ENTRY            D4155   20061110                             D052D415500000001 
SUBENT        D4155001   20061110                             D052D415500100001 
BIB                 13        100                                 D415500100002 
TITLE      Gamma ray production cross-sections of deuteron        D415500100003 
           induced nuclear reactions for light element analysis   D415500100004 
AUTHOR     (G.A.Sziki,A.Simon,Z.Szikszai,Zs.Kertesz,E.Dobos)      D415500100005 
INSTITUTE  (3HUNDEB)                                              D415500100006 
REFERENCE  (J,NIM/B,251,343,2006)                                 D415500100007 
FACILITY   (VDG,3HUNDEB)                                          D415500100008 
SAMPLE     Thin film samples were prepared onto Ta and Al         D415500100009 
           substrate simultaneously.                              D415500100010 
           For the chemical and thickness analysis of the thin    D415500100011 
           layers Rutherford backscattering spectrometry was      D415500100012 
           applied using focused ion beams of a few tens of       D415500100013 
           micrometer size. DIGE measurements were performed also D415500100014 
           on the samples with aluminium substrate at 1.8 MeV     D415500100015 
           deuteron energy, approximately on the same areas as    D415500100016 
           the RBS measurements. Comparing the measured gamma     D415500100017 
           yields, the number density of a certain isotope on the D415500100018 
           tantalum substrate could be deduced from the RBS       D415500100019 
           results for the same isotope on the aluminum foil.     D415500100020 
METHOD     (SITA,GSPEC,TTM)                                       D415500100021 
           The DIGE measurements were carried out on the right    D415500100022 
           30 degree beamline of the 5 MV Van de Graaff           D415500100023 
           electrostatic accelerator of ATOMKI.                   D415500100024 
           The experimental set-up was specially designed in orderD415500100025 
           to provide ideal circumstances for the measurements.   D415500100026 
           Provision was made to minimize background gamma        D415500100027 
           radiation.                                             D415500100028 
           The sample was positioned in the middle of an          D415500100029 
           electrically insulated chamber, which served as an     D415500100030 
           ideal Faraday cup. The current dose was measured on    D415500100031 
           the chamber by an ORTEC 439 digital current integrator.D415500100032 
           The measurement on each thin target was started at a   D415500100033 
           beam energy of 2 MeV and continued downwards with      D415500100034 
           energy steps of 50 keV until 0.6 MeV. In some cases,   D415500100035 
           to see certain parts of the yield curves more detailed,D415500100036 
           measurements at further energy points were made. To    D415500100037 
           check the stability of each target, control            D415500100038 
           measurements were also made after completing a series  D415500100039 
           of measurements in the 2-0.6 MeV range. The applied    D415500100040 
           beam current was gradually increased from 2 nA to      D415500100041 
           10 nA conforming to the decreasing cross-section valuesD415500100042 
           with decreasing deuteron energy.                       D415500100043 
ANALYSIS   The method that was applied for the accurate           D415500100044 
           determination of gamma-ray production cross-section is D415500100045 
           based on the basic formula of yield calculus in thick  D415500100046 
           and intermediate thick targets, utilizing thick target D415500100047 
           yields measured on compounds and also the measured     D415500100048 
           thin target gamma-ray yield curves.                    D415500100049 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) The gamma radiation was detected by a HPGe      D415500100050 
           detector, placed at an angle of 60 degree to the beam  D415500100051 
           axis and at a distance of 10 cm from the target.       D415500100052 
           Nominal relative efficiency: 40%, resolution: 2 keV    D415500100053 
           at 1.33 MeV gamma-energy. Length and diameter of the   D415500100054 
           Ge crystal: 61.5 mm and 59.5 mm.                       D415500100055 
           The absolute efficiency (the product of the intrinsic  D415500100056 
           efficiency and the solid angle of the detector) was    D415500100057 
           determined by a 152Eu radioactive source, placed at    D415500100058 
           the target position.                                   D415500100059 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) From the excitation curve measurement on a    D415500100060 
           thick target a beam energy spread of 1.5 keV was       D415500100061 
           deduced and an energy shift of 2 keV from the earlier  D415500100062 
           calibration was observed. These shifts cause generally D415500100063 
           less than 0.5% relative error in the measured cross-   D415500100064 
           section values, and this error does not exceed 2% even D415500100065 
           at the steepest section of the curves, thus it is      D415500100066 
           negligible in comparison to the other error values.    D415500100067 
           (ERR-S) The statistical error of each presented value  D415500100068 
           was calculated according to the well-known rule of     D415500100069 
           error propagation. Namely, it was derived from the     D415500100070 
           errors of the measured thin target yields and that of  D415500100071 
           K which depends on the thin/thick target yields.       D415500100072 
           The statistical uncertainty of net peak area values wasD415500100073 
           0.5-2% except some thin target spectra at low          D415500100074 
           bombarding energy where it reached 6-8%.               D415500100075 
           Accuracy of the cross-section data is affected through D415500100076 
           the following factors:                                 D415500100077 
