ENTRY D4267 20230905 D139D426700000001 SUBENT D4267001 20230905 D139D426700100001 BIB 14 78 D426700100002 TITLE Cross sections of proton-induced reactions on natGd D426700100003 with special emphasis on the production possibilities D426700100004 of 152Tb and 155Tb D426700100005 AUTHOR (C.Vermeulen, G.F.Steyn, F.Szelecsenyi, Z.Kovacs, D426700100006 K.Suzuki, K.Nagatsu, T.Fukumura, A.Hohn, D426700100007 T.N.Van Der Walt) D426700100008 INSTITUTE (3SAFITH,3HUNDEB,2JPNIRS,2SWTPSI) D426700100009 (3SAFSAF) Cape Peninsula Univ. of Technology, BellvilleD426700100010 REFERENCE (J,NIM/B,275,24,2012) D426700100011 #doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2011.12.064 D426700100012 FACILITY (CYCLO,3SAFITH) D426700100013 (CYCLO,2JPNIRS) D426700100014 SAMPLE High-purity Gd foils. D426700100015 (64-GD-152,NAT=0.002) D426700100016 (64-GD-154,NAT=0.0218) D426700100017 (64-GD-155,NAT=0.148) D426700100018 (64-GD-156,NAT=0.2047) D426700100019 (64-GD-157,NAT=0.1565) D426700100020 (64-GD-158,NAT=0.2484) D426700100021 (64-GD-160,NAT=0.2186) D426700100022 DETECTOR (HPGE) D426700100023 METHOD (ACTIV,EXTB,EDEG,GSPEC,MOSEP,STTA) Stacked foil D426700100024 activation technique was used. Three irradiations D426700100025 were performed, one in iThemba LABS in Faure, South D426700100026 Africa and two in Chiba, Japan. At iThemba LABS, the D426700100027 stack consisted of high-purity Gd foils of 25.2 D426700100028 mg/cm2 thickness, 28.9 mg/cm2 thick Cu degrader foils, D426700100029 high-purity Al foils of 3.24 mg/cm2 thickness and Ti D426700100030 foils of 11.5 mg/cm2 thickness were used as monitor D426700100031 foils. The stack was bombarded in an accurately D426700100032 calibrated Faraday chamber mounted at an external D426700100033 beam line. The beam was 4 mm in diameter. The average D426700100034 beam current was 50 nA and the irradiation time was 3 D426700100035 h. The irradiation was done in vacuum with a beam D426700100036 energy of nominally 66.0 MeV. At NIRS, the first D426700100037 stack consisted of 17 high-purity Gd foils of 18.49 D426700100038 mg/cm2 thickness and Co 235.85 and 239.41 mg/cm2 and D426700100039 Au 100.69 mg/cm2 degrader foils. The Co foils were D426700100040 used above 32 MeV and Au below 32 MeV. Ti foils of D426700100041 4.58 mg/cm2 thickness were used as monitor foils. The D426700100042 second stack consisted of 9 high-purity Gd foils of D426700100043 which the first five were 18.49 mg/cm2 thick and the D426700100044 next four were 6.8 mg/cm2 thick. Only Au degrader of D426700100045 100.69 mg/cm2 were used in this stack. Ti monitor D426700100046 foils of 14.08 mg/cm2 were used. Both stacks were D426700100047 irradiated with beam of 4 mm in diameter at beam D426700100048 energies of 70.2 and 30.1 MeV. Due to the window foil D426700100049 the nominal incident energies on the stacks had D426700100050 slightly degraded values of 66.7 and 29.4 MeV. The D426700100051 first irradiation lasted for 1.5 h at an average beam D426700100052 current of 50 nA. The second irradiation lasted for D426700100053 3.8 h