ENTRY            D4097   20130625                             D089D409700000001 
SUBENT        D4097001   20130625                             D089D409700100001 
BIB                 14         43                                 D409700100002 
TITLE      Study on alternative production of 103Pd and           D409700100003 
            characterisation of contaminants in the deuteron      D409700100004 
            irradiation of 103Rh up to 21 MeV                     D409700100005 
AUTHOR     (A.Hermanne,M.Sonck,S.Takacs,F.Tarkanyi,Y.Shubin)      D409700100006 
INSTITUTE  (2BLGVUB,3HUNDEB)                                      D409700100007 
REFERENCE  (J,NIM/B,187,3,2002)                                   D409700100008 
           (J,NSTS,2,1286,2002) Preliminary data given            D409700100009 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2BLGVUB) CGR-560 Cyclotron                      D409700100010 
SAMPLE     High purity, >99.9%, 6.8 and 12.3 micron thick Rh FoilsD409700100011 
            Major impurities: 40 ppm Fe, 40ppm Ru, 100 ppm in.    D409700100012 
METHOD     (ACTIV,EXTB,STTA,GSPEC)                                D409700100013 
           Stacked target technique was used.                     D409700100014 
           Beam current was measured in Faraday cup and also was  D409700100015 
            monitored by natTi(d,x)48V reaction.                  D409700100016 
           Decay was followed for several weeks to allow          D409700100017 
            separation of isomeric states and the different       D409700100018 
            isotopes.                                             D409700100019 
           Recoil effect was found to be less than 1%.            D409700100020 
MONITOR    (22-TI-0(D,X)23-V-48,,SIG)                             D409700100021 
            12.1 micron high purity Ti foils used                 D409700100022 
MONIT-REF  (,F.Tarkanyi+,R,IAEA-TECDOC-1211,2001)                 D409700100023 
DETECTOR   (XHPGE) Extended range high purity Ge gamma detector   D409700100024 
           (LEGE) Low energy high purity Ge gamma and X-Ray det.  D409700100025 
ANALYSIS   (DECAY) Decay curve analysis of the measured           D409700100026 
            annihilation peaks were applied.                      D409700100027 
CORRECTION Correction was made for self-absorption in the Rh      D409700100028 
            foils for X-ray detection.                            D409700100029 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) The uncertainty of the primary beam energy    D409700100030 
            was +/-0.2 MeV.                                       D409700100031 
           The energy attenuation was calculated by using the     D409700100032 
            polynomial approximation of Andersen and Ziegler.     D409700100033 
           (ERR-T) Total error is given. Main contributing        D409700100034 
            components are:                                       D409700100035 
           (ERR-1) Beam intensity                             (3%)D409700100036 
           (ERR-2) Number of target nuclei                    (5%)D409700100037 
           (ERR-3) Nuclear data                               (5%)D409700100038 
           (ERR-4,3.,6.)  Detector efficiency               (3-6%)D409700100039 
           (ERR-5,2.,10.) Peak area and counting statistics(2-10%)D409700100040 
HISTORY    (20011213C) TS                                         D409700100041 
           (20060530U) Page number in ref. was corrected          D409700100042 
           (20070307A) KB Reference was completed, some data in   D409700100043 
            subentries 002 and 004 were corrected.                D409700100044 
           (20130625A) On. ERR-ANLAYS:Coded information introducedD409700100045 
ENDBIB              43          0                                 D409700100046 
COMMON               3          3                                 D409700100047 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3                                       D409700100048 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    D409700100049 
 3.         5.         5.                                         D409700100050 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D409700100051 
ENDSUBENT           50          0                                 D409700199999 
SUBENT        D4097002   20070307                             D053D409700200001 
BIB                  3          7                                 D409700200002 
REACTION  1(45-RH-103(D,2N)46-PD-103,,SIG)                        D409700200003 
          2(45-RH-103(D,2N)46-PD-103,,SIG)                        D409700200004 
DECAY-DATA1(46-PD-103,16.97D,XR,20.2,0.647,                       D409700200005 
                             XR,23.3,0.123)                       D409700200006 
          2(46-PD-103,16.97D,DG,357.5,0.00022)                    D409700200007 
STATUS     Data were taken from Table 4 of the original paper.    D409700200008 
           Approved by S. Takacs.                                 D409700200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 D409700200010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D409700200011 
