ENTRY            D4218   20090625                             D069D421800000001 
SUBENT        D4218001   20090625                             D069D421800100001 
BIB                 17         65                                 D421800100002 
TITLE      Activation cross sections of proton induced nuclear    D421800100003 
           reactions on ytterbium up to 70 MeV                    D421800100004 
AUTHOR     (F.Tarkanyi, A.Hermanne, S.Takacs, F.Ditroi, B.Kiraly, D421800100005 
           H.Yamazaki, M.Baba, A.Mohammadi, A.V.Ignatyuk)         D421800100006 
INSTITUTE  (3HUNDEB,2BLGVUB,2JPNTOH,4RUSFEI)                      D421800100007 
REFERENCE  (J,NIM/B,267,2789,2009)                                D421800100008 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNTOH)                                        D421800100009 
           (CYCLO,2BLGVUB)                                        D421800100010 
SAMPLE     Yb target foils, thickness: 23 micron                  D421800100011 
METHOD     (STTA,ACTIV,EXTB,GSPEC)                                D421800100012 
           Three irradiations were performed.                     D421800100013 
           The activity of the irradiated samples was measured    D421800100014 
           nondestructively, without chemical separation.         D421800100015 
           VUB: the samples were measured three times; two        D421800100016 
           measurements were performed shortly after end of       D421800100017 
           bombardment and the third one was done about one month D421800100018 
           later.                                                 D421800100019 
           CYRIC: the samples were measured three times as well,  D421800100020 
           but the first measurements started about 24 h after    D421800100021 
           end of bombardment due to the high dose rate of the    D421800100022 
           irradiated stack.                                      D421800100023 
           The effect of the secondary neutrons was checked by    D421800100024 
           placing extra target foils at the end of the stack     D421800100025 
           exposed only to possible secondary neutrons. Recoil    D421800100026 
           losses were estimated from recoil contamination of the D421800100027 
           adjacent Al monitor foils. Both effects were           D421800100028 
           negligible in these experiments.                       D421800100029 
FLAG       (1.) 16 MeV proton beam, 190 nA, 1 h, Belgium (VUB)    D421800100030 
           (2.) 36 MeV proton beam, 140 nA, 1 h, Belgium (VUB)    D421800100031 
           (3.) 70 MeV proton beam, 130 nA, 0.5 h, Japan (CYRIC)  D421800100032 
DETECTOR   (HPGE)                                                 D421800100033 
MONITOR    (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG)                           D421800100034 
           (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,,SIG)                           D421800100035 
           (22-TI-0(P,X)23-V-48,,SIG)                             D421800100036 
           Al foils, thickness: 100-200 micron and                D421800100037 
           Ti foils, thickness: 12 micron                         D421800100038 
MONIT-REF  (,F.Tarkanyi+,R,IAEA-TECDOC-1211,49,2001) Chapter 4    D421800100039 
REL-REF    (N,,ANDERSEN+,B,ANDERSEN,,1977) Volume 3               D421800100040 
           The mean proton energies in the successive target      D421800100041 
           foils were determined by calculation from the          D421800100042 
           bombarding energies, stack compositions and foil       D421800100043 
           thicknesses.                                           D421800100044 
DECAY-DATA Decay data were taken from NuDat database.             D421800100045 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) Not specified.                                D421800100046 
           (ERR-T) The uncertainties were estimated in the        D421800100047 
           standard way: the independent relative uncertainties   D421800100048 
           were quadratically summed and its square root was      D421800100049 
           taken.                                                 D421800100050 
           (ERR-1) number of target nuclei                        D421800100051 
           (ERR-2) uniformity of the samples                      D421800100052 
           (ERR-3) detector efficiency                            D421800100053 
           (ERR-4) peak area analysis                             D421800100054 
           (ERR-5) beam current                                   D421800100055 
           (ERR-6) decay data (gamma intensity)                   D421800100056 
           (ERR-S,0.1,30.) counting statistics: 0.1-30%           D421800100057 
ADD-RES    (THEO) The experimental data were compared to and      D421800100058 
           analyzed with the results of the theoretical model     D421800100059 
           code ALICE-IPPE (in addition EMPIRE and TALYS in case  D421800100060 
           of 175Yb).                                             D421800100061 
           (TTY-C) On the basis of the experimental data and the  D421800100062 
           results of the ALICE-IPPE model code integral yields   D421800100063 