with an average beam current of 70 nA. D426700100054 MONITOR (22-TI-0(P,X)23-V-48,,SIG) D426700100055 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) D426700100056 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) D426700100057 MONIT-REF (,K.Gul+,R,IAEA-NDS-1211,2001) D426700100058 ERR-ANALYS The uncertainty of the cross-sections were estimated D426700100059 taking the independent relative errors of the D426700100060 linearly contributing components (12-20%). D426700100061 (EN-ERR) The uncertainty in energy of each measured D426700100062 data point was estimated from the uncertainty in D426700100063 incident beam energy, foil thickness and energy D426700100064 straggling in the stack. D426700100065 (ERR-T)The total uncertainties in the measured D426700100066 cross sections were obtained by summing all the D426700100067 contributing uncertainties in quadrature and are D426700100068 expressed with a 1sigma (68%) confidence level. D426700100069 (ERR-S,1.0,7.0) statistical and peak fitting (1-7%) D426700100070 (ERR-1)beam current (3%) D426700100071 (ERR-2)detector efficiency (5%) D426700100072 (ERR-3)counting geometry (1%) D426700100073 (ERR-4)effective target thickness (3%) D426700100074 (ERR-5)decay corrections (2%) D426700100075 ADD-RES (TTY-C) Fitted excitation functions were used for D426700100076 determination of integral physical yields. D426700100077 STATUS (TABLE,,C.Vermeulen+,J,NIM/B,275,24,2012) Table 4 D426700100078 HISTORY (20121121C) TS D426700100079 (20230905A) VT+ON. Revision in 002-008. D426700100080 ENDBIB 78 0 D426700100081 COMMON 5 3 D426700100082 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 D426700100083 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT D426700100084 3. 5. 1. 3. 2. D426700100085 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D426700100086 ENDSUBENT 85 0 D426700199999 SUBENT D4267002 20230905 D139D426700200001 BIB 3 5 D426700200002 REACTION (64-GD-0(P,X)65-TB-151-G,M+,SIG) D426700200003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-151-G,17.609HR,DG,251.86,0.263, D426700200004 DG,287.35,0.283) D426700200005 HISTORY (20230905A) VT+On. DATA-ERR-> ERR-T replaced and D426700200006 STATUS shifted to 001. D426700200007 ENDBIB 5 0 D426700200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 D426700200009 DATA 4 33 D426700200010 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T D426700200011 MEV MEV MB MB D426700200012 12.56 1.83 0.225 0.026 D426700200013 13.86 0.70 0.593 0.065 D426700200014 16.39 1.70 1.19 0.13 D426700200015 17.21 0.56 1.45 0.18 D426700200016 19.83 1.59 2.24 0.25 D426700200017 22.90 1.49 2.12 0.23 D426700200018 23.90 0.29 1.40 0.16 D426700200019 25.68 1.39 1.81 0.21 D426700200020 29.22 1.28 0.941 0.101 D426700200021 32.51 0.30 2.19 0.25 D426700200022 35.36 1.30 7.02 0.79 D426700200023 35.94 1.20 7.54 0.83 D426700200024 38.10 1.06 13.1 1.5 D426700200025 39.20 1.11 13.8 1.5 D426700200026 40.73 0.95 26.5 2.9 D426700200027 42.23 1.03 29.1 3.2 D426700200028 43.21 0.86 43.8 4.8 D426700200029 45.12 0.95 48.9 5.4 D426700200030 45.56 