ENTRY            D4022   20210929                             D132D402200000001 
SUBENT        D4022001   20210929                             D132D402200100001 
BIB                 16         61                                 D402200100002 
TITLE      Excitation function of proton induced nuclear          D402200100003 
           reactions on highly enriched Kr-78: relevant to the    D402200100004 
           production of Br-75 and Br-77 at a small cyclotron     D402200100005 
AUTHOR     (F.Tarkanyi,Z.Kovacs,S.M.Qaim)                         D402200100006 
INSTITUTE  (3HUNDEB,2GERJUL)                                      D402200100007 
EXP-YEAR   (1993)                                                 D402200100008 
REFERENCE  (J,ARI,44,1105,1993)                                   D402200100009 
FACILITY   (ISOCY,2GERJUL)                                        D402200100010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 2 of Appl.Radiat.Isot44(1993)1105.       D402200100011 
           (APRVD) approved by author                             D402200100012 
SAMPLE     (36-KR-78,ENR=0.994)                                   D402200100013 
           99.4% Enriched Kr-78, single or stacked gas cells (2cm D402200100014 
           diam, 2.5Cm length staniless-steel) 50 to 100 microns  D402200100015 
           of Al windows, 0.27 - 0.64 Bar gas pressure.           D402200100016 
METHOD     (STTA,ACTIV,EXTB,ACTIV,BCINT)                          D402200100017 
            20.4, 18.7 And 14.8 MeV primary proton energies.      D402200100018 
           200-500 Namp beam current. Cu and Al                   D402200100019 
           energy absorber foils. Cu monitor foils in front and   D402200100020 
           at the back of each cells to monitor beam current and  D402200100021 
           energy according to F. Tarkaanyi et Al., Acta          D402200100022 
           radiolog. Suppl. 376,72,1991 And H. Piel et Al.,       D402200100023 
           radiochimica acta, 57,1,1992. Direct beam current      D402200100024 
           measurements with faraday cup. Range-energy            D402200100025 
           calculation according to C.F.Williamson et Al. In      D402200100026 
           general the activity of the samples were measured      D402200100027 
           without chemical separation. In few cases the bromine  D402200100028 
           isotopes were separated. Separation yield was 90%.     D402200100029 
DETECTOR   (GELI)                                                 D402200100030 
COMMENT    in a separate series of irradiations the Br-77 yield   D402200100031 
           was determined using krypton gas of natural isotopic   D402200100032 
           composition in stacked gas cells. 3 Bar filling        D402200100033 
           pressure. Irradiation with 38 MeV and 30 MeV primary   D402200100034 
           proton energies for 2 hours with 200 namp.             D402200100035 
ADD-RES    (TTY-C)thin and thick target yields for the formation  D402200100036 
           of Kr-77, Br-77 and Br-75 calculated from the measured D402200100037 
           excitation functions. Evaluation of methods for        D402200100038 
           production of Br-75 and Br-77 at low and middle energy D402200100039 
           cyclotrons.                                            D402200100040 
MONITOR    (29-CU-63(P,N)30-ZN-63,,SIG)                           D402200100041 
           (29-CU-63(P,2N)30-ZN-62,,SIG)                          D402200100042 
           (29-CU-65(P,N)30-ZN-65,,SIG)                           D402200100043 
MONIT-REF  (,R.Colle+,J,PR/C,9,1819,1974)                         D402200100044 
           (,A.Gruetter,J,NP/A,383,98,1982)                       D402200100045 
           (,P.Kopecky,J,ARI,36,657,1985)                         D402200100046 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T). The total error of the cross sections was     D402200100047 
           derived as the square root of the sum of square of the D402200100048 
           individual errors.                                     D402200100049 
           - peak are analysis: 1-2%, near threshold more than 10%D402200100050 
           (ERR-1) beam current: 10%                              D402200100051 
           (ERR-2) number of target atoms: 5%                     D402200100052 
           (ERR-3) detector efficiency and counting geometry: 5%  D402200100053 
           (ERR-4,,3.) decay data: < 3%,                          D402200100054 
           (ERR-5) chemical separation: 5%                        D402200100055 
           (EN-ERR)error was estimated on the basis of monitor    D402200100056 
           reaction. Error sources: density reduction, beam       D402200100057 
           broadening, position of cell windows                   D402200100058 
HISTORY    (19951025C)                                            D402200100059 
           (19951027U)                                            D402200100060 
           (20060730A) BIB section upgrated. Ref.corrected        D402200100061 
           (20210928A) VS. SF3=X in 002. ERR-ANALYS: codes added. D402200100062 
            DATA-ERR->ERR-T in 001-004. SAMPLE: code added.       D402200100063 
ENDBIB              61          0                                 D402200100064 
COMMON               4          3                                 D402200100065 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-5                            D402200100066 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         D402200100067 
    10.      5.         5.         5.                             D402200100068 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D402200100069 
ENDSUBENT           68          0                                 D402200199999 
SUBENT        D4022002   20210929                             D132D402200200001 
BIB                  6         13                                 D402200200002 
REACTION   (36-KR-78(P,X)36-KR-77,,SIG)                           D402200200003 
RAD-DET    (36-KR-77,DG)                                          D402200200004 
DECAY-DATA (36-KR-77,1.24HR,DG,129.8,0.80,                        D402200200005 
