ENTRY            D4179   20070329                             D056D417900000001 
SUBENT        D4179001   20070329                             D056D417900100001 
BIB                 17         84                                 D417900100002 
TITLE      Activation cross sections on cadmium: Deuteron induced D417900100003 
           nuclear reactions up to 40 MeV                         D417900100004 
AUTHOR     (F.Tarkanyi, B.Kiraly, F.Ditroi, S.Takacs, J.Csikai,   D417900100005 
           A.Hermanne, M.S.Uddin, M.Hagiwara, M.Baba, T.Ido,      D417900100006 
           Yu.N.Shubin, S.F.Kovalev)                              D417900100007 
INSTITUTE  (3HUNDEB,3HUNKOS,2BLGVUB,2JPNTOH,4RUSFEI)              D417900100008 
REFERENCE  (J,NIM/B,259,817,2007)                                 D417900100009 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNTOH) First stack.                           D417900100010 
           (CYCLO,2BLGVUB) Second stack.                          D417900100011 
SAMPLE     Natural cadmium foils, thickness: 15.56 micron.        D417900100012 
METHOD     (STTA,ACTIV,EXTB,GSPEC)                                D417900100013 
           First stack: Cd, Ag, Pt, Ir, Cu and Al foils,          D417900100014 
           second stack: Cd, Cu and Fe foils.                     D417900100015 
           Primary deuteron energies: 40 MeV and 21 MeV,          D417900100016 
           beam intensities: 128 and 159 nA,                      D417900100017 
           irradiation time: 0.45 and 1.00 hours, respectively.   D417900100018 
           In the case of the first stack counting started about  D417900100019 
           23 h after the end of the bombardment because of the   D417900100020 
           high radiation dose, so the information regarding the  D417900100021 
           short-lived radioisotopes was lost.                    D417900100022 
           The recoil effect was found to be negligible.          D417900100023 
           The possible effect of secondary neutrons was checked  D417900100024 
           by placing extra target foils at the end of the stack  D417900100025 
           exposed only to neutrons, possibly generated in the    D417900100026 
           nuclear reactions. No activity was measured in these   D417900100027 
           last foils.                                            D417900100028 
           As the number of secondary protons is of the same orderD417900100029 
           as the number of secondary neutrons and the effect of  D417900100030 
           the latter was negligible, the effect of secondary     D417900100031 
           protons was also considered to be negligible.          D417900100032 
           Nondestructive measurement without chemical separation.D417900100033 
DETECTOR   (HPGE)                                                 D417900100034 
MONITOR    (13-AL-27(D,X)11-NA-22,,SIG)                           D417900100035 
           (13-AL-27(D,X)11-NA-24,,SIG)                           D417900100036 
           (26-FE-0(D,X)27-CO-56,,SIG)                            D417900100037 
           (29-CU-0(D,X)30-ZN-65,,SIG)                            D417900100038 
           Al: 25 micron, Fe: 9.5 micron, Cu: 7.61 micron.        D417900100039 
MONIT-REF  (,F.TARKANYI+,R,IAEA-TECDOC-1211,49,2001) Chapter 4    D417900100040 
           (D4081012,S.TAKACS+,J,NIM/B,174,235,2001)              D417900100041 
COMMENT    In the case of the second stack the two sets of monitorD417900100042 
           cross section values (Cu and Fe) cannot be fitted at   D417900100043 
           the same time to the recommended excitation functions. D417900100044 
           For lack of a good explanation for this behavior it wasD417900100045 
           decided to rely on the Fe monitor because then the new D417900100046 
           cross sections measured in the two experiments agree   D417900100047 
           well in the overlapping energy region.                 D417900100048 
REL-REF    (N,,ANDERSEN+,B,ANDERSEN,,1977)                        D417900100049 
           The median deuteron energy in the successive target    D417900100050 
           foils was determined from the bombarding energy, the   D417900100051 
           stack composition and the foil thickness by            D417900100052 
           calculations on the basis of Andersen and Ziegler and  D417900100053 
           was corrected on the basis of the simultaneously       D417900100054 
           re-measured excitation function of the monitor         D417900100055 
           reactions.                                             D417900100056 
DECAY-DATA Decay data were taken from WWW Table of Radioactive    D417900100057 
           Isotopes by L.P.Ekstrom and R.B.Firestone,             D417900100058 
           database version: 2/28/99.                             D417900100059 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) The uncertainty on the energy of the          D417900100060 
           bombarding beam in the middle of each irradiated foil  D417900100061 
           was estimated by combining the uncertainties of the    D417900100062 
           energy degradation which depend on the thickness of theD417900100063 
           target foils in the stack and the energy straggling.   D417900100064 
           (ERR-T) The total uncertainty was obtained as positive D417900100065 
           square root of a sum of the contributing sources of    D417900100066 
           errors in quadrature form, namely the errors in:       D417900100067 
            * the number of bombarding particles (7%),            D417900100068 
            * the number of target nuclei (3%),                   D417900100069 
            * decay data (3%),                                    D417900100070 
            * detector efficiency (5%) and                        D417900100071 
            * peak area (1-10%).                                  D417900100072 
            (ERR-1) Error in the number of bombarding             D417900100073 
                    particles (7%),                               D417900100074 
            (ERR-2) Error in  the number of target nuclei (3%),   D417900100075 
            (ERR-3) Error in  decay data (3%),                    D417900100076 
            (ERR-4) Error in  detector efficiency (5%)            D417900100077 
ADD-RES    (COMP) The measured experimental data were compared to D417900100078 
           those found in the literature.                         D417900100079 
           (THEO) The measured experimental data were compared to D417900100080 
           and analyzed with theoretical calculations based on    D417900100081 
           the code ALICE-IPPE.                                   D417900100082 
           (TTY-C) On the basis of the new experimental cross     D417900100083 
           sections integral yields were calculated.              D417900100084 
STATUS     (APRVD) S. Takacs, 2007.05.31.                         D417900100085 
HISTORY    (20070329C) KB                                         D417900100086 
ENDBIB              84          0                                 D417900100087 
COMMON               4          3                                 D417900100088 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4                            D417900100089 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         D417900100090 
  7.0        3.0        3.0        5.0                            D417900100091 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D417900100092 