0.77 53.7 5.9 D426700200031 47.80 0.87 53.6 5.9 D426700200032 47.89 0.80 62.3 6.8 D426700200033 49.99 0.68 71.3 7.8 D426700200034 51.23 0.73 71.5 7.8 D426700200035 52.11 0.59 77.6 8.5 D426700200036 54.41 0.67 77.6 8.5 D426700200037 56.02 0.50 81.4 8.9 D426700200038 57.46 0.55 86.4 9.4 D426700200039 59.73 0.42 81.6 8.9 D426700200040 60.38 0.45 91.7 10.1 D426700200041 63.20 0.36 96.5 10.5 D426700200042 63.26 0.32 99.7 10.9 D426700200043 65.93 0.36 93.4 10.2 D426700200044 66.68 0.30 86.0 9.4 D426700200045 ENDDATA 35 0 D426700200046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 D426700299999 SUBENT D4267003 20230905 D139D426700300001 BIB 3 6 D426700300002 REACTION (64-GD-0(P,X)65-TB-152-G,M+,SIG) D426700300003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-152-G,17.5HR,DG,271.13,0.086, D426700300004 DG,344.27,0.65, D426700300005 DG,586.26,0.094) D426700300006 HISTORY (20230905A) VT+On. DATA-ERR-> ERR-T replaced and D426700300007 STATUS shifted to 001. D426700300008 ENDBIB 6 0 D426700300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 D426700300010 DATA 4 36 D426700300011 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T D426700300012 MEV MEV MB MB D426700300013 7.52 0.95 0.0856 0.0101 D426700300014 8.34 0.92 0.325 0.039 D426700300015 9.11 0.89 0.266 0.031 D426700300016 11.60 0.79 0.692 0.077 D426700300017 12.56 1.83 0.978 0.109 D426700300018 13.86 0.70 0.44 0.004 D426700300019 16.39 1.70 0.179 0.023 D426700300020 22.90 1.49 1.2 0.14 D426700300021 23.90 0.29 2.24 0.25 D426700300022 25.68 1.39 9.43 1.03 D426700300023 29.22 1.28 15.8 1.8 D426700300024 29.41 0.14 14.2 1.6 D426700300025 32.51 0.30 41.6 4.6 D426700300026 35.36 1.30 83.6 9.2 D426700300027 35.94 1.20 86.9 9.5 D426700300028 38.10 1.06 95.8 10.4 D426700300029 39.20 1.11 99.6 10.8 D426700300030 40.73 0.95 99.7 10.9 D426700300031 42.23 1.03 110.0 13.0 D426700300032 43.21 0.86 102.0 12.0 D426700300033 45.12 0.95 113.0 13.0 D426700300034 45.56 0.77 109.0 12.0 D426700300035 47.80 0.87 104.0 12.0 D426700300036 47.89 0.80 126.0 14.0 D426700300037 49.99 0.68 135.0 15.0 D426700300038 51.23 0.73 126.0 14.0 D426700300039 52.11 0.59 139.0 16.0 D426700300040 54.41 0.67 133.0 15.0 D426700300041 56.02 0.50 123.0 14.0 D426700300042 57.46 0.55 123.0 14.0 D426700300043 59.73 0.42 125.0 14.0 D426700300044 60.38 0.45 123.0 14.0 D426700300045 63.20 0.36 117.0 13.0 D426700300046 63.26 0.32 117.0 13.0 D426700300047 65.93 0.36 119.0 13.0 D426700300048 66.68 0.30 118.0 13.0 D426700300049 ENDDATA 38 0 D426700300050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 D426700399999 SUBENT D4267004 20230905 D139D426700400001 BIB 3 4 D426700400002 REACTION (64-GD-0(P,X)65-TB-153,,SIG) D426700400003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-153,2.3D,DG,212.00,0.31) D426700400004 HISTORY (20230905A) VT+On. DATA-ERR-> ERR-T replaced and D426700400005 STATUS shifted to 001. D426700400006 ENDBIB 4 0 D426700400007 NOCOMMON 0 0 D426700400008 DATA 4 39 D426700400009 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T D426700400010 MEV MEV MB MB D426700400011 11.60 