           for production of the investigated reaction products   D421800100064 
           were calculated.                                       D421800100065 
STATUS     (APRVD) S.Takacs, 2009.08.27.                          D421800100066 
HISTORY    (20090625C) KB                                         D421800100067 
ENDBIB              65          0                                 D421800100068 
COMMON               6          3                                 D421800100069 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      ERR-6      D421800100070 
1.         3.         5.         3.         7.         3.         D421800100072 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D421800100073 
ENDSUBENT           72          0                                 D421800199999 
SUBENT        D4218002   20090625                             D069D421800200001 
BIB                  3          3                                 D421800200002 
REACTION   (70-YB-0(P,X)71-LU-173,,SIG)                           D421800200003 
DECAY-DATA (71-LU-173,1.37YR,DG,272.105,0.212)                    D421800200004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 2 of the Ref.       D421800200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 D421800200006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D421800200007 
DATA                 5         35                                 D421800200008 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                  D421800200009 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM                D421800200010 
      8.0      0.5        9.1      1.4      1.                    D421800200011 
      9.3      0.5       23.9      3.9      1.                    D421800200012 
     10.6      0.5       86.9      9.9      1.                    D421800200013 
     11.2      1.0      144.      16.       2.                    D421800200014 
     11.7      0.4      141.      17.       1.                    D421800200015 
     12.8      0.4      190.      22.       1.                    D421800200016 
     13.8      0.4      223.      26.       1.                    D421800200017 
     13.9      0.9      284.      32.       2.                    D421800200018 
     14.8      0.3      235.      27.       1.                    D421800200019 
     15.7      0.3      229.      26.       1.                    D421800200020 
     16.1      0.9      330.      39.       2.                    D421800200021 
     18.2      0.8      339.      40.       2.                    D421800200022 
     20.1      0.8      271.      34.       2.                    D421800200023 
     21.9      0.7      172.      29.       2.                    D421800200024 
     23.5      0.6      107.      20.       2.                    D421800200025 
     25.1      0.6       97.      18.       2.                    D421800200026 
     26.6      0.6      145.      19.       2.                    D421800200027 
     28.1      0.5      142.      25.       2.                    D421800200028 
     29.5      0.5      198.      27.       2.                    D421800200029 
     29.6      1.5      170.      23.       3.                    D421800200030 
     30.8      0.4      204.      29.       2.                    D421800200031 
     32.1      0.4      231.      31.       2.                    D421800200032 
     33.4      0.3      190.      28.       2.                    D421800200033 
     34.5      1.4      185.      24.       3.                    D421800200034 
     34.6      0.3      201.      28.       2.                    D421800200035 
     39.1      1.2      130.      19.       3.                    D421800200036 
     43.0      1.1      106.      14.       3.                    D421800200037 
     46.8      1.0       37.      14.       3.                    D421800200038 
     50.4      0.9       45.      12.       3.                    D421800200039 
     53.8      0.8       51.      14.       3.                    D421800200040 
     57.1      0.7       41.      15.       3.                    D421800200041 
     60.4      0.6       31.      13.       3.                    D421800200042 
     63.3      0.5       47.      12.       3.                    D421800200043 
     66.0      0.4       60.      12.       3.                    D421800200044 
     68.8      0.3       43.      12.       3.                    D421800200045 
ENDDATA             37          0                                 D421800200046 
ENDSUBENT           45          0                                 D421800299999 
SUBENT        D4218003   20090625                             D069D421800300001 
BIB                  4          6                                 D421800300002 
REACTION   (70-YB-0(P,X)71-LU-172,,SIG)                           D421800300003 
COMMENT    The cross sections were measured after total decay of  D421800300004 
           the short lived metastable state.                      D421800300005 
DECAY-DATA (71-LU-172-G,6.70D,DG,1093.63,0.63)                    D421800300006 
           (71-LU-172-M,3.7MIN)                                   D421800300007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 2 of the Ref.       D421800300008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 D421800300009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D421800300010 