ENDSUBENT           91          0                                 D417900199999 
SUBENT        D4179002   20070329                             D056D417900200001 
BIB                  3          6                                 D417900200002 
REACTION   (48-CD-0(D,X)49-IN-107,,SIG) Second stack.             D417900200003 
           Includes the contribution from the metastable state    D417900200004 
           after its complete decay.                              D417900200005 
DECAY-DATA (49-IN-107-G,32.4MIN,DG,320.92,0.102)                  D417900200006 
           (49-IN-107-M,50.4SEC)                                  D417900200007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 2 of the ref.       D417900200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 D417900200009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D417900200010 
DATA                 4          8                                 D417900200011 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            D417900200012 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               D417900200013 
       6.5       1.3       0.072      0.023                       D417900200014 
       8.0       1.2       0.83       0.21                        D417900200015 
       9.2       1.1       2.54       0.31                        D417900200016 
      10.4       1.0       3.01       0.38                        D417900200017 
      11.5       1.0       3.15       0.37                        D417900200018 
      12.5       0.9       2.30       0.26                        D417900200019 
      13.4       0.8       1.92       0.25                        D417900200020 
      14.3       0.8       1.41       0.26                        D417900200021 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 D417900200022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 D417900299999 
SUBENT        D4179003   20070329                             D056D417900300001 
BIB                  4          9                                 D417900300002 
REACTION  G(48-CD-0(D,X)49-IN-108-G,,SIG) Second stack.           D417900300003 
          M(48-CD-0(D,X)49-IN-108-M,,SIG) Second stack.           D417900300004 
DECAY-DATAG(49-IN-108-G,58.0MIN,DG,875.47,1.00)                   D417900300005 
          M(49-IN-108-M,39.6MIN,DG,632.97,0.76)                   D417900300006 
ANALYSIS   The ground state was identified by its independent     D417900300007 
           gamma line (875.5 keV), while the cross section of the D417900300008 
           metastable state was calculated by separation of the   D417900300009 
           line at 633 keV which is common with the ground state. D417900300010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 2 of the ref.       D417900300011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 D417900300012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D417900300013 
DATA                 6         13                                 D417900300014 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA      GERR-T     GDATA      MERR-T     MD417900300015 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         MB         MB         D417900300016 
      11.5       1.0       0.328      0.067      1.67       0.20  D417900300017 
      12.5       0.9       0.76       0.12       2.24       0.27  D417900300018 
      13.4       0.8       1.31       0.18       2.62       0.31  D417900300019 
      14.3       0.8       1.89       0.25       2.96       0.35  D417900300020 
      15.2       0.7       2.03       0.26       3.71       0.43  D417900300021 
      16.1       0.6       2.53       0.33       3.97       0.48  D417900300022 
      16.9       0.6       2.35       0.30       4.14       0.49  D417900300023 
      17.6       0.5       2.52       0.31       2.98       0.35  D417900300024 
      18.4       0.5       3.02       0.37       2.39       0.29  D417900300025 
      19.1       0.4       2.50       0.36       4.31       0.49  D417900300026 
      19.9       0.4       3.00       0.38       3.51       0.43  D417900300027 
      20.6       0.3       3.02       0.39       3.40       0.42  D417900300028 
      21.2       0.3       3.85       0.49                        D417900300029 
ENDDATA             15          0                                 D417900300030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 D417900399999 
SUBENT        D4179004   20070329                             D056D417900400001 
BIB                  4          8                                 D417900400002 
REACTION   (48-CD-0(D,X)49-IN-109,,SIG)                           D417900400003 
           Includes the contribution from the metastable state    D417900400004 
           after its complete decay.                              D417900400005 
DECAY-DATA (49-IN-109-G,4.2HR,DG,203.5,0.74)                      D417900400006 
           (49-IN-109-M,1.34MIN)                                  D417900400007 
FLAG       (1.) First stack.                                      D417900400008 
           (2.) Second stack.                                     D417900400009 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 2 of the ref.       D417900400010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 D417900400011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D417900400012 
DATA                 5         27                                 D417900400013 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                  D417900400014 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM                D417900400015 
       4.9       1.4       0.243      0.057      2.               D417900400016 
       6.5       1.3       0.114      0.015      2.               D417900400017 
       8.0       1.2       1.09       0.15       2.               D417900400018 
       9.0       1.7       2.98       0.61       1.               D417900400019 
       9.2       1.1       2.52       0.30       2.               D417900400020 
      10.4       1.0       3.20       0.38       2.               D417900400021 
      11.5       1.0       2.83       0.35       2.               D417900400022 
      12.5       0.9       2.15       0.25       2.               D417900400023 
      13.4       0.8       1.51       0.19       2.               D417900400024 
      14.3       0.8       1.27       0.17       2.               D417900400025 
      14.6       1.4       1.28       0.30       1.               D417900400026 
      15.2       0.7       0.81       0.22       2.               D417900400027 
      16.1       0.6       0.96       0.14       2.               D417900400028 
      16.9       0.6       1.06       0.16       2.               D417900400029 
      17.6       0.5       3.16       0.38       2.               D417900400030 
      18.4       0.5       7.65       0.88       2.               D417900400031 
      19.1       0.4      13.9        1.6        2.               D417900400032 
      19.5       1.2      25.5        3.3        1.               D417900400033 
      19.9       0.4      21.0        2.4        2.               D417900400034 
      20.6       0.3      28.6        3.3        2.               D417900400035 
      21.2       0.3      36.9        4.2        2.               D417900400036 
      23.7       1.0      69.5        7.9        1.               D417900400037 
      27.4       0.9      95.        11.         1.               D417900400038 
      30.8       0.7     119.        13.         1.               D417900400039 