0.79 0.497 0.055 D426700400012 12.56 1.83 1.04 0.12 D426700400013 13.86 0.70 5.26 0.58 D426700400014 16.39 1.70 10.0 1.1 D426700400015 17.21 0.56 14.6 1.6 D426700400016 19.83 1.59 21.0 2.3 D426700400017 22.90 1.49 64.1 7.0 D426700400018 23.90 0.29 87.9 9.6 D426700400019 25.68 1.39 109.0 12.0 D426700400020 28.08 1.44 148.0 17.0 D426700400021 29.22 1.28 131.0 15.0 D426700400022 29.26 1.40 173.0 19.0 D426700400023 29.41 0.14 138.0 15.0 D426700400024 30.38 1.37 165.0 18.0 D426700400025 31.46 1.33 169.0 19.0 D426700400026 32.51 0.30 149.0 17.0 D426700400027 35.36 1.30 171.0 19.0 D426700400028 35.94 1.20 166.0 18.0 D426700400029 38.10 1.06 184.0 20.0 D426700400030 39.20 1.11 178.0 20.0 D426700400031 40.73 0.95 197.0 22.0 D426700400032 42.23 1.03 195.0 22.0 D426700400033 43.21 0.86 194.0 22.0 D426700400034 45.12 0.95 186.0 21.0 D426700400035 45.56 0.77 164.0 18.0 D426700400036 47.80 0.87 146.0 16.0 D426700400037 47.89 0.80 171.0 19.0 D426700400038 49.99 0.68 168.0 19.0 D426700400039 51.23 0.73 160.0 18.0 D426700400040 52.11 0.59 185.0 21.0 D426700400041 54.41 0.67 160.0 18.0 D426700400042 56.02 0.50 168.0 19.0 D426700400043 57.46 0.55 166.0 19.0 D426700400044 59.73 0.42 180.0 20.0 D426700400045 60.38 0.45 166.0 18.0 D426700400046 63.20 0.36 155.0 17.0 D426700400047 63.26 0.32 154.0 17.0 D426700400048 65.93 0.36 137.0 15.0 D426700400049 66.68 0.30 136.0 15.0 D426700400050 ENDDATA 41 0 D426700400051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 D426700499999 SUBENT D4267005 20230905 D139D426700500001 BIB 3 4 D426700500002 REACTION (64-GD-0(P,X)65-TB-154-M2,,SIG) D426700500003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-154-M2,22.7HR,DG,225.94,0.268) D426700500004 HISTORY (20230905A) VT+On. DATA-ERR-> ERR-T replaced and D426700500005 STATUS shifted to 001. D426700500006 ENDBIB 4 0 D426700500007 NOCOMMON 0 0 D426700500008 DATA 4 36 D426700500009 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T D426700500010 MEV MEV MB MB D426700500011 11.60 0.79 0.306 0.034 D426700500012 12.56 1.83 0.331 0.037 D426700500013 13.86 0.70 0.608 0.067 D426700500014 16.39 1.70 4.87 0.56 D426700500015 17.21 0.56 4.50 0.49 D426700500016 19.83 1.59 5.99 0.68 D426700500017 22.90 1.49 6.37 0.7 D426700500018 23.90 0.29 7.49 0.82 D426700500019 25.68 1.39 8.82 0.97 D426700500020 28.08 1.44 15.1 1.7 D426700500021 29.22 1.28 12.3 1.4 D426700500022 29.26 1.40 17.1 1.9 D426700500023 29.41 0.14 8.80 0.97 D426700500024 30.38 1.37 16.9 1.9 D426700500025 31.46 1.33 18.1 2.0 D426700500026 32.51 0.30 17.3 2.0 D426700500027 35.36 1.30 14.3 1.6 D426700500028 35.94 1.20 15.3 1.7 D426700500029 38.10 1.06 14.9 1.7 D426700500030 39.20 1.11 17.2 1.9 D426700500031 40.73 0.95 15.2 1.7 D426700500032 42.23 1.03 15.5 1.7 D426700500033 43.21 0.86 18.0 2.0 D426700500034 45.12 0.95 21.0 2.3 D426700500035 45.56 0.77 22.7 2.5 D426700500036 47.89 0.80 17.0 1.9 D426700500037 49.99 0.68 21.2 2.3 D426700500038 51.23 0.73 19.7 2.2 D426700500039 52.11 0.59 17.5 1.9 D426700500040 54.41 0.67 13.6 1.5 D426700500041 57.46 0.55 13.9 1.6 D426700500042 59.73 0.42 11.8 