            * certified concentration of the analyzed element     D415500100078 
              in the thick target <1.0%,                          D415500100079 
            * accumulated charge <0.3%,                           D415500100080 
            * absolute efficiency of the gamma-ray detection ~3%, D415500100081 
            * stopping power of the sample for the bombarding     D415500100082 
              particle ~3%.                                       D415500100083 
           The fact that the samples have finite thickness can    D415500100084 
           introduce further error which have to be taken into    D415500100085 
           consideration at the 11B(d,p)12B reaction. The         D415500100086 
           contribution is less than 2% above 1.2 MeV but can     D415500100087 
           reach 5-10% at low deuteron energies.                  D415500100088 
           From the above-mentioned data it follows that the      D415500100089 
           overall accuracy of cross-section determination is     D415500100090 
           less then 7% in the case of the 6Li(d,p)7Li,           D415500100091 
                                           9Be(d,n)10B,           D415500100092 
                                           16O(d,p)17O and        D415500100093 
                                           19F(d,p)20F reactions  D415500100094 
           and less than 9% at the 11B(d,p)12B reaction, except   D415500100095 
           some low energy data of minor analytical importance.   D415500100096 
ADD-RES    Fitting adequate functions to the measured values      D415500100097 
           below 1 MeV, the yield curves were extrapolated to the D415500100098 
           0-0.6 MeV energy range and then converted into         D415500100099 
           cross-sections.                                        D415500100100 
HISTORY    (20061110C) KB                                         D415500100101 
STATUS     (APRVD) G.A. Sziki 2007.01.19.                         D415500100102 
ENDBIB             100          0                                 D415500100103 
COMMON               2          3                                 D415500100104 
ANG        EN-ERR                                                 D415500100105 
ADEG       KEV                                                    D415500100106 
60.        1.5                                                    D415500100107 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D415500100108 
ENDSUBENT          107          0                                 D415500199999 
SUBENT        D4155002   20061110                             D052D415500200001 
BIB                  4          7                                 D415500200002 
REACTION   (3-LI-6(D,P)3-LI-7,PAR,DA,G)                           D415500200003 
PART-DET   (G) 478 keV                                            D415500200004 
SAMPLE     LiF layer on Ta substrate made by vacuum evaporation.  D415500200005 
           Thickness: 12+-1 microg/cm**2.                         D415500200006 
           Number of nuclei: 6,7Li (311+-15)E+15 atom/cm**2,      D415500200007 
                             19F (273+-12)E+15 atom/cm**2.        D415500200008 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 3 of the ref.       D415500200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 D415500200010 
COMMON               1          3                                 D415500200011 
E                                                                 D415500200012 
KEV                                                               D415500200013 
  478.0                                                           D415500200014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D415500200015 
DATA                 3         28                                 D415500200016 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       D415500200017 
KEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                                       D415500200018 
      2000.     143.        2.                                    D415500200019 
      1950.     146.        2.                                    D415500200020 
      1900.     139.        2.                                    D415500200021 
      1850.     136.        2.                                    D415500200022 
      1800.     134.        2.                                    D415500200023 
      1775.     125.        2.                                    D415500200024 
      1750.     125.        2.                                    D415500200025 
      1725.     125.        2.                                    D415500200026 
      1700.     124.        2.                                    D415500200027 
      1675.     119.        2.                                    D415500200028 
      1650.     113.        1.                                    D415500200029 
      1600.     111.        1.                                    D415500200030 
      1550.     104.        1.                                    D415500200031 
      1500.     101.        1.                                    D415500200032 
      1450.      93.9       1.3                                   D415500200033 
      1400.      87.8       1.3                                   D415500200034 
      1350.      85.7       1.2                                   D415500200035 
      1300.      81.3       1.2                                   D415500200036 
      1250.      79.2       1.1                                   D415500200037 
      1200.      75.6       1.1                                   D415500200038 
      1150.      69.4       1.0                                   D415500200039 
      1100.      58.7       0.9                                   D415500200040 
      1050.      54.0       0.8                                   D415500200041 
      1000.      39.9       0.7                                   D415500200042 
       950.      25.8       0.5                                   D415500200043 
       900.      15.7       0.5                                   D415500200044 
       850.       8.54      0.35                                  D415500200045 
       800.       4.87      0.33                                  D415500200046 