      34.0       0.6     116.        13.         1.               D417900400040 
      37.0       0.4     114.        13.         1.               D417900400041 
      39.8       0.3     111.        13.         1.               D417900400042 
ENDDATA             29          0                                 D417900400043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 D417900499999 
SUBENT        D4179005   20070329                             D056D417900500001 
BIB                  5         13                                 D417900500002 
REACTION  G(48-CD-0(D,X)49-IN-110-G,,SIG)                         D417900500003 
          M(48-CD-0(D,X)49-IN-110-M,,SIG)                         D417900500004 
DECAY-DATAG(49-IN-110-G,4.9HR,DG,641.68,0.259,                    D417900500005 
                              DG,706.68/708.13,0.3123,            D417900500006 
                              DG,884.685,0.929,                   D417900500007 
                              DG,937.493,0.684)                   D417900500008 
          M(49-IN-110-M,69.1MIN,DG,657.7622,0.98)                 D417900500009 
FLAG       (1.) First stack.                                      D417900500010 
           (2.) Second stack.                                     D417900500011 
ANALYSIS   Cross sections of the metastable state can only be     D417900500012 
           obtained after separating the contribution of the      D417900500013 
           ground state from the common 657.8 keV gamma line.     D417900500014 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 2 of the ref.       D417900500015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 D417900500016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D417900500017 
DATA                 7         24                                 D417900500018 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA      GERR-T     GDATA      MERR-T     MD417900500019 
FLAG                                                              D417900500020 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         MB         MB         D417900500021 
NO-DIM                                                            D417900500022 
       9.0       1.7        4.60      0.87                        D417900500023 
   1.                                                             D417900500024 
       9.2       1.1        0.586     0.089      5.37      0.66   D417900500025 
   2.                                                             D417900500026 
      10.4       1.0        5.54      0.66      25.2       3.2    D417900500027 
   2.                                                             D417900500028 
      11.5       1.0       13.3       1.6       43.4       5.5    D417900500029 
   2.                                                             D417900500030 
      12.5       0.9       20.7       2.5       48.6       6.5    D417900500031 
   2.                                                             D417900500032 
      13.4       0.8                            57.3       7.7    D417900500033 
   2.                                                             D417900500034 
      14.3       0.8       34.9       4.0       64.8       9.4    D417900500035 
   2.                                                             D417900500036 
      14.6       1.4       40.7       5.2                         D417900500037 
   1.                                                             D417900500038 
      15.2       0.7       40.9       4.7       67.       10.     D417900500039 
   2.                                                             D417900500040 
      16.1       0.6       46.3       5.4       68.       12.     D417900500041 
   2.                                                             D417900500042 
      16.9       0.6       52.9       6.2       68.       11.     D417900500043 
   2.                                                             D417900500044 
      17.6       0.5       59.5       7.0       68.       12.     D417900500045 
   2.                                                             D417900500046 
      18.4       0.5       70.5       8.2       75.       15.     D417900500047 
   2.                                                             D417900500048 
      19.1       0.4       78.6       9.1       78.       17.     D417900500049 
   2.                                                             D417900500050 
      19.5       1.2       83.0       9.9                         D417900500051 
   1.                                                             D417900500052 
      19.9       0.4       84.3       9.8       73.       15.     D417900500053 
   2.                                                             D417900500054 
      20.6       0.3       86.       10.        72.       15.     D417900500055 
   2.                                                             D417900500056 
      21.2       0.3       91.       10.        93.       18.     D417900500057 
   2.                                                             D417900500058 
      23.7       1.0       93.       11.                          D417900500059 
   1.                                                             D417900500060 
      27.4       0.9       90.       11.                          D417900500061 
   1.                                                             D417900500062 
      30.8       0.7      113.       13.                          D417900500063 
   1.                                                             D417900500064 
      34.0       0.6      129.       15.                          D417900500065 
   1.                                                             D417900500066 
      37.0       0.4      145.       17.                          D417900500067 
   1.                                                             D417900500068 
      39.8       0.3      152.       18.                          D417900500069 
   1.                                                             D417900500070 
ENDDATA             52          0                                 D417900500071 
ENDSUBENT           70          0                                 D417900599999 
SUBENT        D4179006   20070329                             D056D417900600001 
BIB                  4          9                                 D417900600002 
REACTION   (48-CD-0(D,X)49-IN-111,,SIG)                           D417900600003 
           Includes the contribution from the metastable state    D417900600004 
           after its complete decay.                              D417900600005 
DECAY-DATA (49-IN-111-G,2.8047D,DG,171.28,0.90,                   D417900600006 
                                DG,245.395,0.94)                  D417900600007 
           (49-IN-111-M,7.7MIN)                                   D417900600008 
FLAG       (1.) First stack.                                      D417900600009 
           (2.) Second stack.                                     D417900600010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 2 of the ref.       D417900600011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 D417900600012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D417900600013 
DATA                 5         27                                 D417900600014 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                  D417900600015 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM                D417900600016 
       4.9       1.4      0.0473    0.0066   2.                   D417900600017 