DATA                 5         37                                 D421800300011 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                  D421800300012 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM                D421800300013 
      4.6      0.6        0.045    0.011    1.                    D421800300014 
      6.4      0.6        1.53     0.17     1.                    D421800300015 
      8.0      0.5       11.6      1.3      1.                    D421800300016 
      9.3      0.5       25.4      2.9      1.                    D421800300017 
     10.6      0.5       67.6      7.6      1.                    D421800300018 
     11.2      1.0      107.      12.       2.                    D421800300019 
     11.7      0.4      102.      11.       1.                    D421800300020 
     12.8      0.4      115.      13.       1.                    D421800300021 
     13.8      0.4      127.      14.       1.                    D421800300022 
     13.9      0.9      151.      17.       2.                    D421800300023 
     14.8      0.3      130.      15.       1.                    D421800300024 
     15.7      0.3      123.      14.       1.                    D421800300025 
     16.1      0.9      171.      19.       2.                    D421800300026 
     18.2      0.8      184.      21.       2.                    D421800300027 
     20.1      0.8      269.      30.       2.                    D421800300028 
     21.9      0.7      346.      39.       2.                    D421800300029 
     23.5      0.6      393.      44.       2.                    D421800300030 
     25.1      0.6      407.      46.       2.                    D421800300031 
     26.6      0.6      418.      47.       2.                    D421800300032 
     28.1      0.5      357.      40.       2.                    D421800300033 
     29.5      0.5      297.      33.       2.                    D421800300034 
     29.6      1.5      277.      32.       3.                    D421800300035 
     30.8      0.4      224.      25.       2.                    D421800300036 
     32.1      0.4      174.      20.       2.                    D421800300037 
     33.4      0.3      140.      16.       2.                    D421800300038 
     34.5      1.4      154.      18.       3.                    D421800300039 
     34.6      0.3      132.      15.       2.                    D421800300040 
     39.1      1.2      200.      23.       3.                    D421800300041 
     43.0      1.1      211.      27.       3.                    D421800300042 
     46.8      1.0      149.      23.       3.                    D421800300043 
     50.4      0.9       80.      25.       3.                    D421800300044 
     53.8      0.8      100.      17.       3.                    D421800300045 
     57.1      0.7       74.      19.       3.                    D421800300046 
     60.4      0.6      136.      22.       3.                    D421800300047 
     63.3      0.5      106.      19.       3.                    D421800300048 
     66.0      0.4       93.      17.       3.                    D421800300049 
     68.8      0.3       89.      16.       3.                    D421800300050 
ENDDATA             39          0                                 D421800300051 
ENDSUBENT           50          0                                 D421800399999 
SUBENT        D4218004   20090625                             D069D421800400001 
BIB                  4          6                                 D421800400002 
REACTION   (70-YB-0(P,X)71-LU-171,,SIG)                           D421800400003 
COMMENT    The cross sections were measured after total decay of  D421800400004 
           the short lived metastable state to the ground state.  D421800400005 
DECAY-DATA (71-LU-171-G,8.24D,DG,739.793,0.479)                   D421800400006 
           (71-LU-171-M,79.SEC)                                   D421800400007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 2 of the Ref.       D421800400008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 D421800400009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D421800400010 
DATA                 5         36                                 D421800400011 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                  D421800400012 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM                D421800400013 
      6.4     0.6       1.09       0.13     1.                    D421800400014 
      8.0     0.5       8.21       0.93     1.                    D421800400015 
      9.3     0.5      18.5        2.1      1.                    D421800400016 
     10.6     0.5      44.4        5.0      1.                    D421800400017 
     11.2     1.0     101.        11.       2.                    D421800400018 
     11.7     0.4      97.        11.       1.                    D421800400019 
     12.8     0.4     134.        15.       1.                    D421800400020 
     13.8     0.4     161.        18.       1.                    D421800400021 
     13.9     0.9     203.        23.       2.                    D421800400022 
