 120. 12. D401000400018 23.2 125. 13. D401000400019 24.1 136. 14. D401000400020 26.1 148. 19. D401000400021 ENDDATA 10 0 D401000400022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 D401000499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 D401099999999