       6.5       1.3      2.61      0.31     2.                   D417900600018 
       8.0       1.2     26.9       3.1      2.                   D417900600019 
       9.0       1.7     94.       11.       1.                   D417900600020 
       9.2       1.1     80.4       9.5      2.                   D417900600021 
      10.4       1.0    108.       13.       2.                   D417900600022 
      11.5       1.0    117.       14.       2.                   D417900600023 
      12.5       0.9    120.       14.       2.                   D417900600024 
      13.4       0.8    123.       14.       2.                   D417900600025 
      14.3       0.8    135.       16.       2.                   D417900600026 
      14.6       1.4    143.       17.       1.                   D417900600027 
      15.2       0.7    140.       17.       2.                   D417900600028 
      16.1       0.6    149.       18.       2.                   D417900600029 
      16.9       0.6    155.       18.       2.                   D417900600030 
      17.6       0.5    165.       20.       2.                   D417900600031 
      18.4       0.5    183.       22.       2.                   D417900600032 
      19.1       0.4    194.       23.       2.                   D417900600033 
      19.5       1.2    216.       26.       1.                   D417900600034 
      19.9       0.4    203.       24.       2.                   D417900600035 
      20.6       0.3    212.       26.       2.                   D417900600036 
      21.2       0.3    212.       25.       2.                   D417900600037 
      23.7       1.0    269.       32.       1.                   D417900600038 
      27.4       0.9    294.       35.       1.                   D417900600039 
      30.8       0.7    279.       33.       1.                   D417900600040 
      34.0       0.6    248.       29.       1.                   D417900600041 
      37.0       0.4    230.       27.       1.                   D417900600042 
      39.8       0.3    227.       27.       1.                   D417900600043 
ENDDATA             29          0                                 D417900600044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 D417900699999 
SUBENT        D4179007   20070329                             D056D417900700001 
BIB                  3          3                                 D417900700002 
REACTION   (48-CD-0(D,X)49-IN-112-M,,SIG) Second stack.           D417900700003 
DECAY-DATA (49-IN-112-M,20.56MIN,DG,156.56,0.132)                 D417900700004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 2 of the ref.       D417900700005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 D417900700006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D417900700007 
DATA                 4         16                                 D417900700008 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            D417900700009 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               D417900700010 
       8.0       1.2        4.30      0.60                        D417900700011 
       9.2       1.1       22.8       2.8                         D417900700012 
      10.4       1.0       47.9       5.6                         D417900700013 
      11.5       1.0       76.0       8.6                         D417900700014 
      12.5       0.9       94.       11.                          D417900700015 
      13.4       0.8      106.       12.                          D417900700016 
      14.3       0.8      120.       14.                          D417900700017 
      15.2       0.7      135.       15.                          D417900700018 
      16.1       0.6      146.       19.                          D417900700019 
      16.9       0.6      158.       18.                          D417900700020 
      17.6       0.5      159.       18.                          D417900700021 
      18.4       0.5      155.       19.                          D417900700022 
      19.1       0.4      159.       18.                          D417900700023 
      19.9       0.4      177.       21.                          D417900700024 
      20.6       0.3      150.       19.                          D417900700025 
      21.2       0.3      151.       18.                          D417900700026 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 D417900700027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 D417900799999 
SUBENT        D4179008   20070329                             D056D417900800001 
BIB                  3          6                                 D417900800002 
REACTION   (48-CD-0(D,X)49-IN-113-M,IND,SIG) Second stack.        D417900800003 
           Although b-decay of 113mCd populates 113mIn with a     D417900800004 
           ratio of 0.14% and a half life of 14.1 y the           D417900800005 
           contribution of this process is negligible.            D417900800006 
DECAY-DATA (49-IN-113-M,1.6582HR,DG,391.690,0.642)                D417900800007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 2 of the ref.       D417900800008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 D417900800009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D417900800010 
DATA                 4         18                                 D417900800011 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            D417900800012 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               D417900800013 
       4.9       1.4       0.0212    0.0038                       D417900800014 
       6.5       1.3       2.37      0.28                         D417900800015 
       8.0       1.2      24.8       3.7                          D417900800016 
       9.2       1.1      31.8       3.7                          D417900800017 
      10.4       1.0      33.7       3.9                          D417900800018 
      11.5       1.0      32.4       3.8                          D417900800019 
      12.5       0.9      30.2       3.6                          D417900800020 
      13.4       0.8      29.2       3.4                          D417900800021 
      14.3       0.8      30.5       3.5                          D417900800022 
      15.2       0.7      32.0       3.7                          D417900800023 
      16.1       0.6      34.8       4.1                          D417900800024 
      16.9       0.6      37.2       4.4                          D417900800025 
      17.6       0.5      37.9       4.4                          D417900800026 
      18.4       0.5      41.0       4.7                          D417900800027 
      19.1       0.4      42.7       4.9                          D417900800028 
      19.9       0.4      42.4       4.9                          D417900800029 
      20.6       0.3      42.4       4.9                          D417900800030 
      21.2       0.3      44.3       5.2                          D417900800031 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 D417900800032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 D417900899999 
SUBENT        D4179009   20070329                             D056D417900900001 
BIB                  4          7                                 D417900900002 
REACTION   (48-CD-0(D,X)49-IN-114-M,,SIG)                         D417900900003 
DECAY-DATA (49-IN-114-M,49.51D,DG,190.29,0.1556,                  D417900900004 
                               DG,558.456,0.0324,                 D417900900005 
