ENTRY D4088 20231023 D139D408800000001 SUBENT D4088001 20231023 D139D408800100001 BIB 12 41 D408800100002 TITLE New cross section data on 68Zn(p,2n)67Ga and D408800100003 natZn(p,xn)67Ga nuclear reactions for the development D408800100004 of a reference data base D408800100005 AUTHOR (A.Hermanne, F.Szelecsenyi, M.Sonck, S.Takacs, D408800100006 F.Tarkanyi, P.Van den Winkel) D408800100007 INSTITUTE (2BLGVUB,3HUNDEB) D408800100008 REFERENCE (J,JRN,240,623,1999) D408800100009 FACILITY (CYCLO,2BLGVUB) CGR 560 Cyclotron D408800100010 SAMPLE Zn foils (51.83 micrometer) with natural isotopic D408800100011 composition and enriched 68Zn targets made by constant D408800100012 current electrolysis on high purity 49.4 micrometer Cu D408800100013 backing. Target thickness was 47.8-48.8 micrometer. D408800100014 Isotopic composition of the target material: D408800100015 64Zn 0.65 +/-0.02 % D408800100016 66Zn 0.54 +/-0.01 % D408800100017 67Zn 0.32 +/-0.01 % D408800100018 68Zn 96.95 +/-0.05 % D408800100019 70Zn 1.54 +/- 0.02 % D408800100020 DETECTOR (HPGE) D408800100021 METHOD (ACTIV,EXTB,STTA,GSPEC) D408800100022 Stacks containing several 68Zn target foils and D408800100023 natural Zn, Cu, Al, W foils as energy degrader were D408800100024 irradiated by 33.7 and 35 MeV proton beams for abot D408800100025 half an hour. D408800100026 MONITOR (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) D408800100027 ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) Energy uncertainty of the incident proton beamD408800100028 was +/-0.5 MeV and +/-0.4 MeV at 35 MeV and 33.7 MeV D408800100029 respectively. D408800100030 (ERR-T) The estimated uncertainties on cross D408800100031 sections was 9%-12% and were calculated by summing up D408800100032 quadratically the possible individual relative errors: D408800100033 (ERR-S,1.,5.) Counting statistics (1-5%) D408800100034 (ERR-1) Detector efficiency (5%) D408800100035 (ERR-2) Decay data (2%) D408800100036 (ERR-3,3.,5.) Number of target nuclei (3-5%) D408800100037 (ERR-4) Beam current (7%) D408800100038 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by S. Takacs (2001-02-23) D408800100039 (TABLE,,A.Hermanne+,J,JRN,240,623,1999) Table 2 D408800100040 HISTORY (20010423C) D408800100041 (20231023A) VT+On. Revision in 002. ERR-ANALYS and D408800100042 COMMON section updated in 001. D408800100043 ENDBIB 41 0 D408800100044 COMMON 3 3 D408800100045 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-4 D408800100046 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT D408800100047 5. 2. 7. D408800100048 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D408800100049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 D408800199999 SUBENT D4088002 20231023 D139D408800200001 BIB 3 4 D408800200002 REACTION (30-ZN-0(P,X)29-CU-61,(CUM),SIG) D408800200003 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-61,3.408HR,DG,282.9593,0.125, D408800200004 DG,656.012,0.1066) D408800200005 HISTORY (20231023A) VT+On. REACTION: SF5: (CUM) added. D408800200006 ENDBIB 4 0 D408800200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 D408800200008 DATA 4 3 D408800200009 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T D408800200010 MEV MEV MB MB D408800200011 32.7 0.4 11. 3.5 D408800200012 33. 0.4 8.81 2.15 D408800200013 33.6 0.4 15. 4.2 D408800200014 ENDDATA 5 0 D408800200015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 D408800299999 SUBENT D4088003 20010517 0000D408800300001 BIB 2 3 D408800300002 REACTION (30-ZN-0(P,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) D408800300003 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-62,9.26HR,DG,548.38,0.152, D408800300004 DG,596.70,0.257) D408800300005 ENDBIB 3 0 D408800300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 D408800300007 DATA 4 13 D408800300008 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T D408800300009 MEV MEV MB MB D408800300010 24.9 0.5 1.8 0.31 D408800300011 25.9 0.5 2.55 0.34 D408800300012 26.8 0.5 3.98 0.52 D408800300013 27.7 0.5 6.32 0.76 D408800300014 28.8 0.5 10.2 1.2 D408800300015 29.6 0.5 14.1 1.6 D408800300016 30.5 0.4 18.8 2.2 D408800300017 31.4 0.4 24.4 2.8 D408800300018 32.2 0.4 29. 