ENTRY            D4123   20060828                             D049D412300000001 
SUBENT        D4123001   20060828                             D049D412300100001 
BIB                 16         55                                 D412300100002 
TITLE      Experimental studies of the deuteron-induced activationD412300100003 
           cross-sections on natural Ag                           D412300100004 
AUTHOR     (M.S.Uddin,M.Baba,M.Hagiwara,F.Tarkanyi,F.Ditroi,      D412300100005 
           S.Takacs,A.Hermanne)                                   D412300100006 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNTOH,3HUNDEB,2BLGVUB)                              D412300100007 
REFERENCE  (J,ARI,64,1013,2006)                                   D412300100008 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNTOH) K=110 MeV AVF cyclotron                D412300100009 
           (CYCLO,2BLGVUB) CGR 560 cyclotron                      D412300100010 
SAMPLE     Natural silver target, thicknesses:                    D412300100011 
           0.0524 g/cm2 (Sendai) and 0.0084 g/cm2 (Brussels).     D412300100012 
METHOD     (STTA,ACTIV,GSPEC)                                     D412300100013 
           Two stacks were irradiated.                            D412300100014 
           Composition of the stacks: several identical groups    D412300100015 
           of Al-Cd-Ag-Pt-Ir-Cu foils (Sendai) and                D412300100016 
           of Ag-Ti foils (Brussels).                             D412300100017 
           Primary energies of the deuteron beams: 40, 21 MeV,    D412300100018 
           beam intensities: 140, 200 nA,                         D412300100019 
           irradiation times: 27 min, 1 h,                        D412300100020 
           measurements started: 20 and 0.5 h after the end of    D412300100021 
           bombardment in Sendai and Brussels, respectively.      D412300100022 
           Each sample was measured three times after the         D412300100023 
           irradiation.                                           D412300100024 
           Nondestructive measurement without chemical separation.D412300100025 
           Energy losses in the sample foils and stopping powers  D412300100026 
           were calculated using the SRIM-2003 code.              D412300100027 
CORRECTION The data were corrected for the coincidence summing    D412300100028 
           effect caused by the coincidental detection of two or  D412300100029 
           more gamma-rays in cascade by using the SUMECC code.   D412300100030 
           The beam losses along the foils in stack due to        D412300100031 
           multiple scattering are negligibly small.              D412300100032 
DECAY-DATA Decay data were taken from NuDat database.             D412300100033 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) Sample-detector distances:                      D412300100034 
           5 and 19 cm in Sendai, 5 and 10 cm in Brussels.        D412300100035 
MONITOR    (13-AL-27(D,X)11-NA-24,,SIG)                           D412300100036 
           (22-TI-0(D,X)23-V-48,,SIG)                             D412300100037 
           Thickness of Al monitor foils: 0.00675 g/cm2,          D412300100038 
           thickness of Ti monitor foils: 0.0054 g/cm2.           D412300100039 
MONIT-REF  (,F.TARKANYI+,R,IAEA-TECDOC-1211,2001) Chapter 4       D412300100040 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The combined uncertainty on cross-section was  D412300100041 
           estimated                                              D412300100042 
             * from the statistical error of                      D412300100043 
               gamma ray counting (0.2-10%),                      D412300100044 
             * error of the monitor flux (3-5%) and               D412300100045 
             * the error in efficiency calibration                D412300100046 
               of the gamma ray (3%).                             D412300100047 
ADD-RES    (COMP) The measured experimental data were compared to D412300100048 
           those found in the literature.                         D412300100049 
           (THEO) The measured experimental data were compared to D412300100050 
           and analyzed with theoretical calculations based on    D412300100051 
           the code TALYS.                                        D412300100052 
           (TTY-C) On the basis of the new experimental cross     D412300100053 
           sections integral yields were calculated and compared  D412300100054 
           to experimental yields taken from the literature.      D412300100055 
HISTORY    (20060606C) KB                                         D412300100056 
STATUS     (APRVD) S. Takacs, 2006.08.28.                         D412300100057 
ENDBIB              55          0                                 D412300100058 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D412300100059 
ENDSUBENT           58          0                                 D412300199999 
SUBENT        D4123002   20060828                             D049D412300200001 
BIB                  3         12                                 D412300200002 
REACTION  1(47-AG-0(D,X)47-AG-105-G,CUM,SIG)                      D412300200003 
           Includes contribution from 105Cd and                   D412300200004 
           105mAg (99.7% internal transition) after their         D412300200005 
           total decay.                                           D412300200006 
          2(47-AG-0(D,X)47-AG-106-M,,SIG)                         D412300200007 
DECAY-DATA1(47-AG-105-G,41.29D,DG,280.44,0.302,                   D412300200008 
                               DG,344.52,0.414)                   D412300200009 
           (47-AG-105-M,7.2MIN)                                   D412300200010 
          2(47-AG-106-M,8.4D,DG,406.18,0.135,                     D412300200011 
                             DG,717.34,0.291,                     D412300200012 
                             DG,1045.83,0.297)                    D412300200013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 2 of the ref.       D412300200014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 D412300200015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D412300200016 
DATA                 5         20                                 D412300200017 
EN         DATA      1ERR-T     1DATA      2ERR-T     2           D412300200018 
MEV        MB         MB         MB         MB                    D412300200019 
     39.31    307.58     15.23       94.09      8.00              D412300200020 
     36.48    243.66     14.09       94.76      8.77              D412300200021 
     33.48    150.73      7.48       97.05      8.70              D412300200022 
     30.28     53.07      2.65       86.27      7.76              D412300200023 
     26.83      4.78      0.27       58.48      5.55              D412300200024 
     23.03      0.95      0.08       25.59      2.06              D412300200025 
     20.91      0.34      0.045      12.1       1.36              D412300200026 
     19.65      0.20      0.03        5.2       0.59              D412300200027 