                               DG,725.298,0.0324)                 D417900900006 
FLAG       (1.) First stack.                                      D417900900007 
           (2.) Second stack.                                     D417900900008 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 2 of the ref.       D417900900009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 D417900900010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D417900900011 
DATA                 5         26                                 D417900900012 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                  D417900900013 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM                D417900900014 
       6.5       1.3       0.622     0.095    2.                  D417900900015 
       8.0       1.2      12.2       1.5      2.                  D417900900016 
       9.0       1.7     103.       13.       1.                  D417900900017 
       9.2       1.1      55.7       6.7      2.                  D417900900018 
      10.4       1.0     110.       13.       2.                  D417900900019 
      11.5       1.0     151.       18.       2.                  D417900900020 
      12.5       0.9     176.       21.       2.                  D417900900021 
      13.4       0.8     194.       23.       2.                  D417900900022 
      14.3       0.8     226.       27.       2.                  D417900900023 
      14.6       1.4     256.       31.       1.                  D417900900024 
      15.2       0.7     227.       27.       2.                  D417900900025 
      16.1       0.6     219.       26.       2.                  D417900900026 
      16.9       0.6     198.       24.       2.                  D417900900027 
      17.6       0.5     175.       21.       2.                  D417900900028 
      18.4       0.5     162.       19.       2.                  D417900900029 
      19.1       0.4     143.       17.       2.                  D417900900030 
      19.5       1.2     141.       17.       1.                  D417900900031 
      19.9       0.4     122.       15.       2.                  D417900900032 
      20.6       0.3     109.       13.       2.                  D417900900033 
      21.2       0.3      91.       11.       2.                  D417900900034 
      23.7       1.0      75.3       9.5      1.                  D417900900035 
      27.4       0.9      83.       11.       1.                  D417900900036 
      30.8       0.7     102.       13.       1.                  D417900900037 
      34.0       0.6     108.       13.       1.                  D417900900038 
      37.0       0.4     102.       13.       1.                  D417900900039 
      39.8       0.3      87.       11.       1.                  D417900900040 
ENDDATA             28          0                                 D417900900041 
ENDSUBENT           40          0                                 D417900999999 
SUBENT        D4179010   20070329                             D056D417901000001 
BIB                  4          7                                 D417901000002 
REACTION   (48-CD-0(D,X)49-IN-115-M,IND,SIG) Second stack.        D417901000003 
ANALYSIS   115mIn is populated not only directly by nuclear       D417901000004 
           reactions but also through the decay of 115gCd.        D417901000005 
           Therefore, a separation was needed to get the          D417901000006 
           production cross section of this state.                D417901000007 
DECAY-DATA (49-IN-115-M,4.486HR,DG,336.240,0.4583)                D417901000008 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 2 of the ref.       D417901000009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 D417901000010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D417901000011 
DATA                 4         17                                 D417901000012 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            D417901000013 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               D417901000014 
       6.5       1.3       2.04      0.34                         D417901000015 
       8.0       1.2       9.3       2.5                          D417901000016 
       9.2       1.1      11.3       1.9                          D417901000017 
      10.4       1.0       9.9       1.7                          D417901000018 
      11.5       1.0       8.9       1.6                          D417901000019 
      12.5       0.9       7.6       1.5                          D417901000020 
      13.4       0.8       7.4       1.4                          D417901000021 
      14.3       0.8       9.1       1.8                          D417901000022 
      15.2       0.7       9.6       1.8                          D417901000023 
      16.1       0.6      12.1       2.2                          D417901000024 
      16.9       0.6      12.8       2.5                          D417901000025 
      17.6       0.5      13.3       2.7                          D417901000026 
      18.4       0.5      13.9       2.7                          D417901000027 
      19.1       0.4      14.7       2.4                          D417901000028 
      19.9       0.4      14.3       2.4                          D417901000029 
      20.6       0.3      14.2       2.4                          D417901000030 
      21.2       0.3      14.0       3.5                          D417901000031 
ENDDATA             19          0                                 D417901000032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 D417901099999 
SUBENT        D4179011   20070329                             D056D417901100001 
BIB                  3          8                                 D417901100002 
REACTION   (48-CD-0(D,X)49-IN-116-M1+M2,,SIG) Second stack.       D417901100003 
           Includes the cross section for 116m2In formation in    D417901100004 
           addition to that of 116m1In.                           D417901100005 
DECAY-DATA (49-IN-116-M1,54.29MIN,DG,416.86,0.277,                D417901100006 
                                  DG,1097.326,0.562,              D417901100007 
                                  DG,1293.558,0.844)              D417901100008 
           (49-IN-116-M2,2.2SEC)                                  D417901100009 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 2 of the ref.       D417901100010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 D417901100011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D417901100012 
DATA                 4         16                                 D417901100013 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            D417901100014 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               D417901100015 
       8.0       1.2       12.2       1.6                         D417901100016 
       9.2       1.1       13.7       1.7                         D417901100017 
      10.4       1.0       24.2       2.9                         D417901100018 
      11.5       1.0       31.8       3.8                         D417901100019 
      12.5       0.9       33.6       4.0                         D417901100020 
      13.4       0.8       37.4       4.5                         D417901100021 
      14.3       0.8       38.8       4.5                         D417901100022 
      15.2       0.7       35.7       4.2                         D417901100023 
      16.1       0.6       31.6       3.8                         D417901100024 
      16.9       0.6       27.1       3.2                         D417901100025 