3.3 D408800300019 32.7 0.4 32.3 3.7 D408800300020 33. 0.4 33.9 3.8 D408800300021 33.6 0.4 36.5 4.2 D408800300022 34.3 0.5 40.2 4.6 D408800300023 ENDDATA 15 0 D408800300024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 D408800399999 SUBENT D4088004 20010517 0000D408800400001 BIB 2 5 D408800400002 REACTION 1(30-ZN-0(P,X)31-GA-66,,SIG) D408800400003 2(30-ZN-0(P,X)31-GA-67,,SIG) D408800400004 DECAY-DATA1(31-GA-66,9.49HR,DG,1039.35,0.379) D408800400005 2(31-GA-67,3.261D,DG,184.578,0.204, D408800400006 DG,300.218,0.166) D408800400007 ENDBIB 5 0 D408800400008 NOCOMMON 0 0 D408800400009 DATA 6 17 D408800400010 EN EN-ERR DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2D408800400011 MEV MEV MB MB MB MB D408800400012 20.6 0.7 47.1 5.4 153. 17.D408800400013 21.7 0.7 41.9 4.9 150. 17.D408800400014 22.8 0.7 38.9 4.6 147. 17.D408800400015 23.9 0.6 35.1 4.2 139. 16.D408800400016 24.9 0.5 31.9 3.8 129. 15.D408800400017 25.9 0.5 30.1 3.5 118. 13.D408800400018 26.8 0.5 29.3 3.5 105. 12.D408800400019 27.7 0.5 31.4 3.7 91.6 10.3D408800400020 28.8 0.5 35.7 4.1 79.1 8.9D408800400021 29.6 0.5 40.4 4.7 67.9 7.7D408800400022 30.5 0.4 43.8 5.1 60.1 6.8D408800400023 31.4 0.4 48.3 5.5 52.8 6.D408800400024 32.2 0.4 52.1 6. 46.3 5.2D408800400025 32.7 0.4 54.3 6.3 40.3 4.6D408800400026 33. 0.4 53.8 6.1 41.6 4.7D408800400027 33.6 0.4 58.9 6.8 39. 4.5D408800400028 34.3 0.5 71.2 8.2 38.1 4.4D408800400029 ENDDATA 19 0 D408800400030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 D408800499999 SUBENT D4088005 20010517 0000D408800500001 BIB 2 5 D408800500002 REACTION 1(30-ZN-68(P,3N)31-GA-66,,SIG) D408800500003 2(30-ZN-68(P,2N)31-GA-67,,SIG) D408800500004 DECAY-DATA1(31-GA-66,9.49HR,DG,1039.35,0.379) D408800500005 2(31-GA-67,3.261D,DG,184.578,0.204, D408800500006 DG,300.218,0.166) D408800500007 ENDBIB 5 0 D408800500008 NOCOMMON 0 0 D408800500009 DATA 6 14 D408800500010 EN EN-ERR DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2D408800500011 MEV MEV MB MB MB MB D408800500012 15.1 1.1 365. 41.D408800500013 16.6 1. 500. 56.D408800500014 18. 1. 642. 73.D408800500015 19.4 0.9 727. 82.D408800500016 20.7 0.9 758. 86.D408800500017 22.5 0.8 722. 82.D408800500018 24.2 0.7 1.23 0.52 707. 80.D408800500019 25.7 0.7 11.7 2.1 553. 62.D408800500020 27.2 0.6 40.3 5.5 483. 54.D408800500021 28.6 0.6 93.2 11.6 433. 49.D408800500022 30. 0.5 150. 18. 352. 40.D408800500023 31.3 0.5 203. 24. 296. 33.D408800500024 32.7 0.4 216. 26. 218. 25.D408800500025 33.9 0.5 235. 28. 202. 23.D408800500026 ENDDATA 16 0 D408800500027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 D408800599999 SUBENT D4088006 20010517 0000D408800600001 BIB 2 3 D408800600002 REACTION (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) D408800600003 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-62,9.26HR,DG,548.38,0.152, D408800600004 DG,596.70,0.257) D408800600005 ENDBIB 3 0 D408800600006 NOCOMMON 0 0 D408800600007 DATA 4 15 D408800600008 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T D408800600009 MEV MEV MB MB D408800600010 14.2 1.1 5.95 0.91 D408800600011 15.8 1. 15.3 1.9 D408800600012 17.3 1. 25.2 3.2 D408800600013 18.7 0.9 37.6 4.6 D408800600014 20. 0.9 48.2 5.9 D408800600015 21.9 0.8 56.2 6.8 D408800600016 23.6 0.8 64.6 7.5 D408800600017 25.2 0.7 65. 7.5 D408800600018 26.7 0.6 58.9 6.8 D408800600019 28.1 0.6 48.1 5.7 D408800600020 29.5 0.6 38.4 4.6 D408800600021 30.8 0.5 33.1 4. D408800600022 32.2 0.4 25.9 3.2 D408800600023 33.5 0.5 21.3 2.8 D408800600024 34.7 0.5 18.8 2.6 D408800600025 ENDDATA 17 0 D408800600026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 D408800699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 D408899999999