     14.8     0.3     172.        19.       1.                    D421800400023 
     15.7     0.3     170.        19.       1.                    D421800400024 
     16.1     0.9     248.        28.       2.                    D421800400025 
     18.2     0.8     292.        33.       2.                    D421800400026 
     20.1     0.8     380.        43.       2.                    D421800400027 
     21.9     0.7     380.        43.       2.                    D421800400028 
     23.5     0.6     327.        37.       2.                    D421800400029 
     25.1     0.6     297.        36.       2.                    D421800400030 
     26.6     0.6     308.        35.       2.                    D421800400031 
     28.1     0.5     343.        39.       2.                    D421800400032 
     29.5     0.5     403.        45.       2.                    D421800400033 
     29.6     1.5     395.        45.       3.                    D421800400034 
     30.8     0.4     437.        49.       2.                    D421800400035 
     32.1     0.4     457.        51.       2.                    D421800400036 
     33.4     0.3     474.        53.       2.                    D421800400037 
     34.5     1.4     449.        51.       3.                    D421800400038 
     34.6     0.3     485.        54.       2.                    D421800400039 
     39.1     1.2     433.        49.       3.                    D421800400040 
     43.0     1.1     316.        36.       3.                    D421800400041 
     46.8     1.0     208.        28.       3.                    D421800400042 
     50.4     0.9     138.        30.       3.                    D421800400043 
     53.8     0.8     163.        31.       3.                    D421800400044 
     57.1     0.7     157.        33.       3.                    D421800400045 
     60.4     0.6     121.        32.       3.                    D421800400046 
     63.3     0.5     136.        31.       3.                    D421800400047 
     66.0     0.4     161.        32.       3.                    D421800400048 
     68.8     0.3     141.        28.       3.                    D421800400049 
ENDDATA             38          0                                 D421800400050 
ENDSUBENT           49          0                                 D421800499999 
SUBENT        D4218005   20090625                             D069D421800500001 
BIB                  3          3                                 D421800500002 
REACTION   (70-YB-0(P,X)71-LU-170,,SIG)                           D421800500003 
DECAY-DATA (71-LU-170,2.012D,DG,1280.25,0.079)                    D421800500004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 2 of the Ref.       D421800500005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 D421800500006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D421800500007 
DATA                 5         35                                 D421800500008 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                  D421800500009 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM                D421800500010 
      6.4     0.6        0.184     0.036    1.                    D421800500011 
      8.0     0.5        1.02      0.31     1.                    D421800500012 
      9.3     0.5        4.00      0.71     1.                    D421800500013 
     11.2     1.0       23.6       2.8      2.                    D421800500014 
     11.7     0.4       19.5       2.4      1.                    D421800500015 
     12.8     0.4       49.2       5.7      1.                    D421800500016 
     13.8     0.4       74.3       8.5      1.                    D421800500017 
     13.9     0.9      101.       12.       2.                    D421800500018 
     14.8     0.3       86.       10.       1.                    D421800500019 
     15.7     0.3       92.       11.       1.                    D421800500020 
     16.1     0.9      137.       17.       2.                    D421800500021 
     18.2     0.8      150.       19.       2.                    D421800500022 
     20.1     0.8      175.       22.       2.                    D421800500023 
     21.9     0.7      215.       26.       2.                    D421800500024 
     23.5     0.6      234.       28.       2.                    D421800500025 
     25.1     0.6      256.       31.       2.                    D421800500026 
     26.6     0.6      272.       32.       2.                    D421800500027 
     28.1     0.5      285.       34.       2.                    D421800500028 
     29.5     0.5      296.       35.       2.                    D421800500029 
     29.6     1.5      293.       33.       3.                    D421800500030 
     30.8     0.4      327.       39.       2.                    D421800500031 
     32.1     0.4      317.       38.       2.                    D421800500032 
     33.4     0.3      299.       36.       2.                    D421800500033 
     34.5     1.4      264.       33.       3.                    D421800500034 
     34.6     0.3      286.       34.       2.                    D421800500035 
     39.1     1.2      274.       33.       3.                    D421800500036 