      17.6       0.5       22.9       2.7                         D417901100026 
      18.4       0.5       21.1       2.5                         D417901100027 
      19.1       0.4       17.3       2.2                         D417901100028 
      19.9       0.4       14.6       1.9                         D417901100029 
      20.6       0.3       13.1       1.6                         D417901100030 
      21.2       0.3       15.3       1.9                         D417901100031 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 D417901100032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 D417901199999 
SUBENT        D4179012   20070329                             D056D417901200001 
BIB                  4          9                                 D417901200002 
REACTION   (48-CD-0(D,X)48-CD-111-M,IND,SIG) Second stack.        D417901200003 
           111mCd is practically not populated through the decay  D417901200004 
           of the simultaneously produced 111In and 111Ag.        D417901200005 
DECAY-DATA (48-CD-111-M,48.54MIN,DG,150.824,0.291,                D417901200006 
                                 DG,245.395,0.94)                 D417901200007 
ANALYSIS   It was needed to correct for the contribution of       D417901200008 
           111gIn signal in the processing of the common          D417901200009 
           245.4 keV gamma line.                                  D417901200010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 3 of the ref.       D417901200011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 D417901200012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D417901200013 
DATA                 4         18                                 D417901200014 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            D417901200015 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               D417901200016 
       4.9       1.4       0.243     0.041                        D417901200017 
       6.5       1.3       0.549     0.086                        D417901200018 
       8.0       1.2       1.81      0.23                         D417901200019 
       9.2       1.1       3.95      0.50                         D417901200020 
      10.4       1.0       5.90      0.72                         D417901200021 
      11.5       1.0       7.72      0.94                         D417901200022 
      12.5       0.9       8.9       1.1                          D417901200023 
      13.4       0.8      10.0       1.2                          D417901200024 
      14.3       0.8      11.4       1.4                          D417901200025 
      15.2       0.7      13.2       1.6                          D417901200026 
      16.1       0.6      14.0       1.7                          D417901200027 
      16.9       0.6      14.9       1.8                          D417901200028 
      17.6       0.5      15.5       1.8                          D417901200029 
      18.4       0.5      17.0       2.0                          D417901200030 
      19.1       0.4      17.5       2.1                          D417901200031 
      19.9       0.4      18.1       2.2                          D417901200032 
      20.6       0.3      18.5       2.2                          D417901200033 
      21.2       0.3      19.3       2.3                          D417901200034 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 D417901200035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 D417901299999 
SUBENT        D4179013   20070329                             D056D417901300001 
BIB                  4          9                                 D417901300002 
REACTION  G(48-CD-0(D,X)48-CD-115-G,IND,SIG)                      D417901300003 
          M(48-CD-0(D,X)48-CD-115-M,IND,SIG)                      D417901300004 
           Decay of 115Ag is negligible in this energy region.    D417901300005 
DECAY-DATAG(48-CD-115-G,53.46HR,DG,336.240,0.459,                 D417901300006 
                                DG,527.900,0.2745)                D417901300007 
          M(48-CD-115-M,44.6D,DG,933.8,0.02000)                   D417901300008 
FLAG       (1.) First stack.                                      D417901300009 
           (2.) Second stack.                                     D417901300010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 3 of the ref.       D417901300011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 D417901300012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D417901300013 
DATA                 7         27                                 D417901300014 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA      GERR-T     GDATA      MERR-T     MD417901300015 
FLAG                                                              D417901300016 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         MB         MB         D417901300017 
NO-DIM                                                            D417901300018 
       4.9       1.4        0.141     0.021                       D417901300019 
   2.                                                             D417901300020 
       6.5       1.3        6.42      0.75       1.48      0.22   D417901300021 
   2.                                                             D417901300022 
       8.0       1.2       30.3       3.5        5.01      0.63   D417901300023 
   2.                                                             D417901300024 
       9.0       1.7       59.4       7.1       13.4       2.8    D417901300025 
   1.                                                             D417901300026 
       9.2       1.1       57.5       6.5       11.6       1.5    D417901300027 
   2.                                                             D417901300028 
      10.4       1.0       63.4       7.3       11.4       1.5    D417901300029 
   2.                                                             D417901300030 
      11.5       1.0       59.4       6.8       15.6       1.8    D417901300031 
   2.                                                             D417901300032 
      12.5       0.9       52.9       6.1       11.8       1.5    D417901300033 
   2.                                                             D417901300034 
      13.4       0.8       45.9       5.2       12.3       1.8    D417901300035 
   2.                                                             D417901300036 
      14.3       0.8       45.5       5.2        7.8       1.3    D417901300037 
   2.                                                             D417901300038 
      14.6       1.4       42.7       5.2        8.0       2.5    D417901300039 
   1.                                                             D417901300040 
      15.2       0.7       41.5       4.8                         D417901300041 
   2.                                                             D417901300042 
      16.1       0.6       38.6       4.4        3.80      0.79   D417901300043 
   2.                                                             D417901300044 
      16.9       0.6       34.8       4.1       10.0       1.4    D417901300045 
   2.                                                             D417901300046 
      17.6       0.5       31.7       3.7                         D417901300047 
   2.                                                             D417901300048 
      18.4       0.5       30.5       3.5        6.7       1.2    D417901300049 
   2.                                                             D417901300050 