ENDDATA             30          0                                 D415500200047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 D415500299999 
SUBENT        D4155003   20061110                             D052D415500300001 
BIB                  4          6                                 D415500300002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(D,N)5-B-10,PAR,DA,G)                           D415500300003 
PART-DET   (G) 718 keV                                            D415500300004 
SAMPLE     Be layer on Ta substrate made by vacuum evaporation.   D415500300005 
           Thickness: 40+-3 microg/cm**2.                         D415500300006 
           Number of nuclei: 9Be (2650+-175)E+15 atom/cm**2.      D415500300007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 3 of the ref.       D415500300008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 D415500300009 
COMMON               1          3                                 D415500300010 
E                                                                 D415500300011 
KEV                                                               D415500300012 
  718.0                                                           D415500300013 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D415500300014 
DATA                 3         28                                 D415500300015 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       D415500300016 
KEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                                       D415500300017 
      2000.      17.4       0.3                                   D415500300018 
      1950.      17.5       0.3                                   D415500300019 
      1850.      17.7       0.3                                   D415500300020 
      1800.      17.6       0.3                                   D415500300021 
      1750.      17.8       0.3                                   D415500300022 
      1700.      18.0       0.3                                   D415500300023 
      1650.      18.2       0.3                                   D415500300024 
      1600.      17.4       0.3                                   D415500300025 
      1550.      17.6       0.3                                   D415500300026 
      1500.      17.7       0.3                                   D415500300027 
      1450.      17.5       0.2                                   D415500300028 
      1400.      16.6       0.2                                   D415500300029 
      1350.      16.2       0.2                                   D415500300030 
      1300.      16.2       0.2                                   D415500300031 
      1250.      16.0       0.2                                   D415500300032 
      1200.      16.1       0.2                                   D415500300033 
      1150.      15.2       0.2                                   D415500300034 
      1100.      14.9       0.2                                   D415500300035 
      1050.      14.6       0.2                                   D415500300036 
      1000.      14.3       0.2                                   D415500300037 
       950.      12.9       0.2                                   D415500300038 
       900.      12.3       0.2                                   D415500300039 
       850.      11.6       0.2                                   D415500300040 
       800.      10.9       0.2                                   D415500300041 
       750.      10.2       0.1                                   D415500300042 
       700.       9.23      0.13                                  D415500300043 
       650.       8.23      0.12                                  D415500300044 
       600.       6.99      0.10                                  D415500300045 
ENDDATA             30          0                                 D415500300046 
ENDSUBENT           45          0                                 D415500399999 
SUBENT        D4155004   20061110                             D052D415500400001 
BIB                  4          8                                 D415500400002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(D,P)5-B-12,PAR,DA,G)                           D415500400003 
PART-DET   (G) 953 keV and 1674 keV                               D415500400004 
SAMPLE     LiBO2 layer on Ta substrate made by vacuum evaporation.D415500400005 
           Thickness: 68+-4 microg/cm**2.                         D415500400006 
           Number of nuclei: 6,7Li (816+-47)E+15 atom/cm**2,      D415500400007 
                             10,11B (816+-47)E+15 atom/cm**2,     D415500400008 
                             16O (1632+-93)E+15 atom/cm**2.       D415500400009 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 3 of the ref.       D415500400010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 D415500400011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D415500400012 
DATA                 4         53                                 D415500400013 
E          EN         DATA       ERR-S                            D415500400014 
KEV        KEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                            D415500400015 
      953.      2000.     7.88      0.15                          D415500400016 
      953.      1950.     7.81      0.13                          D415500400017 
      953.      1900.     7.45      0.13                          D415500400018 
      953.      1850.     7.31      0.13                          D415500400019 
      953.      1800.     7.03      0.13                          D415500400020 
      953.      1750.     6.72      0.12                          D415500400021 
      953.      1700.     6.73      0.12                          D415500400022 
      953.      1650.     6.62      0.11                          D415500400023 
      953.      1600.     6.25      0.11                          D415500400024 
      953.      1550.     6.22      0.11                          D415500400025 
      953.      1500.     6.15      0.11                          D415500400026 
      953.      1450.     6.07      0.12                          D415500400027 
      953.      1400.     5.83      0.10                          D415500400028 
      953.      1350.     5.64      0.11                          D415500400029 