     43.0     1.1      332.       40.       3.                    D421800500037 
     46.8     1.0      343.       42.       3.                    D421800500038 
     50.4     0.9      276.       41.       3.                    D421800500039 
     53.8     0.8      180.       35.       3.                    D421800500040 
     57.1     0.7      150.       34.       3.                    D421800500041 
     60.4     0.6      145.       30.       3.                    D421800500042 
     63.3     0.5      155.       31.       3.                    D421800500043 
     66.0     0.4      144.       32.       3.                    D421800500044 
     68.8     0.3      131.       31.       3.                    D421800500045 
ENDDATA             37          0                                 D421800500046 
ENDSUBENT           45          0                                 D421800599999 
SUBENT        D4218006   20090625                             D069D421800600001 
BIB                  3          4                                 D421800600002 
REACTION   (70-YB-0(P,X)71-LU-167,,SIG)                           D421800600003 
DECAY-DATA (71-LU-167,51.5MIN,DG,239.00,0.009,                    D421800600004 
                              DG,239.22,0.077)                    D421800600005 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 2 of the Ref.       D421800600006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 D421800600007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D421800600008 
DATA                 5          5                                 D421800600009 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                  D421800600010 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM                D421800600011 
     14.8     0.3       0.35      0.20      1.                    D421800600012 
     15.7     0.3       0.59      0.50      1.                    D421800600013 
     32.1     0.4       3.45      0.71      2.                    D421800600014 
     33.4     0.3       5.46      0.72      2.                    D421800600015 
     34.6     0.3       11.2      1.4       2.                    D421800600016 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 D421800600017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 D421800699999 
SUBENT        D4218007   20090625                             D069D421800700001 
BIB                  4          8                                 D421800700002 
REACTION   (70-YB-0(P,X)70-YB-175,CUM,SIG)                        D421800700003 
COMMENT    175Yb can be produced either directly through the      D421800700004 
           176Yb(p,pn) reaction or through the decay of 175Tm     D421800700005 
           produced via the 176Yb(p,2p) reaction, this way        D421800700006 
           resulting in cumulative cross section.                 D421800700007 
DECAY-DATA (70-YB-175,4.185D,DG,396.329,0.132)                    D421800700008 
           (69-TM-175,15.2MIN)                                    D421800700009 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 3 of the Ref.       D421800700010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 D421800700011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D421800700012 
DATA                 5         29                                 D421800700013 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                  D421800700014 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM                D421800700015 
     11.2     1.0       0.23       0.11     2.                    D421800700016 
     13.9     0.9       1.12       0.30     2.                    D421800700017 
     14.8     0.3       2.3        1.0      1.                    D421800700018 
     15.7     0.3       1.9        1.2      1.                    D421800700019 
     16.1     0.9       3.3        0.8      2.                    D421800700020 
     18.2     0.8       7.4        1.1      2.                    D421800700021 
     20.1     0.8      11.4        1.6      2.                    D421800700022 
     21.9     0.7      15.4        2.5      2.                    D421800700023 
     23.5     0.6      17.8        2.6      2.                    D421800700024 
     25.1     0.6      17.2        2.3      2.                    D421800700025 
     26.6     0.6      21.9        2.7      2.                    D421800700026 
     28.1     0.5      20.5        2.7      2.                    D421800700027 
     29.5     0.5      19.3        2.6      2.                    D421800700028 
     29.6     1.5      18.1        2.2      3.                    D421800700029 
     30.8     0.4      21.2        2.6      2.                    D421800700030 
     32.1     0.4      21.2        2.6      2.                    D421800700031 
     33.4     0.3      20.3        2.6      2.                    D421800700032 
     34.5     1.4      21.1        3.6      3.                    D421800700033 
     34.6     0.3      22.0        2.7      2.                    D421800700034 
     39.1     1.2      18.3        3.2      3.                    D421800700035 
     43.0     1.1      20.9        3.5      3.                    D421800700036 
     46.8     1.0      21.2        3.5      3.                    D421800700037 
