ENTRY            D4074   20060731                             D048D407400000001 
SUBENT        D4074001   20060731                             D048D407400100001 
BIB                 14         48                                 D407400100002 
TITLE      Production cross section of radionuclides in (p,x)     D407400100003 
           reactions at copper and nickel nuclei                  D407400100004 
AUTHOR     (V.N.Aleksandrov, M.P.Semenova, V.G.Semenov)           D407400100005 
REFERENCE  (J,AE,62,411,1987) original reference                  D407400100006 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSFVE)                                              D407400100007 
STATUS     (TABLE) data were taken from tables 2 and 3,           D407400100008 
           nuclear data of the investigated reactions from        D407400100009 
           table 1 of the translated version of the article       D407400100010 
           UDC 539.16.01(035.5).                                  D407400100011 
FACILITY   (LINAC,4RUSFVE)                                        D407400100012 
SAMPLE     the target used were natural Cu 71 mg/cm2 thick        D407400100013 
           and Ni 88 mg/cm2 thick.                                D407400100014 
DETECTOR   (GELI)                                                 D407400100015 
METHOD     (ACTIV,STTA,GSPEC)                                     D407400100016 
           targets were irradiated with the extracted proton beam D407400100017 
           with a beam current of 97 ma, a current-pulse duration D407400100018 
           of 57 microsec and repetition frequency of 0.25 Hz.    D407400100019 
           the primary proton energies were 98., 70. And 36 MeV.  D407400100020 
           27 mg/cm2 Al foils were used to degrade the beam       D407400100021 
           energy. To calculate the stopping power and ranges     D407400100022 
           F. Joseph, Proton range and energy tables, at. Data,   D407400100023 
           Nucl. Data Tables, 27,3,1982 was used. The flux was    D407400100024 
           monitored via the reactions Cu-65(p,n)Zn-65 in the     D407400100025 
           energy region of 10-40 MeV and Al-27(p,x)Na-24 from    D407400100026 
           40-100 MeV.                                            D407400100027 
ANALYSIS   (AREA) normal high resolution gamma-spectrometry       D407400100028 
           was applied. Nuclear data were taken from U.Reus et al.D407400100029 
           At. Data, Nucl Data Tables 29, 2, 1983.                D407400100030 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) the error of the energy includes the          D407400100031 
           primary dispersion of the incident beam and also       D407400100032 
           the uncertainty of the energy loss in the Al foils     D407400100033 
           and in the target foils.                               D407400100034 
           (DATA-ERR) the overall error in the cross section      D407400100035 
           determination includes the errors:                     D407400100036 
               flux measurements          10-12%                  D407400100037 
               statistical error           1-3%                   D407400100038 
               detector efficiency error     5%                   D407400100039 
               nuclear data uncertaintty     1%                   D407400100040 
MONITOR   1(29-CU-65(P,N)30-ZN-65,,SIG)                           D407400100041 
          2(13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,,SIG)                           D407400100042 
MONIT-REF 1(,E.GADIOLI+,J,NC/A,22,547,1974)                       D407400100043 
           (,P.KOPECKY,J,ARI,36,657,1985)                         D407400100044 
           (,A.GRUETTER+,J,NP/A,383,98,1982)                      D407400100045 
          2(,A.GRUETTER+,J,NP/A,383,98,1982)                      D407400100046 
           (,R.MICHEL+,J,NP/A,441,617,1985)                       D407400100047 
HISTORY    (19970521C)                                            D407400100048 
           (19970522U)                                            D407400100049 
           (20060730A) Entry deleted. Duplication with A0351      D407400100050 
ENDBIB              48          0                                 D407400100051 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D407400100052 
ENDSUBENT           51          0                                 D407400199999 
NOSUBENT      D4074002   20060731                             D048D407400200001 
NOSUBENT      D4074003   20060731                             D048D407400300001 
NOSUBENT      D4074004   20060731                             D048D407400400001 
NOSUBENT      D4074005   20060731                             D048D407400500001 
NOSUBENT      D4074006   20060731                             D048D407400600001 
NOSUBENT      D4074007   20060731                             D048D407400700001 
NOSUBENT      D4074008   20060731                             D048D407400800001 
NOSUBENT      D4074009   20060731                             D048D407400900001 
ENDENTRY             9          0                                 D407499999999