      953.      1300.     5.25      0.09                          D415500400030 
      953.      1250.     5.07      0.10                          D415500400031 
      953.      1200.     4.70      0.10                          D415500400032 
      953.      1150.     4.37      0.09                          D415500400033 
      953.      1100.     4.01      0.09                          D415500400034 
      953.      1050.     3.74      0.08                          D415500400035 
      953.      1000.     3.39      0.07                          D415500400036 
      953.       950.     3.03      0.07                          D415500400037 
      953.       900.     2.56      0.06                          D415500400038 
      953.       850.     2.08      0.05                          D415500400039 
      953.       800.     1.78      0.04                          D415500400040 
      953.       750.     1.52      0.04                          D415500400041 
      953.       700.     1.19      0.03                          D415500400042 
      953.       650.     0.94      0.03                          D415500400043 
      953.       600.     0.67      0.02                          D415500400044 
     1674.      2000.    12.6       0.2                           D415500400045 
     1674.      1950.    12.3       0.2                           D415500400046 
     1674.      1900.    11.8       0.2                           D415500400047 
     1674.      1850.    11.9       0.2                           D415500400048 
     1674.      1800.    11.5       0.2                           D415500400049 
     1674.      1750.    10.9       0.2                           D415500400050 
     1674.      1700.    10.7       0.2                           D415500400051 
     1674.      1650.    10.2       0.2                           D415500400052 
     1674.      1600.     9.68      0.16                          D415500400053 
     1674.      1550.     9.52      0.16                          D415500400054 
     1674.      1500.     8.79      0.15                          D415500400055 
     1674.      1450.     8.21      0.15                          D415500400056 
     1674.      1400.     6.98      0.13                          D415500400057 
     1674.      1350.     6.45      0.13                          D415500400058 
     1674.      1300.     5.92      0.11                          D415500400059 
     1674.      1250.     4.88      0.11                          D415500400060 
     1674.      1200.     4.18      0.10                          D415500400061 
     1674.      1150.     3.38      0.09                          D415500400062 
     1674.      1100.     2.39      0.08                          D415500400063 
     1674.      1050.     1.71      0.07                          D415500400064 
     1674.      1000.     1.27      0.06                          D415500400065 
     1674.       950.     0.53      0.05                          D415500400066 
     1674.       900.     0.29      0.02                          D415500400067 
     1674.       850.     0.12      0.01                          D415500400068 
ENDDATA             55          0                                 D415500400069 
ENDSUBENT           68          0                                 D415500499999 
SUBENT        D4155005   20061110                             D052D415500500001 
BIB                  4         10                                 D415500500002 
REACTION   (8-O-16(D,P)8-O-17,PAR,DA,G)                           D415500500003 
PART-DET   (G) 871 keV                                            D415500500004 
SAMPLE     Titanium-oxide layer was deposited onto Ta substrate   D415500500005 
           by DC reactive magnetron sputtering from pure (99.999%)D415500500006 
           Ti target. During the deposition the oxygen was added  D415500500007 
           to the argon plasma.                                   D415500500008 
           Thickness: 27+-1 microg/cm**2.                         D415500500009 
           Number of nuclei: 16O (107+-5)E+15 atom/cm**2,         D415500500010 
               46,47,48,49,50Ti (307+-14)E+15 atom/cm**2.         D415500500011 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 3 of the ref.       D415500500012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 D415500500013 
COMMON               1          3                                 D415500500014 
E                                                                 D415500500015 
KEV                                                               D415500500016 
   871.0                                                          D415500500017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D415500500018 
DATA                 3         43                                 D415500500019 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       D415500500020 
KEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                                       D415500500021 
     2000.     32.3       0.5                                     D415500500022 
     1950.     28.8       0.5                                     D415500500023 
     1900.     23.6       0.5                                     D415500500024 
     1850.     20.7       0.4                                     D415500500025 
     1800.     19.2       0.4                                     D415500500026 
     1750.     19.7       0.4                                     D415500500027 
     1700.     20.1       0.4                                     D415500500028 
     1650.     19.1       0.4                                     D415500500029 
     1600.     17.1       0.3                                     D415500500030 
     1550.     15.7       0.3                                     D415500500031 
     1500.     14.6       0.3                                     D415500500032 
     1450.     15.6       0.3                                     D415500500033 
     1400.     15.2       0.3                                     D415500500034 
     1350.     13.5       0.3                                     D415500500035 
     1325.     12.4       0.2                                     D415500500036 
     1315.     12.3       0.2                                     D415500500037 
