ENTRY            D4102   20201208                             D129D410200000001 
SUBENT        D4102001   20201208                             D129D410200100001 
BIB                  9         31                                 D410200100002 
TITLE      Cross sections for the reactions Ti48(d,2n)V48,        D410200100003 
            Cr52(d,2n)Mn52 and Fe56(d,2n)Co56.                    D410200100004 
AUTHOR     (W.H.Burgus, G.A.Cowan, J.W.Hadley, W.Hess, T.Shull,   D410200100005 
            M.L.Stevenson, H.F.York)                              D410200100006 
INSTITUTE  (1USALRL)                                              D410200100007 
REFERENCE  (J,PR,95,750,1954)                                     D410200100008 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USALRL) 60-inch Cyclotron of Crocker Lab.      D410200100009 
DETECTOR   (PROPC) Methane-flow proportional counter              D410200100010 
METHOD     (ACTIV,EXTB,STTA,GSPEC,CHSEP)                          D410200100011 
           Conventional stacked foil technique was used with      D410200100012 
            bombarding deuteron beams of 1 to 20 MeV.             D410200100013 
           Beam current was measured in Faraday cup.              D410200100014 
           Energy degradation in the stack was determined by      D410200100015 
            measuring equivalent aluminium thickness.             D410200100016 
           Chemical separation was applied and with subsequent    D410200100017 
            absolute beta+ counting using methane-flow            D410200100018 
            proportional counter.                                 D410200100019 
           Correction was made for energy spread and for recoil   D410200100020 
            effect.                                               D410200100021 
           Individual points are not presented since their        D410200100022 
            identity was lost in the process of making            D410200100023 
            corrections for the energy distribution of the        D410200100024 
            deuteron beam.                                        D410200100025 
           The process consisted of an inverse folding operation. D410200100026 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.1 of Phys.Rev.95(1954)750                  D410200100027 
HISTORY    (20011205C)                                            D410200100028 
           (20060822A) BIB sections and REACTIONS of SUBENTRY 3   D410200100029 
            and 4 were replaced. DATA headings were corrected.    D410200100030 
           (20120814U) On. AUTHOR: H.W.Burgus -> W.H.Burgus       D410200100031 
           (20160513U) VS. decay data corrected in 002 and 004.   D410200100032 
           (20201208A) On. Major revisions in 002-004.            D410200100033 
ENDBIB              31          0                                 D410200100034 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D410200100035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 D410200199999 
SUBENT        D4102002   20201208                             D129D410200200001 
BIB                  5          9                                 D410200200002 
REACTION   (22-TI-48(D,2N)23-V-48,,SIG)                           D410200200003 
SAMPLE     Natural Ti foils                                       D410200200004 
DECAY-DATA (23-V-48,16.25D,B+,,0.58)                              D410200200005 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Estimated from the reproducibility of the   D410200200006 
            shape of the excitation function.                     D410200200007 
           The main error source is the uncertainty of the        D410200200008 
            absolute beta+ counting, that is about 10%.           D410200200009 
HISTORY    (20160513U) VS. T1/2 corrected.                        D410200200010 
           (20201208A) On. ERR-ANALYS added.                      D410200200011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 D410200200012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D410200200013 
DATA                 4         31                                 D410200200014 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       DATA-ERR                         D410200200015 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               D410200200016 
  2.24                   0.                                       D410200200017 
  3.03                  16.                                       D410200200018 
  4.03                  25.                                       D410200200019 
  5.07                  29.                                       D410200200020 
  5.53      0.37        30.       4.                              D410200200021 
  6.06                  30.                                       D410200200022 
  6.98                  33.                                       D410200200023 
  7.97                  40.                                       D410200200024 
  8.41                  47.                                       D410200200025 
  8.82                  68.                                       D410200200026 
  9.15                  99.                                       D410200200027 
  9.45                 136.                                       D410200200028 
  9.76                 164.                                       D410200200029 
 10.11                 193.                                       D410200200030 
 10.45       0.22      215.       9.                              D410200200031 
 10.65                 230.                                       D410200200032 
 11.01                 250.                                       D410200200033 
 11.41                 271.                                       D410200200034 
 11.92                 292.                                       D410200200035 
 12.54                 313.                                       D410200200036 
 13.12                 328.                                       D410200200037 
 13.91                 346.                                       D410200200038 
 14.32                 354.                                       D410200200039 
 14.68       0.33      359.       9.                              D410200200040 
 15.36                 366.                                       D410200200041 
 16.15                 371.                                       D410200200042 
 16.92                 372.                                       D410200200043 
 17.91                 367.                                       D410200200044 
 18.78                 358.                                       D410200200045 
 19.52                 350.                                       D410200200046 
 20.38       0.25      341.       9.                              D410200200047 
