ENTRY D4197 20221019 D138D419700000001 SUBENT D4197001 20221019 D138D419700100001 BIB 13 32 D419700100002 TITLE Formation of the isomeric pairs 139Ndm,g and 141Ndm,g D419700100003 in proton and 3He-particle induced nuclear reactions D419700100004 AUTHOR (K.Hilgers, S.Sudar, S.M.Qaim) D419700100005 INSTITUTE (2GERJUL,3HUNKOS) D419700100006 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,76,064601,2007) D419700100007 FACILITY (CYCLO,2GERJUL) CV28 cyclotron D419700100008 (SYNCH,2GERJUL) COSY D419700100009 SAMPLE Pr2O3 and CeO2 oxide in powder form. D419700100010 Samples were prepared by sedimentation onto Cu backing D419700100011 (25 um) then were covered by Al foil (10 um). D419700100012 DETECTOR (HPGE) Detector-sample distance was about 10 cm. D419700100013 METHOD (SITA,EDEG) D419700100014 For 141Ndm production, a single target with Cu monitor D419700100015 foil was irradiated by protons (primary energies: D419700100016 12.16 and 20 MeV) and by helions (primary energies: D419700100017 25 and 36 MeV) with Al absorbers. D419700100018 (STTA) D419700100019 For 139mNd production, five samples, absorbers and D419700100020 monitor foils were stacked and irradiated by protons D419700100021 (primary energy: 44 MeV at COSY, and 20 MeV at CV28) D419700100022 (ACTIV,GSPEC) D419700100023 Gamma-spectara were recorded several times to check D419700100024 the half life and follow the decay. D419700100025 DECAY-DATA Decay data were taken from R.B. Firestone, Table of D419700100026 Isotopes, CD-ROM version 1.0, 1996. D419700100027 MONITOR (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) D419700100028 (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-65,,SIG) D419700100029 (22-TI-0(HE3,X)23-V-48,,SIG) D419700100030 MONIT-REF (,F.Tarkanyi+,R,IAEA-TECDOC-1211,2001) D419700100031 STATUS (APRVD) S.Sudar, 2008 D419700100032 HISTORY (20081020C) TS D419700100033 (20221019A) On. Major revisions in 002-006. D419700100034 ENDBIB 32 0 D419700100035 NOCOMMON 0 0 D419700100036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 D419700199999 SUBENT D4197002 20221019 D138D419700200001 BIB 5 7 D419700200002 REACTION 1(59-PR-141(P,N)60-ND-141-M,,SIG) D419700200003 2(59-PR-141(P,N)60-ND-141-M/T,,SIG/RAT) D419700200004 DECAY-DATA (60-ND-141-M,62.0SEC,DG,757.,0.915) D419700200005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on the source of uncertainty D419700200006 STATUS (TABLE) Cross section from Table I D419700200007 (CURVE) Isomeric ratio from Fig.12 D419700200008 HISTORY (20221019A) On. ERR-T -> DATA-ERR D419700200009 ENDBIB 7 0 D419700200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 D419700200011 DATA 5 10 D419700200012 EN EN-ERR DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2 D419700200013 MEV MEV MB MB NO-DIM D419700200014 9.0 0.4 56. 8. 0.25 D419700200015 9.6 0.4 71. 11. 0.20 D419700200016 10.3 0.4 104. 16. 0.31 D419700200017 10.8 0.3 110. 17. 0.28 D419700200018 11.3 0.3 136. 20. 0.23 D419700200019 12.4 0.4 196. 29. 0.33 D419700200020 12.7 0.4 193. 29. 0.35 D419700200021 13.3 0.3 169. 25. 0.35 D419700200022 14.3 0.3 210. 32. 0.61 D419700200023 15.6 0.3 51. 8. 0.23 D419700200024 ENDDATA 12 0 D419700200025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 D419700299999 SUBENT D4197003 20221019 D138D419700300001 BIB 5 7 D419700300002 REACTION 1(59-PR-141(P,3N)60-ND-139-M,,SIG) D419700300003 2(59-PR-141(P,3N)60-ND-139-M/G,,SIG/RAT) D419700300004 DECAY-DATA (60-ND-139-M,5.5HR,DG,708.,0.26,DG,738.,0.3508) D419700300005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on the source of uncertainty D419700300006 STATUS (TABLE) Cross section from Table II D419700300007 (CURVE) Isomeric ratio from Fig.13 D419700300008 HISTORY (20221019A) On. ERR-T -> DATA-ERR D419700300009 ENDBIB 7 0 D419700300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 D419700300011 DATA 5 10 D419700300012 EN EN-ERR DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2 D419700300013 MEV MEV MB MB NO-DIM D419700300014 21.0 1.0 0.6 0.1 D419700300015 25.3 0.8 235. 