      19.1       0.4       28.6       3.3       10.7       1.4    D417901300051 
   2.                                                             D417901300052 
      19.5       1.2       29.1       3.5        8.9       2.5    D417901300053 
   1.                                                             D417901300054 
      19.9       0.4       27.3       3.3        7.2       1.1    D417901300055 
   2.                                                             D417901300056 
      20.6       0.3       25.3       3.0        8.8       1.1    D417901300057 
   2.                                                             D417901300058 
      21.2       0.3       23.1       2.7                         D417901300059 
   2.                                                             D417901300060 
      23.7       1.0       22.7       2.8       11.4       2.7    D417901300061 
   1.                                                             D417901300062 
      27.4       0.9       21.1       2.5       11.6       2.9    D417901300063 
   1.                                                             D417901300064 
      30.8       0.7       19.8       2.3        9.9       2.7    D417901300065 
   1.                                                             D417901300066 
      34.0       0.6       19.3       2.3       14.2       3.1    D417901300067 
   1.                                                             D417901300068 
      37.0       0.4       19.2       2.4       14.9       3.4    D417901300069 
   1.                                                             D417901300070 
      39.8       0.3       16.9       2.3       13.3       3.2    D417901300071 
   1.                                                             D417901300072 
ENDDATA             58          0                                 D417901300073 
ENDSUBENT           72          0                                 D417901399999 
SUBENT        D4179014   20070329                             D056D417901400001 
BIB                  3         11                                 D417901400002 
REACTION  G(48-CD-0(D,X)48-CD-117-G,,SIG) Second stack.           D417901400003 
          M(48-CD-0(D,X)48-CD-117-M,,SIG) Second stack.           D417901400004 
           No cumulative processes take place because 117Ag cannotD417901400005 
           be produced in a deuteron irradiation on a cadmium     D417901400006 
           target and the metastable state does not decay into    D417901400007 
           the ground state.                                      D417901400008 
DECAY-DATAG(48-CD-117-G,2.49HR,DG,273.349,0.28,                   D417901400009 
                               DG,344.459,0.179)                  D417901400010 
          M(48-CD-117-M,3.36HR,DG,564.397,0.147,                  D417901400011 
                               DG,1065.98,0.231)                  D417901400012 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 3 of the ref.       D417901400013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 D417901400014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D417901400015 
DATA                 6         18                                 D417901400016 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA      GERR-T     GDATA      MERR-T     MD417901400017 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         MB         MB         D417901400018 
       4.9       1.4       0.0130     0.0036                      D417901400019 
       6.5       1.3       1.08       0.13       0.406      0.062 D417901400020 
       8.0       1.2       5.27       0.60       2.15       0.28  D417901400021 
       9.2       1.1       9.1        1.0        4.46       0.56  D417901400022 
      10.4       1.0       9.5        1.1        5.29       0.65  D417901400023 
      11.5       1.0       8.8        1.0        4.96       0.64  D417901400024 
      12.5       0.9       7.65       0.88       4.77       0.56  D417901400025 
      13.4       0.8       6.41       0.76       4.55       0.58  D417901400026 
      14.3       0.8       6.26       0.77       4.48       0.58  D417901400027 
      15.2       0.7       5.81       0.70       4.27       0.54  D417901400028 
      16.1       0.6       5.42       0.67       3.62       0.48  D417901400029 
      16.9       0.6       4.75       0.61       3.59       0.53  D417901400030 
      17.6       0.5       3.88       0.54       3.14       0.48  D417901400031 
      18.4       0.5       4.34       0.62       3.19       0.59  D417901400032 
      19.1       0.4       3.68       0.54       3.31       0.61  D417901400033 
      19.9       0.4       2.53       0.43       2.64       0.38  D417901400034 
      20.6       0.3       2.59       0.48       3.18       0.63  D417901400035 
      21.2       0.3       2.90       0.36       2.85       0.39  D417901400036 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 D417901400037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 D417901499999 
SUBENT        D4179015   20070329                             D056D417901500001 
BIB                  4         12                                 D417901500002 
REACTION   (48-CD-0(D,X)47-AG-105-G,CUM,SIG)                      D417901500003 
           Includes the contributions from the decay of 105In     D417901500004 
            (ground and metastable states), 105Cd and from the    D417901500005 
           isomeric transition of the short-lived 105mAg in       D417901500006 
           addition to the direct formation cross section of      D417901500007 
           105gAg.                                                D417901500008 
DECAY-DATA (47-AG-105-G,41.29D,DG,280.41,0.302,                   D417901500009 
                               DG,344.520,0.41)                   D417901500010 
           (47-AG-105-M,7.2MIN)                                   D417901500011 
FLAG       (1.) First stack.                                      D417901500012 
           (2.) Second stack.                                     D417901500013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 3 of the ref.       D417901500014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 D417901500015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D417901500016 
DATA                 5         17                                 D417901500017 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                  D417901500018 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM                D417901500019 
      14.3       0.8       0.126      0.035      2.               D417901500020 
      14.6       1.4       0.313      0.096      1.               D417901500021 
      16.1       0.6       0.278      0.047      2.               D417901500022 
      16.9       0.6       0.254      0.050      2.               D417901500023 
      17.6       0.5       0.361      0.080      2.               D417901500024 
      18.4       0.5       0.412      0.067      2.               D417901500025 
      19.1       0.4       0.534      0.070      2.               D417901500026 
      19.5       1.2       1.25       0.20       1.               D417901500027 
      19.9       0.4       0.71       0.10       2.               D417901500028 
      20.6       0.3       1.12       0.13       2.               D417901500029 
      21.2       0.3       1.46       0.18       2.               D417901500030 
      23.7       1.0       6.36       0.76       1.               D417901500031 
      27.4       0.9      11.5        1.4        1.               D417901500032 
