ENTRY            D4062   20010410                             0000D406200000001 
SUBENT        D4062001   20010410                             0000D406200100001 
BIB                 12         45                                 D406200100002 
TITLE      Study of the nat-Ni(P,X)Ni-57 Process Up to 44 MeV for D406200100003 
           Monitor Purposes                                       D406200100004 
           F.TARKANYI)                                            D406200100006 
INSTITUTE  (3HUNDEB,2BLGVUB)                                      D406200100007 
REFERENCE  (J,ARI,49,1533,1998)                                   D406200100008 
STATUS     Data were taken from Table 1 of the paper              D406200100009 
           (APRVD) By S. Takacs                                   D406200100010 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,3HUNDEB) Mgc 20E Cyclotron, Debrecen            D406200100011 
           (CYCLO,2BLGVUB) Cgr 560 Cyclotron Brussels             D406200100012 
SAMPLE     Targets were made of natural Ni foils                  D406200100013 
           Thickness of 25 microns (GOODFELLOW), purity           D406200100014 
           99.4%. The error of the thickness was about 3%.        D406200100015 
METHOD     (ACTIV,STTA,GSPEC,EDEG)                                D406200100016 
           The Stacked Foil Technique was used to measure the     D406200100017 
           excitation functions. 12 stacks were prepared.         D406200100018 
           Cu and Al (25 micron each) were used as monitor and/or D406200100019 
           energy degrader foils. The integrated charge was       D406200100020 
           ranged from 3 to 10 mC. Irradiation time was varied    D406200100021 
           between 5 and 55 minutes.                              D406200100022 
           For measurements of the effect of secondary neutrons   D406200100023 
           300 and 125 micron thick Ni foils were placed right    D406200100024 
           behind the Ni and Al plates which completely stopped   D406200100025 
           the proton beams. The beam energy was 42.9 and 26.7 MeVD406200100026 
           beam current 850 and 810 nA respectively. The neutron  D406200100027 
           spectra was measured by Time of Flight technique, the  D406200100028 
           activity of the neutron activated foils by normal      D406200100029 
           Gamma-Spectrometry. Results published in the Proc.     D406200100030 
           of the Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and      D406200100031 
           Technology 19-24 May,1997, Trieste, Italy.             D406200100032 
DETECTOR   (HPGE)                                                 D406200100033 
ANALYSIS   (AREA)                                                 D406200100034 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR)The uncertainty of the energy scale contains   D406200100035 
           the uncertainty of the initial beam energy and the     D406200100036 
           uncertainty resulted by the degradation process and    D406200100037 
           straggling effect and ranged from 0.2 to 0.9 MeV.      D406200100038 
           (ERR-T)  The Data error was calculated as the square   D406200100039 
           root of the sum of the square of the individual        D406200100040 
           relative errors. The main error sources are:           D406200100041 
             -Foil Thickness                        3%            D406200100042 
             -Detector Efficiency                8-10%            D406200100043 
             -Detector Geometry                   2-5%            D406200100044 
             -Nuclear Data                          3%            D406200100045 
HISTORY    (19970505C)                                            D406200100046 
           (20010410A) New main ref., changed to lower case       D406200100047 
ENDBIB              45          0                                 D406200100048 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D406200100049 
ENDSUBENT           48          0                                 D406200199999 
SUBENT        D4062002   19970505                             0000D406200200001 
BIB                  2          5                                 D406200200002 
REACTION   (28-NI-0(P,X)28-NI-57,,SIG,,,EXP)                      D406200200003 
DECAY-DATA (28-NI-57,36.HR,B+,350.,0.007,                         D406200200004 
                           B+,720.,0.06,                          D406200200005 
                           B+,850.,0.4,                           D406200200006 
                           DG,1370.,0.86)                         D406200200007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 D406200200008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D406200200009 
DATA                 4         75                                 D406200200010 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            D406200200011 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               D406200200012 
       14.3        0.4       1.58       0.13                      D406200200013 
       15.7        0.3       11.6        0.9                      D406200200014 
       17.0        0.3       34.2        2.7                      D406200200015 
       18.2        0.3       66.6        5.3                      D406200200016 
       19.4        0.3       88.2        7.1                      D406200200017 
       20.5        0.2       105.        8.0                      D406200200018 
       20.6        0.2       130.        10.                      D406200200019 
       21.6        0.4       116.         9.                      D406200200020 