     50.4     0.9      20.9        3.4      3.                    D421800700038 
     53.8     0.8      22.7        3.9      3.                    D421800700039 
     57.1     0.7      22.7        3.9      3.                    D421800700040 
     60.4     0.6      23.7        3.6      3.                    D421800700041 
     63.3     0.5      22.3        3.7      3.                    D421800700042 
     66.0     0.4      27.7        4.4      3.                    D421800700043 
     68.8     0.3      27.2        4.2      3.                    D421800700044 
ENDDATA             31          0                                 D421800700045 
ENDSUBENT           44          0                                 D421800799999 
SUBENT        D4218008   20090625                             D069D421800800001 
BIB                  4         10                                 D421800800002 
REACTION   (70-YB-0(P,X)70-YB-166,CUM,SIG)                        D421800800003 
COMMENT    166Yb can be produced via (p,pxn) reactions taking     D421800800004 
           place on stable isotopes of Yb and via decay of the    D421800800005 
           simultaneously produced 166Lu which has three short    D421800800006 
           lived isomeric states.                                 D421800800007 
DECAY-DATA (70-YB-166,56.7HR,DG,82.29,0.15552)                    D421800800008 
           (71-LU-166-G,2.65MIN)                                  D421800800009 
           (71-LU-166-M1,1.41MIN)                                 D421800800010 
           (71-LU-166-M2,2.12MIN)                                 D421800800011 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 3 of the Ref.       D421800800012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 D421800800013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D421800800014 
DATA                 5          8                                 D421800800015 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                  D421800800016 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM                D421800800017 
     46.8     1.0       7.6        2.3      3.                    D421800800018 
     50.4     0.9      12.4        3.3      3.                    D421800800019 
     53.8     0.8      25.6        4.1      3.                    D421800800020 
     57.1     0.7      35.5        5.0      3.                    D421800800021 
     60.4     0.6      56.4        7.0      3.                    D421800800022 
     63.3     0.5      73.        12.       3.                    D421800800023 
     66.0     0.4      92.        11.       3.                    D421800800024 
     68.8     0.3      98.        12.       3.                    D421800800025 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 D421800800026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 D421800899999 
SUBENT        D4218009   20090625                             D069D421800900001 
BIB                  4          8                                 D421800900002 
REACTION   (70-YB-0(P,X)69-TM-173,IND,SIG)                        D421800900003 
COMMENT    Although formation of 173Er decaying into 173Tm is     D421800900004 
           energetically allowed, ALICE-IPPE results show that    D421800900005 
           its possibility is negligible in the investigated      D421800900006 
           energy range. In this way independent cross sections   D421800900007 
           were measured.                                         D421800900008 
DECAY-DATA (69-TM-173,8.24HR,DG,398.9,0.879)                      D421800900009 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 3 of the Ref.       D421800900010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 D421800900011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D421800900012 
DATA                 5         20                                 D421800900013 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                  D421800900014 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM                D421800900015 
     10.6     0.5       0.035     0.010     1.                    D421800900016 
     11.2     1.0       0.104     0.015     2.                    D421800900017 
     11.7     0.4       0.047     0.009     1.                    D421800900018 
     12.8     0.4       0.076     0.012     1.                    D421800900019 
     13.8     0.4       0.123     0.018     1.                    D421800900020 
     13.9     0.9       0.155     0.036     2.                    D421800900021 
     14.8     0.3       0.122     0.019     1.                    D421800900022 
     15.7     0.3       0.165     0.027     1.                    D421800900023 
     16.1     0.9       0.269     0.058     2.                    D421800900024 
     18.2     0.8       0.319     0.053     2.                    D421800900025 
     20.1     0.8       0.105     0.041     2.                    D421800900026 
     21.9     0.7       0.500     0.096     2.                    D421800900027 
     23.5     0.6       0.355     0.075     2.                    D421800900028 
     25.1     0.6       0.493     0.089     2.                    D421800900029 
     26.6     0.6       0.401     0.083     2.                    D421800900030 