                      DG,146.4,0.368,                             D402200200006 
                      DG,276.2,0.0288,                            D402200200007 
                      DG,312.1,0.368)                             D402200200008 
REL-REF    (D,,F.Helus+,J,JRN/L,153,417,1991)                     D402200200009 
COMMENT    the cross section by Helus et al. J. Radioanal.Nucl.   D402200200010 
           Chem. Lett. 153,417,1991 Deduced from his respective   D402200200011 
           yield data are incorrect containing presumably         D402200200012 
           calculational errors.                                  D402200200013 
HISTORY    (20210928A) VS. SF3=X c.f  Memo CP-D/0999              D402200200014 
                           DATA-ERR->ERR-T                        D402200200015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 D402200200016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D402200200017 
DATA                 4         29                                 D402200200018 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            D402200200019 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               D402200200020 
      13.73       0.31       0.10       0.06                      D402200200021 
      14.74       0.30        1.2        0.8                      D402200200022 
      14.95       0.26        3.6        0.6                      D402200200023 
      15.17       0.25        4.5        0.6                      D402200200024 
      15.67       0.23       23.4        3.0                      D402200200025 
      15.73       0.25       11.5        1.5                      D402200200026 
      15.74       0.26       18.7        2.5                      D402200200027 
      16.17       0.32       60.8        7.7                      D402200200028 
      16.35       0.20       63.1        8.0                      D402200200029 
      16.45       0.22       54.2        6.9                      D402200200030 
      16.51       0.20       65.9        8.3                      D402200200031 
      16.68       0.22       67.1        8.6                      D402200200032 
      17.02       0.18       111.        15.                      D402200200033 
      17.03       0.30       138.        18.                      D402200200034 
      17.10       0.30       130.        17.                      D402200200035 
      17.15       0.19       112.        15.                      D402200200036 
      17.56       0.18       138.        18.                      D402200200037 
      17.66       0.27       179.        23.                      D402200200038 
      17.67       0.15       160.        21.                      D402200200039 
      17.77       0.15       155.        20.                      D402200200040 
      17.82       0.16       181.        23.                      D402200200041 
      17.97       0.25       192.        24.                      D402200200042 
      18.19       0.15       240.        31.                      D402200200043 
      18.30       0.25       242.        31.                      D402200200044 
      18.41       0.22       214.        27.                      D402200200045 
      18.81       0.15       241.        31.                      D402200200046 
      18.93       0.22       293.        37.                      D402200200047 
      19.53       0.20       343.        44.                      D402200200048 
      19.62       0.20       292.        37.                      D402200200049 
ENDDATA             31          0                                 D402200200050 
ENDSUBENT           49          0                                 D402200299999 
SUBENT        D4022003   20210929                             D132D402200300001 
BIB                  6         17                                 D402200300002 
REACTION   (36-KR-78(P,X)36-KR-77,CUM,SIG)                        D402200300003 
RAD-DET    (36-KR-77,DG)                                          D402200300004 
DECAY-DATA (36-KR-77,1.24HR,DG,129.8,0.80,                        D402200300005 
                      DG,146.4,0.368,                             D402200300006 
                      DG,276.2,0.0288,                            D402200300007 
                      DG,312.1,0.368)                             D402200300008 
REL-REF    (D,,F.Helus+,J,JRN/L,153,417,1991)                     D402200300009 
COMMENT     (by author).Contribution processes: direct production D402200300010 
           of Br-77 via Kr-78(p,2p)Br-77 reaction and total decay D402200300011 
           of the produced Kr-77 percent nuclei. Target gas       D402200300012 
           contained: 0.6% Kr-80. The contribution of Kr-         D402200300013 
           80(p,alpha)Br-77 process was estimated less than       D402200300014 
           0.2%.The cross section by Helus et al. J.              D402200300015 
           Radioanal.Nucl. Chem. Lett. 153,417,1991 Deduced from  D402200300016 
           his respective yield data are incorrect containing     D402200300017 
           presumably calculational errors.                       D402200300018 
HISTORY    (20210928A) VS. DATA-ERR->ERR-T.                       D402200300019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 D402200300020 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D402200300021 
DATA                 4         19                                 D402200300022 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            D402200300023 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               D402200300024 
      14.95       0.26        5.8        0.8                      D402200300025 
      15.17       0.25        7.0        0.9                      D402200300026 
      15.67       0.23       29.6        4.1                      D402200300027 
      15.73       0.25       16.7        2.1                      D402200300028 
      16.35       0.20       61.4        8.4                      D402200300029 
      16.45       0.22       57.2        7.2                      D402200300030 
      16.51       0.20       69.8        8.8                      D402200300031 