     18.73      0.28      0.03        2.83      0.27              D412300200028 
     18.32      0.03      0.01        1.9       0.22              D412300200029 
     16.92      0.02      0.004       0.7       0.08              D412300200030 
     15.43      0.05      0.01        0.4       0.05              D412300200031 
     13.82                            0.3       0.04              D412300200032 
     12.06                            0.2       0.02              D412300200033 
     10.82      0.204     0.04        0.58      0.16              D412300200034 
     10.09                            0.1       0.02              D412300200035 
      7.78                            0.1       0.02              D412300200036 
      7.07                            0.1       0.02              D412300200037 
      6.31                            0.1       0.02              D412300200038 
      2.62      0.198     0.03        0.65      0.12              D412300200039 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 D412300200040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 D412300299999 
SUBENT        D4123003   20060828                             D049D412300300001 
BIB                  3          4                                 D412300300002 
REACTION   (47-AG-0(D,X)47-AG-110-M,,SIG)                         D412300300003 
DECAY-DATA (47-AG-110-M,249.79D,DG,657.7,0.947,                   D412300300004 
                                DG,884.6,0.728)                   D412300300005 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 2 of the ref.       D412300300006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 D412300300007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D412300300008 
DATA                 3         21                                 D412300300009 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       D412300300010 
MEV        MB         MB                                          D412300300011 
     39.31       3.38      0.39                                   D412300300012 
     36.48       3.60      0.37                                   D412300300013 
     33.48       3.89      0.38                                   D412300300014 
     30.28       4.74      0.35                                   D412300300015 
     26.83       5.45      0.31                                   D412300300016 
     23.03       6.79      0.30                                   D412300300017 
     20.91       8.15      0.92                                   D412300300018 
     19.65       8.95      1.01                                   D412300300019 
     18.73       8.18      0.34                                   D412300300020 
     18.32       8.90      1.00                                   D412300300021 
     16.92      10.19      1.15                                   D412300300022 
     15.43      11.40      1.28                                   D412300300023 
     13.82      12.38      1.39                                   D412300300024 
     12.06      12.21      1.38                                   D412300300025 
     10.82      11.28      0.49                                   D412300300026 
     10.09      12.48      1.41                                   D412300300027 
      7.78       6.46      0.73                                   D412300300028 
      7.07       3.74      0.42                                   D412300300029 
      6.31       1.67      0.19                                   D412300300030 
      5.48       0.40      0.06                                   D412300300031 
      2.62       0.35      0.06                                   D412300300032 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 D412300300033 
ENDSUBENT           32          0                                 D412300399999 
SUBENT        D4123004   20060828                             D049D412300400001 
BIB                  4          7                                 D412300400002 
REACTION  1(47-AG-0(D,X)48-CD-107,,SIG)                           D412300400003 
          2(47-AG-0(D,X)48-CD-109,,SIG)                           D412300400004 
DECAY-DATA1(48-CD-107,6.5HR,DG,93.1,0.0467,                       D412300400005 
                            DG,828.9)                             D412300400006 
          2(48-CD-109,462.9D,DG,88.03,0.0361)                     D412300400007 
CRITIQUE   It is not clear if any disturbing X-ray was excluded.  D412300400008 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 2 of the ref.       D412300400009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 D412300400010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D412300400011 
DATA                 5         25                                 D412300400012 
EN         DATA      1ERR-T     1DATA      2ERR-T     2           D412300400013 
MEV        MB         MB         MB         MB                    D412300400014 
   39.31       214.70     14.4       181.92      9.01             D412300400015 
   36.48       245.65     14.8       173.70      8.86             D412300400016 
   33.48       211.67     12.90      133.10      6.78             D412300400017 
   30.28       158.00      9.99      111.62      5.66             D412300400018 
   26.83       115.42      6.87       99.81      5.10             D412300400019 
   23.03       134.87      8.13      116.29      6.00             D412300400020 
   20.91       214.12     24.04      155.12     17.50             D412300400021 
   19.65       262.46     29.46      196.02     22.10             D412300400022 
   18.73       260.03     15.60      206.82     14.30             D412300400023 
   18.32       318.97     35.80      235.99     26.50             D412300400024 
   16.92       365.37     41.10      308.97     34.70             D412300400025 
   15.43       393.45     44.17      379.26     42.60             D412300400026 
   13.82       376.92     42.31      399.91     45.00             D412300400027 
   12.06       300.27     33.71      351.85     39.60             D412300400028 
   10.82                             290.75     40.40             D412300400029 
   10.09       216.06     24.25      261.56     29.40             D412300400030 
    7.78        57.33      6.44       89.50     10.10             D412300400031 
    7.07        22.47      2.52       46.97      5.37             D412300400032 
    6.31         4.47      0.50       19.25      2.36             D412300400033 
    5.48         0.27      0.03        9.55      1.42             D412300400034 
    4.56         0.09      0.01        8.09      1.24             D412300400035 
    3.51         0.07      0.01       10.55      1.32             D412300400036 
    2.62         0.74      0.04        2.17      0.30             D412300400037 
    2.21         0.08      0.01        8.93      1.25             D412300400038 
    0.44                               8.45      1.18             D412300400039 
ENDDATA             27          0                                 D412300400040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 D412300499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 D412399999999