     28.1     0.5       0.388     0.078     2.                    D421800900031 
     29.5     0.5       0.308     0.079     2.                    D421800900032 
     30.8     0.4       0.259     0.070     2.                    D421800900033 
     32.1     0.4       0.273     0.067     2.                    D421800900034 
     33.4     0.3       0.58      0.12      2.                    D421800900035 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 D421800900036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 D421800999999 
SUBENT        D4218010   20090625                             D069D421801000001 
BIB                  4          7                                 D421801000002 
REACTION   (70-YB-0(P,X)69-TM-172,IND,SIG)                        D421801000003 
COMMENT    Formation of 172Er is energetically possible but       D421801000004 
           negligible according to the ALICE-IPPE calculation.    D421801000005 
           It means that cross sections of 172Tm can be measured  D421801000006 
           independently from the decay of 172Er.                 D421801000007 
DECAY-DATA (69-TM-172,63.6HR,DG,1387.093,0.056)                   D421801000008 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 3 of the Ref.       D421801000009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 D421801000010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D421801000011 
DATA                 5          8                                 D421801000012 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                  D421801000013 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM                D421801000014 
     29.6     1.5       5.2       2.4       3.                    D421801000015 
     39.1     1.2       9.4       4.4       3.                    D421801000016 
     43.0     1.1       14.1      6.8       3.                    D421801000017 
     46.8     1.0       11.8      5.5       3.                    D421801000018 
     50.4     0.9       12.8      8.2       3.                    D421801000019 
     53.8     0.8       12.1      5.3       3.                    D421801000020 
     60.4     0.6       19.3      6.3       3.                    D421801000021 
     63.3     0.5       11.8      5.2       3.                    D421801000022 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 D421801000023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 D421801099999 
SUBENT        D4218011   20090625                             D069D421801100001 
BIB                  3          4                                 D421801100002 
REACTION   (70-YB-0(P,X)69-TM-168,,SIG)                           D421801100003 
DECAY-DATA (69-TM-168,93.1D,DG,447.515,0.237,                     D421801100004 
                            DG,815.989,0.503)                     D421801100005 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 3 of the Ref.       D421801100006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 D421801100007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D421801100008 
DATA                 5          9                                 D421801100009 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                  D421801100010 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM                D421801100011 
     43.0     1.1      3.9        1.7       3.                    D421801100012 
     46.8     1.0      4.4        1.9       3.                    D421801100013 
     50.4     0.9      5.2        1.7       3.                    D421801100014 
     53.8     0.8      6.4        2.1       3.                    D421801100015 
     57.1     0.7      7.8        2.3       3.                    D421801100016 
     60.4     0.6      6.6        1.7       3.                    D421801100017 
     63.3     0.5      7.8        1.8       3.                    D421801100018 
     66.0     0.4      6.6        1.7       3.                    D421801100019 
     68.8     0.3      6.8        2.1       3.                    D421801100020 
ENDDATA             11          0                                 D421801100021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 D421801199999 
SUBENT        D4218012   20090625                             D069D421801200001 
BIB                  4          8                                 D421801200002 
REACTION   (70-YB-0(P,X)69-TM-167,CUM,SIG)                        D421801200003 
COMMENT    167Tm can be produced directly through (p,2pxn)        D421801200004 
           reactions on stable Yb isotopes and through the        D421801200005 
           167Lu -> 167Yb -> 167Tm decay chain.                   D421801200006 
DECAY-DATA (69-TM-167,9.25D,DG,207.801,0.42)                      D421801200007 
           (71-LU-167,51.5MIN)                                    D421801200008 
           (70-YB-167,17.5MIN)                                    D421801200009 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 3 of the Ref.       D421801200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 D421801200011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D421801200012 