     1305.     14.1       0.3                                     D415500500038 
     1295.     11.9       0.2                                     D415500500039 
     1285.     10.4       0.2                                     D415500500040 
     1275.      9.72      0.17                                    D415500500041 
     1250.      8.25      0.17                                    D415500500042 
     1200.      6.49      0.14                                    D415500500043 
     1150.      6.17      0.14                                    D415500500044 
     1100.      5.62      0.12                                    D415500500045 
     1050.      7.06      0.14                                    D415500500046 
     1025.      8.41      0.15                                    D415500500047 
     1010.      9.86      0.16                                    D415500500048 
     1000.     10.5       0.2                                     D415500500049 
      990.     10.6       0.2                                     D415500500050 
      980.     10.9       0.2                                     D415500500051 
      970.     11.3       0.2                                     D415500500052 
      960.     10.2       0.2                                     D415500500053 
      950.      8.57      0.14                                    D415500500054 
      940.      7.12      0.13                                    D415500500055 
      930.      6.55      0.14                                    D415500500056 
      920.      5.67      0.13                                    D415500500057 
      900.      5.33      0.12                                    D415500500058 
      850.      3.93      0.09                                    D415500500059 
      800.      3.60      0.08                                    D415500500060 
      750.      2.73      0.08                                    D415500500061 
      700.      1.68      0.05                                    D415500500062 
      650.      1.23      0.04                                    D415500500063 
      600.      0.93      0.04                                    D415500500064 
ENDDATA             45          0                                 D415500500065 
ENDSUBENT           64          0                                 D415500599999 
SUBENT        D4155006   20061110                             D052D415500600001 
BIB                  4          7                                 D415500600002 
REACTION   (9-F-19(D,P)9-F-20,PAR,DA,G)                           D415500600003 
PART-DET   (G) 656 keV                                            D415500600004 
SAMPLE     LiF layer on Ta substrate made by vacuum evaporation.  D415500600005 
           Thickness: 12+-1 microg/cm**2.                         D415500600006 
           Number of nuclei: 6,7Li (311+-15)E+15 atom/cm**2,      D415500600007 
                             19F (273+-12)E+15 atom/cm**2.        D415500600008 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 3 of the ref.       D415500600009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 D415500600010 
COMMON               1          3                                 D415500600011 
E                                                                 D415500600012 
KEV                                                               D415500600013 
   656.0                                                          D415500600014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D415500600015 
DATA                 3         29                                 D415500600016 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       D415500600017 
KEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                                       D415500600018 
     2000.     5.82      0.12                                     D415500600019 
     1950.     5.32      0.10                                     D415500600020 
     1900.     5.06      0.10                                     D415500600021 
     1850.     4.59      0.09                                     D415500600022 
     1800.     4.31      0.08                                     D415500600023 
     1775.     4.05      0.08                                     D415500600024 
     1750.     3.95      0.08                                     D415500600025 
     1725.     4.00      0.08                                     D415500600026 
     1700.     3.63      0.07                                     D415500600027 
     1675.     3.48      0.07                                     D415500600028 
     1650.     3.37      0.06                                     D415500600029 
     1600.     3.16      0.07                                     D415500600030 
     1550.     3.12      0.06                                     D415500600031 
     1500.     3.01      0.06                                     D415500600032 
     1450.     2.54      0.06                                     D415500600033 
     1400.     2.34      0.06                                     D415500600034 
     1350.     2.03      0.05                                     D415500600035 
     1300.     1.89      0.05                                     D415500600036 
     1250.     1.76      0.05                                     D415500600037 
     1200.     1.55      0.04                                     D415500600038 
     1150.     1.14      0.04                                     D415500600039 
     1100.     0.84      0.04                                     D415500600040 
     1050.     0.73      0.03                                     D415500600041 
     1000.     0.58      0.03                                     D415500600042 
      950.     0.44      0.03                                     D415500600043 
      900.     0.36      0.03                                     D415500600044 
      850.     0.29      0.02                                     D415500600045 
      800.     0.16      0.01                                     D415500600046 
      750.     0.062     0.005                                    D415500600047 
ENDDATA             31          0                                 D415500600048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 D415500699999 
ENDENTRY             6          0                                 D415599999999