1.3 D426700500043 60.38 0.45 10.3 1.2 D426700500044 63.20 0.36 13.1 1.5 D426700500045 65.93 0.36 11.4 1.3 D426700500046 66.68 0.30 20.1 2.2 D426700500047 ENDDATA 38 0 D426700500048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 D426700599999 SUBENT D4267006 20230905 D139D426700600001 BIB 4 8 D426700600002 REACTION (64-GD-0(P,X)65-TB-155,,SIG) D426700600003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-155,5.32D,DG,180.10,0.0745, D426700600004 DG,367.23,0.0148) D426700600005 COMMENT By compiler: Misprint of data point at 45.56 MeV was D426700600006 corrected from 988.0 to 98.8 in agreement with one of D426700600007 the authors, F. Szelecsenyi. D426700600008 HISTORY (20230905A) VT+On. DATA-ERR-> ERR-T replaced and D426700600009 STATUS shifted to 001. D426700600010 ENDBIB 8 0 D426700600011 NOCOMMON 0 0 D426700600012 DATA 4 41 D426700600013 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T D426700600014 MEV MEV MB MB D426700600015 6.63 0.99 45.2 5.1 D426700600016 7.52 0.95 10.9 1.3 D426700600017 8.34 0.92 27.1 3.0 D426700600018 9.11 0.89 37.3 4.2 D426700600019 11.60 0.79 100.0 14.0 D426700600020 12.56 1.83 59.0 6.5 D426700600021 13.86 0.70 156.0 18.0 D426700600022 16.39 1.70 130.0 15.0 D426700600023 17.21 0.56 196.0 22.0 D426700600024 19.83 1.59 184.0 21.0 D426700600025 22.90 1.49 234.0 26.0 D426700600026 23.90 0.29 241.0 27.0 D426700600027 25.68 1.39 198.0 22.0 D426700600028 28.08 1.44 208.0 23.0 D426700600029 29.22 1.28 191.0 21.0 D426700600030 29.26 1.40 216.0 24.0 D426700600031 29.41 0.14 213.0 24.0 D426700600032 30.38 1.37 242.0 27.0 D426700600033 31.46 1.33 245.0 27.0 D426700600034 32.51 0.30 220.0 24.0 D426700600035 35.36 1.30 237.0 26.0 D426700600036 35.94 1.20 234.0 26.0 D426700600037 38.10 1.06 207.0 23.0 D426700600038 39.20 1.11 224.0 25.0 D426700600039 40.73 0.95 178.0 19.0 D426700600040 42.23 1.03 190.0 21.0 D426700600041 43.21 0.86 138.0 15.0 D426700600042 45.12 0.95 144.0 16.0 D426700600043 45.56 0.77 98.8 10.8 D426700600044 47.80 0.87 94.3 10.3 D426700600045 47.89 0.80 122.0 14.0 D426700600046 49.99 0.68 96.3 10.7 D426700600047 51.23 0.73 127.0 14.0 D426700600048 52.11 0.59 98.9 10.9 D426700600049 54.41 0.67 140.0 16.0 D426700600050 56.02 0.50 146.0 16.0 D426700600051 57.46 0.55 148.0 17.0 D426700600052 59.73 0.42 124.0 13.0 D426700600053 60.38 0.45 144.0 16.0 D426700600054 63.20 0.36 129.0 14.0 D426700600055 65.93 0.36 121.0 12.0 D426700600056 ENDDATA 43 0 D426700600057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 D426700699999 SUBENT D4267007 20230905 D139D426700700001 BIB 4 9 D426700700002 REACTION (64-GD-0(P,X)65-TB-156,,SIG) D426700700003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-156-G,5.35D,DG,199.21,0.409, D426700700004 DG,356.42,0.136, D426700700005 DG,534.32,0.666) D426700700006 COMMENT By compiler: Misprint of data point at 28.08 MeV was D426700700007 corrected from 2.17 to 217.0 in agreement with one of D426700700008 the authors, F. Szelecsenyi. D426700700009 HISTORY (20230905A) VT+On. DATA-ERR-> ERR-T replaced and D426700700010 STATUS shifted to 001. D426700700011 