      30.8       0.7      14.9        1.7        1.               D417901500033 
      34.0       0.6      15.7        1.8        1.               D417901500034 
      37.0       0.4      17.3        2.0        1.               D417901500035 
      39.8       0.3      19.3        2.2        1.               D417901500036 
ENDDATA             19          0                                 D417901500037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 D417901599999 
SUBENT        D4179016   20070329                             D056D417901600001 
BIB                  3          5                                 D417901600002 
REACTION   (48-CD-0(D,X)47-AG-106-M,,SIG) First stack.            D417901600003 
DECAY-DATA (47-AG-106-M,8.28D,DG,221.701,0.066,                   D417901600004 
                              DG,429.64,0.132,                    D417901600005 
                              DG,1045.83,0.296)                   D417901600006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 3 of the ref.       D417901600007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 D417901600008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D417901600009 
DATA                 4          8                                 D417901600010 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            D417901600011 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               D417901600012 
      14.6       1.4       0.279      0.082                       D417901600013 
      19.5       1.2       0.25       0.11                        D417901600014 
      23.7       1.0       0.77       0.18                        D417901600015 
      27.4       0.9       1.83       0.74                        D417901600016 
      30.8       0.7       3.74       0.92                        D417901600017 
      34.0       0.6       5.7        1.1                         D417901600018 
      37.0       0.4       7.02       0.88                        D417901600019 
      39.8       0.3       8.4        1.5                         D417901600020 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 D417901600021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 D417901699999 
SUBENT        D4179017   20070329                             D056D417901700001 
BIB                  4          6                                 D417901700002 
REACTION   (48-CD-0(D,X)47-AG-110-M,,SIG)                         D417901700003 
DECAY-DATA (47-AG-110-M,249.79D,DG,657.7622,0.940,                D417901700004 
                                DG,763.944,0.2214)                D417901700005 
FLAG       (1.) First stack.                                      D417901700006 
           (2.) Second stack.                                     D417901700007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 3 of the ref.       D417901700008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 D417901700009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D417901700010 
DATA                 5         21                                 D417901700011 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                  D417901700012 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM                D417901700013 
      11.5       1.0       0.217      0.033      2.               D417901700014 
      12.5       0.9       0.379      0.062      2.               D417901700015 
      13.4       0.8       0.53       0.10       2.               D417901700016 
      14.3       0.8       0.70       0.12       2.               D417901700017 
      14.6       1.4       0.80       0.17       1.               D417901700018 
      15.2       0.7       0.70       0.11       2.               D417901700019 
      16.1       0.6       0.80       0.11       2.               D417901700020 
      16.9       0.6       0.91       0.12       2.               D417901700021 
      17.6       0.5       0.98       0.15       2.               D417901700022 
      18.4       0.5       1.12       0.15       2.               D417901700023 
      19.1       0.4       1.10       0.14       2.               D417901700024 
      19.5       1.2       1.41       0.24       1.               D417901700025 
      19.9       0.4       1.24       0.16       2.               D417901700026 
      20.6       0.3       1.35       0.16       2.               D417901700027 
      21.2       0.3       1.60       0.21       2.               D417901700028 
      23.7       1.0       2.04       0.58       1.               D417901700029 
      27.4       0.9       3.4        1.0        1.               D417901700030 
      30.8       0.7       5.2        1.3        1.               D417901700031 
      34.0       0.6       6.1        1.0        1.               D417901700032 
      37.0       0.4       6.3        1.3        1.               D417901700033 
      39.8       0.3       6.0        1.1        1.               D417901700034 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 D417901700035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 D417901799999 
SUBENT        D4179018   20070329                             D056D417901800001 
BIB                  3          8                                 D417901800002 
REACTION   (48-CD-0(D,X)47-AG-111,IND,SIG) Second stack.          D417901800003 
           Contains the contribution from almost total (99.3% IT) D417901800004 
           decay of the isomeric state 111mAg and from the decay  D417901800005 
           of 111Pd but the latter is negligible in this energy   D417901800006 
           region.                                                D417901800007 
DECAY-DATA (47-AG-111-G,7.45D,DG,342.13,0.07)                     D417901800008 
           (47-AG-111-M,64.8SEC)                                  D417901800009 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 3 of the ref.       D417901800010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 D417901800011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D417901800012 
DATA                 4         13                                 D417901800013 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            D417901800014 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               D417901800015 
      11.5       1.0       0.657      0.083                       D417901800016 
      12.5       0.9       0.555      0.091                       D417901800017 
      13.4       0.8       0.98       0.15                        D417901800018 
      14.3       0.8       0.94       0.14                        D417901800019 
      15.2       0.7       1.07       0.16                        D417901800020 
      16.1       0.6       1.64       0.20                        D417901800021 
      16.9       0.6       1.80       0.22                        D417901800022 
      17.6       0.5       2.27       0.28                        D417901800023 
      18.4       0.5       2.65       0.32                        D417901800024 
      19.1       0.4       2.87       0.33                        D417901800025 
      19.9       0.4       3.32       0.38                        D417901800026 
      20.6       0.3       3.33       0.38                        D417901800027 
      21.2       0.3       3.79       0.45                        D417901800028 
ENDDATA             15          0                                 D417901800029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 D417901899999 
ENDENTRY            18          0                                 D417999999999