       21.7        0.2       144.        12.                      D406200200021 
       21.9        0.4       133.        11.                      D406200200022 
       22.5        0.4       155.        12.                      D406200200023 
       22.6        0.4       147.        12.                      D406200200024 
       23.3        0.4       153.        12.                      D406200200025 
       23.7        0.4       164.        13.                      D406200200026 
       23.9        0.4       157.        13.                      D406200200027 
       24.6        0.3       164.        13.                      D406200200028 
       24.8        0.4       173.        14.                      D406200200029 
       25.2        0.3       158.        13.                      D406200200030 
       25.9        0.3       170.        14.                      D406200200031 
      25.92        0.3       176.        14.                      D406200200032 
       26.5        0.3       178.        14.                      D406200200033 
       26.8        0.3       178.        14.                      D406200200034 
       27.7        0.3       176.        14.                      D406200200035 
       28.5        0.3       171.        14.                      D406200200036 
       28.7        0.5       158.        13.                      D406200200037 
       29.1        0.4       155.        12.                      D406200200038 
       29.2        0.5       159.        13.                      D406200200039 
       29.6        0.4       150.        12.                      D406200200040 
       29.8        0.5       155.        12.                      D406200200041 
       30.1        0.3       145.        12.                      D406200200042 
       30.4        0.4       144.        12.                      D406200200043 
       30.5        0.5       137.        11.                      D406200200044 
      30.51        0.3       144.        12.                      D406200200045 
       30.9        0.4       139.        11.                      D406200200046 
       31.0        0.5       133.        11.                      D406200200047 
      31.01        0.3       141.        11.                      D406200200048 
       31.4        0.4       134.        11.                      D406200200049 
      31.41        0.4       132.        11.                      D406200200050 
       31.9        0.4       128.        10.                      D406200200051 
       32.0        0.4       125.        10.                      D406200200052 
       32.3        0.4       122.        10.                      D406200200053 
       32.5        0.6       117.         9.                      D406200200054 
       33.0        0.6       117.         9.                      D406200200055 
       33.4        0.5       113.         9.                      D406200200056 
       33.8        0.5       109.         9.                      D406200200057 
       34.3        0.7       103.         8.                      D406200200058 
      34.31        0.5       100.         8.                      D406200200059 
       34.6        0.7       92.1        7.4                      D406200200060 
       34.8        0.7       99.2        7.9                      D406200200061 
       35.0        0.7       90.0        7.2                      D406200200062 
       35.3        0.6       94.3        7.5                      D406200200063 
       35.5        0.6       88.9        7.1                      D406200200064 
       35.8        0.6       94.1        7.5                      D406200200065 
       35.9        0.6       86.6        6.9                      D406200200066 
       36.3        0.6       86.3        6.9                      D406200200067 
      36.31        0.5       90.2        7.2                      D406200200068 
       36.8        0.6       88.3        7.1                      D406200200069 
       37.3        0.6       86.7        6.9                      D406200200070 
       37.5        0.8       88.8        7.1                      D406200200071 
       38.0        0.8       89.1        7.1                      D406200200072 
       38.4        0.8       86.8        6.9                      D406200200073 
       38.6        0.7       84.8        6.8                      D406200200074 
       38.9        0.8       89.1        7.1                      D406200200075 
       39.0        0.7       84.7        6.8                      D406200200076 
       39.4        0.7       87.7        7.0                      D406200200077 
      39.41        0.7       81.5        6.5                      D406200200078 
       39.8        0.7       79.5        6.4                      D406200200079 
      39.81        0.7       85.2        6.8                      D406200200080 
       40.2        0.7       82.7        6.6                      D406200200081 
       40.3        0.7       81.7        6.5                      D406200200082 
       42.0        0.9       73.4        5.9                      D406200200083 
       42.4        0.8       73.0        5.8                      D406200200084 
       42.8        0.8       73.6        5.9                      D406200200085 
       43.1        0.8       71.2        5.7                      D406200200086 
       43.5        0.8       72.8        5.8                      D406200200087 
ENDDATA             77          0                                 D406200200088 
ENDSUBENT           87          0                                 D406200299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 D406299999999