DATA                 6         44                                 D409700200012 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA      1ERR-T     1DATA      2ERR-T     2D409700200013 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         MB         MB         D409700200014 
       20.2        0.2       473.        52.       565.        62.D409700200015 
       19.8        0.2       514.        56.       631.        69.D409700200016 
       19.4        0.3       561.        62.       664.        73.D409700200017 
       19.1        0.3       581.        64.       669.        74.D409700200018 
       18.8        0.3       606.        67.       740.        81.D409700200019 
       18.5        0.3       644.        71.       808.        89.D409700200020 
       18.1        0.4       678.        75.       832.        92.D409700200021 
       17.7        0.4       725.        80.       923.       102.D409700200022 
       17.3        0.4       787.        87.       988.       109.D409700200023 
        17.        0.4       851.        94.       977.       107.D409700200024 
       16.7        0.5       869.        96.      1082.       119.D409700200025 
       16.3        0.5       916.       101.      1094.       120.D409700200026 
       15.9        0.5       941.       104.      1123.       123.D409700200027 
       15.4        0.5       945.       104.      1171.       129.D409700200028 
        15.        0.6      1064.       117.      1292.       142.D409700200029 
       14.9        0.2      1010.       111.      1173.       129.D409700200030 
       14.7        0.6      1036.       114.      1203.       132.D409700200031 
       14.4        0.2      1127.       124.      1408.       155.D409700200032 
       14.3        0.6      1027.       113.      1341.       147.D409700200033 
        14.        0.3      1022.       112.      1290.       142.D409700200034 
       13.8        0.6      1077.       119.      1384.       152.D409700200035 
       13.5        0.3      1044.       115.      1246.       137.D409700200036 
       13.4        0.7       997.       110.      1273.       140.D409700200037 
        13.        0.3      1091.       120.      1298.       143.D409700200038 
       12.9        0.7      1034.       114.      1192.       131.D409700200039 
       12.5        0.3      1085.       119.      1148.       126.D409700200040 
       12.4        0.7      1045.       115.      1367.       150.D409700200041 
      12.05        0.4      1008.       111.      1216.       134.D409700200042 
        12.        0.7       968.       106.      1150.       126.D409700200043 
       11.6        0.7       985.       108.      1159.       128.D409700200044 
       11.5        0.4       972.       107.      1204.       132.D409700200045 
        11.        0.4       861.        95.      1132.       125.D409700200046 
       10.4        0.4       906.       100.       971.       107.D409700200047 
        9.9        0.5       773.        85.       943.       104.D409700200048 
        9.3        0.5       606.        67.       881.        97.D409700200049 
        8.7        0.6       682.        75.       746.        82.D409700200050 
         8.        0.7       456.        50.       508.        56.D409700200051 
        7.3        0.7       388.        43.       442.        49.D409700200052 
        6.8        0.8       219.        24.       268.        29.D409700200053 
        6.2        0.8       152.        17.                      D409700200054 
        5.6        0.9        71.         8.        67.         7.D409700200055 
        5.1        0.9        38.         4.        54.         6.D409700200056 
        4.6         1.        15.         2.                      D409700200057 
        4.1         1.         4.        0.4                      D409700200058 
ENDDATA             46          0                                 D409700200059 
ENDSUBENT           58          0                                 D409700299999 
SUBENT        D4097003   20020410                             0000D409700300001 
BIB                  3         11                                 D409700300002 
REACTION  1(45-RH-103(D,X)45-RH-102-M,,SIG)                       D409700300003 
          2(45-RH-103(D,X)45-RH-102-G,,SIG)                       D409700300004 
DECAY-DATA1(45-RH-102-M,2.9YR,DG,695.6,0.450,                     D409700300005 
                              DG,766.,0.34,DG,1046.6,0.33)        D409700300006 
          2(45-RH-102-G,207.D,DG,468.6,0.026,                     D409700300007 
                             DG,556.,0.019,                       D409700300008 
                             DG,1103.,0.0289)                     D409700300009 
            The 695.6 KeV line includes the contribution of the   D409700300010 
            697.6 KeV line                                        D409700300011 
STATUS     Data were taken from Table 5 of the original paper.    D409700300012 
           Approved by S. Takacs.                                 D409700300013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 D409700300014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D409700300015 
DATA                 6         34                                 D409700300016 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA      1ERR-T     1DATA      2ERR-T     2D409700300017 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         MB         MB         D409700300018 