      17.02       0.18       114.        16.                      D402200300032 
      17.03       0.30       124.        16.                      D402200300033 
      17.15       0.19       109.        14.                      D402200300034 
      17.19       0.20       153.        20.                      D402200300035 
      17.66       0.27       184.        24.                      D402200300036 
      17.67       0.15       154.        21.                      D402200300037 
      17.77       0.15       138.        18.                      D402200300038 
      17.82       0.16       175.        23.                      D402200300039 
      18.19       0.15       234.        30.                      D402200300040 
      18.30       0.25       228.        29.                      D402200300041 
      18.93       0.22       274.        35.                      D402200300042 
      19.53       0.20       293.        37.                      D402200300043 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 D402200300044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 D402200399999 
SUBENT        D4022004   20210929                             D132D402200400001 
BIB                  6         14                                 D402200400002 
REACTION   (36-KR-78(P,A)35-BR-75,,SIG)                           D402200400003 
RAD-DET    (35-BR-75,DG)                                          D402200400004 
DECAY-DATA (35-BR-75,1.62HR,DG,286.6,0.921,                       D402200400005 
                      DG,377.4,0.041,                             D402200400006 
                      DG,427.9,0.045,                             D402200400007 
                      DG,952.3,0.0174)                            D402200400008 
REL-REF    (D,,F.Helus+,J,JRN/L,153,417,1991)                     D402200400009 
           (D,,A.M.Friedman+,J,JLCR,19,1427,1982)                 D402200400010 
COMMENT     (by author).The cross section by Helus et al. J.      D402200400011 
           Radioanal.Nucl. Chem. Lett. 153,417,1991 and           D402200400012 
           A.M.Friedman et al., J, Label. Compounds Radiopharm.,  D402200400013 
           19,1427,82 deduced from their respective yield data areD402200400014 
           incorrect containing presumably calculational errors.  D402200400015 
HISTORY    (20210928A) VS. DATA-ERR->ERR-T.                       D402200400016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 D402200400017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D402200400018 
DATA                 4         39                                 D402200400019 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            D402200400020 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               D402200400021 
      10.82       0.28        3.3        0.4                      D402200400022 
      11.72       0.25        7.0        0.9                      D402200400023 
      12.17       0.21        9.5        1.2                      D402200400024 
      12.19       0.37        5.4        0.7                      D402200400025 
      12.28       0.40        5.4        0.8                      D402200400026 
      13.38       0.18       10.6        1.4                      D402200400027 
      13.73       0.31        9.9        1.3                      D402200400028 
      14.13       0.32       14.4        1.9                      D402200400029 
      14.16       0.15       17.5        2.3                      D402200400030 
      14.74       0.30       10.0        1.4                      D402200400031 
      14.95       0.26       14.3        2.0                      D402200400032 
      15.17       0.25       15.4        2.0                      D402200400033 
      15.67       0.23       19.0        2.5                      D402200400034 
      15.73       0.25       15.8        2.0                      D402200400035 
      15.74       0.26       15.8        2.0                      D402200400036 
      15.90       0.25       27.9        3.6                      D402200400037 
      16.17       0.32       17.0        2.2                      D402200400038 
      16.35       0.20       20.9        2.7                      D402200400039 
      16.45       0.22       22.8        2.9                      D402200400040 
      16.51       0.20       19.9        2.5                      D402200400041 
      16.68       0.22       17.6        2.3                      D402200400042 
      17.02       0.18       23.4        3.1                      D402200400043 
      17.03       0.30       27.4        3.5                      D402200400044 
      17.10       0.30       18.9        2.4                      D402200400045 
      17.15       0.19       25.9        3.3                      D402200400046 
      17.19       0.20       28.2        5.0                      D402200400047 
      17.56       0.18       19.2        2.6                      D402200400048 
      17.66       0.27       28.1        3.6                      D402200400049 
      17.67       0.15       23.5        2.9                      D402200400050 
      17.77       0.15       19.7        2.5                      D402200400051 
      17.82       0.16       27.6        3.5                      D402200400052 
      17.97       0.25       18.5        2.4                      D402200400053 
      18.19       0.15       29.5        3.8                      D402200400054 
      18.30       0.25       30.0        4.3                      D402200400055 
      18.41       0.22       21.2        2.8                      D402200400056 
      18.81       0.15       18.9        2.4                      D402200400057 
      18.93       0.22       25.8        3.3                      D402200400058 
      19.53       0.20       24.4        3.1                      D402200400059 
      19.62       0.20       20.2        2.6                      D402200400060 
ENDDATA             41          0                                 D402200400061 
ENDSUBENT           60          0                                 D402200499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 D402299999999