22. D419700300016 26.6 0.7 337. 35. 1.45 D419700300017 29.5 0.7 457. 39. 1.74 D419700300018 30.4 0.7 514. 75. 1.01 D419700300019 32.9 0.6 603. 28. 3.24 D419700300020 39.1 0.4 328. 49. 2.24 D419700300021 41.6 0.3 324. 49. 2.84 D419700300022 43.8 0.3 132. 20. 1.73 D419700300023 44.8 0.3 239. 36. D419700300024 ENDDATA 12 0 D419700300025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 D419700399999 SUBENT D4197004 20221019 D138D419700400001 BIB 5 7 D419700400002 REACTION 1(58-CE-0(HE3,X)60-ND-141-M,,SIG) D419700400003 2(58-CE-0(HE3,X)60-ND-141-M/T,,SIG/RAT) D419700400004 DECAY-DATA (60-ND-141-M,62.0SEC,DG,757.,0.915) D419700400005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on the source of uncertainty D419700400006 STATUS (TABLE) Cross section from Table III D419700400007 (CURVE) Isomeric ratio from Fig.14 D419700400008 HISTORY (20221019A) On. ERR-T -> DATA-ERR D419700400009 ENDBIB 7 0 D419700400010 NOCOMMON 0 0 D419700400011 DATA 5 15 D419700400012 EN EN-ERR DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2 D419700400013 MEV MEV MB MB NO-DIM D419700400014 18.3 0.5 82. 25. 0.50 D419700400015 19.4 0.5 85. 26. 0.38 D419700400016 20.7 0.4 97. 13. 0.46 D419700400017 22.1 0.4 103. 31. 0.58 D419700400018 22.9 0.4 61. 18. 0.35 D419700400019 23.3 0.4 90. 27. 0.52 D419700400020 24.5 0.3 123. 37. 0.70 D419700400021 25.6 0.5 68. 20. 0.38 D419700400022 26.5 0.5 76. 23. 0.42 D419700400023 28.1 0.4 81. 24. 0.50 D419700400024 29.2 0.4 95. 29. 0.66 D419700400025 30.3 0.4 94. 28. 0.59 D419700400026 31.3 0.4 96. 29. 0.48 D419700400027 32.3 0.3 93. 28. D419700400028 34.2 0.3 54. 16. 0.42 D419700400029 ENDDATA 17 0 D419700400030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 D419700499999 SUBENT D4197005 20221019 D138D419700500001 BIB 5 5 D419700500002 REACTION (58-CE-0(HE3,X)60-ND-139-M,,SIG) D419700500003 DECAY-DATA (60-ND-139-M,5.5HR,DG,708.,0.26,DG,738.,0.3508) D419700500004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on the source of uncertainty D419700500005 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV D419700500006 HISTORY (20221019A) On. ERR-T -> DATA-ERR D419700500007 ENDBIB 5 0 D419700500008 NOCOMMON 0 0 D419700500009 DATA 4 7 D419700500010 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR D419700500011 MEV MEV MB MB D419700500012 27.7 0.5 5. 2. D419700500013 29.1 0.4 50. 15. D419700500014 30.5 0.4 55. 17. D419700500015 32.0 0.3 283. 85. D419700500016 33.2 0.3 128. 39. D419700500017 33.8 0.3 215. 64. D419700500018 35.2 0.3 376. 113. D419700500019 ENDDATA 9 0 D419700500020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 D419700599999 SUBENT D4197006 20221019 D138D419700600001 BIB 4 6 D419700600002 REACTION 1(58-CE-0(HE3,X)60-ND-139-G,,SIG) D419700600003 2(58-CE-0(HE3,X)60-ND-139-M/G,,SIG/RAT) D419700600004 DECAY-DATA (60-ND-139-G,29.7MIN,DG) D419700600005 STATUS (CURVE) Cross section from Fig.11 and isomeric ratio D419700600006 from Fig. 15. D419700600007 HISTORY (20221019A) On. REACTION: -G added for pointer 1. D419700600008 ENDBIB 6 0 D419700600009 NOCOMMON 0 0 D419700600010 DATA 4 7 D419700600011 EN EN-ERR DATA 1DATA 2 D419700600012 MEV MEV MB NO-DIM D419700600013 27.7 0.5 4.4 1.2 D419700600014 29.1 0.4 26.2 1.9 D419700600015 30.5 0.4 21.4 2.6 D419700600016 32.0 0.3 30.1 1.0 D419700600017 33.2 0.3 124.0 D419700600018 33.8 0.3 128.4 1.7 D419700600019 35.2 0.3 138.9 2.7 D419700600020 ENDDATA 9 0 D419700600021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 D419700699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 D419799999999