ENDDATA             33          0                                 D410200200048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 D410200299999 
SUBENT        D4102003   20201208                             D129D410200300001 
BIB                  6         11                                 D410200300002 
REACTION   (26-FE-56(D,2N)27-CO-56,,SIG)                          D410200300003 
SAMPLE     Natural Fe foils                                       D410200300004 
DECAY-DATA (27-CO-56,77.2D,B+)                                    D410200300005 
ANALYSIS   The beta-plus fraction was assumed to be at most 25%   D410200300006 
            (with K capture dominating). Therefore the cross      D410200300007 
            section obtained is a lower limit.                    D410200300008 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Estimated from the reproducibility of the   D410200300009 
            shape of the excitation function.                     D410200300010 
           The main error source is the uncertainty of the        D410200300011 
            absolute beta+ counting, that is about 10%.           D410200300012 
HISTORY    (20201208A) On. ERR-ANALYS added.                      D410200300013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 D410200300014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D410200300015 
DATA                 4         28                                 D410200300016 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA-MIN   DATA-ERR                         D410200300017 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               D410200300018 
  6.60                   1.                                       D410200300019 
  7.29                   6.                                       D410200300020 
  8.05                  12.                                       D410200300021 
  8.61      0.29        19.       4.                              D410200300022 
  8.97                  29.                                       D410200300023 
  9.43                  49.                                       D410200300024 
  9.86                  72.                                       D410200300025 
 10.22                  98.                                       D410200300026 
 10.55                 124.                                       D410200300027 
 10.85                 148.                                       D410200300028 
 11.19                 169.                                       D410200300029 
 11.52      0.19       186.       7.                              D410200300030 
 11.75                 198.                                       D410200300031 
 12.26                 219.                                       D410200300032 
 12.76                 239.                                       D410200300033 
 13.33                 257.                                       D410200300034 
 13.89                 271.                                       D410200300035 
 14.32                 281.                                       D410200300036 
 14.90      0.27       291.      10.                              D410200300037 
 15.36                 298.                                       D410200300038 
 15.95                 303.                                       D410200300039 
 16.64                 307.                                       D410200300040 
 17.30                 307.                                       D410200300041 
 17.89                 307.                                       D410200300042 
 18.37                 306.                                       D410200300043 
 19.19                 303.                                       D410200300044 
 19.62                 298.                                       D410200300045 
 20.00      0.20       295.      10.                              D410200300046 
ENDDATA             30          0                                 D410200300047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 D410200399999 
SUBENT        D4102004   20201208                             D129D410200400001 
BIB                  4          5                                 D410200400002 
REACTION   (24-CR-52(D,2N)25-MN-52-G,M+,SIG)                      D410200400003 
SAMPLE     Natural stainless steel foils                          D410200400004 
DECAY-DATA (25-MN-52-G,5.6D,B+,,0.35)                             D410200400005 
HISTORY    (20160513U) VS. T1/2 corrected.                        D410200400006 
           (20201208A) On. Numerical expression revised.          D410200400007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 D410200400008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D410200400009 
DATA                 3         22                                 D410200400010 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA                                        D410200400011 
MEV        MEV        MB                                          D410200400012 
  7.44                   2.                                       D410200400013 
  8.18                   7.                                       D410200400014 
  8.61      0.31        12.                                       D410200400015 
  9.07                  19.                                       D410200400016 
  9.71                  35.                                       D410200400017 
 10.22                  52.                                       D410200400018 
 10.88                  72.                                       D410200400019 
 11.59                  97.                                       D410200400020 
 11.97      0.23       111.                                       D410200400021 
 12.43                 122.                                       D410200400022 
 13.07                 137.                                       D410200400023 
 13.71                 151.                                       D410200400024 
 14.37                 165.                                       D410200400025 
 14.90      0.23       172.                                       D410200400026 
 15.41                 181.                                       D410200400027 
 16.20                 189.                                       D410200400028 
 17.07                 196.                                       D410200400029 
 17.89                 201.                                       D410200400030 
 18.65                 202.                                       D410200400031 
 19.19                 200.                                       D410200400032 
 19.64                 195.                                       D410200400033 
 19.95      0.23       191.                                       D410200400034 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 D410200400035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 D410200499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 D410299999999