       20.2        0.2       14.7        1.6       39.3        4.3D409700300019 
       19.8        0.2       12.7        1.4       33.8        3.7D409700300020 
       19.4        0.3       11.2        1.2       31.9        3.5D409700300021 
       19.1        0.3        7.7        0.8       24.3        2.7D409700300022 
       18.8        0.3        7.1        0.8       27.7         3.D409700300023 
       18.5        0.3        5.2        0.6       26.3        2.9D409700300024 
       18.1        0.4        4.5        0.5       23.5        2.6D409700300025 
       17.7        0.4        3.4        0.4       23.7        2.6D409700300026 
       17.3        0.4        2.6        0.3       22.9        2.5D409700300027 
        17.        0.4        1.7        0.2       20.3        2.2D409700300028 
       16.7        0.5        1.7        0.2       20.4        2.2D409700300029 
       16.3        0.5        1.3        0.1       18.9        2.1D409700300030 
       15.9        0.5        1.4        0.2       17.1        1.9D409700300031 
       15.4        0.5        0.9        0.1        17.        1.9D409700300032 
        15.        0.6        0.9        0.1       17.7        1.9D409700300033 
       14.7        0.6        0.6        0.1       16.2        1.8D409700300034 
       14.4        0.2                              18.         2.D409700300035 
       14.3        0.6                             15.5        1.7D409700300036 
        14.        0.3                             14.5        1.6D409700300037 
       13.8        0.6                             15.3        1.7D409700300038 
       13.4        0.7                             13.7        1.5D409700300039 
        13.        0.3                             14.7        1.6D409700300040 
       12.9        0.7                             12.7        1.4D409700300041 
       12.5        0.3                             16.9        1.9D409700300042 
       12.4        0.7                             12.3        1.4D409700300043 
        12.        0.4                             10.7        1.2D409700300044 
      11.95        0.7                              8.5        0.9D409700300045 
       11.6        0.7                              9.2         1.D409700300046 
       11.5        0.4                             10.2        1.1D409700300047 
        11.        0.4                              8.2        0.9D409700300048 
       10.4        0.4                              7.2        0.8D409700300049 
        9.9        0.5                              5.1        0.6D409700300050 
        9.3        0.5                              2.6        0.3D409700300051 
        8.7        0.6                               2.        0.2D409700300052 
ENDDATA             36          0                                 D409700300053 
ENDSUBENT           52          0                                 D409700399999 
SUBENT        D4097004   20070307                             D053D409700400001 
BIB                  3          9                                 D409700400002 
REACTION  1(45-RH-103(D,X)45-RH-101-M,,SIG)                       D409700400003 
          2(45-RH-103(D,X)45-RH-101-G,,SIG)                       D409700400004 
DECAY-DATA1(45-RH-101-M,4.34D,DG,306.8,0.860,                     D409700400005 
                              DG,545.,0.0396)                     D409700400006 
          2(45-RH-101-G,3.3YR,DG,127.2,0.730,                     D409700400007 
                             DG,197.9,0.708,                      D409700400008 
                             DG,325.,0.134)                       D409700400009 
STATUS     Data were taken from Table 5 of the original paper.    D409700400010 
           Approved by S. Takacs.                                 D409700400011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 D409700400012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D409700400013 
DATA                 6         11                                 D409700400014 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA      1ERR-T     1DATA      2ERR-T     2D409700400015 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         MB         MB         D409700400016 
       20.2        0.2        0.5       0.06        0.6       0.07D409700400017 
       19.8        0.2        0.3       0.03                      D409700400018 
       19.4        0.3        0.5       0.06                      D409700400019 
       19.1        0.3        0.3       0.03                      D409700400020 
       18.8        0.3        0.2       0.02                      D409700400021 
       18.5        0.3                              0.2       0.02D409700400022 
       18.1        0.4        0.1       0.01                      D409700400023 
       17.7        0.4                              0.1       0.01D409700400024 
       17.3        0.4                              0.1       0.01D409700400025 
        17.        0.4                              0.1       0.01D409700400026 
       14.7        0.6                              0.1       0.01D409700400027 
ENDDATA             13          0                                 D409700400028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 D409700499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 D409799999999