ENDBIB 9 0 D426700700012 NOCOMMON 0 0 D426700700013 DATA 4 41 D426700700014 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T D426700700015 MEV MEV MB MB D426700700016 6.63 0.99 3.54 0.39 D426700700017 7.52 0.95 18.0 2.0 D426700700018 8.34 0.92 35.3 3.9 D426700700019 9.11 0.89 49.3 5.4 D426700700020 11.60 0.79 122.0 14.0 D426700700021 12.56 1.83 72.6 7.9 D426700700022 13.86 0.70 142.0 16.0 D426700700023 16.39 1.70 123.0 14.0 D426700700024 17.21 0.56 159.0 18.0 D426700700025 19.83 1.59 138.0 15.0 D426700700026 22.90 1.49 188.0 21.0 D426700700027 23.90 0.29 247.0 27.0 D426700700028 25.68 1.39 232.0 26.0 D426700700029 28.08 1.44 217.0 24.0 D426700700030 29.22 1.28 228.0 25.0 D426700700031 29.26 1.40 191.0 21.0 D426700700032 29.41 0.14 240.0 27.0 D426700700033 30.38 1.37 165.0 18.0 D426700700034 31.46 1.33 148.0 16.0 D426700700035 32.51 0.30 156.0 17.0 D426700700036 35.36 1.30 99.7 10.9 D426700700037 35.94 1.20 90.6 9.9 D426700700038 38.10 1.06 118.0 13.0 D426700700039 39.20 1.11 100.0 11.0 D426700700040 40.73 0.95 153.0 17.0 D426700700041 42.23 1.03 143.0 16.0 D426700700042 43.21 0.86 163.0 18.0 D426700700043 45.12 0.95 167.0 19.0 D426700700044 45.56 0.77 143.0 16.0 D426700700045 47.80 0.87 149.0 16.0 D426700700046 47.89 0.80 161.0 18.0 D426700700047 49.99 0.68 143.0 16.0 D426700700048 51.23 0.73 130.0 15.0 D426700700049 52.11 0.59 131.0 14.0 D426700700050 54.41 0.67 100.0 11.0 D426700700051 56.02 0.50 104.0 12.0 D426700700052 57.46 0.55 81.6 8.9 D426700700053 59.73 0.42 85.6 9.3 D426700700054 60.38 0.45 70.8 7.7 D426700700055 63.20 0.36 63.1 6.9 D426700700056 65.93 0.36 56.8 6.2 D426700700057 ENDDATA 43 0 D426700700058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 D426700799999 SUBENT D4267008 20230905 D139D426700800001 BIB 3 6 D426700800002 REACTION (64-GD-0(P,X)65-TB-160,,SIG) D426700800003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-160,72.3D,DG,966.17,0.251, D426700800004 DG,1177.96,0.149) D426700800005 HISTORY (20230905A) VT+On. DATA: 5.08+/-5.52 mb -> D426700800006 5.08 +/- 0.55 mb at 16.39 MeV, D426700800007 DATA-ERR-> ERR-T replaced and STATUS shifted to 001. D426700800008 ENDBIB 6 0 D426700800009 NOCOMMON 0 0 D426700800010 DATA 4 18 D426700800011 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T D426700800012 MEV MEV MB MB D426700800013 12.56 1.83 9.10 0.99 D426700800014 16.39 1.70 5.08 0.55 D426700800015 19.83 1.59 4.35 0.48 D426700800016 22.90 1.49 3.95 0.43 D426700800017 25.68 1.39 3.57 0.39 D426700800018 29.22 1.28 3.02 0.33 D426700800019 32.51 0.30 2.76 0.30 D426700800020 35.94 1.20 2.52 0.28 D426700800021 39.20 1.11 2.26 0.25 D426700800022 42.23 1.03 2.19 0.24 D426700800023 45.12 0.95 2.06 0.23 D426700800024 47.89 0.80 1.90 0.21 D426700800025 51.23 0.73 1.87 0.21 D426700800026 54.41 0.67 1.77 0.20 D426700800027 57.46 0.55 1.66 0.18 D426700800028 60.38 0.45 1.66 0.19 D426700800029 63.20 0.36 1.62 0.18 D426700800030 65.93 0.36 1.51 0.17 D426700800031 ENDDATA 20 0 D426700800032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 D426700899999 ENDENTRY 8 0 D426799999999