DATA                 5         28                                 D421801200013 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                  D421801200014 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM                D421801200015 
     11.2     1.0        0.17      0.11     2.                    D421801200016 
     13.9     0.9        0.17      0.11     2.                    D421801200017 
     15.7     0.3        0.67      0.10     1.                    D421801200018 
     16.1     0.9        1.17      0.20     2.                    D421801200019 
     18.2     0.8        0.96      0.19     2.                    D421801200020 
     20.1     0.8        2.15      0.34     2.                    D421801200021 
     21.9     0.7        2.53      0.38     2.                    D421801200022 
     23.5     0.6        2.32      0.38     2.                    D421801200023 
     25.1     0.6        3.23      0.47     2.                    D421801200024 
     26.6     0.6        2.76      0.36     2.                    D421801200025 
     28.1     0.5        3.64      0.55     2.                    D421801200026 
     29.5     0.5        3.14      0.44     2.                    D421801200027 
     29.6     1.5        3.62      0.80     3.                    D421801200028 
     30.8     0.4        4.35      0.56     2.                    D421801200029 
     32.1     0.4        6.14      0.73     2.                    D421801200030 
     33.4     0.3        11.5      1.3      2.                    D421801200031 
     34.5     1.4        16.3      2.0      3.                    D421801200032 
     34.6     0.3        16.7      1.9      2.                    D421801200033 
     39.1     1.2        35.3      4.2      3.                    D421801200034 
     43.0     1.1        64.5      7.4      3.                    D421801200035 
     46.8     1.0       102.      12.       3.                    D421801200036 
     50.4     0.9       144.      16.       3.                    D421801200037 
     53.8     0.8       168.      19.       3.                    D421801200038 
     57.1     0.7       200.      23.       3.                    D421801200039 
     60.4     0.6       223.      26.       3.                    D421801200040 
     63.3     0.5       235.      28.       3.                    D421801200041 
     66.0     0.4       249.      31.       3.                    D421801200042 
     68.8     0.3       241.      31.       3.                    D421801200043 
ENDDATA             30          0                                 D421801200044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 D421801299999 
SUBENT        D4218013   20090625                             D069D421801300001 
BIB                  4          8                                 D421801300002 
REACTION   (70-YB-0(P,X)69-TM-165,CUM,SIG)                        D421801300003 
COMMENT    165Tm can be produced directly through (p,2pxn)        D421801300004 
           reactions on stable Yb isotopes and through the        D421801300005 
           165Lu -> 165Yb -> 165Tm decay chain.                   D421801300006 
DECAY-DATA (69-TM-165,30.06HR,DG,242.917,0.355)                   D421801300007 
           (71-LU-165,10.74MIN)                                   D421801300008 
           (70-YB-165,9.9MIN)                                     D421801300009 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were taken from Table 3 of the Ref.       D421801300010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 D421801300011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D421801300012 
DATA                 5         16                                 D421801300013 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                  D421801300014 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM                D421801300015 
     29.6     1.5        0.76      0.63     3.                    D421801300016 
     30.8     0.4        4.02      0.72     2.                    D421801300017 
     32.1     0.4        4.41      0.80     2.                    D421801300018 
     33.4     0.3        2.95      0.92     2.                    D421801300019 
     34.5     1.4        3.89      0.79     3.                    D421801300020 
     34.6     0.3        4.82      0.81     2.                    D421801300021 
     39.1     1.2        6.9       2.5      3.                    D421801300022 
     43.0     1.1        7.0       2.5      3.                    D421801300023 
     46.8     1.0        9.6       1.8      3.                    D421801300024 
     50.4     0.9       12.1       2.6      3.                    D421801300025 
     53.8     0.8       14.1       2.1      3.                    D421801300026 
     57.1     0.7       12.8       2.2      3.                    D421801300027 
     60.4     0.6       22.3       2.8      3.                    D421801300028 
     63.3     0.5       27.0       3.4      3.                    D421801300029 
     66.0     0.4       37.4       4.6      3.                    D421801300030 
     68.8     0.3       45.7       5.4      3.                    D421801300031 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 D421801300032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 D421801399999 
ENDENTRY            13          0                                 D421899999999